Oncor-CS080529 Rhonda Adloo From:Keith Marvin Sent:Thursday, May 29, 2008 4:04 PM To:lredick1@oncor.com Cc:DiWanna Baskins; Kenneth Griffin; Michael Garza; Charles.Nutt@oncor.com; David.Turk@oncor.com; Jerry.Bates@oncor.com Subject:Re: Permits Larry, The permit form used by the city for work performed in the city right of way asks for the name and contact information for both the utility company representative as well as the contractor. The second page then has a signature block for both the contractor and the utility company. There are many reasons why the permit is set up this way, however the most important two are to ensure we have appropriate contact information for the responsible party for all work activity within the right of way, and to ensure that all parties have seen and agree to the terms and conditions of the permit. We understand that this can cause some difficulty in terms of assigning a contractor and scheduling work activities. We are willing to work with you in terms of providing some form of pre-approval so you may schedule the work, and have the contractor come by and sign the permit when they are ready to begin. I am happy to discuss this issue further. Please call me at your convenience. Keith Keith Marvin, P.E. Project Engineer (972) 304-3681 >>> <lredick1@oncor.com> 5/29/2008 10:59 AM >>> I recently turned in a permit to do work to serve the new Coppell Senior Center on Bethel rd. I was called by Dawana stating that she wanted a representative from our contractors to sign the permit. I have turned in numerous permits and I have been the only one who signed the permits, both for the company and contractor representative, since I would be the project manager on the job. I do not know who you want to sign the permit from the contractors (who work for us), we have several crews that do work for us, with each of our contract companies and I do not know which one would be assigned any particular job. If you insist on having a contractor representative sign these permits let me know who would be acceptable to sign them. I tried with this particular permit to have Tom Daily sign the permit, who is the Field Construction Coordinator for Oncor, (he assigns the jobs to the contractors), but I was told that we needed to have a person from the contract company sign it. It would not be feasible for me to track down someone from our contract company to sign these permits. 1 If there is an issue with these permits I, as the project manager would need to know about it anyway. Larry Redick PMDS Project Designer Senior 972-323-8917 Confidentiality Notice: This email message, including any attachments, contains or may contain confidential information intended only for the addressee. If you are not an intended recipient of this message, be advised that any reading, dissemination, forwarding, printing, copying or other use of this message or its attachments is strictly prohibited. If you have received this message in error, please notify the sender immediately by reply message and delete this email message and any attachments from your system. 2