DR1201-LR130920 SEP-20-2013 20:10 P.07 AVA s CMT, Inc Construction Materials Testing GEE consultants, Inc. and Environmental Consulting 10044 Monroe Drive • Dallas, Texas 75229 • (214) 352-6957 • Fax (214) 352-6972 • www .texascmt.com • REPORT OF IN-PLACE DENSITY AND MOISTURE OF SOIL Density Report No.34 (213-0135) Method:ASTM D6938 D698 Page 1 of I • Client:The Fain Group Material Description Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture Project: Creekview Drive Roadway (Lbs./cu.ft.) Content Improvements 2013 (Percent) 1. Reddish Brown Clay 97.7 22.9 Test Date:September 16,2013 2. Yellowish Brown Clayey Sand 120.9 12.2 (Select Fill) Report Date:September 20,2013 3. Dark Brown Clay 99.5 22.9 4. Brown,Tan and Yellowish 97.9 23.7 Required Density(%):Min.95% Brown Clay 5. Dark Brown Clayey Sand with 116.4 12.5 Required Moisture(%): Dark Gray Shale Fragments Clays:OMC+0 to+4%; 6. Dark Gray Gravelly Clay with 108.2 17.1 Sand and/or Select Fill: OMC-3 to+3%; Shale Fragments • Cem-lime Treated:OMC-2 to+3% 7. Yellowish Brown&Olive Brown 107.3 _18.1 Clay with Gravel 8. Light Brown Clayey Sand(Cem- 118.6 11.5 lime Treated) 9. Light Brown Clayey Sand(Cem- 113.9 14.0 lime Treated) • Test No. Material Probe Location/Elevation(and/or)Lift In-Place In-Place Percent No. Depth Dry Density Moisture Compaction - (inches) (Lbs/Cu.Ft.) Content(%) (%) 88 9 4 Retest of No.83-Cem-lime treated 109.3 10.3* 96.0 subgrade,westbound lane,sta.4+90, 12'S. of N.Edge 89 9 4 Retest of No. 84-Cem-lime treated 109.8 9.4* 96.4 subgrade,eastbound lane,sta.3+90,4'N. of Inlet 90 8 4 Retest of No. 85-Cem-lime treated 112.3 9.2* 94.7* subgrade,westbound lane,sta.2+90, 10'S. of N.Edge * Test results did not meet project specifications cc: Mr. Larry Davis-City of Coppell,Phone:972-304-3684;via Fax: 972-304-3570 Mr.George Marshall-City of Coppell,Phone:972-304-3562;via E-mail:gMarshall @coppelltx.gov Mr.Rod Lacy-The Fain Group,Phone: 817-927-4388;via E-mail:rlacy @faingp.com Texas CMT, Inc. TBPE Firm: F-4521 Reviewed by: All letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the client to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced without the full approval of Texas CMT,Inc. The use o our name must receive our prior written approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the sample tested and/or observed and are not necessarily indicative of the quantities of apparently identical or similar products_ TOTAL P.07 SEP-20-2013 20:09 P.04 AW& Texas C TT, Construction Materials Testing GEE Consultants, Inc. and Environmental Consulting 10044'Monroe Drive • Dallas, Texas 75229 • (214) 352-6957 • Fax (214) 352-6972 • www .texascmt.com REPORT OF IN-PLACE DENSITY AND MOISTURE OF SOIL Density Report No.31 (213-0134) Method:ASTM D6938 D698 Page 1 of 1 Client:City of Coppell Material Description Maximum Optimum Dry Density Moisture Project: Creekview Drive Roadway (Lbs./cult.) Content • Improvements 2013 (Percent) 1. Reddish Brown Clay 97.7 22.9 Test Date:September 11,2013 7:00 AM 2. Yellowish Brown Clayey Sand 120.9 12.2 (Select Fill) Report Date:September 20,2013 3. Dark Brown Clay 99.5 22.9 4. Brown,Tan and Yellowish 97.9 23.7 Required Density(%):Min.95% Brown Clay 5. Dark Brown Clayey Sand with 116.4 12.5 Required Moisture(%): Dark Gray Shale Fragments Clays:OMC+0 to+4%; 6. Dark Gray Gravelly Clay with 108.2 17.1 Sand and/or Select Fill:OMC-3 to+3%; Shale Fragments " ' Cem-lime Treated:OMC-2 to+3% 7. Yellowish Brown&Olive Brown 107.3 18.1 • Clay with Gravel 8. Light Brown Clayey Sand(Cem- 118.6 11.5 lime Treated) • 9. Light Brown Clayey Sand(Cem- 113.9 14.0 lime Treated) 4 Test No. Material Probe Location/Elevation(and/or)Lift In-Place In-Place Percent No. Depth Dry Density Moisture Compaction - (inches) (Lbs/Cu.Ft.) Content(%) (%) 76 4 8 Row 7 Gabion Backfill, 1'Lift, 125'E.of 87.4 21.9 89.3* W.End _ 77 6 8 Row 7 Gabion Backfill,2nd Lift, 117'E.of 103.4 17.2 95.6 W.End 78 6 8 Row 6 Gabion Backfill,Final Lift, 18'E.of 106.0 22.5 98.0 W.End 79 6 8 Row 7 Gabion Backfill, 1 n Lift, 12'E.of 107.4 15.9 99.3 W.End *Test results did not meet project specifications cc: Mr.Larry Davis-City of Coppell,Phone: 972-304-3684;via Fax: 972-304-3570 Mr.George Marshall-City of Coppell,Phone: 972-304-3562;via E-mail:gMarshall @coppelltx.gov Mr. Rod Lacy-The Fain Group,Phone: 817-927-4388;via E-mail:rlacy @faingp.com Mr. Ernie Fields-Walter P.Moore,Phone:214-740-6251;via E-mail: efields @walterpmoore.com Mr,Mark North-ARK Contracting,Phone: 817-478-7400;via E-mail:nmorth @arkcontractineservices.com Texas CMT,Inc. TBPE Firm: F-4521 Reviewed b : tr ___ All letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the client to whom they are addressed and shall not be reproduced without the full approval of Texas CMT,Inc. The e of our name must receive our prior written approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the sample tested and/or observed and are not necessarily indicative of the quantities of apparently identical or similar products.