ST8503-CS 870813 GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS August 13, 1987 TO: Bethel School Road Homeowners RE: Bethel School Road Improvements Dear Homeowner: May we take this opportunity to inform you of the impending construction and its potential effect upon you as a homeowner and citizen of Coppell. The mere fact that a project allocated in the 1984 bond program has taken this long to become a reality would indicate the degree of sincerity the City of Coppell has in its willingness to work in cooperation with its citizens for the betterment of all the community. Through citizen input, opinion surveys and attendance at Council meetings, it was determined that a 27' wide street was what the citizens wanted. The design was completed in August 1986, on schedule; but, due to the required relocation of the gas main, winter time weather construction constraints, etc., the project was not bid until April 28, 1987. After negotiations with the low bidder, the Council approved the awarding of the contract on June 23, 1987. The gas relocation was not completed until July 1987. Preparation and execution of contracts has brought us to this date. The contractor has been given a notice to proceed on or before September 1, 1987, with a completion date of June 26, 1988. Just to get to this point in the fulfillment of the project has taken almost three years. We feel certain you are aware of the time factors and construction operations of two previous neighborhood projects (Heartz and Moore). Although seemingly endless at the time, through patience and perseverance, these projects became reality and both the City and residents benefited. We request your continued patience and cooperation during the construction phase of this project. YOU WILL BE INCONVENIENCED, AT TIMES, DURING THE CONSTRUCTION OF THIS PROJECT. TO SAY OTHERWISE WOULD BE DISHONEST. HOPEFULLY, THESE TIMES WILL BE KEPT TO A MINIMUM. We request that prior to calling the City of Coppell or Ginn, Inc., ask yourself: is it an emergency, a potential life- threatening situation, a hazard to public safety, or is it just an annoyance? If is is indeed an emergency, contact the police or fire department immediately, using the 911 emergency system. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB 118 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 If it appears to be a public hazard created by the contractors' operations, please call us. We will endeavor to correct the situation as soon as possible. If it is something that is irritating you, becoming bothersome, or even a pet peeve, please take this into consideration and determine if, in fact, it is something you wish to address. If you feel the situation warrants it, please compose your thoughts, ideas, complaints, comments (good and bad), etc. in writing and forward to us. This will allow us an opportunity to review the situation and provide an answer. We will listen and respond to any reasonable request as quickly as practicable. We will do so in as professional a manner as possible so as not to let emotions have control over common sense. In April of this year, we sent a letter to all property owners, outlining a number of items, giving you a general knowledge of the things that would be happening in the neighborhood. At this time, we would like to restate some of the more noteworthy comments from that letter, since construction will begin shortly. 1. The homeowners will be responsible for having their sprinkler systems relocated out of the public right-of-way. This should be accomplished as soon as practicable. The procedure for the homeowner is generally as follows: A. Identify existence of sprinkler system. B. Remove or relocate portions in conflict with proposed construction. C. Allow Ginn, Inc. opportunity to verify work. D Pay for removal or relocation. E. Provide substantiating evidence that work was completed. F. Send original invoice for work to Ginn, Inc. G. Ginn will submit to City along with recommendations. H. City will provide reimbursement upon Council approval. A more detailed explanation of the above outlined procedure should clarify the situation. It may be in the best interest of all homeowners to have the work done in two phases. One, remove or relocate the parts of the system to the property line within two weeks of notification. Two, after construction is complete, plan to relocate the portions required to complete the work. It is anticipated that the majority of the sprinkler heads, laterals and possibly some mains will be disturbed or destroyed during construction. The Contractors have been notified to exercise caution when digging around where sprinklers are known to be located. Inadvertently, some will be destroyed. The Contractors have been advised to notify each homeowner of impending construction in their area. They will request that each homeowner with a sprinkler system have his system run through a complete cycle to determine, beforehand, the conditions and/or existence of sprinkler heads, laterals, valves, etc. The homeowner shall have the opportunity to remove or relocate any portion of the sprinkler system which will be in conflict with the proposed construction. The homeowner shall have a period of two weeks from time of notification to have his own contractor who installed his system, or someone of his choice, to relocate those portions in conflict. The City of Coppell will provide an allowance of not more than $250.00 total per household for the removal or relocation work, to be reimbursed to the homeowner, after approval by the City of Coppell. Homeowners shall provide substantiating evidence that the work was removed or relocated, with a complete breakdown of costs, to the consulting engineers, Ginn, Inc., 17103 Preston Road, Dallas, TX 75248, for approval. After review and approval, Ginn, Inc. will submit the documentation to the City recommending denial or approval. The City will reimburse the homeowner for actual costs, not to exceed $250.00, within 30 days of approval. Any costs beyond the allotted $250.00 maximum will be borne by the homeowner. If the homeowner fails to remove the portions of the system in conflict within the time allocated, the Contractor will remove the heads, laterals, etc., to the right-of-way line and provide a cap at that point in the system. At the completion of the project, the homeowner may then extend, repair, or relocate his sprinkler system within 2 months of final acceptance date by City of Coppell of the Bethel School Road project and still be allowed to receive a reimbursable allowance of $250.00 maximum for approved work. Any work done beyond this two month period, above the $250.00 maximum allowance, or not fully substantiated, will be the responsibility of the homeowner. 2. Sidewalks will be provided along the north side of Bethel School Road only. They will be located 5' from the proposed curb and approximately 7' from the property line. 3. Some drives will have to be removed and replaced, beyond the limits of the right-of-way (on your property), to accomplish a smooth transition from widened street to drive access. The maximum slope on the majority of the drives should not exceed 8%. 4. During construction of storm drainage facilities, liming operations, or concrete pouring operations, there will be times that you may not have access to your garage via the driveway. 5. All areas disturbed by construction operations, not receiving concrete (or some other type treatment), will be grassed or sodded. 6. Trees which will have to be removed due to the construction will be identified at the beginning of the construction. No provisions have been made at this time, under this contract, to replace the ones lost. Only trees within the City right- of-way will be removed. 7. We have limited the construction times to be between 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday; between 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Saturday, if it is necessary and approved by the Engineer; and no work on Sunday. We will attempt to adhere to this schedule as closely as possible. 8. The present "drainage ditch" situation will be replaced by an underground storm drainage system, with inlets and piping. The "ditches" will be backfilled, as required, and sloped form the property to the top of curb on the proposed pavement. 9. Any landscaping presently located within the City right-of- way is subject to be removed or possibly destroyed during construction operations. If you would like to remove or relocate existing landscaping, i.e., trees, shrubs, planters, etc., please do so prior to beginning of construction. The City cannot be responsible for damage to landscaping located in the right-of-way. 10. All drives within the right-of-way, whether existing concrete, asphalt, brick, gravel or exposed aggregate, will be constructed as concrete drives as part of the improvements. 11. During the construction of the drainage system, the road may have to be closed at different locations for minor periods of time. Proper notification will be provided. 12. During construction of the north half of the road, the south half will be made one-way. After the north side is completed, traffic will be moved to the new pavement and continue one-way. Proper signage and notification will be provided. 13. Your mailboxes will have to be relocated, as a temporary measure, during construction, and again at the completion of the project to its final location. The contractor has been requested to work with you on the temporary location. Your choice of where you place your mailbox, in its final destination, should probably wait until the road, sidewalk and grassing is near completion. 14. A similar situation may occur with garbage pick-up. You may have to deposit your garbage on the opposite side of the road during construction or, if possible, on the side street to your house. In conclusion, it is our preference to continue to work with the citizens toward the successful completion of the project for the mutual benefit of all concerned. Please address all correspondence to Gabe Favre, Ginn, Inc., 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100, LB-118, Dallas, TX 75248, or contact him at 248-4900. Sincerely, H Wayne Ginn, P E. City Engineer GF/HWG/j c Enclosure cc: Mayor & Council Alan Ratliff, City Manager BSCH/OH