ST8503-ES 890214 THE STATE OF TEXAS 7 COUNTY OF DALLAS I KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, CITY OF'COPPELL RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION JOSEPH COLLUM THWEATT BEING a portion of a tract of land situated in the Edward A. Crow Survey, Abstract 301, Dallas County, Texas; and being part of a 168.8 acre tract as described in deed'to J.W. Thweatt, recorded in Vol. 515, Page 76 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point being the intersection of the centerline of Denton Tap Road (100' R.O.W.) with the centerline of Bethel School Road (50' R.O.W.); THENCE S 77°15'00'' W along the centerline of Bethel School Road, a distance of 50.74 feet; THENCE S 2'59'00" E a distance of 25.37 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point being the intersection of the south right of way line of Bethel School Road with the west right of way line of Denton Tap Road; THENCE S 2'59'00" E along said west right of way line a distance of 13.35 feet to a point for corner; THENCE in a northwesterly direction along a curve to the left having a central angle of 30°24'25'', a radius of 30.00 feet, a tangent length of 8.43 feet and an arc length of 16.44 feet to a point for corner on the south right of way line of Bethel School Road; THENCE N 77°15'00'' E along said south right of way line a distance of 11.78 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 65.34 square feet or 0.00150 acre, more or less. TO'HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right-of-way and all rights unto the said City of Coppell, Texas, its successors and assigns, forever. AS Grantor does hereby bind __self, __heirs and legal representa- tives, to warrant and forever defend all and singular and above describe(! right-. cf-way and all right unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this __day of , 1989.. .... GRANTOR: .THE STATE OF TEXAS ~CO~TY OF DALLAS BEFORE M~ the undersigned authority, on this day personally appeared T~?~'~L ~. 7~f~-~- , known to me to be the person whose ~is~ub~cribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledged to me that he executed and same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. 0IVEN under my hand and seal of office on this /~ day of ~~ DEBORAH PEARCY l:(~,,¥;! NOTARY PUBLIC ~o~'~! State of Texas GINN, INC., Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Tex( s 89030 33'1u R=SO.06TM1/ IX / T:843r' I'" II / k: 1~.44' 0 '. ~ 100' R.O.W. CITY OF COPPELL. DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION JOSEPH COLLUM THWEATT Exhibit - sc~l, :~":2o' GINN, INC., Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas Date: I/2:5/89 89030 33~1, tl RIGHT- OF-WAY DEDICATION 62?4 2 THE STATE OF TEXAS 7 COUNTY OF DALLASI KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, CITY OF COPPELL RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION JOSEPH COLLUM THWEATT BEING a portion of a tract of land situated in the Edward A. Crow Survey, Abstract 301, 'Dallas County, Texas; and being part of a 168.8 acre tract as described in deed to J.W. Thweatt, recorded in Vol. 515, Page 76 of the Deed Records, Dallas County, Texas, and being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCING at a point being the intersection of the centerline of Denton Tap Road (100' R.O.W.) with the centerline of Bethel School Road (50' R.O.W.); THENCE S 77°15'00'' W along the centerline of Bethel School Road, a distance of 50.74 feet; THENCE N 2'59'00" W a distance of 25.37 feet to the Point of Beginning, said point being the intersection of the north right of way line of Bethel School Road with the west right of way line of Denton Tap Road; THENCE S 77°15,00'' E along said north right of way line, a distance of 3.69 feet to a point for corner; THENCE in a northeasterly direction along a curve to the left having a central angle of 11°52,25'', a radius of 30.00 feet, a tangent length of 3.12 feet and an arc length of 6.22 feet to a point for corner on the west right of way line of Denton Tap Road; THENCE S 2°59'00'' E along said west right of way line a distance of 4.40 feet to the Point of Beginning and containing 7.34 square feet or 0.00017 acre, more or less. TO'HAVE AND TO HOLD the above described right-of-way and all rights unto the sala City of Coppell, Texas, its successors and assigns, forever. AND Grantor does hereby bind self, __ heirs and legal representa- tives, to warrant and forever defend all and singular and above described right-- cf-way and all right unto said Grantee, its successors and assigns, against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. EXECUTED this .., day of ., 1989.~' GRANTOR: THE STATE OF TEXAS ,iCOUNTY OF DALLAS ~~.n ~.M~ BEFORE ME~_the unc[ersigned authority, on this day personally appeared ~,d~ ~.-. '~'-~.~ , known to me to be the person whose ; ~a~___~is subscribed to the foregoing instrument, and acknowledge~to me that he executed and same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed.  G]VEN under my hand and seal of office on this /~ day of '~ ~~/ , 1989. '(~)'i' NOTARY PUBLIC ' ~ uoun y ~i~ intand for ~ f~ State of Texas ~ ~ ~mm Exp 1~21-92 GINN, INC., Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas 89030 33 /,3 30.00' [ ,~ ~ T= :5.12' r-"-,,, L:6.ZZ' _IL "~ -'=~P.O.¢. I 0 O' R.O.W. _ CITY OF COPPELL DALLAS COUNTY, TEXAS RIGHT OF WAY DEDICATION JOSEPH COLLUM THWEATT Exhibit - sco~o; 1":2o' GINN, INC., Consulting Engineers, Dollos, Texos Dote: 1/25/89 06068 .. .... % r ,L~U COU~,~T ¥ CLERK 89 FEB I t~ PI~ 2: 5~