DEED 704-31641 Notice of Confidentiality Rights: If you are a natural person,you may remove or strike any of the following information from this instrument before it is filed for record in the public records: your Social Security Number or your Driver's License Number. ELECTRONICALLY RECORDED 201200051070 02/23/2012 02:20:37 PM DEED 1/7 Form ROW-N-14 (Rev.08/11) Page 1 of 3 DEED STATE OF TEXAS § ROW CSJ: 0364-02-020 COUNTY OF DALLAS § WHEREAS,the Texas Transportation Commission is authorized under the Texas Transportation Code Chapters 203,224, and 228 to purchase land and such other property rights(including requesting that counties and municipalities acquire highway right of way)deemed necessary or convenient to a state highway or turnpike project to be constructed,reconstructed,maintained,widened,straightened,or extended,or to accomplish any other purpose related to the location,construction,improvement,maintenance,beautification,preservation,or operation of a state highway or turnpike project,and WHEREAS,the Texas Transportation Commission is also authorized under Texas Transportation Code,Chapter 203 to acquire or request to be acquired such other property rights deemed necessary or convenient for the purposes of operating a state highway or turnpike project,with control of access as necessary to facilitate the flow of traffic and promote the public safety and welfare on both non-controlled facilities and designated controlled access highways and turnpike projects; NOW,THEREFORE,KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That,ADELFA B. CALLEJO,TRUSTEE OF THE CALLEJO-BOTELLO FOUNDATION,A CHARITABLE TRUST and WILLIAM F.CALLEJO,TRUSTEE OF THE CALLEJO-BOTELLO FOUNDATION,A CHARITABLE TRUST ,of the County of Dallas,State of Texas,hereinafter referred to as Grantors,whether one or more,for and in consideration of the sum of Two-Hundred Thirty-Seven Thousand,Eight-Hundred Forty Dollars($237,840.00)to Grantors in hand paid by the State of Texas,acting by and through the Texas Transportation Commission,hereinafter sometimes referred to as Grantee,receipt of which is hereby acknowledged,and for which no lien is retained,either expressed or implied,have this day Sold and by these presents do Grant,Bargain,Sell and Convey unto the State of Texas all that certain tract or parcel of land lying and being situated in the County of Dallas, State of Texas,more particularly described in Exhibit"A,"which is attached hereto and incorporated herein for any and all purposes. SAVE and EXCEPT,HOWEVER,it is expressly understood and agreed that Grantors are retaining title to the following improvements located on the property described in said Exhibit"A"to wit: None. Grantors covenant and agree to remove the above-described improvements from said land 90 days from closing, subject,however,to such extensions of time as may be granted by Grantee,its successor and assigns, in writing; and if,for any reason,Grantors fail or refuse to remove same within said period of time prescribed,then,without any further consideration,the title to all or any part of such improvements not so removed shall pass to and vest in the Grantee, its successors and assigns,forever. III I H f * N14 * Form ROW-N-14 (Rev.08111) Page 2 of 3 Grantors reserve all of the oil, gas and sulphur in and under the land herein conveyed but waive all rights of ingress and egress to the surface thereof for the purpose of exploring,developing,mining or drilling for same; however,nothing in this reservation shall affect the title and rights of the Grantee, its successors and assigns,to take and use all other minerals and materials thereon,therein and thereunder. Grantors hereby acknowledge that their use of and access to the state highway facilities and/or turnpike project to be constructed in conjunction with the highway facility of which the land hereby conveyed shall become a part (herein called Highway Facility), shall be and forever remain subject to the same regulation by legally constituted authority as applies to the public's use thereof; and Grantors further acknowledge that the design and operation of such Highway Facility requires that rights of ingress and egress and the right of direct access to and from Grantors' remaining property(if any)to said Highway Facility, shall hereafter be governed by the provisions set out in said Exhibit"A", SAVE AND EXCEPT in the event access,or access points may be specifically allowed or permitted in said Exhibit"A", such access shall be subject to such regulation as is determined by the Texas Department of Transportation and/or the Texas Turnpike Authority Division to be necessary in the interest of public safety and in compliance with approved engineering principles and practices and subject to compliance with any applicable local municipal or county zoning,platting and/or permit requirements. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD the premises herein described and herein conveyed together with all and singular the rights and appurtenances thereto in any wise belonging unto the State of Texas and its assigns forever; and Grantors do hereby bind ourselves,our heirs, executors,administrators, successors and assigns to Warrant and Forever Defend all and singular the said premises herein conveyed unto the State of Texas and its assigns against every person whomsoever lawfully claiming or to claim the same or any part thereof. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,this instrument is executed on this the /tc 1 day of t4.4"'gi , "76/Z . ADELFAffl.CALLEJO,TRU TFE OF THE CALLEJO-BOTELLO FOUNDATION,A CHARITABLE TRUST 1/ WILL M F.CALI,EJO,TRUSTEE OF THE CALLEJO-BOTELLO FOUNDATION,A CHARITABLE TRUST Form ROW-N-14 (Rev.08/11) Page 3 of 3 Acknowledgement State of Texas County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on 2( 16 I -Z,,i, I z by ADELFA B.CALLEJO,TRUSTEE OF THE CALLEJO-BOTELLO FOUNDATION, A CHARITABLE FOUNDATION. 1rPv nU-c A 30nzales �, %� �: N- �t3teof Texas �,�i 1 ''�/ s: ,? ,� ry, YP ,? + ;t re5 0911311015 1 ( �1 f f'�' !... Notary Public's Signature Alice M.Gonna es _ Notary Publk•State of texas %+ E*... %/Comm.Expires 0912312015 Acknowledgement State of Texas County of This instrument was acknowledged before me on a ` j t(( by WILLIAM F.CALLEJO,TRUSTEE OF THE CALLEJO-BOTELLO FOUNDATION,A CHARITABLE FOUNDATION. A,tce NI.Gonzales Notary Public.State of texas L �.t" , 704' R.>Comm.Expires 0912312015 r . Notary Public's Signature(j County: Dallas Page 1 of 4 May 22,2009 Highway: State Highway 121 ROW CSJ No.: 0364-02-020 Station: From: 2008+29.24 To: 2009+39.54 FIELD NOTES-PARCEL 14B Being 0.728 acres of land more or less, being a part of a called 8.255 acre tract of land situated in the John E. Holland Survey, Abstract No. 614, Dallas County, Texas, conveyed by William F. Callejo, Trustee, to Adelfa B. Callejo, Trustee by deed dated December 22, 2008 and recorded Instrument D20080396332, Deed Records of Dallas County,Texas, said 0.728 acres of land being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the intersection of the proposed easterly right of way line of State Highway 121 and the north line of said Adelfa B. Callejo Tract, same being the south line of a remainder of a tract of land to William F. Callejo, Trustee and recorded in Volume 80004, Page 1835 of said Deed Records, said point bears from a 5/8" iron rod found in the north line of said remainder of William F. Callejo tract along said common tract lines with a curve to the right whose center bears North 38° 37' 01" East a distance of 945.00, through a central angle of 03°45'21", an arc length of 61.95 feet, and North 47°37'39" West, a distance of 227.06 feet to the intersection of said common tract lines with the existing right of way line of State Highway 121, North 41° 22' 14" East, along said existing right of way, a distance of 230.40 feet to the northwesterly corner of said remainder of said Callejo tract and North 89°43'46" East, along said north line of said remainder of Callejo tract, a distance of 2,491.91feet, said beginning point being 448.91 feet easterly of and at right angles to centerline survey station 2009+39.54; (*) (1) THENCE South 43°02'51" West, along said proposed easterly right of way, a distance of 110.30 to the intersection with the south line of said Adelfa 13. Callejo tract, same being a north line of a remainder of said William F. Callejo tract and on the beginning of a curve to the right whose center bears North 39°04'48"East,a distance of 1,055.00'; (*) (2) THENCE northwesterly along said curve, and said common line, through a central angle of 03°17'33"and an arc length of 60.63 feet; (3) THENCE North 47°3T39" West, a distance of 227.05 feet to the intersection of said common line with the existing easterly right of way line of State Highway 121; (4) THENCE North 42°22'14" East, along said existing right of way line, a distance of 110.00 feet to the north line of said Adelfa B. Callejo tract, same being the south line of a remainder of said William F. Callejo tract; County: Dallas Page 2 of 4 May 22,2009 Highway: State Highway 121 ROW CSJ No.: 0364-02-020 Station: From: 2008+29.24 To: 2009+39.54 (5) THENCE South 47°37'39" East, along said common line, a distance of 227.06 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left whose center bears North 42°22'22" East, a distance of 945.00 feet; (6) THENCE southeasterly, along said curve, through a central angle of 03°45'21", an arc length of 61.95 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, and containing 0.728 acres of land more or less. Notes: (*) No monument was set at this corner because right of entry to the property was not granted by the property owner. • (**) The monument described and set in this call may be replaced with a TxDOT Type II right of way marker upon completion of the highway construction project under the supervision of a Registered Professional Land Surveyor either employed or retained by • TxDOT. Survey sketch to accompany this legal description. Directional control is based upon NAD 83 Datum, Texas State Plane Coordinate System, North Central Zone, with all distances and coordinates adjusted to the surface by project surface factor of 1.00012. Surveyor of Record: Stephen H.Roberson Texas Registration Number: 4090 e. 9..`. Release date: 5/22,../ 01 wG� A ,"s, tit SfcT'HEN 4�F:7ii�R �' .� +Y;eS J a a W. ,r r,4--0.4 rus::.•.r+ +. a q, c,.,.i...:sr,s...s: •, ,sr� s.r A- �r arm a . Lk:.r v m fgf. Tit 2' -�3 . .try 1-;.:-3',', ..v,_:::"„.= r ,y, J(7- bfa tor,..r '4 s n.,F-- fiAF - Yi t- `,,,„')" . its n )Tl., `^� �L..._ /\-Ni r / r(J! r „Am t _r,,- - ci^`3- ..054.y..� fi::�{,mR;_ li ti}. N 4P58'37'E 2,660 46' r• ..,'P 1�a"� \,—-—- —-—--- _,_ •—r-— _ –, — '_'1 µ- A•cAAnk 1 ➢ .�•-r'u"i..j r 1 -T F,. r.• n.r. Y'�"'ir�s,°. 'r� bra,.:_ •I. ""'.Y. '' 'P zty rm t.X54 7.P- '-i 4 00 1 .;':-..".:f.,`:`,.:-a (1 O1 O 4 r . '.�`'�'° r ? 1 •^;�'�" °�' •f -I4'''".''''.‘"'- r s Ti'.t1^• V�:- k+' h * Tr LL d + ` T t i t � '. 7 t tiF � 1 L3 t1, F4 . • . r a .t' v�,, {ti' a .t1;r5 '∎' z i -n-:.11-,-'• - ' - cl. �-- . EXISTING RO.W.\, 1. . 690.17' ,',,if' _N42'22'14'E 230.40". \ ' 110.00' .•-.- ----- • N4Z•22'14•E \i't \ !4A 14B CI �� `sue�` -5-°� 4-».,,,..,•,,,a W f PROPOSED RAIN. __ �. �fi Ss_!��v. II C k ( %. ? cP a 'T :.,, •. R3MaNDER F' \ SP4 Tao CANroY.LP. WILUAM F.CALLEJa,TRU5T3E VOL80004,FG.1815 to `• Y0L2007020,PD.010 ; y `; 1 (SEE MEMORANDL111 OF 4 OA.D.C.T. I N4 22'21'E i f° CONTRACT OF SALE iO� ..�.-■ e:••• 1NSTf.uer-02.0502996411 REMAINDER - .. N N42'27_229E 081`.:7. WILLIAM F.CALLEJQ TRUSTEE ! I.'1 tr 0� ,` VUL 8aaa4.P0.1835 i, N� V,0) (SEE MEMORANDUM OF 1) ( ctrl Fn Q iin 4g '' , CONTRACT OF SALE OC CI'(31— 9 N3ff37'G1•E -' '•\ INSTRUMENT 020x402998411 4 v •• 7----\ (` '� DADDY. ... Q aCI dam .•, r.,r.-` V V.i+y I03CY t 1 o 543 02 SYW � Y� �i POiNl' Or 5r6/RF ccl CD - 1 BEGINN;NG `� N3904'rdE -- - �� V ' 12009•.7954 4 cr J �} 448.91' O -r`'�"""; AS,Rb'MENT'x:903%332 1 �`\v VC (`' t� L5EE MEMORANDUM OF l �>� �` Lita 1 ] C. CONTRACT OF SALE J1/J h INSTRUMENT D200BOZSA9111v C2 ' DRD.GT. 0\/ �a 4 o �Notes: tin � � PLego!Descript!on to accompany this survey sketch ` �� Bearings ore based on HAD 53 um,Texas State `�C`�` Plane l-oordlnates.Narth Central%vne.with all distances \ I N and coordinates adjusted to fir;surface by project surface J �� Scale Fee; factor of 1.100012. tf 0 50 100 150 i fr---\Page•4 of 4 \ I Legend PARCEL 148 • •darker found'as noted c,,.•Qf,••T o •5/Er iron rod w/ olumfnum cop stomped'Tx(X)r tie cj 151 f� �{- ■ •Type II monument to be set of tie end of construction . • Q oa �'. ❑ -5/8•Iron rod w/ oluminum cop stomped'TxDOT'to STEPHEN H.ROBERSON ADELFA B. CALLEJO TRUSTEE be replaced with Type 11 monument of ire end or construction „ti io A • Sod Noll set •wP 91'8 4 e PAB. •Point Or Beginning 4 • )t - E •Property One .,'i.. or ■i •Survey Line f'`' v Zz f o9 0.728 acres • z •Fee hoot E •Proposed Centerline STATE D15T. COUNTY ORD.C.T. •Deed Records•Oellas Counly.Texos -_= TEXAS 18 DALLAS PR.O.CT. •Pioi Rarords.0011os Counly.Texos CONT. SECT. JOB HIGHWAY NO. (J •Record information rom/1Doeocrersoont - •Access Denial Line of 0364 02 020 S.H.12/ After recording return to: TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION P.O. BOX 133067 DALLAS, TX 75313-3067 Filed and Recorded Official Public Records John F. Warren, County Clerk Dallas County, TEXAS 02/23/2012 02:20:37 PM $40.00 201200051070 A___. f _,-d_e