ST8503-AG 920310 A AGEND REQUEST FOR ~~r~ c~ '~ ^'(~'~t'~GL MI~.WflNG M~rr_h In laa~ ITF. M NUMBF_.R ITEM CAPTION: Approval of a request to temporarily close Bethel School Road from Brooks Lane in the Hunterwood addition to the southern property line of,.Ft~e APPROt/EDBig Cedar Subdivision. ~ ...~/~ ~.f._~. :< )5~j~ /~'~ '(~ ,~.~ ~ ~"~j , CITY SUBMITTED BY: '/t~-~,x I ~fv~f' STAFF / / (b~ect~s Si~[natu~e) ~~9i~P-J' .................. ~ OTHE~ I~P.: EVALUATION OF ITEM: DATE: ~/5/§2 On Hay 14, 1991 City Council approved the changes to the City Thoroughfare Plan that removed Bethel School Road from the Thoroughfare Plan between the limits of Denton Tap Road and Bethel Road. This road was originally shown on the Thoroughfare Plan as a C2U. This is a two-lane undivided road in 60 foot of R.O.W. The removal of the road from the Thoroughfare Plan was requested so as to eliminate the need to reconstruct the road and the bridge structure over Grapevine Creek at Bethel School Road. At the May 14, 199i City Council meetin§ staff was directed to prepare an ordinance abandoning the roadway. In late 1992 the field notes for the abandonment were delivered to the City. The construction of the Big Cedar subdivision is currently underway and the developer wishes to close Bethel School Road. Originally, staff had planned to prepare an ordinance abandoning the roadway for the City Council meetin§. However, because of concerns of what the developers requirements would be in regards to the closure of that [oadway, i.e. barricade placement, removal of some portions of the asphalt near Bethel Road and reimbursement of the City for any other costs associated with this, the developer has decided to request a temporary road closure to work out these issues. At some time in the near future, the actual ordinance for the abandonment of the roadway will be brought forth to the City Council. The time limit for the request on this BUDGET AMT. AMT +/- BUDGET AMT. EST[MATED FINANCIAL REVIEW BY COMMENTS: LEGAL REVIEW BY: AGENDA REQUEST FORM REVISED 1/91 Agenda Request Form for the Approval of a request to temporarily close Bethel School Road from Brooks Lane in the Hunterwood addition to the southern property line of the Big Cedar Subdivision. Page 2 temporary road closure is 60 days. It would expire on May 8, 1992. This temporary road closure is requested so that the developer will be able to install the utilities necessary for the reconstruction of Harris Road from Plantation to the Big Cedar addition without having to maintain thru traffic. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the council meeting. Rev. 4'24-8M S~--'ORT DOCUMENTATION FOR AGENDA IT~'' STAMP RECEIVED BY CITY PtANAGER'~ OFFICE: SUPPORT DOCUMENTATION SUBMITTED WITH AGENDA ITEM: MEMOS/LETTERS/REPORTS/BILLS/MINUTES: CONTt~CT/AGREEMENT ................. : C.I.P. CONTRACT ..................... : CHANGE ORDERS ....................... : ORDINANCE ........................... : CAPTION ............................. : RESOLUTION .......................... : PROCLAMATION ........................ : LOCATION MAPS ....................... : ZONING PLANS ........................ : PRELIMINARY/FINAL PLATS ............. : SITE PLANS .......................... : LANDSCAPE PLANS ..................... ARCIIITECTUPAL RENDERINGS ............ DATE PUBLISHED IN THE CITIZENS'ADVOCATE: NO. OF ORIGINALS REQUIRED 3 originals for signature 6 originals for signature 3 originals for signature 1 blueback for signature + 3 copies 1 blueback for signature + 3 copies 2 bluebacks for signature + 1 copy 2 bluebacks for signature + i copy 1 each 12 12 12 12 12 12 NOTIFICATION TO: DATE/METHOD OF CONTACT: ROTES 2ND SItEET.O588DS Matthews Southwest 5220 Spring Valley Suite 500 Dallas, Texas 75240 Tel. (214) 9340123 Fax (214) 980-2421 March 5, 1992 Mr. Ken Griffin, P.E. City Engineer City of Coppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 Re: Temporary Road Closure of Bethel School Road (Harris Road) from Brooks Street to Bethel Road, Coppell, Texas Dear Mr. Griffin: We the undersigned request that the temporary road closure of Bethel School Road (Harris Road) from Brooks Street to Bethel Road be placed on the March 10, 1992 City Council agenda. Please feel free to call if you have any questions. Sincerely, MATTHEWS INVESTMENTS SOUTHWEST, INC. Janet Briel ' ~ ' l~ay l~cDow~ll for Ruby McDowell I: carried 7-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy (Smothermon) and Council Members Holder (Weaver), Baggett (Thomas), Walker (Morton), Griffin (Cowman), Ensom (Robertson) and Mayo (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 12 Consideration and adoption of a resolution declaring Saturday, March 28, 1992 as Chamber of Commerce Consumer Trade Fair Day to be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Coppell High School, and waiver of normally required fees, permits, signage and code compliance guidelines. Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy (Smothermon) moved to approve Resolution 031092.2 declaring Saturday, March 28, 1992 as Chamber of Commerce Consumer Trade Fair Day to be held from 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Coppell High School, and waiver of normally required fees, permits, signage and code compliance guidelines. Council Member Mayo seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy (Smothermon) and Council Members Holder (Weaver), Baggett (Thomas), Walker (Morton), Griffin (Cowman), Ensom (Robertson) and Mayo (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 13 Consideration of adoption of a Resolution appointing Election Judges for Saturday, May 2, 1992 for Municipal Officer's Election. City Attorney Vivian Saldana read the resolution appointing Jeanne Heath as Presiding Election Judge and Martha Jo Cozby as Alternate Presiding Judge. Council Member Holder (Weaver) moved to approve Resolution 031092.3 appointing Election Judges for Saturday, May 2, 1992 for the Municipal Officer's Election. Council Member Ensom (Robertson) seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy (Smothermon) and Council Members Holder (Weaver), Baggett (Thomas), Walker (Morton), Griffin (Cowman), Ensom (Robertson) and Mayo (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 14 Swearing in of Mr. Danny Watson as a member of the Park and Recreation Board. Student Mayor Nick Morelli and Mayor Mark Wolfe swore in Danny Watson as a member of the Park and Recreation Board. Item 15 Consideration and approval to appoint an applicant to fill the vacancy as alternate to the Park and Recreation Board. Council Member Ensom (Robertson) moved to approve consideration and approval to appoint Amy Spicer Smith to fill the vacancy as alternate to the Park and Recreation Board. Council Member Baggett (Thomas) seconded the motion. The motion carried 7-0, with Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy (Smothermon) and Council Members Holder (Weaver), Baggett (Thomas), Walker (Morton), Griffin (Cowman), Ensom (Robertson) and Mayo (Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 16 Consideration of a variance from Section 10-8-3 e of the Sign Ordinance which concerns real estate signs. The variance is requested by Mr. Frank Bamburg for Sand Point Estates. Council Member Mayo (Nelson) moved to approve variance from Section 10-8-3 B of the Sign Ordinance which concerns real estate signs requested by Mr. Frank Bamburg for Sand Point Estates. Director of Planning, Gary Sieb responded to a question in regard to the fee. Mr. Sieb indicated that to his knowledge the fee is $100.00. An amendment to the motion was made by Council Member Baggett (Thomas) to include that after 75% of sale of the estates is complete, the sign will be removed. Council Member Ensom (Robertson) seconded the motion. The motion carried with Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy (Smothermon) and Council Members Holder (Weaver), Baggett (Thomas), Walker (Morton), Griffin (Cowman), Ensom (Robertson) and Mayo (Nelson) in favor of the motion. Item 17 Approval of a request to temporarily close Bethel School C~031092 Page 4 of 12 Road ~rom Brooks Lane in the Hunterwood addition to the southern property line of the Big Cedar Subdivision. Council Member Walker (Morton) moved to approve request to temporarily close Bethel School Road from Brooks Lane in the Hunterwood addition to the southern property line of the Big Cedar Subdivision. Council Member Mayo {Nelson) seconded the motion, with Mayor Pro Tem Dowdy !!{mothermon) and Council Members Holder (Weaver), Baggett (Thomas}, Walker (Morton), Griffin (CoW]nan), Ensom (Robertson) and Mayo Nelson) voting in favor of the motion. Item 18 Consideration o5 a request by Dr. Carl Foulds regarding the placement of snow-cone stands in the City. Director of Planning, Gary Slob, made the presentation. The comprehensive zoning ordinance states that to sell food anywhere in the city you are defined as a restaurant; therefore~ the applicant would need to show the c~ty a plan of the operations of the business. Mr. Slob, Direl~tor of Planning and Community Services, stated that technically, a !~now cone operation is a restaurant and stated that he had many concerns about a temporary building to be placed in a parking lot el a shopping center. A suggestion was made t¢i Or. Foulds to consider leasing of available space within the shopping center. D!. Foulds made a presentation of his proposal. Dr. }oulds indicated the he had recently approached both Farmers Branch ~nd Carro/[~on City Councils and had been granted approval. LewJsville, C~rrollton, Farmers Branch, Plane, The Colony, Denton, lake Da]/a!~ have made special exceptions to code requlrcments and Dr. Fould felt that our citizens would like for Council to do the same. Dr Foulds gave basic information on snow cones. Disi:ussion by ~]t~ council followed. Questions were answered by Dr. Foulds i~ regards to security problems, lighting, location, parking, and business hours, citizens speaking on this item were Jell Love o~ 1!4 Swan Drive and D~stln Hall of 160 G]enwoed. Following Disc~!~sion, Council Member Mayo (Nelson) moved to deny the placement of the snow-cone stands in the city. Council Memt~er Ensom (Robertson) s~!conded the motion. The motion carried 5-2, w~th Mayo~ Pro Tom !3<~wdy (S~othermon} and Council Members Holde~ (Weaver}, Baggett ('Phomas), Walker {Morton) and Mayo /Nelson) voting in favor i~f the motion. Council Members Griffi~ (Cowman) and Ensom (Robert~n) voted against the motion. Item lq A. Considerat i~n to remov~ from the table the