WA1004-CS090128 Rhonda Adloo From:Keith Marvin Sent:Wednesday, January 28, 2009 10:02 AM To:Maurice Pittman Cc:Kenneth Griffin; Gary Bailey Subject:Re: SH 121 Right of Way Maurice, Can you update us on the status of this ROW issue? Is TxDOT working on the appraisals of the parcels? Any information you could share would be appreciated. Keith Keith Marvin, P.E. Project Engineer (972) 304-3681 >>> "Maurice Pittman" <MPITTMA@dot.state.tx.us> 12/1/2008 8:57 AM >>> Ken, the answer I got from ROW is the two tiered approach cannot be done. However, the District ROW section has come up with funds to have all the parcels appraised. The map will be revised with the new appraisal numbers. Also I spoke with the utility section at the District about the water line. After we looked at the drawing, the line would have to be moved from the area of the braided ramps and every crossing must be encased. I'll keep you updated. >>> "Ken Griffin" <kgriffin@ci.coppell.tx.us> 11/20/2008 12:10 PM >>> Maurice I know you're probably not the right person but, I have another thought on the right of way. Has the state ever considered a two tiered agreement where the first agreement is for 10% of the appraisals? Once the appraisals are completed, we would have a better idea of the real level of exposure for costs. Also, since we paid our 10% on the appraisal costs, I assume we would be able to have copies of the appraisals prior to executing the second agreement for the actual cost of right of way. I still have no idea how the $5,700,000 was arrived at. I looked at DCAD and the values range anywhere from $2 to $7. If the value is really in that range, then the requested payment could be too high. I'm also unclear on when any surplus monies would be returned. I thought I heard that any refunds would be settled up after construction of the project. Is that correct? Or, would any right of way money be settled up after all the right of way is secured, but prior to the actual start of construction. If the two tiered agreement works, I probably could get the first agreement for 10% of the appraisal costs on the December 9th Council meeting. I would need the agreement by December 1st. Let me know if any of this sounds workable. Thanks for your consideration of this idea. 1