WA9601-AG 980512' ~~.~,~_~...~_ AG ENDA ',' ,~'O RM o - - REQUES CITY COUNC MEETING: 12, 1998 ITEM # ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of Change Order #1 for the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank project in the amount of $230,635.70 to Landmark Structures, Inc. for construction of an off-site water transmission line; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. APPROVED CITY CO N SUBMITTED BY: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. DAT TITLE: Director of Engineering and Public Works STAFF RECOMMENDS: APPROVAL STAFF COMMENTS: See attached memo. BUDGET AMT.$ AMT. EST.$ +/-BUD:$ FINANCIALCOMMENTS: Funds have been allocated in the Water/Sewer CIP accounts for the construction of this water line. DIR. INITIALS: ~-{ FIN. REVIEW: ~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW: Agenda Request Form - Revised 3/98 Document Name: #eng3 MEMORANDUM FROM THE DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING To: Mayor and City Council From: Ken Griffin, P.E., Dir. of Engineering and Public Works ~ RE: Consider approval of Change Order #1 for the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank project in the amount of $230,635.70 to Landmark Structures, Inc. for construction of an off-site water transmission line; and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Date: May 12, 1998 On March 10, 1998 City Council awarded a contract to Landmark Structures, Inc. in the amount of $2,256,717.00 for the construction of a 2 million gallon elevated storage tank. Within the next 5 to 6 months the City of Coppell will be going out for bids for a 24" water transmission line to facilitate the filling of the elevated tank. That 24" water line will go along Sandy Lake Road from Denton Tap Road to near Royal Lane and then south to the elevated tank. As Council may be aware, there is currently the Forest Cove Phase I & II residential development taking place on the south side of Sandy Lake Road east of Coppell Road. That development requires the construction of a brick screening wall adjacent to Sandy Lake Road. During the platting of the subdivision, there were negotiations between the City of Coppell, the developer and TU Electric concerning appropriate corridors to install the future 24" water transmission line. Our water line will be approximately 5 feet away from the proposed brick screening wall. Once the brick screening wall is constructed it will be very difficult for the City to come back in to construct the 24" water line. Therefore, there has been ongoing discussion about ways to expedite the construction of the water line. The City of Coppell has approached the contractor of the elevated storage tank about a change order to construct a portion of the 24" transmission line. While that portion of the water line is not immediately connected to or adjacent to the elevated storage tank it is a critical and integral component to the operation of the elevated storage tank in the future. It is imperative that the City move in a rapid fashion to cause the construction of the 24" water line. We have currently put the construction of the screening wall on hold until such time as we can determine whether or not the change order will be approved by Council. The change order is in the amount of $230,635.70 and the estimated time for completion is the end of July 1998. The entire future 24" transmission water line is approximately 11,500 linear feet. This change order is approximately 1,900 linear feet of that water line, which is about 17% of the overall future project. In order to insure that this portion of the water line can be constructed before the brick screening wall is constructed for Forest Cove, staff recommends the approval of Change Order #1 to the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank in the amount of $230,635.70 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. Staff will be available to answer any questions at the Council meeting. "CITY OF COPPELL ENGINEERING-EXCELLENCE B Y DESIGN" C CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS WAGON WHEEL RANCH ELEVATED STORAGE TANK Project No. WA-96-01 Bid No. Q0198-03 CHANGE ORDER NO. 1 A. INTENT OF CHANGE ORDER The intent of this change order is to modify the provisions of the contract entered into between the City of Coppell, Texas and Landmark Structures, Inc., 1665 Harmon Road, Fort Worth, Texas 76177, for construction of the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank, dated March 10, 1998. B. DESCRIPTION OF CHANGE 1. At the pre-construction conference, Landmark Structures requested permission to paint the tank bowl after it is assembled on the ground and before it is hoisted into position. This is contrary to the project requirements for surface preparation of the tank bowl as outlined in SC. 10.C. Surface Preparation~ of the Special Conditions to the project specifications which requires the tank to be fully assembled prior to painting. The City of Coppell hereby modifies that requirements of SC. 10.C and will allow exterior and interior painting of the tank bowl once it is assembled on the ground and before it is hoisted into its final position on the tank column. The interior and exterior paint systems on the tank bowl are to be re-blasted and coated to a point no less than 2 -feet from the tank bowl/roof plate seam once the roof plates are welded into position. This change order provides for a lump sum deduct from pay item number one for consideration of procedural changes in the application of the paint coating system. 2. As directed by the City of Coppe!l, 1,940 linear feet of 24-inch waterline is to be constructed along Sandy Lake Road from Coppell Road to Whispering Hills Drive. The extra work is identified on the Sandy Lake Road Water Line Plans, sheets 7, 8, and 9, marked "Wagon Wheel Ranch, Change Order No. 1, and dated April 24, 1998. The referenced construction plans are now a part of this project. This work is added in an effort to coordinate with construction for a new development in the vicinity. C. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT AMOUNT This change order will have the following effect on the cost of this project: No. Description Quantity This C.O. Quantity Unit Price of Change la Deduct from Lump Sum Pay Item No. I 0 I 1 L.S. $34,000 ($34,000.00) for revisions to tank painting procedures 2 Fumish and Install 24" Water Line by 0 1,709 1,709 L.F. 76.30 130,396.70 including Embedment 3 Furnish and Install 24" Water Line by 0 105 105 L.F. 300.00 31,500.00 other than Open Cut 4 Furnish and Install 24" Water Line with 0 136 136 L.F. 350.00 47,600.00 36" Encasement Pipe, by other than Open Cut 5 Furnish and Install 8" PVC Water Line, 0 40 40 L.F. 27.00 1,080.00 with Embedment i:\c~eri~,:opp~m96-~49~sp~\~ ao,: (4/30/98) Page I of 2 City of Coppell Wa. go~ Wheel Elevated Storage Change Order No. 1 Page No. 2 of 3 No. Description Quantity This C.O. Quantity Unit Price of Change 6 Furnish and Install 24" Butterfly Valve 0 2 2 Ea. 6,000.00 12,000.00 7 Furnish and Install 12" Gate Valve 0 2 2 Ea. 1,200.00 2,400.00 8 Furnish and Install 8" Gate Valve 0 5 5 Ea. 1,000.00 5,000.00 9 Furnish and Install 3" Air and Vacuum 0 1 1 Ea. 3,600.00 3,600.00 Release Valve 10 Furnish and Install 24" Push-on Dished- 0 2 2 Ea. 1,200.00 2,400.00 Head Plug, with Concrete Blocking 11 Remove &Replace Existing Asphalt 0 70 70 S.Y. 45.00 3,150.00 Pavement 12 Extra Crushed Stone for Embedment 0 15 15 C.Y. 20.00 300.00 13 Furnish, Install, Maintain &Removal of 0 I I L.S. 1,200.00 1,200.00 Erosion Control Devices 14 Furnish, Install &Maintain Traffic 0 I 1 L.S. 2,300.00 2,300.00 Control Devices 15 Desgin & Install Trench Safety Systems 0 1,709 1,709 L.F. 1.00 1,709.00 16 Profit and Overhead (Items 2-15) 0 I 1 L.S. 20,000.00 20,000.00 Original Contract Amount 2,256,717.00 Change Order No. 1 230,635.70 Revised Contract Amount $2,487,352.70 10.22% D. EFFECT OF CHANGE ON CONTRACT TIME It is hereby agreed that work associated with Change Order Number 1, Items 2-15 shall be completed within 45 days after delivery of pipe to the job site. The expected shedule is as follows: Council Approval of Change Order Number 1: May I 1, 1998 Purchase Order and Production of Pipe: May 12 through June 15, 1998 Construction of Items 2 through 15: June 16 through July 31, 1998 j~clerical~,.oppeli\96-149~specs\co-I doc (4/30/'98,) Page 2 of 3 City of Coppell · W.agen Wheel Elevated Storage Change Order No. 1 Page No. 3 of 3 E. AGREEMENT By the signatures below, duly authorized agents of the City of Coppell, Texas and Landmark Structures, Inc., do hereby agree to append this Change Order No. 1 to the original contract between themselves, dated March 10, 1998. j:XclericllXcoppel~96-14cAspeelXco,-I doe (4/30/98) Page 3 of 3