ST0501-CS090204 Rhonda Adloo From:Per Birdsall Sent:Wednesday, February 04, 2009 11:49 AM To:DiWanna Baskins; Keith Marvin; Kim Dalton Subject:Re: Coppell Signal Equipment Attachments:illuminated sign spec PB.doc I will try to answer your questions. My answers are in blue. Please contact me if you have any additional questions. Thanks, Per P.S. Keith, is there a left turn bay being planned for NB MacArthur Blvd.? Per Birdsall, Traffic Control / Streets Operations Manager City of Coppell 816 S. Coppell Rd. P.O. Box 9478 Coppell, Texas 75019 972-462-5150 972-462-5199 pbirdsall@ci.coppell.tx.us >>> Keith Marvin 1/23/2009 10:54 AM >>> Kim, I'm afraid you are over my head on some of the specific questions, so I am going to involve Per in this. Per, Please assist these folks with the design of the new traffic signal for the intersection of Deforest Road and MacArthur Blvd. Thanks, Keith Keith Marvin, P.E. Project Engineer (972) 304-3681 >>> "Kim Dalton" <kdalton@lee-eng.com> 1/23/2009 10:55 AM >>> Keith, I need to know if Coppell has a specific preference for the following signal equipment. I have listed several options, but have no preference. 1 . Opticom: Global Traffic Technologies o Type 711 uni-directional opticom detectors (4) This model of opticom detector works fine. o Type 754 - 4 channel phase selector We prefer the 2 channel phase selector if possible. I believe Model 752 would probably be the call out. o Model 380 card rack Good o Model 138 opticom detector cable Good . VIVDS equipment: Iteris, Autoscope Autoscope Terra Solo . Controller: Naztec (what model?) Naztec 980 NTCIP w/ ethernet port . Spread Spectrum Radio: Encom 5200 We are not utilizing the Spread spectrum at all the intersections. At this time I would request a conduit from Deforest to Samuel in order to have at least coordination through twisted pair but I believe the future of that intersection is ethernet over broadband wireless via Samuel & MacArthur. This will take additional discussion but I still believe in conduit for either fiber or some type of copper. . Push Button: Polara "Bulldog" (Momentary LEFD Model - BDLM2), Audible signals are also available, but cost about $1000 each Polara will be fine, we may need to consider countdown pedestrian displays (indications) depending on location. . Cabinet: Type 2 (Does Coppell have a standard set-up?) It is actually a type 1 with some T2 capability. It needs an access panel for generator plug-in and with automatic power disconnect switch for when the generator is plugged in. Cabinet size 44"x 68"x 27". Two GFCI AC outlets, metal air filter, two fans, 24" tall base (TXDOT). The last model we received from Naztec was 70006 LWSVL. o Power Cabinet - TxDoT txd 120/240 070(NS) AL(E) PS(U). You may want to investigate getting power from the lift station and avoiding the cabinet all together. . In addition, does the City want to include the following equipment: o UPS system? Yes, Clary SP Series (SP1250PD-N (plus)) with 6 Outpost batteries. External battery cabinet 15 ½" x 36 ½" x 16", two shelves, mounted to the signal cabinet. o Illuminated signs? Yes with logo, our last specification is attached. o Confirmation Lights with an independent load panel in the cabinet. o Upload / dowload device (laptop) - this item is necessary for the programming and maintenance of the controller, VIVIDS and the battery back-up systems. Thanks so much for helping me gather the information. Call me if you have any questions or want to discuss this further. Also, tell Edith that Kim said "hi"! Kimberly Dalton, P.E. Senior Engineering Designer 2 Lee Engineering, LLC 3030 LBJ Freeway, Suite 1660 Dallas, TX 75234 Office: 972-248-3006 Cell: 972-310-0185 Fax: 972-248-3855 3