ST0501-CS120620 Rhonda Adloo From: Rhonda Adloo Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:25 PM To: PoliceAdmin; Police Dispatch; Fire Captains; Fire Admin Staff; Debbie Ingram; Michael Corder; CMO; George Marshall (gmarshall @coppelltx.gov); Perri Kitties Cc: 'kmjohnson56 @yahoo.com'; 'tkachner @principal.mgmt.com'; 'dorobins @willscot.com'; 'dlascaiere @cmamanagement.com'; 'danielgray @msn.com'; 'aldecarlucci @cmamanagement.com'; 'todd @tartansales.com'; 'skcammack @aol.com'; 'mgmcpa @verizon.net'; 'kelly @dirtstriker.com'; 'macyandcolesmom @tx.rr.com' Subject: Deforest Rd Construction Update Attachments: Deforest Update.pdf Attached is a memo and map regarding upcoming traffic changes on Deforest Rd. Please share this info with other interested parties in your work group or HOA. 1 Rhonda Adloo From: Rhonda Adloo Sent: Wednesday, June 20, 2012 4:41 PM To: Carol Primeaux Subject: Deforest Rd construction update Attachments: Deforest Update.pdf Please make sure Waste Management personnel are aware of this change in the traffic pattern on Deforest Rd. I sent this same info to PD, FD, Dispatch, etc. but forward to any other non-City folks you think might need the info. Thanks!