ST0501-LR12082410044 Monroe Drive Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 352.6957 # Fax (214) 352.6972 0 www.texascmt.com REPORT OF CONCRETE MIX OBSERVATION Report Date: August 31, 2012 Date Concrete Placed: August 2, 2012 Standard 6 "xl2" Cylinders Client: City of Coppell Cylinder Cross - sectional Area: 28.27 Square Inches Project: Deforest Road Reconstruction Concrete Report No.; 52 Contractor: b Company Project No.: 211 -0125 Concrete Supplier and Plant: Tiseo Paving City of Coppell Project No.: ST -05 -01 Location of Placement: Street - Intersections at Allen Rd. & MacArthur Blvd. MATERIALS Source .% Description SSD Batch Wts. OBSERVATION DATA (Lbs /CuYd) Date Tested Mix Number: 2546FI Time Sample Batched: 10:40 AM Cement: 6.0 Sk. Time Sampled: 11:21 AM 1,810 * 28 -day compressive strength Sample Location: 0' - 10' S. of 729 Allen Rd. Fly Ash: 5 8/30/12 67,980* Walkway Coarse Aggregate: Truck: / Ticket No: - I - Intermediate Aggregate: Temperature: Fine Aggregate: Ambient Range: 95 °F 77,600* 2,740 * Concrete Range: 9I °F Admixtures: 56 Slump Range (inches): 6.0 1 Air Weather Conditions: Clear 2 100R Time Started: 10 :00 AM Added Water: Time Completed: 1:00 PM Sample Air Content ( %): 6.0 Total Cubic Yards Placed: 10 Rnrmirpd Strength (I -hc kn in i 1 600 Specimen Number Measured Slump (in.) Age (Days) Date Tested Total Load (Lbs.) Compressive Strength (Lbs. /Sq.In.) Remarks DFR 205 4 816112 51,100 1,810 * 28 -day compressive strength DFR 206 28 8/30/12 67,980* 2,400 * did not meet project 6.0 DFR 207 28 8/30/12 77,600* 2,740 * requirements DFR 208 56 9/27/12 Test Methods Utilized F'racture.Regular Cylinders Made By: MR ASTM C -31, C-39, C -143 (Unless Noted Otherwise) Remarks and/or Distribution: cc: Mr. Larry Davis - City of Coppell, Phone: 972 - 304 -3684; via Fax: 972 - 304 -3570 Mr. George Marshall - City of Coppell, Phone: 972- 304 -3562; via E -mail: - Marshall @coppelltx.gov Mr. Dan DeGroot - Burgess & Niple, Inc., Phone: 972 -620 -1255; via E -mail: Dan.DeGrootBurgessNiple.com Mr. Robert Caudill - Tiseo Paving Company, Phone: 972- 289 -0723; via E -mail: rCaudill((-L,',TiscoPaving.com Mr. Walter Mitchell - Tiseo Paving Company, via E -mail bamobas,i�yahoo.com Texas AMT, Inc. TBPE Firm: F -4521 Reviewed Ail letters and reports are for the exclusive use o£ the client to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced without the full approval of Texas CHIT, Inc _ The use of our name must receive our prior written approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the sample tested and/or observed and are not necessarily indicative of Ste quantities o£ apparently identical or similar products.