ST8503-CS 870924'"'" * REPORT OF FIELD SPECIAL REPORT NO. CONTRACTOR ~p ~FL~ (:'~(~T' (:'~ . I ~C CROSS REFERENCE TO · ~ D~ILY REPORT NO. I~TRUCTIONS Whenever a~v corr~tive chen~ i~ m~e in field construction ~hiCb i~ at variance ~ith the ~pecification5 and dra~in~ a~ orlginallv a complete ~[ailed re~ort shall ~ fil~. li~ting the follow~ng item~. ~o that ~ifi~tion~ or drawing5 ~torage data can ~ corr~ted 1. Identifv the problem: Indicate ~hy originelly ~ified construction ~a~ not u~ed. 2. The ~olution: De,crib, in detail, the r~omme~ded change o~ cha~ge~ that ~re m~e, a~ applicable. 3. Indicate ~hether thi~ i~ a~ i~oleted CaSe or a general conditio~ ~hich could ~ improved bV changing future ~pecification~ 4. Submit 5ketche~ as ~e~. REFERENCE DATA SPECIFICATION SECTION No. PAGE No. PARAGRAPH SKETCHNo. ~A~(O DATED r~.~-~jg ENTITLED DESCRIPTION 1. DETAILEO IDENTIFICATION OF THE PROBLEM ~ ~1~ ~, .~I ~tV~ /~ 2. DETAILED SOLUTION PROPOSED OR ACCOMPLISHED ~?~ ' ('' '~' 3.~S THE~ROBLEM~N ISOLATED CASE OR GENERAL? . ~ ~-,-~ 4. SUB~IT SKETCHES AS NECESSARY IN KNIGHT ETALI LAFE R. PFEIFER t"~'P CONC. PVM'T. 48' LT. OF Ct.. SAW AND REMOVI~ EXIST. PAY ITEM 1046~!, 100.2 CONC. PVM'T. 40 LT. OF ~ ~ REPLACE W/ REINF. CONC. 104.2 PAY ITEM :560.3 REPLACEPAY ITEMIO4.[,~IOO. Iw/5 REINI~. CONC. MATCH EXIST. GRADES PAY ITEM 530.1,530.2 MATCH EXIST. GRADES I BETWEEN CURB 40/ / 40/ J.AND SIDE I PAY ITEM 5" THK. TYP. P_.,~¥ ITEM ~0.1  6 FLEX B~E ~ z~'c~.~ PAY ITEM 248 4' WIDE SI~W~K -