WA1004-LR14140313AuiRnce GGEOTEGMYICRL GROUP Consulting Engineering * Geotechnical Engineering * Construction Materials 3228 Halifax Street, Suite A, Dallas, Texas 75247 Phone: (972) 444 -8889 Fax: (972) 444 -8893 Acct ID: 1770 File No: C14 -0138 Date Sampled: 03/11/2014 Report Date: 03/13/2014 Proctor Number Sampled By: Hernandez, Caleb Project: SH 121 Water Line Relocation By Order Of: Alfredo Location: Sh 121 Frontage Road 24.2 Order Number: 1770 Client: City of Coppell +2.5 99.8 Pass REPORT. Nuclear Field Density Test Station 11 +00 LAB NO: 159720 101.6 157439 1 Test Method: See Below Pass 3 TEST RESULTS Report No: 159720 21.9 100.7 157439 Page 1 of 2 +0.2 100.9 Optimum Maximum -1' Station 11 +00 121.4 Proctor Moisture Dry Density 157439 1 Proctor No Date (%) (pcf) Color / Description 5 -4' 157439 01/27/2014 21.7 99.8 Dark Brown Clay 96.4 157439 Specification Moisture Band Specification No. Compaction, % Minimum Maximum 1 95 -2.0 4.0 Location: 12 inch Water Line Test No. Lift # / Depth Location Wet Moisture Density Content (POO % Dry Density (Pco Proctor Number Spec. No. Moisture Deviation Percent Proctor Density Pass Fail 1 -4' Station 11 +00 123.7 24.2 99.6 157439 1 +2.5 99.8 Pass 2 -3' Station 11 +00 122.5 20.6 101.6 157439 1 -1.1 101.8 Pass 3 -2' Station 11 +00 122.8 21.9 100.7 157439 1 +0.2 100.9 Pass 4 -1' Station 11 +00 121.4 20.0 101.2 157439 1 -1.7 101.4 Pass 5 -4' Station 9 +00 119.3 23.8 96.4 157439 1 +2.1 96.6 Pass 6 -3' Station 9 +00 121.7 19.7 101.7 157439 1 -2.0 101.9 Pass 7 -2' Station 9 +00 121.1 21.2 99.9 157439 1 -0.5 100.1 Pass 8 -1' Station 9 +00 120.7 20.1 100.5 157439 1 -1.6 100.7 Pass 9 -4' Station 6 +00 121.7 25.1 97.3 157439 1 +3.4 97.5 Pass 10 -3' Station 6 +00 123.0 24.0 99.2 157439 1 +2.3 99.4 Pass 11 -2' Station 6 +00 119.3 20.5 99.0 157439 1 -1.2 99.2 Pass 12 -1' Station 6 +00 120.7 20.2 100.4 157439 1 -1.5 Pass Ong: City of Coppell (Coppell, TX) Attn: Mr. Albert Samaniego (1-cc copy) Alliance Ueotecnnlcal croup V,' Perry C, Kakara, CME Department Manager 1 , THIS REPORT APPLIES ONLY TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES INDICATEDAND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED AND /OR OBSERVED AND ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE O THE QUALITIES OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS OR PROCEDURES, NOR DO THEY REPRESENT AN ONGOING QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THEADDRESSED CLIENTAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION. N RLLIRfICE GGEOTEChiniCRL GROUF Consulting Engineering * Geotechnical Engineering * Construction Materials 3228 Halifax Street, Suite A, Dallas, Texas 75247 Phone: (972) 444 -8889 Fax: (972) 444 -8893 Acct ID: 1770 File No: C14 -0138 Date Sampled: 03/11/2014 Report Date: 03/13/2014 Sampled By: Hernandez, Caleb Project: SH 121 Water Line Relocation By Order Of: Alfredo Location: Sh 121 Frontage Road Order Number: 1770 Client: City of Coppell REPORT. Nuclear Field Density Test LAB NO: 159720 Test Method: See Below TEST RESULTS Report No: 159720 Page 2 of 2 Gauge No.: 7007 Daily Standard Counts: 03/11/2014 DS: 3108 MS: 382 Test Methods: ASTM D6938 -10 CONFORMS Orig: City of Coppeil (Coppell, TX) Attn: Mr. Albert Samaniego (1-cc copy) Respectfully Submitted, Alliance Geotechnical Group Perry C. Kakara, CME Department Manager THIS REPORT APPLIES ONLY TO THE STANDARDS OR PROCEDURES INDICATEDAND TO THE SAMPLE(S) TESTED AND /OR OBSERVED AND ARE NOT NECESSARILY INDICATIVE OF THE QUALITIES OF APPARENTLY IDENTICAL OR SIMILAR PRODUCTS OR PROCEDURES. NOR DO THEY REPRESENTAN ONGOING QUALITY ASSURANCE PROGRAM UNLESS SO NOTED. THESE REPORTS ARE FOR THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF THE ADDRESSED CLIENTAND ARE NOT TO BE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTEN PERMISSION.