ST0501-SP120807 `M 10615SPANGLER R IIIILI&I/I#/1!IIlI/I!IIN/IE/Iu'/I///II//II//III/II/I//Iia #I E T ELAPSED IIIIIIINIIIII�I MATERIALS 13: Tm APP ' ° ' e ° z s 10615 SPANGLER R • 07/21/2012 210 303902-01 88950101 PO NO MIN P/U REPRINT ° TIME DUE TIME IN TIME OUT ELAPSED II I II I II III I III III II I II 1 2546 SHIPPED JOB TO DATE 721/12 8:30 am 12:00:00AM 8:15:00AM 6.25 z o — II III I II II III SOLD TO N N 45.21 TON I Ticket 1016022 ' ' ' e ° z z — ° o o -----__ (3 LDS) 45.2TO DATE PLANT ORDER NO CUSTOMER NO PO NO MIN P/U SHIPPED JOB TO DATE TISEO PAVING SHIP TO MAP — — TISEO PAVING DM 1A 07/21/2012 210 303902-01 88950101 2546 N N 30.18 TON(2 LDS) 30.130 65, U ?J— n DEFOREST&MACARTHUR DRY TONS 7 '(J 15.03 D SOLD TO SHIP TO MAP TISEO PAVING DM 1A COPPELL(DALLAS CO.),TX - P' TISEO PAVING Si DEFOREST&MACARTHUR DRY TONS 15.08 Dir DEFOREST&MACARTHUR-COPPELL DALLAS MAPSCO 1A M-R 3000043 BI Reference Ticket No: C COPPELL(DALLAS CO.),TX HCS1 HYD CEM SLURRY Z' gg WEIGH MASTER Dwayne Shaw 2. Dir:DEFOREST&MACARTHUR-COPPELL DALLAS MAPSCO 1A M-R 3000042 SUNSET TRANSPORT VEH ID 6179S 1776 Check# Acceptance of material(indicated tie Reference Ticket No: loss claims,demands and actions of any nature wrlats_ever far use o these materials (Materials t"include an materials s HCS1 HYD CEM SLURRY by signature below)releases TXI Operation LP ds Po a T/ XI and/orlvisions,su� subsidiaries amliates frgm a TA owned and operated vehicles},shah not be deemed for an WEIGH MASTER Dwayne Shaw Check# covered by this order.Customer ansor carrier represents that materials purchased are for delivery and/or use at the destination set forth i the deli iv and all Itahrll[y,tlamage, 69 SUNSET TRANSPORT VEH I D 6179S 1776 y purpose to be an agent,servant or representative of TXI,in the transportation and delivery mthe prnducgs) --— supplied by TXI)Customer and/or arrier(n°t t°Include Acceptance of material(indicated by signature below)releases TA Operations LP,d/b/a TXI and/or any of its divisions,subsidiaries or affiliates from any and all liability,damage, — very Address. loss claims,demands and actions of any nature whatsoever for use of these material.- (Materials to include all materials supplied by TXI.)Customer and/or arner not to include Q __ TXI owned and operated vehicles),shall not be deemed or any purpose to be an agent.servant or representative or TXI,in the transportation and delivery of the I 7 covered by this order. Customer anWor carrier represents that materials purchased are for delivery and/or use at the destination set forth in the delivery Address_ �/`� I CUSTOMER Ao M & /` IN that Y b tlxx natural 1 a /�,_ (� — ` 'tt b�Qatd dbYPdA CARRIER L� 1 � r' �I L g.--- C . P tlbJ TXI aMlo y f t division b (,(J 7 The. Y °� t that Y b come ve Y noticeable S. -the occurrence o 11 IRRITATION:HARMFUL IF wieet tit ers Wmd ortt tl 'kiiar' athletes d Mrn arty and NGabtayf ob riot. iv CUSTOMER expo by breathing tlust A oitl oMacf th Y k. izt M fact n9 Procedures.achieve t tY f olio d d by pro tl Y f these 9 Ysfakirre Ac rat cbthrig.k rat- fey ry Part 10 R e cvroWAR'''her Lace an/NTP t be k rteMed Par oq f r at passages may .WASH TFIOROUCJILV AFTER HANDLMG Y merX.W4WWIG! Hazartl 0,PPE X C m v'og U ah O QOat reMNalgO d respirat Y d^the tlev A acktev d r he'e 5 Aggregate materiels have color variations that may be ether natural in occurrence or Heetth 3',FlamrmgN dY Mdeet Sae MSDS for each Y hoc - MG AVOl AREATHWGWST Excessive ndlons cannot be eatcpatetl TXI caused byp tl h processes These materials y I-o contain trace iron that may become very rdceable.Since the occurrence Y 0,Phyi cal Hazartl t pod et f ad W-nal wG m p ono and e/San s._.Heath silica has been clef by IARC and Event Operatic LP drat TXI andlor y f its Mormons, PPE X Lmrestone''Heath 1',Flammabkd 0 and 1,Vitrified Clay a ShakSarMA'„yet Heetth 2'F tvx<Y cemerrt(ous mater els are s Y d t strict Metes d y and at billy f color varistrons caused by production of these Y FhY lcat Hazard 1,PPE X �^+r^ to 0,eh 4 ,SOC d c of and consistent manufacturing a procedures t h uniformly WA of color Oo P -es nature'occurrences sod trace yslcel IRRITATION:HARMFUL IF WHALED.A ob contact well skin,and clothing. tat f y k or nasal passages performance,color iatbns nay occur n our BREATHING MOUST-E CAUSES Poswc by beating dust curtaining otalfn T an quality period at time may reaut n the Bevel may WASH door nUGHLYAFTER HANDING aiko in Crystalline AVOID our cemeen d OUST Excessive d N ure b known cmcinog U a S M of pulmonary diseases including Hazard 0 PPE X Ce Mi cue Materials with Heath queue ventilation,ey 0,Physical iranary 1Vr PPEE V Limestone Health 1',Flammability 0 Ph p,Peru ystall nit Health 2*has been determined by WftC each Product for atldt I rigs_VXr Teti Clay or ShaleFantl/Gravet Heath Y FlemmabiUy 0,Physic& Y Physical Hazard 1,PPE X 8 10615 SPANGLER R TED MATERIALS V TXI- CEMENT TREATED MATERIALS 10615 SPANGLER II I II III I III III III II I II III II II II TIME DUE R TIME IN /FUFIlIllliuit///Iii/iIi//I//iI//IIIIIIiIlluII///,TIME DUE TIME IN TIME OUT ELAPSED 72tH2 to:oo am 12:00: TIME O z 10 — g o 6 o z 1 — O o o * DgTE OOAM 12:36:O0PM ELAPSED Ticket 1016021 PLANT 126D IIIIIII ORDER NO CUSTOMER NO PO NO MIN P/U SHIPPED JOB TO DATE 07/21/2012 210 ORDER NO CUSTOMER NO Ticket 1016025 s - IIIII�IIIIIII 07/21/2012 210 303902-01 889501n 1 2546 N N 15.10 TON(1 LDS) 15.130 SOLD TO �— 303902-01 8895 PO NO ° IIIIIIII MIN P/Ll • o 0 SOLD TO SHIP TO MAP DM 1A TISEO PAVING SH IP TO 01 2546 N N 65. SHIPPED JOB TO DATE TISEO PAVING TISEO PAVING DRY TONS 15.10 MAP DM 1q _ TON(5 Lpg) 65 TISEO PAVING 430 DEFOREST&MACARTHUR DEFOREST&MACARTHUR DRY TONS COPPELL(DALLAS CO.),TX COPPELL 5.07 Dir:DEFOREST&MACARTHUR (DALLAS CO.),TX — Dir DEFOREST&MACARTHUR-COPPELL DALLAS MAPSCO 1A M-R 3000041 COPPELL DALLAS HCS1 M?PSC01A Reference Ticket No HmCE RULS RReference Ticket No: M-R 3000045 HCS1 HYD CEM SLURRY WEIGH MASTER Dwayne Shaw Check# 69 SUNS 69 SUNSETTRANSPORl VEH ID 61805 3000019 IAcceptanceofmat=RtlNSPOR7 VEH ID 6180SEIGH HASTE— Acceptance of material(indicated by signature below)releases TXI Operations LP,tlALa TXI and/or any of its tliVl5ion5,subsidiaries or affiliates from an and all liabil tlama e, TXI own dsa�d oantls anq actions of signature below)releas 3000019 Chef I_�ss claims,demands and actions of any nature whatsoever for use of these materials. (Materials to include all materials supplied by TXI.)Customer and/or arrier(not to include cover etl by this orderteC�e�lCleg),shal��pttbeed ha[soever for use or Pra[i rt,/a TXI 1 xl owned and operated vehicles),shalt not be deemed for any purpose to be an agent,servant or representative of TXI,in the transportation and delivery of the product(s) mar anryor earner re emetl for any purp°se[o e materials (Materials It any of its division - Lavered by this order.Customer andor carrier represents that materials purchased are for delivery and/or use at the destination set forth in the tlelWeryAdtlress_ I j P esents that ma be an agent,servant iD Include all materials s�ubsldlaries or affiliates � Ir/ tenors purchase li °r re r f TI suppgetl Customer from an �� --- dare for delivery and/or lg Gelstinate Iran P rt ID nth n ellve or arse p otl inclUd `fir R 630�� CUSTOMER / '�tl ) e tlelive ygd0tthe s) 'Ld / °rWA9s - a.have cW0 v- a �/ �� a�bpa :m Yb /CUSTOMER rrMi0. et b eatb al that aY be Aher nehral m acurrence a 0H p dud P These.materiels may become very noticeable Since the occurrence of the: W.I en I gh:reA__ XI d her nafu at. e M Y contain s Operations LP / pit i !Ope at' LP Cl tl TXIa tiro Y fits divisions,-.b tl ffkYat disclaims RMFU ter,...,itl co TXI araay Yo/is divfsun �d by d°dret W von Even though camerit ats are s Y and at liability 1 let' caused by prorluctlon processes Surat occurrences,arG tr I expos-ure b D cl d t Yrict y c los w s These m IRRITATION:HARMF CIS ICOMa dO.cvold ll rtad dth atyes gsk nVyantlrcbthing. tH' rtf Y s k:n or nit Id res to ackieve uri formty Of color anti pertamance,color var'mtionsmcesses,inov cemeM.VIes,andl CAII a-d PJTPt Obit k in - n��d'ng.t act with e.',4 s � ltd COne'sl anufactuilf at any anti eraeemaV'ISOCOntainlr nasal passages me Hazer n c. YsfalNne silica over k n' m 4'5". y occur.WASH THOROUGHLY AFTER,color HANDING Vns may occur AVOID BREATHING DUST. E ce^ d ,PPE X Use wph a an a dg'Frtetlon of °g....as C'--- e breathing g 'a mica over an extended periotl of time may result in the development OfpWwlrey dice es inducing One ari oss and storms.Crystaltre silica has bee tlat tlby ll ,,,,, ,ipu Fats.Health WKa sMtMIIMd ,,oft may ras�aye�tskn aselpassagasc evm-ratta/my ofe v mns ars-,b becomeyyrV be S and snr t be a known car g U wall a micaa v r an extend d ernd respiratory may protection.r ult in See MSDS for each product for ceases in warnings urn tad Clay io or and storms.Cry l:Heath Y Fls been ty 0,Physical ,larr,.matyN Wateryprd _ msoopmeM of Y r-WASH i anti perfnmarER c � W Fait the c Hazard G PPE X Cemertt-ous Materials:Heath 3',Flammability 0,Physical Hazard 1 PPE X Limestone:Heath 1',Flanxnabitty 0,Phy hat Hazard 1,PPE X Y 0,PhYSrcal Mezar X100'See PuFronary di se OIkYtLYgFTER vermf l rear urrence of these d 1 PPE X Limestone DS for each pr tlX,t t s FlckA}g Wreumar cn„v sANDLA°.G.VA Y ur our cemerp e'G! trace Health 1'Flam b1Fy adAilrn ,lard 1,PPEiN d ClaySm Shelerr 1�r tt e m ATNWq to Tine- in G!Y CAUSES been determined b lammab'NY 0,Physical TXI- CEMENT TREATED MATERIALS III I III III II I I II II III I II II II 0 10615 SPANGLER R 11110 TIME DUE TIME IN TIME OUT ELAPSED . 2 1 0 — 1 0 1 6 0 2 4 — 0 . 0 0 . 7121;12 9.30 am 12:00:00AM 10:56:00AM 10.93 Ticket 1016024 DATE PLANT ORDER NO CUSTOMER NO PO NO MIN PM SHIPPED JOB TO DATE 07/21/2012 210 303902-01 88950101 2546 N N 60.41 TON(4 LDS) 60.4T0 SOLD TO SHIP TO MAP DM 1A TISEO PAVING TISEO PAVING DRY TONS 15.20 DEFOREST&MACARTHUR COPPELL(DALLAS CO.),TX Oil.:DEFOREST&MACARTHUR-COPPELL DALLAS MAPSCO 1A M-R 3000044 Reference Ticket No: HCS1 HYD CEM SLURRY WEIGH MASTER Dwayne Shaw Check# 69 SUNSETTRANSPOR1 VEHID 6179S 1776 Acceptance or material(indicated by signature below)releases TX!Operations LP,dub/a TM and/or any of its drowns,subsidiaries or affiliates from any and all liablfity,damage, loss claims,demands and actions of any nature whatsoever for use of these materials. (Materials to include all materials supplied by TXI)Customer and/or arrter(not to include Txl covered eby this orrder[eCustomer)and/or carriierdrepesents that materials r to bchased are tor delivery and/or use at the destination setpforthtin the delivery Address protluct(s) CARRIER if9g /_ 7 „1j,Vr '1 CUSTOMER ; Aggregate males als have co.vas soon that may be edher natural n occurrence s ed by product.,processes The materials ay also contain trace iron may ...come no t bl M1 occurrence of these c e tou M be am TXI a ia any of o d b affiliates disclaims any end et ror f color van...Ds caused by production processes, al occurrences, we,Even though merd/ous materials ar subjected to stria wally f end slant manufacturing procedures t h ml and may occur No our m nt WARNING!CAUSE S IRRITATION:HA g INHALED.Avoid c/ath oh eyes r.,and control Irritation f k,an asal 'eye Y ock WASH mOROIGHLYAFTER HANDLINGWWUIG AVOID BREATINNG DUST Excessive eTpbour by re hin d o contannH crrid HY nn skca over an extended /ar r sun hdevelopment f pulmonary ludiny Pneumonoc and dc Crys Il i has been deermined by IARC and NTP to b e a know n car cnoyen Has WHO adequate WrABaAan a respiratory protection.See MSOS for e ach product for addltiona warrnysWolfed con or Shhle5endRirevet.Health 2',Flartimabillty 0,Physical Hazard 0,19E Y. Cemenldions Mmes als Heath 3',Flammabddy 0,Physical Hazard 1,PPE X Lmeslone Health 1',FlammabWtn 0,Physical Hazard 1,PPE X UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING PAY Lhoist North America ORIGINAL- NOT NEGOTIABLE Lhoist Group BILL OF LADING NO. 1 t-`' •}' =`s-`'c DATE ' ;s. .,w ; ; RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the i§sue of this Bill of Lading. SHIPPER + !; .: : ,;. FROM '.' -;; • y, -. Y, ,_ ", •,.3:,;-• !, rl , "Customer hereby acknowledges its responsibility to remove the product tendered on the delivery vehicle.Due to the nature of the product and the delivery mode and situs,a quantity of the product may remain in the delivery vehicle following distribution.Customer may remove such quantity,but if not removed, it agrees,by the signature below to pay for the entire quantity indicated hereon which is;tendered and thus available for removal." CONSIGNED TO i s?i1 . ` 4 DESTINATION , ,,i " ", ',COUNTY OF . _ I�C O ROUTE t ',,!7; DELIVERY CARRIE ! 40" i ' r}4 ! )• :_, _ i. �.. +rE x UNIT'#D' DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES,SPECIAL MARKS,AND EXCEPTIONS *WEIGH Subject to Correction) 1 ect to Section 7 of conditions, if r & _ y -L{ j i- this shipment is to be delivered to the consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the •Tie ; o- following statement: t, „ a The Carrier shall not make delivery of .. _ ><. J'4.9 ' this shipment wifiout payment of freight z'4 and all other awti; charges:; I :it`:. . ;., 'NO (Signature of consignor)• :,di ,3, , „I t ;° {. N3�,a; � 'a'v ��,,, '-a=,I r. ) ,7n�f.,� charges are to be prepaid,write or .�� If the stamp here,"To be Prepaid." Sales Ref.#t: ' Seal#: . P.O.: . CONTROL NUMBER � �� RECENV BY t!tiy.. ,y; 3 t' SHIPPER DRIVER/AGENT /7,./-• J RECEIVED BY CONSIGNEE PER `-- ,� ,..� .li ; il...e .4: 3.3 - ... I S _ _ r # PERMANENT ADDRESS OF SHIPPER DUPLICATE (2) UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING ell Lhoist North America ORIGINAL- NOT NEGOTIABLE Lhoist Group BILL OF LADING NO. I DATE RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of this Bill of Lading. SHIPPER i(1 r FROM t .1.i , 10 4 . 1' ti "Customer hereby acknowledges its responsibility to remove the product tendered on the delivery vehicle.Due to the nature of the product and the delivery mode and situs,a quantity of the product may remain in the delivery vehicle following distribution.Customer may remove such quantity,but if not removed, it agrees,by the signature below to pay for the entire quantity indicated hereon which is tendered and thus available for removal." CONSIGNED TO , ' ; r DESTINATION COUNTY OFf ROUTE ;: , . ,. ' DELIVERY CARRIER .�1. s UNIT ID, 'r '' , . DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES,SPECIAL MARKS,AND EXCEPTIONS 'WEIGHT (Subject to Correction) Subject to Section 7 of conditions, if this shipment is to be delivered to the �`^ `i `' this consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the , t;.. following statement: • r:, f , The Carrier shall not make delivery of a this shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges. tk , (Signature of consignor) t :`you hF; •11.31.'; ;? ,r " ,,i; ..'! tis3 . v.P. AP If the charges are to be prepaid,write or stamp here,"To be Prepaid." Sales Ref.#: Seal#: P.O.: it a: ,� ., .'i% j 11. 1 , ^ c CONTROL NUMBER C " 'v-' RECEIVED BY i SHIPPER DRIVER/AGENT i f. , .-7 a. � RECEIVED BY CONSIGNEE PER PERMANENT ADDRESS OF SHIPPER DUPLICATE (2) UNIFORM STRAIGHT BILL OF LADING eflLhoist North America ORIGINAL - NOT NEGOTIABLE Lhoist Group F BILL OF LADING NO. DATE RECEIVED, subject to the classifications and tariffs in effect on the date of the issue of this Bill of Lading. SHIPPER '' ' FROM "Customer hereby acknowledges its responsibility to remove the product tendered on the delivery vehicle.Due to the nature of the product and the delivery mode and situs,a quantity of the product may remain in the delivery vehicle following distribution.Customer may remove such quantity,but if not removed, it agrees,by the signature below to pay for the entire quantity indicated hereon which is tendered and thus available for removal." CONSIGNED TO , ± . DESTINATION COUNTY OF ' ± , ROUTE ; DELIVERY CARRIER` w T "` I UNIT ID DESCRIPTION OF ARTICLES,SPECIAL MARKS,AND EXCEPTIONS 'WEIGHT (Subject to Correction) Subject to Section 7 of conditions, if A i this shipment is to be delivered to the f? consignee without recourse on the consignor, the consignor shall sign the N.' {°' following statement: ;,•.: r s The Carrier shall not make delivery of this shipment without payment of freight and all other lawful charges. (Signature of consignor) If the charges are to be prepaid,write or stamp here,"To be Prepaid." Sales Ref.#: Seal#: P.O.: CONTROL NUMBER ) I ^' M1y' RECEIVED BY SHIPPER DRIVER/AGENT RECEIVED BY CONSIGNEE -_ PER • PERMANENT ADDRESS OF SHIPPER DUPLICATE (22