DR1201-LR130829 AUG-29-2013 23:41 P.01 A .Texas CMT, Inc. iYA Construction Materials Testing GEE Consultants, Inc. and Environmental Consulting 10044'Monroe Drive • Dallas, Texas 75229 • (214) 352-6957 • Fax (214) 352-6972 • www .texascmt.com MOISTURE DENSITY RELATIONSHIP REPORT Test Report Date: August 29, 2013 Project No; 213-0134 Client: City of Coppell Moisture Report No. 6 Sample Date: August 16, 2013 Project: Ci.......e.s,k3kiew Drive Roadway Improvements 2013, Coppell, Texas Identification: Moisture Density Relationship Post-i/r Fax Note 1)7671 Date t Y pag f •r' To 1fl t`R/ J V i S From Tpp..5 CMT, NK. Test Procedure: ASTM D698 Co./Dept. tot 6o' =rt S 1 s Co.GEE- a COLT ] Test Results: Phone# CM -344 Phone#Z i/{_ j!�`-6;157� Results: Fax# , L.'304._ C • Fax# 21 a 3s-z.... 617z Method tc Optimum Moisture Content 17: - liercent Maximum Density 18.2 ',muds per cubic foot Rammer Type •anual Material Description Dark Gray Gravelly ith Dark Gray Shale Fragments . Material Origin Row #2 Gabion I;K 11 Moisture Preparation Procedure Air Dry Liquid Limit 43 Plastic Limit 14 Plasticity Index (PI) 29 �, Percent Passing No 200 U.S. Sieve 60 / ?e)7 lir' 7 V cc: Mr. Larry Davis - City of Coppell, Phone: 972-304-3684; via Fax: 972- i•- 570 Mr. George Marshall - City of Coppell, Phone: 972-304-3562; via E-mail: gMarshall@coppeiltx.gov Mr. Rod Lacy- The Fain Group, Phone: 817-927-4388; via E-mail: rlacy @faingp.com Mr. Ernie Fields -Walter P. Moore, Phone: 214-740-6251; via E-mail: efields @walterpmoo . om • Mr. Mark North- ARK • ac�rtg, Phone: 817-478-7400; via E-mail: mnorth @arkcontractingservices.com Texas CMT, Inc. TBPE Firm: F-4521 Reviewed by: 02,14,0L Our letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the client to whom they are addressed. The use of our name must receive our prior written approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the sample tested and/or observed,and are not necessarily indicative of the quantities of apparently identical or similar products.