DR1201-SP130805Rhonda Adloo From: Sent: To: Subject: Attachments: Sent from my iPhone George Marshall, PE 469- 964 -4731 Begin forwarded message: George Marshall Thursday, August 08, 2013 11:26 AM Rhonda Adloo; Larry Davis; Richard Gee Fwd: Creekview - Submittal #10 CREEKVIEW SUBMITTAL NO 10- Ap proved. pdf, ATT00001.htm From: "Ernest Fields" <EFields(cr,walterpmoore.com> To: "George Marshall" <GMarshallgcoppelltx.gov> Subject: Creekview - Submittal #10 George, I have attached the latest gabion rock submittal stamped with "No Exceptions ". Feel free to contact me if you have any questions or comments. Thanks, Ernie Ernest L. Fields, P.E., LEED BD +C Principal WALTER P MOORE 1845 Woodall Rodgers Freeway, Suite 1650 Dallas, Texas 75201 -2287 214.740.6200 214.740.6300 fax 214.783.5157 mobile efieldsgwalterpmoore. com< mailto :efields(cr,walterpmoore.com> www.walterpmoore. com <http: / /www.walterpmoore.com> THE CONTENTS OF THIS E -MAIL AND ANY ATTACHMENT(S) ARE CONFIDENTIAL AND THE PROPERTY OF WALTER P. MOORE AND ASSOCIATES, INC. 1 MARK C05�t11trueting S U BM 117AL TRANSM ITTA L FORM vice� SURM1' TAL 1NFOWATION Construction Project ID 13.117 Project Title: Coppell- Creekview Subcontract/PO Number: Originating Company: T B K Materials Date Transmitted: 8J5}13 Submitted By: Tiffany Rawls Transmittal Ne: Submitted for: {check � for Approval W I =or Information certified Data Re-Su brittaI Other Item Flo. Section Reference SpgcJDrayringf Deta $hget N4. Submittal Des[riptign 1 Cabion Rock Gabion Rack Deviation From Specifications: Comments: is is a submittal for anothrr supplier's 4s$gabier, rt}ck ® NO EXCEPTIONS TAKEN ❑ REVISE AND RESUBMIT ❑ EXCEPTIONS NOTED ❑ SUBMIT SPECIFIED ITEM(s) Checking is only for general conformance with design concept of the project and for general compliance with Contract Documents. Contractor is responsible for confirming and correcting dimensions at job sites for information which pertains to fabrication processes or construction techniques and for coordination of work of all trades. Checking of shop drawings shall not relieve the Contractor of responsibility for deviances from requirements of Contract Documents and for errors and omissions in the shop drawings. BY: Ernest L. Fields DATE:08.08.2013 WALTER P. MOORE AND ASSOCIATES, INC Ark Conrrocrirreg 5ervires, [LC - 426 . Dick Aire Road - Xi�rmrdale, Tevai 76 - f'tfdne: A17.412-7400 - Fax 877.478.7432 GRADATION REPORT PERCENTAGE SPECIFICATIONS SY 0tlEIGHT % PASSING PASSING SIEVES_ B" Report Number: 94111255.0006 54 Irerracon 14 3$1 0 Service Date; 05110f12 890pr1 Carpener Frwy, Suite 140 Repo�r1 Ml e: 05 31 f 12 36 Mlias, lit 755247 Specific Gravity 235 214- 634 -1010 N6:F -327,2 C [Beth Project TBK Matr:rials Laboratory Testing Attn: Steplianie Marra TBK karerials PO Box 2706 Dallas, Tx Frisco, TX 75004 �PT�tct Number: 94111255 Servkes: Test Methods Size: Source; Comm tints; Laboratory analysis on gablon stone TEX- 401 -A, TE - 404 -A, TEX -41O -A 4" x 9„ Delivered to Terracan's laboratory SIEVE ANALYSIS SIEVE SIZE PERCENTAGE SPECIFICATIONS SY 0tlEIGHT % PASSING PASSING SIEVES_ B" it0,10 10 Ct 54 W7 14 3$1 0 LA Abrasion 36 Maximum 40 Specific Gravity 235 Minimum 2.4 services: Laboratory analysi'.s on gab -s son stone. Terracan Rcp.: Adam Wood Reported To: Cantractur, Deport Distrlbudon. ¢ I � TBF: M1irrrnals. Einr�tltd Reviewed By: Eric a, Clove [and, F.E. Senior Project manager The testis were performed in general accordance vYilh applleabia ASTM. A,45HTO, ar RQT tnt methods. This Yerport Is excLiveiy far the use yr trl® client indicated above and shall no be reproduced exaypt In full vrithouI the wTlrtiin consent Of Qur company. Test results IransmlNed herein are only applicable to the actual sernpies IBSLed a tite tmaliontsJ referenced and are not necessarily Indicative of the prwerlles of other apparently slmlliar OF identical ma[er'ia1s. L TON 1.61U-] r, Rty 9 Yag 1 or I t kS