ST8503-AG 881108 SUBi, ilSS1Uii i~AI~LINL: 5:UO p.nl. Honday b i)ays l'~eceuing City Rev,: Effective 1/20/88 ORIGINAL ~OR CIT~ COUBCIL MggTI~G: Novembe~ 8, 1988 I. REF/FILE N~BER : 257 II. ITEM CAPTION : Consider final acceptance of Bethel School Road Imorovements from Heartz Road to ~oore Road and approval of Final Pay Applicatio~ i n amount of $30~899.35..~. III. ACTION RECO~ENDED : Reco~end approval ~d accept --/ IV. REP. IN ATTENDANCE A: STA finn, Inc. C/~ . lTqgg~/.?)"- B: OTH -. V. NOTIFICATION TO : METHOD OF CONTACT : DATE : VI. FINANCIAL REVIEW : 1. BUDGETED ITEM : xxx YES NO 2. BUDGET AMOUNT : ~746~500.00 3. ESTIMATED AMOUNT FOR THIS ITEM : $712~073.81 4. AMOUNT ~.mm~ OR UNDER BUDGET : $34~426.19 5. LOW BIDDER RECOMMENDED : YES NO SOURCE OF FUNDING CO'S OR BONDS FUNDS :Bonds (~1,400,000.00) (Series or year authorized) : 1984 OPERATING BUDGET (Account Number) : OTHER : CITY MANAGER : ~ APPROVED BY / ITEbl NUMBER --L~-- AGENDA REQUEST FORM ................ n~r~r~ .................... * DATE RECEIVED * TIME * * To be completed by City Manager Dept.* **************************************** SUPPORT DOCI~ENTATION SUBMITTED AMOUNT PER/SET NO. OF PAGES DATE SUBMITTED MEMORANDI~S ....................... : LETTERS ........................... : REPORTS ........................... : BILLS ............................. : BID ............................... : CONTRACT/AGREEMENT ................ : MINUTES ........................... : ORDINANCE ......................... ; RESOLUTION ........................ : PROCLAMATION ...................... : MAPS .............................. : ZONING PLANS ...................... : PRELIMINARY PLATS ................. : FINAL PLATS ....................... : SITE PLANS ........................ : LANDSCAPE PLANS ................... : ARCHITECTURAL RENDERINGS .......... : OTHER ............................. : REVIEWED BY (If applicable) SIGNATURE DATE R~IEWED CITY ATTORNEY ..................... : FINANCEDIRECTOR .................. : OTHER ............................. : SUBMITTED BY SIG~ - DATE SUBMITTED APPROVED BY SIGNATURE DATE APPROVED CITY MANAGER ...................... : DENIED BY SIGNATURE CITY MANAGER ...................... : Additional documentation required l Need for further discussion Submitted after deadline At the request of COST SUMMARY FOR BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COSTS $604,546.59 ENGINEERING FEES 93,788.43 INSPECTION/TESTING SURVEY/GEOTECHNICAL BOND FEES (PER CITY) 11,733.79 SPRINKLER REIMBURSEMENTS 2,005.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $712,073.81 BUDGETED PROJECT COSTS $746,500.00 BALANCE OF FUNDS $ 34,426.19 ORIGINAL 1984 BOND PROGRAM FUNDS $1,400,000.00 GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS Honorable Mayor and City Council Members OCT ~ city of coppell P.O.Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Attn: Russell Doyle, P.E., City Engineer Re: Bethel School Road Improvements (Heartz Road to Moore Road) Gentlemen: Work for the above referenced project has been completed in accordance with the contract documents and inspected by representatives of Ginn, Inc., and the City of Coppell Public Works Department. The contract completion date was June 26, 1988. The project was substantially completed on June 2, 1988. Final inspection of the project was completed and the work was found to be acceptable as of July 29, 1988. We recommend accepting the project as complete as of July 29, 1988. Enclosed are three (3) copies of Application for Payment No. 12 (FINAL) in the amount of $30,899.35 from Ed Bell Construction Company, representing work performed on the project through August 30, 1988, including request for previously held 5% retainage. We have reviewed the application and recommend that payment be made in full at this time. Also enclosed,are the project close-out submittals, and other items of correspondence and project supporting documents for your information and use in making your decision to accept the project and make final payment. By copy of this letter (and supporting documents) to the City Attorney,we will request his review and comments. Should you have any questions, please contact us. Since~ H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. GF/HWG/gf cc: Frank Trando Butch Ellison Steve Goram Gabe Favre Larry Jackson File 257 Ed Bell Construction Co. 17103 Preston Road · Suite I00 · LB liS · Dallas. Texas 75248 · Phone214/248-4900 COST SUMMARY FOR BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD IMPROVEMENTS CONSTRUCTION COSTS $604,546.59 ENGINEERING FEES 93,788.43 INSPECTION/TESTING SURVEY/GEOTECHNICAL BOND FEES (PER CITY) 11,733.79 SPRINKLER REIMBURSEMENTS 2,005.00 TOTAL PROJECT COSTS $712,073.81 BUDGETED PROJECT COSTS $746,500.00 BALANCE OF FUNDS $ 34,426.19 ORIGINAL 1984 BOND PROGRAM FUNDS $1,400,000.00 INDEX TO CORRESPONDENCE / INFORMATION SUPPLIED ITEM i - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ITEM 2 - APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 12 ITEM 3 - FINAL RECAPITULATION OF PROJECT COSTS ITEM 4 - EXPL]tNATION OF FIELD CHANGES ITEM 5 - CONTRACTOR'S LETTER OF GUAR~NTEE ITEM 6 - CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION LETTER ITEM ? - FINAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER ITEM 8 - AFFIDAVIT ~ND FINAL WAIVER OF LIEN ITEM 9 - CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT ITEM 10 - COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM 11 - SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR PROJECT BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD IM. 3VEMENTS - COPPELL, TEXAS OCTOBER 17, 1988 PAGE 1 ITEM NO. 1 - EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: 1. Bond program was passed and bonds sold for construction of Bethel School Road. Estimate based on 37' wide pavement in the amount of $1,400,000.00. 2. December 3, 1985 City Council meeting, presentation was made outlining General Conditions, Engineering Design Considerations, and Alternate Considerations requesting specific directions regarding the width. ( See Item iA.) This was due to May 1985 citizens survey and request that the street be 27' wide, not 37'. 3. February 11, 1986 Council meeting, made and approved motion to construct Bethel School Road as a 27' wide pavement. 4. Initial schedule was to design the project between February and August 1986. The design began on February 12, 1986 and was completed in August 1986. 5. October 14, 1986 parking area at Bethel School Pocket Park was added to the project at request of Park Board. (See Item lB) 6. October 15,1986, conflict became apparent with Lone Star Gas Company major 8" gas main, placing beginning of construction of project in jeopardy until spring. (See Item lC). 7. Construction could not begin in September 1986 as planned due to Lone Star Gas Company's proposed relocation of a major 8" feed line that supplies the City of Coppell. In order to accommodate the citizens of Coppell during cold weather, it was agreed that Lone Star Gas would not begin construction until April 1987. 8. February 23, 1987 a homeowner's meeting was held concerning a number of items. (See Item 1D) 9. Began advertising project on April 2, 1987. Opened bids on April 28, 1987. Had six bidders responding to invitation. Successful bidder was Ed Bell Construction Company. (See Item 1E) 10. Lone Star Gas began construction on May 19, 1987 and completed same in mid July, 1987. 11. May 20, 1987 recommendation to accept Base Bid and Alternate No. 1,2 and 3 in total amount of $659,754.94. (See Item 1F). 12. June 23, 1987, City Council approved contract for construction of Base Bid and Alternate No. 3 in the amount of $618,526.94. 13. July 2, 1987 provided cost summary sheet for this project. (See Item 1G). BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD IM~ 3VEMENTS - COPPELL, TEXAS OCTOBER 17, 1988 PAGE 2 14. July 6, 1987 began contract executions, notice of award of project to contractor. 15. Preconstruction conference held on August 10, 1987. Notice to proceed on or before September 1, 1987. Three hundred (300) calendar day contract. Completion date of June 26, 1988. 16. Project was substantially completed on June 2, 1988. (See Item 6) 17. Project fully completed on July 29, 1988. (See Item 7 ). ITEM 2 - APPLICATION FOR PAYMENT NO. 12 1. Contractors request for final payment. Three (3) copies of Application for Payment No. 12 ( FINAL ) in amount of $30,899.35 from Ed Bell Construction Company, representing work performed on the project through August 30, 1988; including request for previously held 5% retainage. We have reviewed the application and recommend that payment be made in full. 2. Item 2A: computer printout of Pay Estimate No. 12, indicating quantities, extras and dollar amounts for project. Explanation of columns: Col. 1 - plan/bid quantities Col. 2 - unit price as bid Col. 3 - final measured quantities Col. 4 - final item amount extended Col. 5 - bid quantity extended Col. 6 - amount remaining (negative number denotes amount of quantity over the bid quantity). Col. 7 - dollar amount remaining or "over" bid amount ITEM 3 - FINAL RECAPITULATION OF PROJECT COSTS 1. Computer printout, similar to Item 2A above, indicating final quantities vs. bid quantities. Column 6 shows whether an item was: (a) as bid, shown by O; or (b) under the bid quantity, shown by a negative number; or (c) over the bid quantity, shown by the amount over the bid quantity. Columns 1 thru 5 and number 7 are similar to descriptions above. Other items are as follows: Item 8 - final estimate amount of all items as constructed Item 9 - contract bid amount of all items (as bid) Item 10 - amount under the estimate (not including field changes) Item 11 - field changes Item 12 - total amount of field changes ($10,224.88) Item 13 - final actual amount including all field changes Item 14 - total amount of field changes Item 15 - contract amount with field changes and bid quantities Item 16 - actual amount minus contract amount (difference) Item 17 - field changes added amount · BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD IM 3VEMENTS - COPPELL, TEXAS OCTOBER 17, 1988 PAGE 3 Item 18 - net difference, with all field changes added and actual amounts of quantities measured equals a $13,980.34 total less than the original bid amount. This is for construction costs only and does not include anything else. ITEM 4 - EXPLANATION OF FIELD CHANGES (see attached) 1. Sanitary sewer manhole uncovered at Station 22+00, not shown on the plans. Relocated inlet and adjusted manhole to grade. ADD quantity to pay item 479.1 (later deleted) 2. Existing drive at 401 Bethel was widened between the time of design and actual construction ( by homeowner). Needed to add drive pavement to match existing, delete some sidewalk quantities. ADD quantity to pay item 503.1 and 530.2 DEDUCT quantity from pay item 530 NET amount ADDED $290.50 3. Relocate additional amount of 6" waterline due to conflicts with storm sewer system at Station 9+07 to 9+31 ADD approximately $531.00 to contract amount. 4. Add two gate valves and a fire hydrant assembly as requested by the Public Works Department. Water line at Greenridge Drive indicates 6" diameter, but found to be 12" diameter ductile iron and had to be lowered due to conflicts in grades. ADD 8" gate valve at station 30+50 - $575.00 ADD 8" gate valve at station 9+30 - $575.00 ADD fire hydrant assembly, tee, valve - $1897.50 ADD difference of 6"PVC vs. 12"DIP - $2208.00 DEDUCT 6"lowering costs pay item 582.6 5. Add PVC drains to handle unknown underground drainage flows from pools and/or roof drains at unit price of $300 each. ADD $900.00 to contract amount 6. Added PVC sleeves under drives to facilitate repair and replacement of homeowner's sprinkler system, and to alleviate expensive "boring" under drives at a later date. Estimate between 400-450 feet at unit price given of $1.75/foot. ADD 442.5 LF at $1.75/ft. for a total of $774.38 to contract. 7. Sidewalk location in vicinity of 524 Bethel Road causing homeowner problem with too steep slope in front yard. Had to modify location and elevation of walk, construct concrete curb for lump sum amount. ADD $500.00 to contract amount. 8. Changed downstream rip-rap in vicinity of station 21+85. No ADD or DEDUCT to contract amount. · BETHEL SCHOOL ROAD IM. .OVEMENTS - COPPELL, TEXAS OCTOBER 17, 1988 PAGE 4 9. Revised grades at 500 Oakcrest (corner Bethel School Rd.) to provide smoother approach to driveway. Had to saw and remove beyond limits shown on plans. Affected pay items 104.1, 104.2 and 530.2. ADD $325 (approximately) to contract amount. 10. Existing drive widened by homeowner. Matched width of approach and to provide a much smoother approach, had to saw and remove beyond limits shown on plans, matched grades at existing redwood header for smoother transition. Affected pay items 104.2, 530.1, 530.2 and 360.2. ADD $320 (approximately) to contract amount. 11. At southwest corner of Bethel School Road and Rocky Branch, potential drainage problem had to be resolved by installing approximately 45 feet of 12"RCP. ADD $2160.00 to contract amount. 12. Added concrete rip-rap at ditch near box culvert due to complaints from adjoining resident concerned about erosion downstream. ADD $635.00 to contract amount. ITEM 5 - CONTRACTOR'S LETTER OF GUARANTEE ITEM 6 - CERTIFICATE OF SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION LETTER ITEM 7 - FINAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER ITEM 8 - AFFIDAVIT AND FINAL WAIVER OF LIEN ITEM 9 - CONSENT OF SURETY COMPANY TO FINAL PAYMENT ITEM 10 - COUNCIL AGENDA REQUEST FORM ITEM 11 - SUMMARY OF COSTS FOR PROJECT