DR1201-CS130411 (2) Prebid Agenda Project: DR12-01 —Creekview Drive Retaining Wall and Roadway Improvements Contract and Bidding Documents: Allow Jerod or Jennifer to go through their list of items. Special Provisions: 1. The project will begin with the construction of the Gabion wall system, drainage improvements and end with the roadway rehabilitation. (Can this happen simultaneously?) 2. Road Closure—The City will allow the closure of Creekview Drive from station 0+50 to the Tennis Center Driveway. Construction of the portion of roadway at 0+00 for the driveways will need to maintain access to these sites and any driveway closures will need to be coordinated with the property owners. . 3. Road Closure Time—No defined period but it should be understood that construction of the gabions should be able to be done without the closure of Creekview. I.e. maintain 2 lanes on the south side of Creekview. 4. Traffic Control Plan—The contractor will be responsible for providing a detailed traffic control plan. The traffic control plan provided in the plans is intended as a guide. 5. Construction time—Allowable working hours are 8-5 Monday through Friday. Hours worked outside this time are subject to overtime. There are not residential houses within the area therefore overnight/evening work may be approved on a case by case basis. 6. Survey - Contractor to provide their own surveying. 7. Water—Replacement of a 12" main only to serve the purpose of re-establishing compaction in the area. Main will be able to be shut down for a longer time frame than typical. 8. Storm Drainage—repair to the connections to the 60"RCP on the south side of the road. Re-alignment of the storm drainage for inlets in Creekview. 9. Access to all business shall be provided at all times. If necessary, additional signage may be required. 10. Retaining wall on the south side of the roadway will include reconstruction utilizing the existing blocks, if possible. See pay item 214. 11. Lime stabilized subgrade—hydrated lime at 421b/SY min. 12. Award in May, begin early June. 13. All questions in by Thursday 5:00 pm. Monday April 22, close of business final addendum will be sent out if necessary. 4/8/2013 U:\Pcrocker\PROJECTS\DRAINAGE\ACTIVE PROJECTS\DR 12-01 Creekview\Plan\Prebid Agenda.docx