ST8503-CS 871027 Consulting Engineers // / 17103 Preston Road / "'-- . Suite 100, LB-118 ~ DALLAS, TEXAS 75~3' ~^'r~ [~"~-.7-~7 I~o..o. ~~ · o ~ ~~ ~~T, ~. "~ ~ ~u p ~ ~~ ~ drawings ~ Prints ~ Plans ~ Samples ~ Specifications ~ Copy of le~er ~ Change order ~ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval ~'pppmved as submitted [] Resubmit copies for approval [] For your use [] Approved as noted [] Submit , copies for distribution [] As requested [] Returned for corrections [] Return__corrected prints [] For review and comment F-~/ [] FOR BIDS DUE ].9__ [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS SIGNED: ?ROOUC'T248-3 /~--~--~lnc. Grace. ~ 01~;i $ ere not as noted, kindly notify us et once. ~' ,"iiNN INO. '' . . CONS.~.'¥1NG ENGINEERS "' TEXJ SBITU~ITH]C CO~~Y T~,i~ check is O~I'F for review of aeneral co.for- mam:e ,~th ~e~desiRn c~cept of the project and ~ ge~eral~~i~]the information given in , the contract documen~s,- STRE~S, ROADS, AIRFIE~ P. O. Bo= ]0365 212] I~in~ Blvd. DALES. T~ 75~7 Phone A/C 214 743-3531 Corrections or.co~t~t~l~~* in~ durin~ this review do not re.~ieve contra~or from comp~;~ce with requiremc[{ts of the c~n- tra~ drawb~gs and specifications, The centractor is responsible for confirmin~ and co. ting all quantities and dimensions. :;t/~ No Exceptions Taken ~ Make Corrections Noted ~ Rejected ~ Revise & Resubmit ~ Submit Specified Items MATEP~a~LS DESIGN SP.GR. ~" Crushed Stone 57.0 2.679 Stone screenings 14.9 2.634 Field Sand 23.0 2.630 Asphalt Ac-20 5.1 1.020 SIEVE FIELD SAND SCREENINGS ~" CR. STONE' DESIGN SPEC. Pass 1/2" 100.0 100 Pass 3~.." - 99.2 99.5 95-100 3/8"-~4 0.3 4.6 63.6 37.0 20-50 ~4-#10 1.4 28.6 34.0 24.0 10-30 Total ~10 61.5 50-70 ~10-~40 7.7 39.2 1.6 8.5 0-30 ~40-~80 55.1 13.5 14.7 4-25 #80-~200 31.5 6.9 8.2 3-25 -~200 4.0 7.2 2.0 0-6 Asphalt 5.1 4-8 ASPM~LT ACTUAL THEO. DENSITY STABILITY CONTENT SP.GR. SP.GR. 0/0 0/0 4.7 2.379 2.473 96.2 55 5.1 2.392 2.458 97.3 50 .5.5 2.398 2.444 98.1 42 ' 5.9 2.405 2.429 99.0 30