ST8503-CS 870403 The City With A Beautiful Future 214- 462-9010 April 3, 1987 Gabe Farve Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road Suite 100 LB 118 Dallas, Texas 75248 RE: Bethel School Road Improvements Dear Gabe: Attached you will find comments from the various Public Works departments regarding the above referenced project. Please review these comments and make corrective changes where applicable. If you have any questions regarding the attachments, please call. 214/ 462-0022 Steve Goram Director of Public Works SQO/sm March 27, 1987 TO: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works FROM: Per Birdsall, Streets Foreman RE: Conments on Bethel School Road Improvements If plans call for a 4 x 8 box culvert, have considerations been made to improve the drainage downstream. There will be a considerable addition to the quantity of water flowing through that open channel, which already does not drain properly. Some part of removable child proof grating should be placed at either side of the 4 x 8 box culvert. PHB/bb MEMORANOUM March 27, lg87 TO: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works FROM: Richard Oiano, Parks Foreman RE: Comments on Bethel School Road Improvements Would like to see the area around the bridge under road at Pocket Park graded so that a mower can easily mow and maintain area. Maximum slope should be no greater than 5:1 or 20%. Plans for irrigating divided median at parking might push sleeves under roads during this construction project. Who is going to remove trees and what protective measures will be used to protect existing trees. Would like to prohibit construction vehicles and equipment from parking or using park grounds for any reason other than to do the work at the area. No overnight parking. If this takes place, that contractor will be responsible for returning the site to grade prior to project and replanting any grass, trees, etc.. RED/sm MEMORANDUM March 27. lg87 TO: Steve Goram. Director oF Public Works FROM: Dana Kamp. Sign/Signalization Technician RE: Comments on Bethel School Road Improvements There isn't any indication of existing signs in the plans at all. It shows trees but no signs. All of the signs along Bethel School between Heartz and Mloore will have to be pulled out. Would like to be informed ahead of time before construction starts in order to relocate or remove existing signs. OK/sm March 26, 1987 TO: Steve Goram, Director of Public Works FROM: Carl Bass, Water Utilities Foreman RE: Bethel School Rd. Improvement Steve, I have looked over the plans of Bethel School. There are only a few things I have found that I would like to comment on. 1. There is no water valve marking on the Southeast corner of Leavalley. 2. I feel we should abandon the existing 1" P.V.C. water service going to 501 Bethel School and bring a new service form across the street. 3.Would like to see 8" water main crossing creek concrete incased. CGB/bb