WA9601-AG 980310 AGENDA REQUEST FORM CITY COUNCIL MEETING: March 10, 1998 ITEM CAPTION: Consider approval of awarding Bid/Contract # Q-0198-03 to Landmark Structures, Inc. for the construction of the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank Project # WA 96-01 in the amount of $2,256,717 and authorizing the Mayor to sign. SUBMITTED BY: Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E., TITLE: Director of Engineering & Public Works STAFF RECOMMENDS: Approval X Denial STAFF COMMENTS: On February 19, 1998 two bids were received for the construction of the second elevated storage tank in west Coppell. The low bid was from Landmark Structures, Inc. a highly qualified firm which has recently completed tanks in Farmers Branch, Carrollton, PIano, Irving and University Park. This particular firm builds the pedestal first, then builds the bowl on the ground and makes an event of raising the bowl to the top. The raising of the bowl in Farmers Branch last year received extensive coverage in the Dallas Morning News. The base bids includes the basic 2 million gallon water tank, with some additional storage on the interior and a crane on the interior to lift items to the additional storage. It also includes a brick fence around the exterior landscaping and the construction of a material storage facility. Council may be aware that the current material storage facility at the West Service Center, located at the southwest corner of Royal and Bethel Road, is becoming increasingly unsightly, especially in light of the quality development taking place in the area. Alternate "A" is the construction of a portion of Northpoint Drive to provide paved access to the water tank and the material storage facility. Alternate "B" just provides an all weather access to the site. The estimated construction time for the storage tank is 400 calendar days, with an additional 60 calendar days for the construction of the access. With the start of construction in the vicinity of April 1998, it is anticipated that the water tank should come online in late May or early June 1999. Staff recommends the award of the Base Bid and Alternate "A " to Landmark Structures, Inc. in the amount of $2,256,717 EsT. D ' FINANCIAL COMMENTS: Funds have been allocated in the Water/Sewer CIP accounts for this project. DIR. INITIALS: ~ FIN. REVIEW'~ CITY MANAGER REVIEW. Y Agenda Request Form - Revised 6/96 Document Name eng.1 --- f SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225-5816 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 ROSS L. IACOBS, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. JOE n. CANTER, P.E. February 20, 1998 GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. I. C. FINKLEA, P.E. Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. City of Coppeil Post Office Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank Project Number WA-96-01 Bid Number Q0198-03 Dear Mr. Griffin: We have checked the bids received on February 19, 1998, for the construction of the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank project (Project Number WA-96-01, Bid Number Q0198-03). We are enclosing both a summary of the bids received along with an itemized tabulation of the bids. Landmark Structures, Inc. &Fort Worth, Texas, submitted the low bid base bid and low additive alternate bids for both additive alternate "A" and "B" as follows: Base Bid Amount: ..........................................................................................$2,191,628.00 Base Bid + Additive Alternate "A": ...............................................................$2,256,717.00 Base Bid + Additive Alternate "B": ...............................................................$2,199,691.00 The Base Bid represents the work associated with the construction of the elevated storage tank, material storage area, site improvements and the necessary appurtenances to the tank. Additive Alternate "A" adds the extension of Northpoint Drive approximately 340 feet as a 4-lane divided concrete thoroughfare to the main entrance of the tank site. Additive Alternate "B" adds the extension of Northpoint Drive approximately 340 feet as a gravel access drive to the main entrance to tank. We have worked with this contractor in other Cities and are familiar with their experience and qualifications. They have successfully completed similar elevated storage projects in the City of Farmers Branch, City of Carrollton, City of PIano, City &Irving and University Park. It is our opinion Landmark Structures, Inc. has the equipment, experience and financial capability to properly pursue a project of this type. j :Xcopp~ll\96-149MettmXcortst~awatrd. do~ Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, P.~"" ~ City of Coppell February 20, 1998 Page No. 2 Accordingly, we recommend that the City of Coppell accept either the Base Bid plus Additive Alternate "A" in the amount of $2,256,717.00, or the Base Bid plus Additive Alternate "B" in the amount of $2,199,691.00, and award a contract in either amount to Landmark Structures, Inc., for the construction of the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank project. We are available to discuss this project and our recommendation further at your convenience. Gary C. Hendricks, P.E. Enclosures j :~,op pel 1~96-149~letters~orat~award. doc CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS WAGON WHEEL RANCH 2.0 M.G. ELEVATED STORAGE TANK PROJECT NO. WA-96-01 BID NO. QO198-03 BID SUMMARY Bids Received at 2:00 p.m., February 19, 1998 Plan Holders Base Bid Base + A!t. "A" Base + Alt. '6B" 1. Landmark Structures, Inc. 1665 Harmon Road Fort Worth, Texas 76177 $2,191,628.00 $2,256,717.00 $2,199,691.00 2. Pitt-Des Moines, Inc. 175 Town Park Drive, #240 Kennesaw, GA 30144 $2,350,000.00 $2,413,234.65 $2,356,622.50 .F~_,oppellX96149~Specl~Bid-TaJy.doc TABULATION OF BIDS m~_~ ~v OF ; DATE: February 19, 1998 PROJECT: CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, LLP. Landma~ Stm~ums, Inc. P~-Des Moines, Inc. Wagon ~1 Ranch 2.0 MG E~vat~ Storage Tank CONSULT~G ENGINEERS 1~5 Ha~on Road 175 T~n Pa~ Ddve, ~240 Bid No. Q 0198-03 Dallas, Texas Fo~ Wo~h, Texas 76177 Kennesaw. GA 30144 ITEM APPROXI~TE NO. ~ QUANTITIES UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXTENSION UNIT BID PRICE EXTENSION BASE BID : ~For Pe~o~ nga Wo~ of whatever nature ~uired in std~ ~nfo~an~ w~h the Plans and S~tons to ~nstm~ :i ~ a 2,0~.000 Gallon Composite Elevat~ Steel Water Storage Tank (Reinbr~d Concrete Column and 2 ~ ~ Gallon Steel Tank) (A~A DIO0). t~ether w~h all ne~ssaW appu~enan~s including Design. Materials and ~b~r and ~r all : . I 1 : L.S. wo~ ull~ for in the Plans and S~cffi~tions, w~h the Ex~ption ~o Paving Improvements to No~h~int D~e $2,191,628.~ $2,191,628.00 $2,350,000.~ $2 350 000.~ TOTAL AMOUNT - BASE BID (Ite~No. 1) $2,191,628.00 $2,350,0~.00 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" _ 1~__ ~ 1 ,~3 S.Y. _ .~or Furnishing and InStalling ~lnch Reinfor~d Concrete Pavemn. t_(No~hP n~ Dr ve) $22.00 ~3,186.00 $25.00 ~9,075.00 ~ . 1,205.~ .. L.F._ .~or Furnishing and Ips~ll~gg~ln~h_M~no~ithic Cuffi (No~oint Dri~ .... ~:0~ $2,411.00 $1.30 $1,567.15 ~ ......... 2,12p_ .~-Y..For Lime Treated S~e __ $2.80 $5,950.~ $1.50 $3,187.50 ~ ~ _ Tons j9~ ~im~ ~ . $100.00 $3,400.~ $125.00 ~,2~.~ 5A 3~ .... ~.~. For~nclassifi~ Street Ex~vation $23.00 $8,142.~ $7.50 $2.655.00 . .~ ~_~ ..... Ea.. For Ty~ III Bardsdes . ~ ~00.~ $2.000.~ $500.00 $2,5~.00 ............. TOTAL__~_M~UNT~- A~DITIVE ALTERNA~'A~'~Items 1A Throug~ 6A) $65,089.00 $63,2~.65 ........... ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B" 1B 380 S.Y. For Furnishing and Installing 8-Inch Crushe Stone Paverant ~h~int Ddve~ $12.00 ~,~0.00 $14.~ $5,320.~ . ~ __ 107 _ __~.~. ~FoLU~c~as~~ Street E~vation __ $29.~ $3.103.00 $7.50 $802.50 . 3B .......... 1 ~ Ea, . For Ty~ IIl~arr~ _ ~.00 ~,00 $5~.~ $5~.~ ................ TOTA~ A_M~UNT - ADOITly_E~TERN~_TE "9" (Items 1B Thrp. Hg~ 3B) $S,063.00 $6,622.~~ ...... BASE BID + ALTERNATE "A" (Item I pIp~ I~ems 1A-6A) .......... $2,256,717.00 $2,413,2~.65 BASE BID + ALTERNATE "B" (Item I plus Items 1B- 3B) $2,199,691.00 $2,356,622.~ TABULATION OF BIDS mD OF DATE: FebruaW 19, 1998 PROJECT: CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS SHI~4EK, JACOBS & FIN~EA, L.L~. Landma~ Stm~ures, Inc. Pi~-~s Moines, Inc. Wagon ~1 Ranch 2.0 MG Elevated Storage Tank CONSULT~G ENG~EERS 1~5 Ha~on Road 175 Town Pa~ Dr~e, ~240 B~ No. Q 0198~3 Datl~, Tex~ Fo~ Wo~h, Texas 76177 Kennesaw, GA 301~ ITEM APPROXIBTE ~NO. , QUANTIFIES _ UNIT DESCRIPTION UNIT BID PRICE EXTENSION UNIT BID PRICE BTENSION BASE BID ~For Pe~ing all Wo~ of whatever nature r~uir~ in std~ ~n~n~ w th the Plans and S~tions to ~nstm~ ; ~a 2,0~,~ Gallon Composite E~vat~ Steel Water Storage Tank (Reinfor~ Con~ete Column and 2.~.~ Gallon Steel Tank) (A~A D1 ~), t~ether with all ne~ssa~ appu~enan~s in~uding ~sign, Materials and Labor and for all H . 1 1 L.S. ~wo~ ~ltd for in the Plans and S~tions, with the Ex~ption to Paving Improve~nts to Nodhpoint D~e $2,191,628.00 $2,191.628.~ $2,350,~.~ $2,3~,~.00 TOTAL AMOUNT - BASE BID (Item No. 1~ .......... $2,191.628.00 $2.350,000.00 ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "A" 1A _ 1 ,~3 , S.Y.. For Furnishing and Installing ~ln~ Reinfor~d Concrete Pavement (Noahpoint Drive) $22.00~ ~3.186.00._ $25.00 ~9,075.00 ..... ~ ......... 17~:~ ..... ~.FL_FOr Furnishing and Installing 6-Inch Monolithic Cuffi (Northpoint Drive) $2.00 $2,411.00 $1.30 $1,567.15 3A 2,125 SY. For Lime Treated Su~rade $2.80 $5,950.00 $1.50 $3,187.~ 4A ~ Tons For Lime $100.00 $3.4~.00 $125.00 ~.2~.~ 5A 3~ C.Y. For Unclassffied Street Ex~vation $23.00 $8,142.00 $7.50 $2,655.00 6A 5 Ea. For Ty~ III Baffi~des ~00.~ $2,~.~ $500.00 $2,500.~ . .TOTAL AMOUNT - APD~IYE ~T~BNA~ ,T~" (l~ms 1A Th~0ugh 6A) __ S65,089.00 ....... ~63,2~.~5' ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B" 1B 380 S.Y. For Furnishing and Ipstalling &Inch Crashed Stone Pavement (Noahpoint Drive) $12.~ ~,~0.00 $14.00 $5,320.~ 2B 107 C.Y. For Unclassified Street Ex~vation $29.~ $3,103.~ ~ ~B .... ~00.00 ~.~' $5~.00 $5~.~ 1 Ea. For Ty~ III Bam~des TOTAL AMOUNT - ADDITIVE ALTERNATE "B" _(Items 1B Through 3B~ $8.063.00 $6,622.50 ....... BASE BID + ALTERNATE ,A" (Item 1 plus Items IA * 6A) ............................................ $2,2~,711.00 $2,413,2~.65 .... --: -.- ,pASE BID ~ ~TER~ATE ~?B" (Ite~ 1 plus Items 1B- 3B) ................................ $2.t99,691.00 $2,356,622.50 SHIMEK, JACOBS & FINKLEA, L.L.P. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 8333 Douglas Avenue, #820 Dallas, Texas 75225-5816 Fax (214) 361-0204 Phone (214) 361-7900 ROSS L. JACOBS, P.E. RONALD V. CONWAY, P.E. JOHN W. BIRKHOFF, P.E. Joan. CARTaR, P.a. March 5, 1998 GARY C. HENDRICKS, P.E. I. C. FINKLEA, P.E. Mr. Kenneth M. Griffin, P.E. City of Coppell Post Office Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Re: Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank Project Number WA 96-01 Bid Number Q0198-03 Dear Mr. Griffin: As requested, we are enclosing five (5) sets of contract documents, including the Standard Forn~ of Agreement between the City of Coppell and Landmark Structures, Inc., for the construction of the Wagon Wheel Ranch Elevated Storage Tank, Project Number WA 96-01. These documents have been prepared in anticipation of City Council award on March 10, 1998, in the amount $2,256,717.00 for the Base Bid plus Additive Alternate "A". Upon City Council approval, please have all five copies of the Standard Form of Agreement executed on behalf of the City of Coppell and returned to our office. We will forward the contract and bonds to Landmark Structure, Inc., with further instruction. Once we receive the executed documents from the contractor, we will schedule a pre-construction conference meeting in anticipation of issuing a work order. We are available to discuss this project further at your convenience. Sincerely , , ' "~.S ince/e .~ .E~.' Enclosures j:\coppell\%-150\letlers\corres\con[ract.doc