ST0501-CS121009 OCT-09-2012 23:53 P.01 Texas CMT, Inc. ATE Construction Materials Testing C Post-its Fax Note 7871 Date pagoes► and Environmental Consulting To 1 j}Q b(t V i S p From -r€4 Lc ..r Co./Dept. co. EEC 10044 Monroe Drive • Dallas, Texas 75229 • (214) 352-1 �Z Phone# 43,7 7..304-3c 34Phone# (�(,3c5a..... P�A#(�7 Fax#17ze c, 35--70 Fax#zL�.'` 72_ GENERAL REPORT Report Date: October 9,2012 i J6 it q Test Date: October 3,2012 Client: City of Coppell tY PP eras Report No.: 1 Project: Deforest Road Reconstruction,Coppell,Texas 'roject No.:211-0125/ST-05-01 /01r1 1 Identification: Concrete Mix Observation Page: 1 of 2 At the request of Mr. George Marshall, the following report has been prepared to document a sequence of events that occurred during westbound leave-out concrete placement on the above referenced test date: A Tiseo Paving Company ready mix delivery truck carrying LMC Plant 952, Ticket No. 62938172 concrete arrived on site on this date with the purpose of concreting west bound leave-out locations. The truck was attempting to position itself adjacent to a westbound leave-out south of Inglenook Court at about 3:25 PM when excessive amounts of smoke began emanating from beneath the truck's hood and via vertical exhaust pipes. A portion of the ready mix concrete present in the truck was quickly placed in the leave-out at Inglenook Court. The ready mix truck then proceeded to a nominal 125x20' leave-out location in Deforest Road westbound pavement south of 748 Deforest Road driveway. Even more smoke poured into the air and black oil was deposited on the surface of existing concrete during this truck repositioning. As concrete placement began again at around 3:35 PM at this second location a 26 inch long piece of old concrete apparently came loose from a fin inside the ready mix truck and traveled down the chute. Within minutes of placement of this large piece of hardened concrete into the leave-out location, the truck started depositing excess amounts of water on top of concrete exiting the truck's drum. At this time we observed concrete traveling down the chute that was not properly mixed with this excess water and did not meet requirements of ASTM C94 and NCT COG Standard Specifications. When the concrete exited the truck chute and was deposited on the leave- out subgrade, the mass had the appearance of concrete with a slump in excess of 11 inches As a OCT-09-2012 23:54 P.02 City of Coppell October 8,2012 result of this non-conforming concrete the Texas CMT, Inc. on-site representative asked that placement be stopped immediately until this problem could be solved. However, concrete placement that did not meet requirements continued for an additional approximately one (1) to two (2) cubic yards. When placement did finally stop, the Tiseo Paving concrete placement superintendent was called to this leave-out location. Texas CMT's on-site representative informed the Tiseo representative that the one (1) to two (2) cubic yards of high slump concrete did not meet the project requirements and requested removal of the non-conforming estimated excess eleven (11) inch slump concrete. More than four (4) requests, over a period of about 10 minutes, were made of Tiseo Paving for removal of the non-conforming high slump concrete from this leave-out location. As Tiseo Paving progressively removed more non-conforming concrete from the leave-out location, some of the additional requests for concrete removal by Texas CMT were accompanied by scooping up of high slump non-conforming concrete still present and placing it in a test cylinder mold. The non-conforming high slump concrete was finally removed to the satisfaction of the Texas CMT, Inc. on-site representative. The non-conforming concrete gathered and placed in a cylinder mold was subsequently discarded. Additional lower slump concrete was then placed by Tiseo Paving to complete the concreting of this leave-out location. A copy of the truck ticket and four(4) progressive digital photos are attached to this General Report. Technician: RG cc: Mr. Larry Davis- City of Coppell, Phone: 972-304-3684; via Fax: 972-304-3570 Mr. George Marshall - City of Coppell, Phone: 972-304-3562; via E-mail: gMarshall @coppelltx.gov Mr. Dan DeGroot-Burgess&Niple, Inc.,Phone: 972-620-1255; via E-mail: Dan.DeGroot @BurgessNipie.com Mr. Robert Caudill - Tiseo Paving Company, Phone: 972-289-0723; via E-mail: rCaudill @TiseoPaving.com Mr. Walter Mitchell - Tiseo Paving Company, via E-mail: barnobas @yahoo.com Texas CMT, Inc. TBPE Firm: F-4521 Reviewed b • All letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the client to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced without th full appro 1 of CMT,Inc. The use o our name must receive our prior written approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the sample tested and/or observed and are not necessarily indicative of the quantities of apparently identical or similar products. Texas CMT,Inc. Project No.211-0125 General Report No.1 City of Coppell Project No.ST-05-01 Page 2 TOTAL P.02