DR1201-CS131002 Rhonda Adloo From:Michael Garza Sent:Wednesday, October 02, 2013 9:31 AM To:Rod Lacy Cc:Rhonda Adloo; Rick Odell; George Marshall Subject:RE: Saturday work If all you are doing is backfill and cleanup and nothing requiring inspections, I have no problems with you working on Saturday. Michael Garza, P.E. Assistant Director of Engineering City of Coppell 972-304-7019 From: Rod Lacy [mailto:RLacy@faingp.com] Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 8:44 AM To: Michael Garza Cc: Rhonda Adloo Subject: RE: Saturday work Mr. Garza, Thank you for getting back with me. It will mostly consist of cleanup work on the Creekview Drive project. We poured yesterday and will be pouring today. We will mostly be doing backfill, clean up and trash removal. Just little odds and ends, nothing major. Thanks, Rod Lacy Fain Group From: Michael Garza [mailto:MGarza@coppelltx.gov] Sent: Wednesday, October 02, 2013 8:38 AM To: Rod Lacy Cc: Rhonda Adloo Subject: Saturday work Rod, As of right now I do not have anybody working on Saturday, I am working on getting somebody to work Saturday, I will have an answer for you later this morning or early afternoon. What kind of work will you be doing? Thanks, Michael Garza, P.E. Assistant Director of Engineering City of Coppell 972-304-7019 1