Deforest Update T H E • C I T Y • O F COPPELL T p Date: June 20, 2012 To: Police Department Fire Department CISD Waste Management USPS HOA's From: City of Coppell Engineering Dept. DEFOREST RD CONSTRUCTION UPDATE Tiseo Paving Company will reduce Deforest Road to one lane eastbound only between MacArthur Blvd. and Allen Rd. beginning June 27th at approximately 9:00 a.m. After June 27th the only exit streets from Deforest will be Lake Forest Dr. and Allen Rd. The reduction to one lane will continue throughout the remainder of the project, which is estimated to be complete in November 2012. A map is attached showing the traffic pattern which will result from this lane reduction. If you have any questions about the project, contact Larry Davis, Construction Inspector, at 972-304-3684, or George Marshall at 972-304-3562 or gmarshall @coppelltx.gov. Thank you for your patience, and please drive safely in the construction area. 255 PARKWAY * P.O.BOX 9478 * COPPELL TX 75019 * TEL 972/462 0022 * FAX 972/304 3673 100. . .. _„•- .10.000.406004000004014. .. ... , .. . . . ,•. .• . .. , ,••r„. • ' •'- • • •• •' ■ 110' ''•'' •S " .. . ' 4 -,. •,,,-::„.,.....-,., ... , . . Z 0 3 • $.■ '....,ihrP'' willffr,( 0 I . . ..,:k• .- • . „ • i ..... 41111k''-: ' * r' • ', n F" ,0,.. . _ ,i,-, ,, .- .T.i %fp-4A -1 - '.',P ** it*4016,' ,:Y., - 1010, ' kl, 4"'' 4s. .„.„, --:. ,,, .3.1104.,,, • • ' VI r , 'NI k 111, , •.•..,16., < ,nn n n * ,, ' '■OR 1 Alk n 4sit. .4, , .. '*',,,„ Aok,--7 ...• . - ...,,,„,,,,,,„,4,..,, , L1-1, .1. • ,,,,,, cli. ,, 111,..- ,,V-- ; L/4 0 0 -;,..-cesg),_/„.., ' __ •'.•r. N ill nd „,„,,L; „„I' , - - . - - ,- '. r lit r 0''' ' i Alt,'''' . I-L •1-.) ...th . :"FR . ropppil.,, ..- , ,,,, it ,,,...„,„. , ,ril(4, ) Aki■ , - .',. , ' •,, •r...; ce a - w fl. 1 -- . -. 10,-_-*Vit ....‘r,"•i /1.',.:;,:::'t; '-',1';'!'Y''.'i.,;''''''''''''''' "`,'''':'' a. 1 , 1. . 4 < _J - U ..„ r. r ,or,r r,r r‘r, r r r • ... ' . itt,il .r*711 , - ; 1 4.9eio 9useo . **,,, .11 „00- 400;.. ialt°- 0 W E Wir ,-,,..--,-..P.,1. ''' 0 ' - - A ,r K. ..„,..r.••ey, - . 4*'4%, A.4, .. , h 0 8 . . ...„,6-t,,. ..•.,._1. ' ,;...,...e, `.. ). ' Er) CO 7atitt r••,...4- ,.xl.r.' ,.-4• :...,..-41. It ,-. -.-mil LI 48;41 ._ 1,,.4., , , 4 it ,, ?:,•:+1v, -101111tirit , Jouew ,,,.. . 7°r '• '..,r 0 ,101111e :r.''44 ri0 0 'r•, '..,:.‘;”. ,40.,. . ti ' .. . , ,, g 17; a6pLi- q al eo . .jsaJogioNel , -- \ . ;,...r ,,,...„,..., ..„,, y - '■4. 1.1 ' '`. °' 'Illt _ ....,.• k I" l■ 11 \ '?4-711/Pg a II' , \ •i.N140 4111!. 0 t■9i , .. . 4.. ■ 4440 "4". 414Pir . -lei r^'L' 2 43 Aiojjeijs '''•-,.. ,,., :-,. ,..k.tra mil g..:. , • .• „ , „ •_ , , . .... ir.wef 'pip' , 1 01 Lip! Lic3,, 0 i .14.10:VA.N.Itit ".*.,*;LI ri' ',11 4111.c. ..,., ,••:r'. 171 lli' :i V allik '''' ' ' LAJ (0)§r(••••) Crr§' '.16•:.4. ''' 1LIOr.. l'i r .' ' t;OPhi;11!t 1 POL 1 W D W W D Ct I ' ' 'Altikk:i44„ ,114$ / A,Ifit •' ,,di k rill nir I 0 0 ,.8.4 0, i 511p1IF.,7'4 iirdie ,,,,, ,.., ,,- ... rli ma nm, I 450. 'lir -/It r „ r ilia'iiii 'Ilill 1 CC< CC< ) -2. 31 .144.--)S-• jd . ' ,:' : '71re*:It'''' '7,"v4; ' - , M. 4170;11 .will, <_J <_J 0 .......,.. ..f‘,. . X mit . -. . .1 .-_- .,'- 411■ ,iirriFfr ''.. A 1 8 i n tti vo e IN ,L. AA-a-If-Cal .14, LA II Mil 111 3111111, ° lizz20: ! L 'irm * re rapb,,-9s - 711 ma' .rm r.. . ..0° l,.:, 01110 , --.4,A111 Iwo ,' -,If eiSAII Allitidi tam ma=,,.' ' I . F.X8:61.11 nil VI s ig OM fmg LLW t, 'AI"' ' '''.- 1,4 Ahla rin UN im ma •,-ii, r,. r ,?V+, 71 rair ON' ,ip,,,Fig, r.!ei- 1 0 Lo C\1 _II —,), wpo 4,1* ii ici -' mir...— legi iiii 'am WEIN Mk -, , t . ial ,..sag iv ',.p. I I” ., ---■- --mmi -* ",- 4 „ion' Ani.a.1 wpm WI 8111 Ell P' - lt gra 11U1 111111: ^,i-r: `.. - r '.'' 1,71A3 .4.63:1 low maw Hume so ', ,I, Api -aim 41,4.•vil , - ,--:-- - 7 ''':: k ' «.:,:.T.., .. 'MI6, • VP_ '.-Ms ,(-.. t',.* . : 711, .nimr.,,,t,oPtill, .nit.!: . . • , . .., : .. ..