WA8801-CN 881031 PROJECT MANUAL INCLUDING CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SPECIFICATIONS FOR: 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DALLAS AND DENTON COUNTIES, TEXAS NOVEMBER 1988 GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS 17103 PRESTON ROAD, SUITE 100, LB-118 DALIAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 248-4900 Set No.// TO WE ARE SENDING YOU/~ Attached [] Under separate cover via/L~t,J ~j,,~J the following items: R Shop drawings [] Prints p~f Plans [] Samples ~ Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order [] COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval fFor your use D As requested [] For review and Eomment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit.. [] Submit [] Return .. copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US REMARKS COPY TO I If enclosures ore not el noted, kindly notify us at once. 11 i T TI%BLE OF CONTENTS GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEX]&S ! [ T~BLE OF CONTENTS TC-I DIVISION O-BIDDING ~D CONTI~CT REOUIREMENTS 00010 00030 00040 00100 00110 00220 00300 00410 00430 00510 00600 00610 00650 00700 00800 00810 00830 00850 00900 PRE-BID INFORMATION ADVERTISEMENT FOR BIDS BIDDERS QUALIFICATION FORMS INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS FOR BONDS SOIL INVESTIGATION DATA PROPOSAL AND BID FORMS BID BOND FORM SUBCONTRACTOR LISTING STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT PERFORMANCE BOND (PB-1 THRU PB-2) PAYMENT BOND (PB-3 THRU PB-4) CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT (GC-1 THRU GC-14) SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS SPECIFIC PROJECT REQUIREMENTS INDEX TO DRAWINGS ADDENDAAND MODIFICATIONS DIVISION 1-GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 01010 01014 01015 01041 01045 01050 01070 01100 01152 01202 01300 01310 01320 01340 01370 01410 01420 01500 01600 01630 01700 01720 01730 01750 SUMMARY OF WORK WORK SEQUENCE CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES PROJECT COORDINATION CUTTING AND PATCHING FIELD ENGINEERING ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE STANDARDS ALTERNATES AND ALTERNATIVES APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PROGRESS MEETINGS SUBMITTALS CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PROGRESS REPORTS SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES SCHEDULE OF VALUES TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE SERVICES TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS MATERIAL AND EQUIPMENT SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS CONTRACT CLOSE-OUT PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA WARRANTIES AND BONDS GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS TC-2 DIVISION 2-8ITEWORK 02100 02220 02221 02430 02480 02510 02515 02610 02615 02618 02640 SITE PREPARATION STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING FOR UTILITIES DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES AND FITTINGS LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS CONCRETE WALKS CONCRETE PAVING PIPE AND FITTINGS CAST IRON AND DUCTILE IRON PIPE PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE VALVES, COCKS AND HYDRANTS DIVISION 3-CONCRETE 03100 03200 03251 03300 CONCRETE FORMWORK CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND WATERSTOPS CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE DIVISION 15-MECHANICAL 15100 MISCELLANEOUS PIPING 15220 BUTTERFLY VALVES END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 BIDDIN3 ~ CONTI~CT DOCUNENTil GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO · 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS 'i .r DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00010 - PRE-BID INFORMATION PAGE 00010-1 PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Ae The title of the project is 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES, Request For Proposal No. 0035, for the CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS. The bid opening date is November 17, 1988, 10:00 A.M.. Plans will be available from the office of the Engineers on November 1, 1988. Advertisement dates: October 28, 1988, November 4, 1988 and November 11, 1988. Bids will be received at the City Hall, City of Coppell, Texas. 1.2 LOCATION: The specific location of the project is as shown on the location map provided in the plans: more specifically, Line A, the main 24" crosstown water line will begin at Southwestern Boulevard and Coppell Road, continue along Southwestern Boulevard to Belt Line Road intersection with Denton Tap Road; then continuing along Belt Line Road past Moore Road, Mockingbird Lane, to Mac Arthur Boulevard, tying to an existing main at that point. Line "B" will be along Mac Arthur Boulevard, north to Village Parkway. Line "C" is located along Parkway Boulevard, east of Denton Tap Road in the vicinity of the Town Center. Line "D" is located along Moore Road and Carter Drive. 1.3 1.4 SCOPE: The project consists of the installation and construction of water lines and all appurtenances to fully complete the project. B. The project will be a unit price bid proposal· C. The project length will be 150 calendar days. BONDS: Ae A Bid Bond, in the amount of 5% of the greatest amount bid will be required. A Performance Bond and a Material and Labor Payment Bond will be required of the successful bidder. GINN, INC. -CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00010 - PRE-BID INFORMATION PAGE 00010-2 1.5 QUALIFICATIONS: A. Qualifications of bidders or information that may be required are as follows: 1. Qualifications of bidder to do work. 2. Experience record in this type work. 3. List of equipment and manpower to be assigned to this project. 4. Financial statement of firm submitting bid. B. Other information deemed necessary for the evaluation of the bids received. 1.6 DRAWINGS AND SPECIFICATIONS: A. Drawings and specifications may be following locations: Be 1. Office of the Engineer 2. Dodge Room 3. Texas Contractor 4. Associated General Contractors viewed at the Drawings and specifications may be purchased, only, at the office of the Engineer. The cost of the plans and specifications is $150, non-refundable. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0- BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00030 - ADVERTISEMENT FOR BID8 PAGE 00030-1 Sealed proposals addressed to the CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS for the 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES,Request for proposal No. 0035 will be received at the Coppell Town Center, 255 Parkway Boulevard, Coppell, Texas until 10:00 a.m., November 17, 1988, and then publicly opened and read aloud. The Instructions to Bidders, Proposal Forms, Forms of Contract, Plans, Specifications, and Forms of Bid Bond, Performance and Payment Bond, and other contract documents may be examined at the following: Ginn, Inc., Consulting Engineers 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248 (214) 248-4900 Dodge Reports 1111 W. Mockingbird~#1200 Dallas, Texas 75247 (214) 358-6111 Associated General Contractors 11111 Stemmons Freeway Dallas, Texas 75229 (214) 358-5357 Texas Contractor 2510 National Drive Garland, Texas 75041 (214) 271-2693 Copies may be obtained at the office of Ginn, Inc. for a payment of $150.00 per set, non-refundable. Bidding documents will be mailed via U.S. Mail, fourth class, upon receipt of payment, plus $10.00 handling and shipping charge. The Owner reserves the right to waive any informalities and/or to reject any or all bids. Each Bidder must deposit with his bid, a security in the amount, form and subject to the conditions provided in the Instruction to Bidders. PRINCIPAL ITEMS OF WORK INCLUDED IN THIS PROJECT APPROXIMATELY 21350 LF OF 24" DIAMETER PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE, AWWA C301; 48" STEEL ENCASEMENT PIPE; APPROXIMATELY' 2450 LF OF 16" DUCTILE IRON PIPE; 24" AND 16" BUTTERFLY VALVES; MANHOLES; 8", 12" AND 16" GATE VALVES; 18" STEEL ENCASEMENT; 8" PVC PIPING; RELOCATION OF EXISTING WATER LINES; CONCRETE AND ASPHALT REMOVAL AND REPLACEMENT; AIR RELEASE VALVES; LANDSCAPING; AND TRENCH SAFETY. Advertisement Da : October 28,1988; November 4, 1988 and November 11, 1988. Plans will be available on November 1, 1988. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00040 - BIDDERS OUALIFICATION FORMS PAGE 00040-1 PART I - GENERAL (TO BE SUBMITTED UPON REQUEST AFTER BIDS ARE RECEIVED) 1.1 GENERAL: Bidder: Address: Project: 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINE8 CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS. REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 0035 Pursuant to Contract Documents and information for prospective bidders for above mentioned proposed project, the undersigned is submitting the information as required with the understanding that the purpose is for your confidential use only to assist in determining the qualifications of this organization to perform the type and magnitude of work included; and further, guarantee the trust and accuracy of all statements hereinafter made, and will accept your determination of qualifications without prejudice. The surety herein named, any other bonding company, bank, subcontractor, supplier, or any other persons, firms or corporations with whom I/we have done business, or who have extended any credit to me/us are hereby authorized to furnish you with any information you may request concerning me/us including but not limited to, information concerning performance on previous work and my/our credit standing with any of them: and I/we hereby release any and all such parties from any legal responsibility whatsoever on account of having furnished such information to you. 1.2 ITEMS TO BE FURNISHED: A. Qualification of Bidder Statement B. Experience Record C. Equipment Schedule D. Financial Statement E. Affidavit GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TERA8 DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00040 - BIDDERS OUALIFICATION FORM8 PAGE 00040-2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL: A. Copies of forms furnished to Bidder· B. Bidder may use own forms, provided information is supplied. all pertinent PART 3 -EXECUTION 3.1 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDER STATEMENT: A. Number of years in business as contractor: a general B. Classification of work done: Building.__ Water Other (Explain: Sewer ) Types of work done in each classification: Building: Sewer: Water: Maximum number of contracts in excess of $10,000 under construction at one time: Approximate dollar volume of incomplete work under contract at any one time: List of complete projects of comparable type and magnitude of this project: Proiect Owner Arch/Engineer Yr. Built Contract Price List of incomplete projects: Proiect Owner Arch/Engineer % Complete Contract Price Have you or any present partners or officers failed to complete a contract: If so, give name of owner and/or surety; GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00040 - BIDDER80UALIFICATION FOPafS PAGE 00040-3 Are there any unsatisfied demands upon you as to your accounts payable? If so, give names, amounts and explanation: Name and address of bank and officer for reference: Other Credit References: Name and address of Bidder's address of agent used by Bidder: Surety and name and 3.2 Use additional paper if necessary. NOTE: EXPERIENCE RECORD: A. List of Projects your Organization has successfully completed: AMOUNT OF CONTRACT AWARD TYPE OF DATE NAME AND ADDRESS WORK ACCEPTED OF OWNER List of Projects your Organization is now engaged in completing: AMOUNT OF TYPE OF ANTICIPATED DATE NAME AND ADDRESS CONTRACT AWARD WORK OF COMPLETION OF OWNER List of Surety Bonds in Force on work: DATE OF TYPE OF CONTRACT AWARD BOND AMOUNT OF BOND above uncompleted NAME AND ADDRESS OF SURETY GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00040 - BIDDERS OUALIFICATION FORM8 PAGE 00040-4 EQUIPMENT SCHEDULE: A. List of Equipment owned by bidder that serviceable condition and available for use. is in Portions of work Bidder proposes to sublet in case of Award of Contract including amount and type: GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00040 - BIDDERS OUALIF!CATION FORMS 3.4 FINANCIAL STATEMENT: Condition of Bidder at close of business month, PAGE 00040-5 1. Cash on Hand $ In Bank Elsewhere 10. 11. ASSETS Accounts receivable from completed contracts (Exclusive of claims not approved for payment). Accounts receivable from other sources than above Amounts earned on uncompleted contracts (not included in Item 3) (Contract price on completed portion of uncompleted contracts less total cost of completed portions). Deposits for bids on other guarantees Notes Receivable Past Due $ Due 90 Days Due Later Interest earned Real Estate Business Property, present value Other Property, present value Stocks & Bonds, listed on Exchange Unlisted Equipment, machinery, fixtures Less Depreciation Other Assets TOTAL ASSETS $ $ $ GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00040 - BIDDERS OUALIFICATION FORMS PAGE 00040-6 3.5 LIABILITIES AND NET WORTH: Notes Payable to Banks Regular (For Certified Checks) Equipment Obligations Others Accounts Payable Current Past Due 3. Real Estate Mortgages 4. Other Liabilities 5. Reserves Capital Stock Paid Up Common Preferred 7. Surplus TOTAL LIABILITIES $ $ $ $ $ $ $ GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00040 - BIDDER80UALIFICATION FORME PAGE 00040-7 3.6 AFFIDAVIT: Submitted by With principal office at an individual a partnership corporation To be filled in by Cor13oration: To be filled in bv Partnership: Date incorporated Date formed Under the laws of State State whether partnership is general, limited or associated: Executive Officer: List Members: State of County of being duly sworn, deposes and say that he is of (Title) (Name of Organization) and that the answers to the foregoing questions on the attached forms and all statements therein are true and correct; that the financial statement, the experience record and the schedule of equipment are made a part of this affidavit as though written in full herein, and all statements and answers to questions given in the above mentioned financial statement, experience record and schedule of equipment are true and correct. Sworn to before me this day of ,A.D., 19 .. My Commission expires: (SEAL) Notary Public END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-1 PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Defined Terms: Terms used in these Instructions to Bidders which are in the General Conditions of the Construction Contract, have the meanings assigned to them in the General Conditions· Owner: Wherever the word "OWNER,' is used in the specifications and Contract Documents, it shall understood as referring to the CITY OF COPPELL, Coppell, Texas. Engineer: Wherever the word "ENGINEER" is used in the specifications and Contract Documents, it shall be under- stood as referring to Ginn, inc., 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100, LB 118, Dallas, Texas 75248, phone (214) 248-4900. Resident Project Representative: The authorized representative of the Engineer, assigned to observe and review any or all parts of the work and the materials to be used therein. Bidder: An individual, firm or corporation combination thereof, submitting a proposal· or any Contractor: The individual, firm or corporation or any combination thereof, party of the second part, with which the contract is made by the CITY OF COPPELL, Texas. Superintendent: authorized to Engineer and construction. The representative of the Contractor receive and fulfill instructions from the who shall supervise and direct the Documents: Complete sets of the Bidding Documents, (full size drawings and specifications), may be obtained from the Engineer upon receipt of the required payment as stated in the Advertisement for Bids. The payment is non- refundable. No Bidding Documents will be issued later than four (4) days prior to the date for receipt of bids. If requested, Bidding Documents will be mailed via U.S. Mail, Fourth Class rate, upon receipt of the required payment, plus a $10.00 handling and shipping charge. Private courier or overnight delivery service will be at the request and sole expense of the Bidder. The Owner and Engineer assume NO responsibility for delay or failure to receive plans sent by mail, or any other form of delivery service. Plans and specifications may be examined at Ginn, Inc., and copies may be obtained upon providing the required payment. No partial sets of plans, specifications or proposal forms will be issued. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIPaMENTS SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-2 Complete sets of Bidding Documents shall be used in preparing Bids; neither Owner nor Engineer assume any responsibility for errors or misinterpretations resulting from the use of incomplete sets of Bidding Documents. Discrepancies= Should a Bidder find any discrepancy, ambiguity, inconsistency, error or omission from the drawings, specifications or project manual or of the site and local conditions, or be in doubt as to their written meaning, it is requested that the Bidder promptly notify the Engineer who then will send a written instruction or interpretation to all known holders of the documents. Neither the Owner nor the Engineer will be responsible for any oral instructions. Addenda: Any addenda to the drawings, specifications, or project manual issued before or during the time of bidding shall be included in the proposal and become a part of the contract· All questions by prospective bidders as to the interpretation of the Instructions to bidders, forms of proposal, forms of contract, drawings, specifications or bonds must be submitted, in writing, to the Engineer, at least ten (10) days before the date set for the opening of bids. An interpretation of all questions so raised which, in the Engineer'$ opinion, require interpretation will be mailed to prospective bidders at the addresses given by them no later than four (4) days before the date of the opening of bids. Failure of any bidder to receive any such addendum or interpretation shall not relieve such bidder from any obligation under his bid as submitted. All addenda so issued shall become part of the Contract Documents. Any addenda will be mailed or delivered to all Bidders receiving a complete set of Bidding Documents. No Addenda will be issued later than four (4) days prior to the date for receipt of bids except an Addendum, if necessary, postponing the date for receipt of bids or withdrawing the request for bids. Each Bidder shall acknowledge on bid proposal that he has received all Addenda issued. Substitutions: The materials, products and equipment described in the specifications and/or shown on the drawings establish a standard or required function, dimension, appearance and quality as required by the Engineer. NO SUBSTITUTION8 WILL BE CONSIDERED DURING BIDDING. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24n CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUII~XMENTS SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-3 F. Work to be done: The work to be done under this contract is described in the specifications and shall be done in accordance with the contract drawing and specifications prepared by Ginn, Inc. - Consulting Engineers, Dallas, Texas. 1.2 BIDDING: Method of Bidding: The proposal provides for quotation of a price, or prices, for one or more bid items, which may be lump sum bid prices, alternate bid prices, or a combination thereof· No payment will be made for items not set up on the proposal, unless otherwise provided by contract amendment. All Bidders are cautioned that they should include in the prices quoted for the various bid items all necessary allowances for the performance of all work required for the satisfactory completion of the project· Subcontracts: The bidder is specifically advised that any person, firm or other party to whom it is proposed to award a subcontract under this contract must be acceptable to the Owner. It is further required that the name of the mechanical and electrical subcontractors and any other listed subcontractor be noted on the proposal form in the blank space provided. Failure to list these will be sufficient grounds to reject the proposal. 1.3 BID SECURITY: Bid Security shall be made payable to the Owner in an amount of five percent (5%) of the Bidder's maximum Bid price and in the form of certified or bank check or a Bid Bond issued by a Surety Company, licensed to transact such business in the State of Texas and listed on the current Treasury Department Circular No. 570. The Bid Security of the Successful Bidder and those of the three (3) lowest responsible and eligible bidders will be retained until the successful Bidder has executed the Agreement and furnished the required Contract Security, whereupon they will be returned. All bid securities will be returned on the execution of the contract or, if no award is made, within ninety (90) days after the actual date of the opening thereof unless forfeited under the conditions herein stipulated. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-4 In case a party to whom a Contract is awarded shall fail or neglect to execute the Contract and furnish the satisfactory bonds within the time stipulated, the Owner may determine that the bidder has abandoned the Contract and, thereupon, the proposal and acceptance shall be null and void and the bid security accompanying the proposal shall be forfeited to the Owner as liquidated damages for such failure or neglect and to indemnify said Owner for any loss which may be sustained by failure of the bidder to execute the Contract and furnish the bonds as aforesaid, provided that in case of death, disability or other unforeseen circumstances affecting the bidder, such bid security may be returned to him. After execution of the contract and acceptance of the bonds by the Owner, the bid security accompanying the proposal of the successful bidder will be returned. 1.4 QUALIFICATION OF BIDDERS: To demonstrate qualifications to perform the Work, each Bidder may be required to submit written evidence of the types set forth in Section 00040 - Bidders Qualifications, such as financial data, previous experience and evidence of Bidder's qualification to do business in The State of Texas or covenant to obtain such qualification prior to award of the contract. Additionally, all Bidders shall be prepared to show that they are skilled, experienced in, and have been regularly engaged in the type of construction involved and that they have the necessary financial resources to finish the Work in a proper and satisfactory manner in the time specified. The Engineer and Owner reserve the right to require documented evidence of the foregoing from the Contractor prior to award of the contract. De The Owner may make such investigations as it deems necessary to determine the ability of the bidder to perform the work and the bidder shall furnish to the Owner such information and data for this purpose. The Owner reserves the right to reject any proposal if the evidence submitted by or the investigation of such bidder fails to satisfy the Owner that such bidder is properly qualified to carry out the obligations of the Contract and to complete the work contemplated therein. The Owner reserves the right to reject any or all propoeale bide if it would be in the public interest to do so. A proposal which includes for any item a bid that is abnormally low or high may be rejected as unbalanced. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ] ] DIVISION 0 - BIDDING ~ CONTI~CT REOUIRENEI~T8 SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-5 The investigations of a bidder will seek to determine whether the organization is adequate in size and experience and whether available equipment and financial resources are adequate to assure the Owner that the work will be completed at a rate consistent with the completion date set forth in the proposal. The amount of other work to which the bidder is committed will also be a consideration in establishing that a contractor is a "responsible and eligible bidder" in conformity with the requirements of the Contract. 1.5 EXAMINATION OF CONTRACT DOCUMENTS AND SITE: Conditions of Work: Each Bidder must fully inform himself of the conditions relating to construction of the project and employment of labor thereon· Failure to do so will not relieve a Successful Bidder of his obligation to furnish all material and labor necessary to carry out the provisions of his contract· Insofar as possible, the Contractor must employ methods or means to cause no interruption of or interference with the work of any other contractor· Examination of Site: All Bidders, including the general Contractor and subcontractors shall examine carefully the site of the Work to acquaint himself with working conditions and all difficulties that may be involved therein, and shall examine carefully all drawings, specifications and other Contract Documents to familiarize himself with all of the requirements, terms and conditions thereof. Any information relating to the Work furnished by the Owner or others, or failure to make these examinations shall in no way relieve any Bidder from the responsibility of fulfilling all of the terms of the contract, if awarded a contract. Also, failure to visit the site will in no way relieve the Successful Bidder from furnishing any materials or performing any work required to complete Work in accordance with drawings and project manual without additional cost to the Owner. Laws, Regulations, Permits and Taxes: The Bidder's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable state laws, municipal ordinances, rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the contract throughout, and they shall be deemed to be included in the contract the same as though herein written out in full as a part of these documents. Contractor shall secure, and include compensation for, in his proposal, all permits and all required taxes which are levied by governing bodies and which are assessable upon labor and materials entering into this Work. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENT8 SECTION O0100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-6 1.6 Before submitting his Bid each Bidder may, at his own expense, make such investigations and tests of the site as the Bidder may deem necessary to determine his Bid for performance of the Work in accordance with the time, price and other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. On request, Owner will provide each Bidder access to the site to conduct such investigations and tests as each Bidder deems necessary for submission of his Bid. The lands upon which the Work is to be performed, rights-of- way for access thereto and other lands designated for use by Contractor in performing the Work are identified in the General Conditions, General Requirements or Drawings. If project is bid, based upon unit price bidding, bidder shall be advised that: the quantities of work or materials as set forth in the proposal form or on the plans are a calculated approximation and are for the purpose of comparing the Bids on a uniform basis. Payment will be made by the Owner to the Contractor only for the actual quantities of work performed or materials furnished in accordance with the contract. The quantity of work to be done and materials to be furnished may be increased or decreased as hereinafter provided. Obligation of Bidder: At the time of opening of bids, each Bidder will be presumed to have inspected the site and to have read and be thoroughly familiar with the drawings, specifications and the project manual, including all addenda. The submission of Bid will constitute an incontrovertible representation by the Bidder that he has complied with every requirement of this section, and that the Contract Documents are sufficient in scope and detail to indicate and convey understanding of all terms and conditions for performance of the Work. No allowance will be made for any claim that the proposal is based upon incomplete information as to the nature and character of the site or the work involved. Conditional proposals will not be accepted. BID PROPOSALS: General: The Bidder shall submit two Original Bid Proposals based exactly on the documents as issued. No substitutions, revisions or omissions from the plans and/or specifications will be accepted unless authorized in writing by the Engineer. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ~ 'T '! T DIVISION 0 - BIDDING M~D CONTI~CT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TOBIDDERS PAGE 00100-7 The proposal form is attached hereto~ additional copies may be obtained from the Engineer. Bid proposals must be completed in ink or by typewriter. The Bid price of each item on the form must be stated in words and numerals; in case of a conflict,' words will take precedence. The Bid proposal must be signed with the full name of the Contractor and his address; if a partnership, by a member of the firm with the name and address of each member; if a corporation, by an officer thereof, the corporate name, and have a corporate seal affixed. Form: Make all proposals on forms provided and fill all applicable blank spaces without interlineation, alteration or erasure and must not contain recapitulation of the Work to be done. No oral, telegraphic, or telephonic proposals will be considered. Any addenda issued during the bidding shall be noted on the proposal form. Submittal: Each Bidder shall submit two copies of his Bid completely and properly executed on proposal forms provided· Each Bid, without the "Specifications and Contract Documents", shall be enclosed in a separate sealed envelope, with the words "Bid for" followed by the project title and the Bidder's name and address, and accompanied by the Bid Security and other required documents· If the Bid is sent through the mail or other delivery system, the sealed envelope shall be enclosed in a separate envelope with the notation "BID ENCLOSED" on the face thereof· SPECIFICATION8 AND CONTRACT DOCUMENT8 8HALL NOT BE RETURNED WITH THE BIDS. Telegraphic Modifications= Any Bidder may modify his Bid by telegraphic communication at any time provided such communication is received by the Owner prior to the scheduled closing time. Written confirmation must be received within two days from the closing time or no consideration will be given the telegraph modifications. Withdrawal: If, within twenty-four hours after Bids are opened, any Bidder files a duly signed written notice with Owner and promptly thereafter demonstrates to the reasonable satisfaction of Owner that there was a material and substantial mistake in the preparation of his Bid, that Bidder may withdraw his Bid and the Bid Security will be returned. Thereafter, that Bidder will be disqualified from further bidding on the Work. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIRENENTS SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-8 1.7 OPENING OF BIDS: The CITY OF COPPELL, Texas (herein called the "Owner") invites all Bids on the form attached hereto, all blanks of which must be appropriately filled in. Bids will be received by the Owner at time and place stated in Section 00030 - Advertisement For Bids, and then at said location publicly opened and read aloud. The envelopes containing the Bids must be sealed, addressed to the CITY OF COPPELL, and designated as "Bid for 24- CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES for COPPELL, TEXAS,,, Request for Proposal No. 0035. Be When Bids are opened publicly they will be read aloud, and an abstract of the amounts of the base Bids and major alternates (if any) will be made available after the opening of Bids on a bid tabulation sheet sent to all bidders. 1.8 BIDS TO REMAIN OPEN: All Bids shall remain open for ninety (90) days after the day of Bid Opening, but Owner may, in his sole discretion, release any Bid and return the Bid Security prior to that date. 1.9 CONTRACT AWARD: Ae Owner reserves the right to reject any and all Bids, to waive any and all informalities and to negotiate contract terms with the Successful Bidder, and the right to disregard all nonconforming, nonresponsive or conditional Bids. Discrepancies between words and figures will be resolved in favor of words. Discrepancies between the indicated sum of any column of figures and the correct sum thereof will be resolved in favor of the correct sum. Be In evaluating Bids, Owner shall consider the qualifications of the Bidders, whether or not the Bids comply with the prescribed requirements, and alternates and unit prices if requested in the Bid forms. It is the Owner's intent to accept alternates (if any are accepted) in the order in which they are listed in the Bid form, but Owner may accept them in any order or combination. Owner may consider the qualifications and experience of subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material or equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which the identity of subcontractors and other persons and organizations must be submitted as provided in GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS t t i -'- 003.00-9 DIVISION 0 - BIDDING ~ CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTIONS TO BIDDERS the Supplementary Conditions· Operating costs, maintenance considerations, performance data and guarantees of materials and equipment may also be considered by Owner. Owner may conduct such investigations as he deems necessary to assist in the evaluation of any Bid and to establish the responsibility, qualifications and financial ability of Bidders, proposed subcontractors and other persons and organizations to do the Work in accordance with the Contract Documents to Owner's satisfaction within the prescribed time. Owner reserves the right to reject the Bid of any Bidder who does not pass any such evaluation to Owner's satisfaction. If the contract is to be awarded it will be awarded to the lowest Bidder whose evaluation by Owner indicated to Owner that the award will be in the best interests of the project. If the contract is to be awarded, Owner will give the Successful Bidder a Notice of Award within ninety (90) days after the day of the Bid opening. After award of contract to Successful Bidder, the Contractor shall agree to begin work within ten (10) calendar days after the date of "Notice to Proceed" of the Owner and to fully complete the project within the stated number of consecutive calendar days thereafter as stipulated on the bid proposal and agreement between Owner and Contractor. 1.10 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES FOR FAILURE TO ENTER INTO CONTRACT: In the event the Bidder's proposal is accepted, and he fails or refuses to enter into the contract and furnish the required Performance and Payment Bonds within fifteen (15) days after he has received notice of the acceptance of his Bid, unless given a written extension of time by the Owner, then the Bidder will be considered as having abandoned his proposal and his Bid Security will be retained by the Owner as liquidated damages, IT NOW BEING AGREED that the specified sum of the Bid Security is a fair estimate of the amount of damages that the Owner will sustain in case the Bidder fails to enter into the contract and furnish the Performance and Payment Bonds within the time stated in the proposal. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWI~TER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEX~S DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTION8 TO BIDDERS PAGE 00100-10 1.11 CONTRACT TIME: Ae The number of days within which, or the date by which, the Work is to be completed (the Contract Time) is set forth in the Bid Form and will be included in the Agreement. The Contract Time for this project is: ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY (150) CALENDAR DAYS Extension of accordance Agreement. time of completion will be permissible in with Section 4.02 of General Conditions of 1.12 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: Provisions for liquidated Proposal. damages are set forth in the Liquidated damages for this project are: FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($500.00) PER CALENDAR DAY 1.13 SUBCONTRACTORS, ETC.: The apparent Successful Bidder, and any other Bidder so requested will, within seven (7) days after requested by the Owner, submit to the Owner a list of all the suppliers, subcontractors and other persons and organizations (including those who are to furnish the principal items of material and equipment) proposed for those portions of the Work as to which such identification is so required. Such list shall be accompanied by an experience statement with pertinent information as to similar projects and other evidence of qualification for each such Subcontractor, person and organization if requested by the Owner. If Owner or Engineer after due investigation has reasonable objection to any proposed Subcontractor, other person or organization, either may before giving the Notice of Award request the apparent Successful Bidder to submit an acceptable substitute without an increase to Bid price. If the apparent Successful Bidder declines to make any such substitution, the Contract shall not be awarded to such Bidder, but his declining to make any such substitution will not constitute grounds for sacrificing his Bid Security. Any Subcontractor, other person or organization so listed and to whom Owner or Engineer does not make written objection prior to the giving of the Notice of Award will be deemed acceptable to Owner and Engineer. Be No Contractor shall be required to employ any Subcontractor, other person or organization against whom he has reasonable objection. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00100 - INSTRUCTION8 TO BIDDER8 PAGE 00100-11 1.14 PERFORMANCE AND OTHER BONDS: Security for Faithful Performances Simultaneously with his delivery of the executed contract, the Contractor shall furnish a surety bond or bonds as security for faithful performance of this contract and for the payment of all persons performing labor on the project under the contract and furnish materials in connection with this contract· The surety on such bond or bonds shall be by a duly authorized surety company, satisfactory to the Owner, if requested by the Bidder. Bonds shall remain in effect through the guarantee period unless otherwise required by State Law. Seal impressions will be required on all bonds submitted to Owner. Power of Attorney: Attorneys-in-fact, who sign contract bonds, must file with each bond a certified and effectively dated copy of their power of attorney. Laws and Regulations: The bidder's attention is directed to the fact that all applicable state laws, municipal ordinances and the rules and regulations of all authorities having jurisdiction over construction of the project shall apply to the Contract throughout and they will be deemed to be included in the Contract the same as though herein written out in full. 1.15 SIGNING OF AGREEMENT: When Owner gives a Notice of Award to the Successful Bidder, it will be accompanied by at least six unsigned counterparts of the Agreement and all other Contract Documents. Within fifteen (15) days thereafter, Contractor shall sign and deliver at least six counterparts of the Agreement to Owner with all other Contract Documents attached. Within ten (10) days thereafter, Owner will deliver all fully signed counterparts to Contractor. Engineer will identify those portions of the Contract Documents not fully signed by Owner and Contractor and such identification shall be binding on all parties. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING XND CONTI~CT REOUIRENEI~T2 SECTION 00110 - GENEP~L INSTRUCTIONS FOR BONDS PAGE 00110-1 PART 1- GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL The surety on each bond must be a responsible surety company which is qualified to do business in Texas and satisfactory to the Owner. The name, including full Christian name, and residence of each individual party to the bond shall be inserted in the body thereof, and each such party shall sign the bond with his usual signature on the line opposite the scroll seal, and if signed in Maine, Massachusetts or New Hampshire, an adhesive seal shall be affixed opposite the signature. If the principals are partners, their individual names will appear in the body of the bond, with the recital that they are partners composing a firm, naming it, and all the members of the firm shall execute the bond as individuals. The signature of a witness appropriate place, attesting individual party to the bond. shall appear in the the signature of each E $ If the principal or surety is a corporation, the name of the state in which incorporated shall be inserted in the appropriate place in the body of the bond, and said instrument shall be executed and attested under the corporate seal, the fact shall be stated, in which case a scroll or adhesive seal shall appear following the corporate name. The official character and authority of the person or persons executing the bond for the principal, if a corporation, shall be certified by the secretary or assistant secretary according to the form attached hereto. In lieu of such certificate, records of the corporation as will show the official character and authority of the officer signing, duly certified by the secretary or assistant secretary, under the corporate seal, to be true copies. The date of this bond must not be prior to the date of the contract in connection with which it is given. Amounts of bonds shall be as set forth in Paragraph 3.10 of the General Conditions. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00220 - 8OIL INVESTIGATION DATA PART I - GENERAL PAGE 00220-1 1.1 GENERAL: Soil investigation reports have been prepared for the trench safety study required for the Crosstown Water line and miscellaneous water lines. That report was obtained by the Engineer for his own use in designing the project. Its accuracy or completeness is not guaranteed by the Owner or the Engineer and in no event is it to be considered as part of the contract plans or specifications. Contractor shall not rely on subsurface information obtained from Engineer, or indirectly from Owner. Bidder should visit the site and acquaint himself with conditions prior to bidding. Additionally, the Bidder/Contractor may make his own investigation of existing subsurface conditions· Neither the Owner, nor the Engineer will be responsible in any way for the additional compensation for additional work performed under the contract due to Contractor's assumptions based on subsoil data prepared solely for Engineer's use. Copies of these trench safety study report for the Crosstown Water Line may be inspected at the Engineer's office. It is available for information 0nly and is not a warranty of subsurface conditions on this project. The data is available for review by bidding contractors upon written request. Requests are required to be in the following form: "Please forward copy of the trench safety study report for the Crosstown Water Line. The contracting firm herein named releases the Owner and Engineer from any responsibility or obligation as to its accuracy or completeness or for any additional compensation for work performed under the Crosstown Water Line Project contract due to assumptions based on use of such furnished information." D. Copy of trench safety study is in Appendix A. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION Not Used END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM PAGE 00300-1 BID FOR: 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND NISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL NO. 0035 THIS BID SUBMITTED TO: CITY OF COPPELL 255 PARKWAY BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 248 COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 Gentlemen: The BIDDER, in compliance with your invitation for bids for the above referenced project, having examined the plans and specifi- cations with related documents including any Addenda, (if issued) and the site of the proposed work, and being familiar with all of the conditions surrounding the construction of the proposed project including the availability of materials and labor, hereby proposes to furnish all labor, materials, and supplies, and to construct the project in accordance with the Contract Documents, of which this proposal is a part. The undersigned BIDDER proposes and agrees, if this Bid is accepted, to enter into an agreement with OWNER in the form included in the Contract Documents to perform and furnish all Work as specified or indicated in the Contract Documents for the Contract Price and within the Contract Time indicated in this Bid and in accordance with the other terms and conditions of the Contract Documents. BIDDER accepts all of the terms and conditions of the Advertisement, Invitation to Bid and Instructions to Bidders, including without limitation those dealing with the disposition of Bid security,. This Bid will remain subject to acceptance for ninety (90) days after the day of Bid opening. BIDDER will sign and submit the Agreement with the Bonds and other documents required by the Bidding Requirements within fifteen (15) days after the date of OWNER's Notice of Award. The undersigned, as BIDDER, declares that the only person or parties interested in this proposal as principals are those named herein, that this proposal is made without collusion with any other person, firm or corporation; that he has carefully examined the form of Contract, Instruction to Bidders, Specifications, and the Plans herein referred to and has carefully examined the locations, conditions and classes of materials called for in the Contract Documents and Specifications in the manner prescribed and according to the requirements of the Owner as herein set forth. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM PAGE 00300-2 This Bid is genuine and not made in the interest of or on behalf of any undisclosed person, firm, or corporation and is not submitted in conformity with any agreement or rules of any group, association, organization or corporation: BIDDER has not directly or indirectly induced or solicited any other Bidder to submit a false Bid: BIDDER has not solicited or induced any person, firm, or corporation to refrain from bidding: and BIDDER has not sought by collusion to obtain for itself any advantage over any other Bidder or over Owner. BIDDER hereby agrees to commence work under this Contract on or before a date to be specified in written "Notice to Proceed" by the OWNER and to fully complete the project within 150 consecutive calendar days thereafter as stipulated in the Specifications. BIDDER further agrees to pay as liquidated damages, the sum of $500.00 for each consecutive calendar day thereafter as hereinafter provided in Section 00810, Paragraph 1.1, E, 4.02 of the Modifications to General Conditions. Accompanying this proposal is a (Certified or Cashier's Check payable to the City of Coppell) (Bid Bond) in the amount of ($ ), which is five percent (5%) of the greatest amount bid. BIDDER acknowledges receipt of the following addendum: (If none-issued, indicate N/A) ADDENDA # DATE ADDENDA # DATE ADDENDA # DATE ADDENDA # DATE BIDDER agrees to perform all Specifications and as shown on unit price bid: the work described in the the Plans for the following (Amounts are to be shown in both words and figures. discrepancy, the amount shown in words will govern.) In case of GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM ITEM APPROX UNIT DESCRIPTION NO. QTY UNIT PRICE WRITTEN AMT 6.2.9c16 30 LF Concrete encasement of existing sanitary sewer PAGE 00300 - 3 UNIT TOTAL PRICE ITEM PRICE 6.4 -(A) 600 LF 6.4 -(B) 110 LF 6.5 -(A) 261 LF 6.5 -(B) S8 SY 6.7.3 (A) 16,130 LF 6.7.3(B) 85 LF 48" Steel Encasement Pipe, in-place 18" Steel Encasement Pipe, in-place Saw cut existing concrete/asphalt Remove/replace exist. concrete/asphalt 24" Diam PCCP (C301) Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe Relocate/adjust exist 8" diam. water line 6.7.3i A 1 LS 6.7.3i B 1 LS 6.7.3i C 1 LS 6.7.3i D i LS 6.7.3i E 1 LS 6.7.3k A 7 EA Tie-in to exist 24"at Sta. 0+00, complete- in place Tie-in to proposed 12" at Sta. 27+47 complete-in-place Tie-in to exist 12" at Sta. 101+60, complete-in-place Tie-in to exist 12" at Sta. 127+87, complete-in-place Tie-in to exist 24" at Sta 159+60, complete-in-place 24" Butterfly valve complete-in-place GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 LINE "A" 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM ITEM APPROX UNIT DESCRIPTION NO. QTY UNIT PRICE WRITTEN AMT 6.7.3k B 2 EA 12" Gate val~e with riser, complete-in- place 6.7.3k C 1 EA 6" Gate valve with riser, complete-in- place 6.7.31 A 3 EA Air/vacuum release valve, Type 1, complete, see plans 6.7.31 B 7 EA Air/vacuum release valve, Type 2, complete, see plans 6.7.3m A 1 Relocate/adjust exist EA fire hydrant UNIT PRICE. PAGE 00300 - 4 TOTAL ITEM PRICE 7.12 7 EA 8.3 - A 56 SY 8.3 - C 2 LS TS -A- 1 1 LS TS-A-2 1 LS TS-A-3 1 LS Manhole for 24" butterfly valve, complete-in-place Install 4' wide concrete sidewalk (4"thick) Saw/remve/replace concrete rip-rap, gabions included Trench safety, Case 1 Over 5' up to 10' depth Trench safety, Case 2 Over 10' up to 15' depth Trench safety, Case 3 Over 15'up to 20' depth SUB-TOTAL LINE "A" GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 LINE "A" 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS PAGE SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM 00300 - 5 ITEM APPROX UNIT DESCRIPTION NO. QTY UNIT PRICE WRITTEN AMT 6.2.6 A 20 EA Remove/replace exist 2" Cedar Elm tree UNIT TOTAL PRICE ITEM PRICE 6.2.6 B 19 Remove/replace exist EA 3" Cedar Elm tree 6.2.6 C 16 Remove/replace exist EA 4" Cedar Elm tree 6.2.6 D 6.2.6 E 6.2.6 F 11 EA 11 EA 3 EA 6.2.6 G 1 EA Remove/replace exist 5" Cedar Elm tree Remove/replace exist 6" Cedar Elm tree Remove/replace exlst 8" Cedar Elm tree Remove/replace exist 9" Cedar Elm tree 6.2.6 H 1 EA Remove/replace exist 3" Oak tree 6.2.6 I 1 Remove/replace exist EA 4" Oak tree 6.2.6 J 2 EA 6.2.6 L 2 EA 6.2.6 M 1 EA Remove/replace exist 5" Oak tree Remove/replace exist 4" Magnolia tree Remove/replace exist 6" Magnolia tree 6.2.6 N 1 LS Replace exist grass disturbed during locations) GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS __DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 LINE "B" 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM ITEM APPROX UNIT NO. QTY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE WRITTEN AMT 6.2.9c16 50 LF Concrete encasement of existing sanitary sewer main 6.4 A 280 LF 6.5 A 1201 LF 48" Diam. Steel encasement pipe, complete Saw cut existing concrete/asphalt PAGE 00300 - 6 UNIT TOTAL PRICE ITEM PRICE 6.5 B 364 LF 6.7.3 A 5183 LF 6.7.3 C 330 LF 6.7.3i F 1 LS 6.7.3i G 1 LS 6.7.3k A 2 EA 6.7.31 A 2 EA 6.7.31 B 3 EA 7.12 2 EA TS-B-1 1 LS Remove/replace exist concrete/asphalt 24" Diam. PCCP (C301) Prestressed concrete cylinder pipe Relocate/adjust exist 10" Water line Tie-in to exist 24" at Sta. 9+96, complete-in-place Tie-in to exist 24" at Sta 62+27, complete-in-place 24" Butterfly Valve, complete-in-place Air/vacuum release valve, Type 1 complete-in-place Air/vacuum release valve, Type 2, complete-in-place Manhole for 24" Butterfly valve, complete-in-place Trench safety, Case 1 over 5' up to 10' depth GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 LINE "B" 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS : I I ", DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM ITEM APPROX UNIT DESCRIPTION NO. QTY UNIT PRICE WRITTEN AMT TS-B-2 1 LS Trench safety, Case 2 over 10' up to 15' depth TS-B-3 1 LS Trench safety, Case 3 over 15' up to 20' depth UNIT PRICE PAGE 00300 - 7 TOTAL ITEM PRICE 6.7.3 D 2687 LF 6.7.3k B 6 EA 6.7.3m B 8 EA 6.4 D 215 LF TS-C-1 1 LS TS-C-2 1 LS 6.7.3i H 1 LS 16" Diam. Ductile Iron pipe, Class 51, complete-in-place 16" Butterfly valve, with riser, complete- in-place 6" Fire hydrant assembly,w/gate valve complete-in-place 42" Diam. Steel encasement pipe, complete-in-place Trench safety, Case 1 over 5' up to 10' depth Trcnch safety, Case 2 over 10' up to 15' depth Tie-in to exist 16" at Denton Tap/Parkway Blvd., complete. SUB-TOTAL LINE "B" SUB-TOTAL LINE "C" GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 LINE "B" & "C" 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENTS SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL AND BID FORM ITEM APPROX UNIT DESCRIPTION NO. QTY UNIT PRICE WRITTEN AMT 6.4 D 75 LF 6.7.3 B 80 LF 27" Diam. Steel encasement pipe, complete-in-place 8" PVC, DR14 Pipe complete-in-place UNIT PRICE PAGE 00300 - 8 TOTAL ITEM PRICE 6.7.3k D 1 EA 6.7.3 n 1 EA 8" gate valve with riser, complete-in- place w/tap sleeve 8" x 6" reducer complete-in-place 8.3-B 4 Remove/replace exist SY concrete sidewalk TS-D-1 1 LS Trench safety, Case 1 over 5' up to 10' depth SUB-TOTAL LINE "D" ALT. 1 21,313 LF 24" Ductile Iron Pipe Class 51, MJ fittings in lieu of 24" PCCP SUMMARY OF BID QUANTITIES SUB-TOTAL LINE "A" SUB-TOTAL LINE "B" SUB-TOTAL LINE "C" SUB-TOTAL LINE "D" TOTAL BID PRICE GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 LINE "D", ALTERNATE 1, AND SUMMARY OF BID 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING ILWD CONTI~CT REOUIRENENTS PAGE SECTION 00300 - PROPOSAL 1LWD BID FORN 00300-9 BIDDER agrees to provide the following documents which are attached to and made a condition of this Bid: Required Bid security in the form requested, 00410. A completed Subcontractor Listing as shown in Section 00430, of these documents. BIDDER agrees to provide the following document upon request after the bids are received: Required Bidder's Qualification statement with supporting data as indicated in Section 00040 of these documents. BIDDER understands that the OWNER reserves the right to reject any or all bids and to waive any informalities in the bidding. Consideration for selection of the successful BIDDER will be as follows: Total Bid Amount based on Pipe Material selected by the Owner (Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe or Ductile Iron Pipe alternate). The BIDDER agrees that this bid shall be good and may not be withdrawn for a period of ninety (90) calendar days after the scheduled closing time for receiving bids. Upon receipt of written notice of the acceptance of this bid, BIDDER will execute the formal Contract attached within fifteen (15) days and deliver a Surety Bond or Bonds as required by the General Conditions. The Bid Security attached in the sum of ($ ) is to become the property of the OWNER in the event the Contract and Bond are not executed within the time above set forth, as liquidated damages for the delay and additional expense to the OWNER caused thereby. Respectfully submitted, (Firm) By: (SEAL-if bid is by a corporation) Title: (Business Address) END OF PROPO8AL (Telephone Number) GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0- BIDDIN~ AND' CONTRACT REOUZREMENT2 SECTION 00410 - BID BOND FORM KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that we, PAGE 00410-~ the undersigned, as Principal, and as Surety, are hereby held and penal sum of for payment jointly and severally bind ourselves, administrators, successors and assigns. SIGNED, this The Condition the Principal has certain Bid, attached hereto and hereby enter into a contract in of which, well and truly our day of of the above obligation submitted to firmly bound unto as Owner in the to be made, we hereby heirs, executors, , 19 . is such that whereas a made a part hereof to writing, for the NOW, THEREFORE, a. If said Bid shall be rejected, or in the alternate, If said Bid shall be accepted and the Principal shall execute and deliver a contract in the Form of Contract attached hereto (Properly completed in accordance with said Bid) and shall furnish a bond for the payment of all persons performing labor or furnishing materials in connection therewith, and shall in all other respects perform the agreement created by the acceptance of said Bid, then this obligation shall be void, otherwise and same shall remain in force and effect; it being expressly understood and agreed that the liability of the Surety for any and all claims hereunder shall, in no event, exceed the penal amount of this obligation as herein stated. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSBTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPBLL, TEXAS DIVISION 0- BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00410 - BID BOND FORM PAGE 00410-2 The Surety, for value received, hereby stipulates and agrees that the obligations of said Surety and its bond shall be in no way impaired or affected by any extension of the time within which the Owner may accept such Bid; and said Surety does hereby waive notice of any such extension. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Principal and the Surety have hereunto set their hands and seals, and such of them as are corporations have caused their corporate seals to be hereto affixed and these presents to be signed by their proper officers, the day and year first set forth above. Principal (L.S.) Surety Date: By: IMPORTANT - Surety companies executing bonds must appear on the Treasury Department's most current list (Circular 570, as amended) and be authorized to transact business in the state where the project is located. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00430 - SUBCONTRACTOR LISTING PAGE 00430-1 PART 1 - GENERAL (TO BE SUBMITTED WITH BID PROPOSAL) 1.1 GENERAL: A. Certified List of Subcontractors The Bidder, , as part of the procedure for the submission of bids on a project known as 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES FOR THE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS submits the following list of subcontractors to be used in the performance of work to be done on said project: NAME TRADE DOLLAR AMOUNT It is understood and agreed that, if awarded a contract by the City of Coppell, Texas, the Contractor will not make any additions, deletions or substitutions to this certified list without the consent of the Engineer and Owner. CERTIFICATION AFFIDAVIT THE ABOVE INFORMATION IS TRUE AND COMPLETE TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. I FURTHER UNDERSTAND AND AGREE THAT, IF AWARDED THE CONTRACT, THIS CERTIFICATION SHALL BE ATTACHED THERETO AND BECOME A PART THEREOF. NAME AND TITLE OF SIGNER: (Name) (Title) (Please Print or Type) SIGNATURE: DATE: END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00510 - STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 00510-1 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into this , A.D. 19 , by and between of the County of Texas, acting through thereunto duly authorized so to do, Party of the First Part· hereinafter termed OWNER, and day of and State of of the City of and State of hereinafter termed CONTRACTOR. , County of · Party of the Second Part, WITNESSETH: That for and in consideration of the payments and agreements hereinafter mentioned, to be made and performed by the Party of the First Part (OWNER), and under the conditions expressed in the bond bearing even date herewith, the said Party of the Second Part (CONTRACTOR), hereby agrees with the said Party of the First Part (OWNER) to commence and complete the construction of certain improvements described as follows: CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES and all extra work in connection therewith, under the terms as stated in the General Conditions of the Agreement and at his (or their) own proper cost and expense to furnish all the materials, supplies, machinery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, insurance, and other accessories and services necessary to complete the said construction, in accordance with the conditions and prices stated in the Proposal attached hereto, and in accordance with the Notice to Contractors, General and Special Conditions of Agreement, Plans and other drawings and printed or written explanatory matter thereof, and the Specifications and addenda therefor, as prepared by: GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, 17103 PRESTON ROAD, SUITE 100, DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 herein entitled the ENGINEER, each of which has been identified by the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER, together with the CONTRACTOR'S written Proposal, the General Conditions of the Agreement, and the Performance and Payment Bonds hereto attached; all of which are made a part hereof and collectively evidence and constitute the entire contract. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00510 - STANDARD FORM OF AGREEMENT PAGE 00510-2 The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to commence work within ten (10) days after the date written notice to do so shall have been given to him, and to substantially complete the same within calendar days after the date of the written notice to commence work, subject to such extensions of time as are provided by the General and Special Conditions. THE OWNER agrees to pay the CONTRACTOR in current funds the price or prices shown in the proposal, which forms a part of this contract, such payments to be subject to the General and Special Conditions of the contract. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties to these presents have executed this Agreement in the year and day first above written. Party of the First Part(OWNER) By: ATTEST: Party of the Second Part(CONTRACTOR) By: ATTEST: END OF 8ECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS e PERFORMANCE BOND STATE OF TEX.~ (~UNTY OF KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That of the City of County of , and State of , as principal, and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals, are held and firmly bound unto (Owner), in the penal sum of Dollars ($ ) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves, and their heirs, administrators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Owner, dated the day of ,19__, to which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied at length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Principal shall faithfully perform said Contract and shall in all respects duly and faithfully observe and perform all and singular the covenants, conditions and agreements in and by said contract agreed and covenanted by the Principal to be observed and performed, and according to the true intent and meaning of said Contract and the Plans and Specifications hereto annexed, then this obligation shall be void;otherwise to remain in full force and effect; "PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond B executed pursuant to the provisions of (Article 5160 for Public Work) (Article 5472d for Private Work)* of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as mended and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in accordance with the' provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein." Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, speci- fications, or drawings accompanying the same, shall in anyway affect its obligation on this *Not applicable for federal work. See "Fhe Miller Act," 40 U.S.C. S270. bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such clanam, extension of time, aiterstion or sddition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. ~ WITNESS WHEREOF, the ssid Principal snd Surety hsve sirned snd sealed this instru- ment this dsy of ,19 Principal Surety By -. By Title Title Address Address The name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is: PAYMENT BOND STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF KNO~' ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That of the City of County of , and State of , as principal, and authorized under the laws of the State of Texas to act as surety on bonds for principals. are held and firmly bound unto (Owner), in the penal sum of r~llars ($ ) for the payment whereof, the said Principal and Surety bind themselves and their heirs, adminis- trators, executors, successors and assigns, jointly and severally, by these presents: WHEREAS, the Principal has entered into a certain written contract with the Owner, dated the day of _ . 19 . to which contract is hereby referred to and made a part hereof as fully and to the same extent as if copied st length herein. NOW, THEREFORE, THE CONDITION OF THIS OBLIGATION IS SUCH, that if the said Princ;pal shall pay all claimants supplying labor and material to him or a subcontractor in the prosecution of the work provided for in said contract, then, this obligation shall be void; otherwise to remain in full force and effect; PROVIDED, HOWEVER, that this bond is executed pursuant to the provisions of Article 5160 of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas as amended and all liabilities on this bond shall be determined in sccordance with the provisions of said Article to the same extent as if it were copied at length herein. Surety, for value received, stipulates and agrees that no change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work performed thereunder, or the plans, specifications or drawings accompanyihg th~ same, shah in anywise affect its obligation on this PB-3 3.09 3.10 3.11 3.12 3.13 3.14 3.15 3.16 3.17 3.18 3.18.1 4.01 4.02 4.03 5.01 5.02 5.03 5.04 5.05 5.06 5.07 5.08 5.09 6.01 6.02 6.03 6.04 6.05 Protection Against Accident to Employees and the Public ............ Performance and Payment Bonds ......................... Losses from Natural Causes ............................ Protection of Adjoining Property ......................... Protection Against Claims of Sub-Contractors, Etc ................. Protection Against Royalties or Patented Invention ................ Laws and Ordinances ............................... Assignment and Subletting ............................ Indemnification ................................. Contractor's Liability Insurance ......................... Certificate of Insurance ............................. 4. Prosecution and Progress Time and Order or Completion .......................... Extension of Time ................................ Hindrances and Delays ............................... 5. Measurement and Payment Quantities and Measurements ........................... Estimated Quantities ............................... Price of Work ................................... Partial Payment .................................. Use of Completed Portions ............................ Final Completion and Acceptance ........................ Final Payment .................................. Payments Withheld ................................ Delayed Payments ................................ 6. Extra Work and Claims Change Orders ................................... Minor Changes ............. · ..................... Extra Work .................................... Time of Filing Claims .............................. Arbitration ..................................... G-6 G-6 G-6 G-6 G-6 G-? G-7 G-7 G-? G-8 G-8 G-8 G-9 G-9 G-9 G-9 G-9 G-10 G-10 G-10 G-10 G-10 G-11 G,11 G-11 G-11 G-12 G-12 7.01 7.02 7. Abandonment of Contract Abandonment by Contractor ........................... Abandonment by Owner ............................. G-13 G-14 TC-2 ®. ,__ .. -,. ,m DIVISION 0 - BIDDING i~D CONTI~CT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00650 - CERTIFICATE OF INSUI~NCE PAGE 00650-1 PART 1 - GENEI~L 1.1 GENERAL: After award of contract, Contractor will provide Owner with Certificate of Insurance which will be executed and bound here with final documents. Insurance: A certificate of insurance shall be filed with the Owner and the Engineer named as additional insureds with regard to the Project and evidencing insurance coverage of limits not less than those in the General Conditions. Indemnification: The Contractor shall indemnify and save harmless the City of Coppell, Texas, its agents and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses and expenses, including the attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the performance of the work; provided that any such claim, damage, loss or expense (a) is attributable to bodily injury to or destruction of tangible property, including the loss of use resulting therefrom, and (b) is caused in whole or in part by any negligent act or omission of Contractor and Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder· In any and all claims against any party indemnified hereunder by any employee of the Contractor and Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any of them, or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, the indemnification obligation herein provided shall not be limited in any way by any limitation of the amount or type of damages, compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under workmen's compensation acts, disability benefits acts, or other employee benefits acts. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION Not Used END OF 8ECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROBBTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS TABLE OF CONTENTS FOR GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT 1. Definition of Terms Page )1 Owner, Contractor and Engineer ................. ..... G-1 )2 Contract Documents .......................... G-1 }3 Sub-Contractor .., ......................... . G-1 )4 Written Notice ............................ G-1 }5 Work ................................ G-1 )6 Extra Work .............................. Go1 }7 Working Day ............................. G-1 )8 CAlendar Day ............................. G-1 )9 Substantially Completed ......................... G-1 2. Responsibilities of the Engineer and the Contractor ~1 Owner-Engineer Relationship ....................... G-2 ~2 Professional Inspection by Engineer .................... G-2 ~3 Payments for Work ........................... G-2 4 Initial Determinations .......................... G-2 ~5 Objections .............................. G-2 ~ lanes and Grades ........................... G-2 ,7 Contractor's Duty and Superintendence ................... G-2 t8 Contractor's Understanding ........................ G-3 19 Character of Workmen ......................... G-3 0 Contractor's Buildings ......................... G-3 .1 Sanitation .............................. G-4 2 Shop Drawings ............................ G-4 3 Preliminary Approval .......................... G-4 .4 Defects and Theix Remedies ....................... G-4 .5 Changes and Alterations ......................... G-5 3. General Obligations and Responsibilities )1 Keeping of Plans and Specifications Accessible ................ G-5 }2 Ownership of Drawings ......................... G-5 }3 Adequacy of Design .......................... G-5 )4 Right of Entry ............................. G-5 )5 Collateral Contracts ........................... G-5 )6 Discrepancies and Omissions ....................... G-5 )7 Equipment, Materials and Construction Plant ................. G-5 )8 Damages ............................... G-6 2. RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE ENGINEER AND THE CONTRACTOR 2.01 OWNER-ENGINEER RELATIONSHIP. The ENGINEER will be the OWNER'S representative during construction. The duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the ENGINEER as the OWNER'S representative during construction are as set forth in the Contract Documents and shall not be extended or limited without written consent of the OWNER and ENGINEER. The ENGINEER ,~'ill advise and consult with the OWNER, and all of OWNER'S instructions to the CONTRACTOR shall be issued through the ENGINEER. 2.02 PROFESSIONAL INSPECTION BY ENGINEER. The ENGINEER shall make periodic visits to the site to familiarize himself generally with the progress of the executed work and to determine if such work generally meets the essential performance and design features and the technical and functional engineering requirements of the Contract Documents; provided and except, however, that the ENGINEER shall not be responsible for making an .y detailed, exhaus- tive, comprehensive or continuous on-site inspection of the quality or quantity of the work or be in any way responsible,.directly or indirectly, for the construction means, methods, techniques, se- quences, quality, procedures, programs, safety precautions or lack of same incident thereto or in connection therewith. Notwithstanding any other provision of this agreement or any other Contract Document, the ENGINEER shall not be in any way responsible or liable for any acts, errors, omissions or negligence of the CONTRACTOR, any subcontractor or any of the CONTRACTOR'S or subcontractor's agents, servants or employees or any other person, firm or corporation perform- ing or attempting to perform any of the work. 2.03 PAYMENTS FOR WORK. The ENGINEER shall review CONTRACTOR'S applications i'or payment and supporting data, determine the amount owed to the CONTRACTOR and approve, in writing. payment to CONTRACTOR in such amounts; such approval of payment to CONTRAC- TOR constitutes a representation to the OWNER of ENGINEER'S professional judgment that the ~vork has progressed to the point indicated to the best of his knowledge, information and belief, but such approva. I of an application for payment to CONTRACTOR shall not be deemed as a representation by ENGINEER that ENGINEER has made any examination to determine how or for what purpose CONTRACTOR has used the moneys paid on account of the Contract price. 2.04 INITIAL DETERMINATIONS. The ENGINEER initially shall determine all claims. disputes and other matters in question between the CONTRACTOR and the OV,~'ER relating to the execution or progress of the work or the interpretation of the Contract Documents and the ENGINEER'S decision shall be rendered in writing within a reasonable time. Should the ENGI- NEER fail to make such decision within a reasonable time, appeal to arbitration may be taken as if his decision had been rendered against the party appealing. 2.05 OBJECTIONS. In the event the ENGINEER renders any decision which, in the opinion of either party hereto, is not in accordance with the meaning and intent of this contract, either party may file with the ENGINEER within thirty days his written objection to the decision, and by such action may reserve the right to submit the question so raised to arbitration as hereinafter provided. 2.06 LINES AND GRADES. Unless otherwise specified, all lines and grades shall be furnished by the ENGINEER or his representative. Whenever necessary, construction work shall be suspended to permit performance of this work, but such suspension will be as brief as practicable and the COblTRACTOR shall be allowed no extra compensation therefor. The CONTRACTOR shall give the ENGINEER ample notice of the time and place where lines and grades will be needed. All stakes, marks, etc., shall be carefully preserved by the CONTRACTOR, and in case of careless destruction or removal by him or his employees, such stakes, marks, etc., shall be replaced at the CONTRACTOR'S expense. 2.07 CONTRACTOR'S DUTY AND SUPERINTENDENCE. The CONTRACTOR shall give adequate attention to the faithful prosecution and completion of this contract and shall keep on the work, during its progress, a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants. The superintendent shall represent the CONTRACTOR in his absence and all directions given to him shall be as binding as if given to the CONTRACTOR. GENERAL CONDITIONS OF AGREEMENT 1. DEFINITIONS OF TERMS 1.01 OWNER, CONTRACTOR AND ENGINEER. The OWNER, the CONTRACTOR and the ENGINEER are those persons or organizations identified as such in the Agreement and are referred to throughout the Contract Documents as if singular in number and masculine in gender. The term ENGINEER means the ENGINEER or his duly authorized representative. The ENGI- NEER shall be understood to be the ENGINEER of the OWNER, and nothing contained in the Contract Documents shall create any contractual or agency relationship between the ENGINEER and the CONTRACTOR. 1.02 CONTRACT DOCUMENTS. The Contract Documents shall consist of the Notice to Contractors (Advertisement), Special Conditions (Instructions to Bidders), Proposal, signed Agreement, Performance and Payment Bonds (when required), Special Bonds (when required ), General Conditions of the Agreement, Technical Specifications, Plans, and all modifications thereof incorporated in any of the documents before the execution of the agreement. The Contract Documents are complementary, and what is called for by any one shall be as binding as if called for by all. In case of conflict between any of the Contract Documents, priority of interpretation shall be in the following order: Signed Agreement, Performance and Payment Bonds, Special Bonds (if any), Proposal, Special Conditions of Agreement, Notice to Contractors. Technical Specifications, Plans, and General Conditions of Agreement. 1.03 SUB-CONTRACTOR. The term Sub-Contractor, as employed herein, includes only those having a direct contract with the CONTRACTOR and it includes one who furnishes material worked to a special design according to the plans or specifications of this work, but does not include one who merely furnishes material not so worked. 1.04 WRITTEN NOTICE. Written notice shall be deemed to have been duly served if delivered in netson to the individual or to a member of the firm or to an officer of the corporation for whom it is intended, or if delivered at or sent by registered. mail to the last business address known to him who gives the notice. 1.05 WORK. The CONTRACTOR shall provide and pay for all materials, supplies, machin- ery, equipment, tools, superintendence, labor, services, insurance, and all water, light, power, fuel. transportation and other facilities necessary for the execution and completion of the work covered by the contract documents. Unless otherwise specified, all materials shall be new and both workmanship and materials shall be of a good quality. The CONTRACTOR shall, if required, furnish satisfactory evidence as to the kind and quality of materials. Materials or work described in words which so applied have a well known technical or trade meaning shall be held to refer to such recognized standards. 1.06 EXTRA WORK. The term "Extra Work" as used in this contract shall be understood to mean and include all work that may be required by the ENGINEER or OWNER to be done by the CONTRACTOR to accomplish any change, alteration or addition to the work shown upon the plans, or reasonably implied by the specifications, and not covered by the CONTRACTOR'S Proposal, except as provided under "Changes and Alterations", herein. 1.07 WORKING DAY. A "Working Day" is defined as any day not including Saturdays, Sundays or any legal holidays, in which weather or other conditions, not under the control of the CONTRACTOR, will permit construction of the principal units of the work for a period of not less than seven (7) hours between 7:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. 1.08 CALENDAR DAY. "Calendar Day" is any day of the week or month, no days being excepted. 1.09 SUBSTANTIALLY COMPLETED. By the term "substantially completed" is meant that the structure has been made suitable for use or occupancy or the facility is in condition to senee its intsnded purpose, but still may require minor miscellaneous work and adjustment. · I .......... ..........T ' T .........T ..... 2.11 SANITATION. Necessary sanitary conveniences for the use of laborers on the work, properly secluded from public observation, shall be constructed and maintained by the CONTRAC- TOR in such manner and at such points as shall be approved by the ENGINEER, and their use shall be strictly enforced. 2.12 SHOP DRAWINGS. The CONTRACTOR shall submit to the ENGINEER, with such promptness as to cause no delay in his own work or in that of any other Contractor, four checked copies, unless otherwise specified, of all shop and/or setting drawings and schedules required for the work of the various trades, and the ENGINEER shall pass upon them with reasonable prompt- hess, making desired corrections. The CONTRACTOR shall make any corrections required by the ENGINEER, file with him two corrected copies and furnish such other copies as may be needed. The ENGINEER'S approval of such drawings or schedules shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from responsibility for deviations from drawings or specifications, unless he has in writing called the ENGINEER'S attention to such deviations at the time of submission, nor shall it relieve him from responsibility for 'errors of any sort in shop drawings or schedules. It shah be the CONTRAC- TOR'S responsibility to fully and completely review all shop drawings to ascertain their effect on his ability to perform the required contract work in accordance with the plans and specifications and within the contract time. Such review by the ENGINEER shall be for the sole purpose of determining the sufficiency of said drawings or schedules to result in finished improvements in conformity with the plans and specifications, and shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR of his duty as an independent contractor as previously set forth, it being expressly understood and agreed that the ENGINEER does not assume any duty to pass upon the propriety or adequacy of such drawings or schedules, or any means or methods reflected thereby, in relation to the safety of either person or property during CONTRACTOR'S performance hereunder. 2.13 PRELIMINARY APPROVAL. The ENGINEER shall not have the power to waive the obligations of this contract for the furnishing by the CONTRACTOR of good material, and of his performing good work as herein described, and in full accordance with the plans and specifica- tions. No failure or omission of the ENGINEER to discover, object to or condemn any defective work or material shall release the CONTRACTOR from the obligations to fully and .properLy perform the contract, including without limitations, the obligation to at once tear out, remove and properly replace the same at any time prior to final acceptance upon the discovery of said defective work or material; provided, however, that the ENGINEER shall, upon request of the CONTRAC- TOR, inspect and accept or reject any material furnished, and in event the material has been once accepted by the ENGINEER, such acceptance shall be binding on the OWNER, unless it can be clearly shown that such material furnished does not meet the specifications for this work. Any questioned work may be ordered taken up or removed for re-examination, by the ENGINEER, prior to final acceptance, and if found not in accordance with the specifications for said work, all expense of removing, re-examination and replacement shall be borne by the CONTRACTOR, otherwise the expense thus incurred shall be allowed as EXTRA WORK, and shall be paid for by the OWNER; provided that, where inspection or approval is specifically required by the specifications prior to performance of certain w~,rk, should the CONTRACTOR proceed with such work without requesting prior inspection or a~.~,roval he shall bear all expense of taking up, removing, and replacing this work if so directed by the ENGINEER. 2.14 DEFECTS AND THEIR REMEDIES. It is further agreed that if the work or any part thereof, or any material brought on the site of the work for use in the work or selected for the same, shall be deemed by the ENGINEER as unsuitable or not in conformity with the speci- fications. the CONTRACTOR shall. after receipt of written notice thereof from the ENGINEER, forthwith remove such material and rebuild or otherwise remedy such work so that it shall be in full accordance with this contract. 2.15 CHANGES AND ALTERATIONS. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that the OWNER may make such changes and alterations as the OWNER may see fit, in the line, grade, form, dimensions, plans or materials for the work herein contemplated, or any part thereof, either before or after the beginning of the construction, without affecting the validity of this contract and the accompanying Performance and Payment Bonds. The CONTRACTOR is and at all times shall remain an independent contractor, solely responsible for the manner and method of completing his work under this contract, with full power and authority to select the means, method and manner of performing such work, so long as such methods do not adversely affect the completed improvements, the OWNER and ENGINEER being interested only in the result obtained and conformity of such completed improvements to the plans, specifications and contract. Likewise, the CONTRACTOR shall be solely responsible for the safety of himself, his employ- ees and other persons, as well as for the protection of the safety of the improvements being erected and the property of himself or any other person, as a result of his operations hereunder. Engineer- ing construction drawings and specifications as well as any additional information concerning the work to be performed passing from or through the ENGINEER shall not be interpreted as requiring or allowing CONTRACTOR to deviate from the plans and specifications, the intent of such drawings, specifications and any other such instructions being to define with particularity the agreement of the parties as to the work the CONTRACTOR is to perform. CONTRACTOR shaJl be fully and completely liable, at his own expense, for design, construction, installation and use, or non-use, of all items and methods incident to performance of the contract, and for all loss, damage or injury incident thereto, either to person or property, inclu~ling, without limitation, the adequacy of all temporary supports, shoring, bracing, scaffolding, machinery or equipment, safety precau- tions or devices, and similar items or devices used by him during construction. Any review of work in process, or any visit or observation during ~nonstruction, or any clarification of plans and specifications, by the ENGINEER, or any agent, employee, or represen- tative of either of them, whether through personal observation on the project site or by means of approval of shop drawings for temporary construction or construction processes, or by other means or method, is agreed by the CONTRACTOR to be for the purpose of observing the extent and nature of work completed or being performed, as measured against the drawings and specifications constituting the cox~tract, or for the purpose of enabling CONTRACTOR to more fully understand the plans and specifications so that the completed construction work will conform thereto, and shall in no way relieve the CONTRACTOR from full and complete responsibility for the proper performance of his work on the project, including but without limitation the propriety of means and methods of the CONTRACTOR in performing said contract, and the adequacy of any designs, plans or other facilities for accomplishing such performance. Deviation by the CONTRACTOR from plans and specifications that may have been in evidence during any such visitation or observation by the ENGINEER, or any of his representatives, whether called tb the CONTRAC- TOR'S attention or not shall in no way relieve CONTRACTOR from his responsibility to complete all work in accordance with said plans and specifications. 2.08 CONTRACTOR'S UNDERSTANDING. It is understood and agreed that the CON- TRACTOR has, by careful examination, satisfied himself as to the nature and location of the work, the conformation of the ground, the character, quality and quantity of the materials to be encoun- tered, the character of equipment and facilities needed preliminary to and during the prosecution of the work, the general and local conditions, and all other matters which can ,.'n any way s/feet the work under this contract. No verbal agreement or conversation with any officer, agent or employee of the OWNER or ENGINEER either before or after the execution of this contract, shall affect or modify any of the terms or obligations herein contained. 2.09 CHARACTER OF WORKMEN. The CONTRACTOR agrees to employ only orderly and competent men, skillful in the performance of the type of work required under this contract, to do the work; and agrees that whenever the ENGINEER shall inform him in writing that any man or men on the work are, in his opinion, incompetent, unfaithful or disorderly, such man or men shall be discharged from the work and shall not again be employed on the work without the ENGINEER'S written consent. 2.10 CONTRACTOR'S BUILDINGS. The building of structures for housing men, or the erection of tents or other forms of protection, will be permitted only at such places as the ENGINEER shall direct, and the sanitary conditions of the 'grounds in or about such structures shall at all times be maintained in a manner satisfactory to the ENGINEER. 3.08 DAMAGES. In the event the CONTRACTOR is damaged in the course of the comple- tion of the work by the act, neglect, omission, mistake or default of the OWNER, or of the ENGINEER, or of any other CONTRACTOR employed by the OWNER upon the work. therebv causing Io-~ to the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER agrees that he will reimburse the CONTRACTOR for such loss. In the event the OWNER is damaged in the course of the work by the act, negligence, omission, mistake or default of the CONTRACTOR, or should the CONTRACTOR unreasonably delay the progress of the work being done by others on the job so as to cause loss for which the OWNER becomes liable, then the CONTRACTOR shall reimburse the OWNER for such loss. 3.09 PROTECTION AGAINST ACCIDENT TO EMPLOYEES AND THE PUBLIC. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times exercise reasonable precautions for the safety of employees and others on or near the work and shall comply with all applicable provisions of Federal, State, and Municipal safety laws and building and construction codes. All machinery and equipment and other physical hazards shall be guarded in accordance with the "Manual of Accident Prevention in Construction" of the Associated General Contractors of America except where incompatible with Federal, State, or Municipal laws or regulations. The CONTRACTOR shall provide such machinery guards, safe walkways, ladders, bridges, gangplanks, and other safety devices. The safety precautions actually taken and their adequacy shall be the sole responsibility of the CONTRACTOR, acting at his discretion as an independent contractor. 3.10 PERFORMANCE AND PAYMENT BONDS. Unless otherwise specified, it is further agreed by the parties to this Contract that the CONTRACTOR will execute separate performance and payment bonds, each in the sum of one hundred {100) percent of the total contract price, in standard forms for this purpose, guaranteeing faithful performance of the work and the fulfillment of any guarantees required, and further guaranteeing payment to all persons supplying labor and materials or furnishing him any equipment in the execution of the Contract, and it is agreed that this Contract shall not be in effect until such performance and payment bonds are furnished and approved by the OWNER. Unless otherwise approved in writing by the OWNER, the surety company underwriting the bonds shall be acceptable according to the latest list of companies holding certificates of authority from the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States. Unless otherwise specified. the cost of the premium for the performance and payment bonds shall be included in the CONTRACTOR'S proposal. 3.11 LOSSES FROM NATURAL CAUSES. Unless otherwise specified, all loss or damage to the CONTRACTOR arising out of the nature of the work to be done, or from the action of the elements, or from any unforeseen circumstance in the prosecution of the same, or from unusual obstructions or difficulties which may be encountered in the prosecution of the work, shall be sustained and borne by the CONTRACTOR at his own cost and expense. 3.12 PROTECTION OF ADJOINING PROPERTY. The said CONTRACTOR shall take proper means to protect the adjacent or adjoining property or properties in any way encountered, which might be injured or seriously affected by any process of construction to be undertaken under this Agreement, from any damage or injury by reason of said process of construction; and he shall be liable for any and all claims for such damage on account of his failure to fully protect all adjoining property. The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify, save and hold harmless the OXI,.~ER and ENGINEER against any claim or claims for damages due to any injury to any adjacent or adjoining property, arising or growing out of the performance of the contract; but any such indemnity shall not apply to any claim of any kind arising out of the existence or character of the work. 3.13 PROTECTION AGAINST CLAIMS OF SUB-CONTRACTORS, LABORERS, MATER- IALMEN AND FURNISHERS OF MACHINERY, EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIES. The CONTRAC- TOR agrees that he will indemnify and save the OWNER and ENGINEER harmless from all claims growing out of the lawful demands of sub-contractors, laborers, workmen, mechanics, materialmen and furnishers of machinery and parts thereof, equipment, power tools, and all supplies, including commissary, incurred in the furtherance of the performance of this contract. When so desired by the OWNER, the CONTRACTOR shall furnish satisfactory evidence that all obligations of the If such changes or alterations diminish the quantity of the work to be done, they shall not ,nstitute the basis for a claim for damages, or anticipated profits on the work that may be spensed with, except as provided for unit price items under Section 5 "Measurement and Pay- ent." If the amount of work is increased, and the work can fairly be classified under the speci- ~'ations, such increase shall be paid for according to the quantity actually done and at the unit ice, ff any, established for such work under this contract, except as provided for unit price ~ms under Section 5 "Measurement and Payment;" otherwise, such additional work shall be paid r as provided under Extra Work. In case the OWNER shall make such changes or alterations as all make useless any work already done or material already furnished or used in said work, en the OWNER shall recompense the CONTRACTOR for any material or labor so used, Id for any actual loss occasioned by such change, due to actual expenses incurred in preparation r the work as originally planned. 3. GENERAL OBLIGATIONS AND RESPONSIBILITIES 3.01 KEEPING OF PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS ACCESSIBLE. The ENGINEER shall lrnish the CONTRACTOR with an adequate and reasonable number of copies of all plans and ~ecifications without expense to him, and the CONTRACTOR shall keep one copy of the s~. ~e >nstantly accessible on the work, with the latest revisions noted thereon. 3.02 OWNERSHIP OF DRAWINGS. All drawings, specifications and copies thereof furnished y the ENGINEER shall not be reused on other work, and, with the exception of the signed >ntract sets, are to be returned to him on request, at the completion of the work. All models are ~e property of the OWNER. 3.03 ADEQUACY OF DESIGN. It is understood that the OWNER believes it has employed >ropetent engineers and designers. It is, therefore, agreed that the OWNER shall be responsible for ~e adequacy of the design, sufficiency of the Contract Documents, the safety of the structure and ~e practicability of the operations of the completed project', provided the CONTRACTOR has ~mplied with the requirements of the said Contract Documents, all approved modifications ~ereof, and additions and alterations thereto approved in writing by the OV,~ER. The burden of roof of such compliance shall be upon the CONTRACTOR to show that he has complied with the dd requirements of the Contract Documents, approved modifications thereof and all approved ~ditions and alterations thereto. 3.04 RIGHT OF ENTRY. The OWNER reserves the right to enter the property or location which the works herein contracted for are to be constructed or installed, by such agent or agents he may elect, for the purpose of inspecting the work, or for the purpose of constructing or kstalling such collateral work as said OWNER may desire. 3.05 COLLATERAL CONTRACTS. The OWNER agrees to provide by separate contract or :herwise, all labor and material essential to the completion of the work specifically excluded from ~is contract, in such manner as not to delay the progress of the work, or damage said CONTRAC- OR, except where such delays are specifically mentioned elsewhere in the Contract Documents. 3.06 DISCREPANCIES AND OMISSIONS. It is further agreed that it is the intent of this >ntract that all work must be done and all material must be furnished in accordance with the .~nerally accepted practice, and in the event of any discrepancies between the separate contract ~cuments, the priority of interpretation defined under "Contract Documents" shall govern. In ~e event that there is still any doubt as to the meaning and intent of any portion of the contract, }ecifications or drawings, the ENGINEER shall define which is intended to apply to the work. 3.07 EQUIPMENT, MATERIALS AND CONSTRUCTION PLANT. The CONTRACTOR hall be responsible for the care, preservation, conservation, and protection of all materials, upplies, machinery, equipment, tools, apparatus, accessories, facilities, all means of construction, nd any and all parts of the work, whether the CONTRACTOR has been paid, partially paid, or not ~aid for such work, until the entire work is completed and accepted. (2) Is caused in whole or in pa~t by any negligent act or omission of the Contractor, any Subcontractor, anyone directly or indirectly employed by any one of them or anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable, regardless of whether or not it is caused in pafi by a party indemnified hereunder. The obligation of the CONTRACTOR under this Para~aph shall not extend to the liabili of the ENGINEER, his agents or employees arising out of the preparation or approval of real drawings, reports, surveys, Change Orders, designs or specifications, or the giving of or t failure to give directions or instructions by the ENGINEER, his agents or employees, prorid such giving or failure to give is the primary cause of the injury or damage. 3.18 INSURANCE. The CONTRACTOR at his own expense shall purchase, maintain a keep in force such insurance as will protect him from claims set forth below which may arise c of or result from the CONTRACTOR'S operations under the Contract, whether such operatic be by himself or b~ any Subcontractor or by anyone directly or indirectly employed by any them, or by anyone for whose acts any of them may be liable: (1) Workmen'-- compensation claims, disability benefits and other similar employee benefit acts; (2) Claims for damages because of bodily injury, occupational sickness or disease, or death of his employees, and claims insured by usual bodily injury liability coverages; (3) Claims for damages because of bodily injury, sickness or disease, or death of any person other than his employees, and claim.~ insured by usual bodily injury liability coverages; and (4) Claims for damages because of injury to or destruction of tangible property. including loss of use resulting therefrom. 3.18.1 CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE. Before commencing any of the work, CONTR.~ TOR shall file with the OWNER valid Certificates of Insurance acceptable to the OWNER and ~ ENGINEER. Such Certificates shall contain a provision that coverages afforded under the polic will not be cancelled until at least fifteen days' prior written notice has been given to the OWN[ The CONTRACTOR shall also file with the OWNER valid Certificates of Insurance cover all sub-contractors. 4. PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS 4.01 TIME AND ORDER OF COMPLETION. It is the meaning and intent of this contr~ unless otherwise herein specifically provided, that the CONTRACTOR shall be allowed to prosec his work at such times and seasons, in such order of precedence, and in such manner as shall most conducive to economy of construction: provided, however, that the order and the time prosecution shall be such that the work shall be substantially completed as a whole and in part accordance with this contract, the plans and specifications, and within the time of cornpier designated in the P~oposa|; provided, also, that when the OWNER is having other work done, by contract or by his own force, the ENGINEER may direct the time and manner of construct the work done under this contract, so that conflict will be avoided and the construction of various works being done for the OWNER shall be harmonized. The CONTRACTOR shall submit, at such times as may reasonably be requested by ENGINEER, schedules which shall show the order in which the CONTRACTOR proposes carry on the work. with dates at which the CONTRACTOR will start the several parts of the wc and estimated dates of completion of the several parts. nature hereinabove designated have been paid, discharged or waived. If the CONTRACTOR fails so to do, then the OWNER may at the option of the CONTRACTOR either pay directly any unpaid bills, of which the OWNER has written notice, or withhold from the CONTRACTOR'S unpaid compensation a sum of money deemed reasonably sufficient to liquidate any and all such lawful claims until satisfactory evidence is furnished that all liabilities have been fully discharged, whereupon payments to the CONTRACTOR shall be resumed in full, in accordance with the terms of this contract, but in no event shall the provisions of this sentence be construed to-impose any obligation upon the OWNER by either the CONTRACTOR or his Surety. 3.14 PROTECTION AGAINST ROYALTIES OR PATENTED INVENTION. The CON- TRACTOR shall pay all royalties and license fees, and shall provide for the use of any design, device, material or process covered by letters patent or copyright by suitable ieffal agreement with the patentee or owner. The CONTRACTOR shall defend all suits or claims for infringement of any patent or copyright rights and shall indemnify and save the OWNER and ENGINEER harmless from any loss on account thereof, except that the OWNER shall defend all such suits and claims and shall be responsible for all such loss when a particular design, device, material or process or the product of a particular manufacturer or manufacturers .... · CONTRACTOR, then CONTRACTOR shall indemnify and ave OWNER harmless from any loss on account thereof. If ta:e material or process specified or required by the OWNER is an infringe- ment, the CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for such loss unless he promptly gives such information to the OWNER. 3.15 LAWS AND ORDINANCES. The CONTRACTOR shall at all times observe and comply with all Federal, State and local laws, ordinances and regulations, which in any manner affect the contract or the work, and shall indemnify and save harmless the OWNER and ENGINEER against any claim arising from the violation of any such laws, ordinances, and regulations whether by the CONTRACTOR or his employees, except where such violal~ions are called for by the provisions of the Contract Documents. If the CONTRACTOR observes that the plans and specifications are at variance therewith, he shall promptly notify the ENGINEER in writing, and any necessary changes shall be adjusted as provided in the contract for changes in the work. If the CONTRAC- TOR performs any work knowing it to be contrary to such laws, ordinances, rules and regulations, and without such notice to the ENGINEER, he shall bear all costs arising therefrom. In case the OWNER is a body politic and corporate, the law from which it derives its powers, insofar as the same regulates the objects for which, or the manner in which, or the conditions under which the OV~LNER may enter into contract, shall be controlling, and shall be considered as part of this contract, to the same effect as though embodied herein. 3.16 ASSIGNMENT AND SUBLETTING. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that he will retain personal control and will give his personal attention to the fulfillment of this contract and that he will not assign by Power of Attorney, or otherwise, or sublet said contract without the written consent of the ENGINEER, and that no part or feature of the work will be sublet to anyone objectionable to the ENGINEER or the OWNER. The CONTRACTOR further agrees that the subletting of any portion or feature of the work, or materials required in the performance of this contract, shall not relieve the CONTRACTOR from his full obligations to the OWNER, as provided by this Agreement. 3.17 INDEMNIFICATION. The CONTRACTOR shall defend, indemnify and hold harmless the OWNER and the ENGINEER and their resoective officers, agents and employees, from and against all damages, claims, losses, demands, suits, judgments and costs, including reasonable attorneys' fees and expenses, arising out of or resulting from the 'performance of the work, provided that any such damages, claim, loss, demand, suit, judgment, cost or expense: (1) Is attributable to bodily injury, sickness, disease or death or to injury to or destruction of tangible property (other than the work itself) including the loss of use resulting therefrom; and, G-7 5.04 PARTIAL PAYMENTS. On Or before the 10th day of each month, the CONTRACTOR shall prepare and submit to the ENGINEER for approval or modification a statement showing as completely as practicable the total value of the work done by the CONTRACTOR up to and including the last day of the preceding month~ said statement shall also include the value of all sound materials delivered on the site of the work that are to be fabricated into the work. The OWNER shall then pay the CONTRACTOR on or before the 15th day of the current month the total amount of the approved statement, less I0 per cent of the amount thereof, which 10 per cent shall be retail~ed until final payment, and further less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by the OWNER under tile terms of this Agreement. It is understood, however, that in case the whole work be near to completion and some unexpected and unusual delay occurs due to no fault or neglect on the part of the CONTRACTOR, the OWNER may-upon written recommendation of tile ENGINEER-pay a reasonable and equitable portion of the retained percentage to the CONTRACTOR~ or the CONTRACTOR at the OWNER'S option, may be relieved of the obligation to fu!!y complete the work and, thereupon, the CON- TRACTOR shall receive payment of the balance due him under the contract subject only to the conditions stated under "Final Payment." 5.05 USE OF COMPLETED PORTIONS. The OWNER shall have the right to take possession of and use any completed or partially completed portions of the work, notwithstanding the time for completing the entire work or such portions may not have expired but such taking possession and use shall not be deemed an acceptance of any work not completed in accordance with the Contract Documents. If such prior use increases the cost of or delays the work, the CONTRACTOR shall be entitled to such extra compensation, or extension of time, or both, as the ENGINEER may determine. The CONTRACTOR shall notify the ENGINEER when, in the CONTRACTOR'S opinion, the contract is "substantially completed" and when so notifying the ENGINEER. the CONTRAC- TOR shall furnish to the ENGINEER in writing a detailed list of unfinished work. The ENGINEER wilt review the CONTRACTOR'S list of unfinished work and will add thereto such items as the CONTRACTOR has failed to include. The "substantial completion" of tile structure or facility shall not excuse the CONTRACTOR from performing all of the work undertaken, whether of a minor or major nature, and thereby completing the structure or facility in accordance with the Contract Documents. 5.06 FINAL COMPLETION AND ACCEPTANCE. Within ten (10) days after the CON- TRACTOR has given tile ENGINEER written notice that the work has been completed. or substantially completed, the ENGINEER and the OWNER shall inspect the work and within said time, if the work be found to be completed or substantially completed in accordance with the Contract Documents, tile ENGINEER shall issue to the OWNER and the CONTRACTOR his Certificate of Completion, and thereupon it shall be the duty of the OWNER within ten (10) days to issue a Certificate of Acceptance of the work to the CONTRACTOR or to advise the CONTRAC- TOR in writing of the reason for non-acceptance. 5.07 FINAL PAYMENT. Upon the issuance of the Certificate of Completion, the ENGI- NEER shall proceed to make final measurements and prepare final statement of the value of all work performed and materials furnished under the terms of the Agreement and shall certify same to the OWNER, who shall pay to the CONTRACTOR on or after the 30th day, and before the 35th day, after the date of the Certificate of Completion, the balance due the CONTRACTOR under the terms of this Agreement, provided he has fully performed his contractual obligations under the terms of this contract; and said payment shall become due in any event upon said performance by the CONTRACTOR. Neither tile Certificate of Acceptance nor the final payment, nor any provision in the Contract Documents, shall relieve the CONTRACTOR of the obligation for fulfillment of'any warranty which may be required. 5.08 PAYMENTS WITHHELD. The OWNER may, on account of subsequently discovered evidence, withhold or nullify the whole or part of any certificate to such extent as may be necessary to protect himself from loss on account of: .~ 4.02 EXTENSION OF TIME. Should the CONTRACTOR be delayed in the completion of the work 4~y any act or neglect of the OWNER or i~NGINEER, or of any employee of either, crt by other contractors employed by the OWNER', 6r by changes ordered in the work, or by strikes, lockouts, fires, and unusual delays by common carriers, or unavoidable cause or causes beyond the CONTRACTOR'S control, or by any cause which the ENGINEER shall decide justifies the-'delay, then an extension of time shall be allowed for completing the work, sufficient to compensate for the delay, the amount of the extension to be determined by the ENGINEER, provided, however, that the CONTRACTOR shall give the ENGINEER prompt notice in writing of ~he cause of such delay. 4.03 HINDRANCES AND DELAYS. No claims shall be made by the CONTRACTOR for damages resulting from hindrances or delays from any cause (except where the work is stopped by Order of the O~NER) during the progress of any portion of the work embraced in this contract. In case said work shall be stopped by the act of the OWNER, then such expense as in the judgment of the ENGINEER is caused by such stoppage of said work shall be paid by the OWNER to the CONTRACTOR. 5. MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT 5.01 QUANTITIES AND MEASUREMENTS. No extra or customary measurements of any kind will be allowed, but the actual measured and/'or computed length, area, solid contents, number and weight only shall be .considered, unless otherwise specifically provided. 5.02 ESTIMATED QUANTITIES. This agreement, including the specifications, plans and eslirnate, is intended to show clearly all work to be done and material to be furnished hereunder. Where the estimated quantities are shown for the various classes of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract, they are approximate and are to be used only as a basis for estimating the probable cost of the work and for comparing the proposals offered for the work. }t is understood and agreed that the actual amount of work to be done and material to be furnished under this contract may differ somewhat from these estimates, and that where the basis for payment under this contract is the unit price method, payment shall be for the actual amount of such work done and the material furnished. Where payment is based on the unit price method, the CONTRACTOR agrees that he will make no claim for damages, anticipated profits or otherwise on account of any differences which may be found between the quantities of work actually done, the material actually furnished under this contract and the estimated quantities contemplated and contained in the proposal: provided, however, that in case the actual quantity of any major item should become as much 'as 20~ more than, or 20% less than the estimated or contemplated quantity for such items, then either party to this Agreement, upon demand, shall be entitled to a revised consideration upon the portion of the work above or below 20% of the estimated quantity. ., A "Major Item" shall be construed to be any individual bid item incurred in the proposal that :has' a total cost equal to or greater than five (5) per cent of the total contract cost, computed on the 'basis of the proposal quantities and the contract unit prices. '~:" Any revised consideration is to be determined by agreement between the parties, otherwise ~b?.the terms. of this Agreement, as provided under "Extra Work." · 5'.03 .'PRICE OF WORK. In consideration of the furnishing of all {he nece=.sary labor, eqU'ipment and material,'. and the completion of all work by the CONTRACTOR, and on the completion of all work and of the delivery of all material embraced in this Contract in full t~onformity with the specifications and stipulations herein contained, the OWNER agrees to pay ,the CONTRACTOR the prices set forth in the Proposal hereto attached, which has been made a part of this contract. The CONTRACTOR hereby agrees to receive such prices in full for furnishing all material and all labor required for the aforesaid work, also for all expense incurred by him, and for well and truly performing the same and the whole thereof in the manner and according to this Agreement. Method (A)--By qreed unit prices; or Method (B)--By qreed lump sum; or Method (C)--lf neither Method (A) nor Method (B) be s~ upon before the Extra Work is commenced, then the CONTRACTOR shall be paid the "actual field cost" of the work, plus fifteen (15) percent. In the event said Extra Work be performed and paid 'for under Method (C), then the pro- visions of this paraZraph shall apply and the "actual field cost" is hereby defined to include the cost to the CONTRACTOR of all workmen, such ~s foreman, tknekeepers, mechanics and laborers, and materials, supplies, teams, trucks, rentals on machinery and equipment, for the time actually employed or used on such Extra Work, plus actual trlnaportation charges nec~rily incurred, together with all power, fuel, lubricants, water and similar operatin~ expenses, also all necessary incidental expenses incurred directly on account of such Extra Work, including Social Security, Old Age Benefits and other payroll taxes, and, a rateable proportion of premiums on Performance and Payment Bonds and Maintenance Bonds, Public Liability and Property Damage and Workmen's Compensation, and all other insurance as may be required by any law or ordinance, or directed by the OWNER, or by them aZreed to. The ENGINEER may direct the form in which accounts of the "actual field cost" shall be kept and the records of these accounts shall be made available to the ENGINEER. The ENGINEER or OWNER may also specify in writing, before the work commences, .the method of doing the work and the type and kind of machinery and equip- m~nt to be used; othenvise these matters shall be determined by the CONTRACTOR. Unless otherwise agreed upon, the prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be determined by using 100 per cent, unless otherwise specified, of the latest schedule of Equipment Ownership Expen~ adopted by the Associated General Contractors of America. Where practicable the terms and prices for the use of machinery and equipment shall be incorporated in the Written Extra Work Order. The fifteen (15%) per cent of the "actual field cost" to be paid the CONTRAC- TOR shall cover and compensate him for his profit, overhead, general superintendence and field office expense, and all other elements of cost and expense not embraced within the "actual field cost" as herein defined, save that where the CONTEACTOR'S Camp or Field Office must be maintained primarily on account of such Extra Work; then the cost to maintain and operate the same shall be included in the "actual field cost." No claim for Extra Work of any kind will be allowed unless ordered in writing by the ENGINEER. In case any orders or instructions, either oral or written, appear to the CONTRAC- TOR to involve Extra Work for which he should receive compensation or an adjustment in the construction time, he shah make written request to the ENGINEER for written order authorizing such Extra Work. Should a difference of opinion arise as to what does or does not constitute Extra Work, or as to the payment therefor, and the ENGINEER insists upon its performance, 'the CONTRACTOR shall proceed with the work after making written request for written order and shall keep an accurate account of the "actual field cost" thereof, as prodded under Method (C). The CONTRACTOR will thereby preserve the right to submit the matter of payment to arbitration, as hereinbelow provided. 6.04 TIME OF FILING CLAIMS. It is further a~reed by both perties hereto that all questions of dispute or adjustment presented by the CONTRACTOR shall be in writing and filed with the ENGINEER within thirty (30) days ~fter the ENGINEER has ~iven any directions, order or instruction to which the CONTRACTOR desires to take exception. The ENGINEER shall reply within thirty (30) days to such written ~xceptions by the CONTRAL'vI~)R and render h~s final decision in writing. In case the CONTRACTOR should appeal from the ENGINEER'S decision, any demand for arbitration shall be filed with the ENGINEER and the OWNER in writing within ten (10) days sf*.er the date of deliver), to CONTRACTOR of the ENGINEER'S final decision. It is further aZreed that final acceptance of the work by the OWNER and the acceptance by the CONTRACTOR of the final payment shall be a bar to any claims by either party, except where noted othenvise in the Contract Documents. 6.05 ARBITRATION. All questions of dispute under. this A~reement shall be submitted to arbitration at the request of either party to the dispute. The parties may qree upon one arbiter, othenvise, there shall be three, one named in writing by each petty, and the third chosen G-12 (a) Defective work not remedied. (b) Claims filed or reasonable evidence indicating probable filing of claims. (c) Failure of the CONTRACTOR to make payments properly to sub- contractors or for material or labor. (d) Damage to another contractor. (e) Reasonable doubt that the work can be completed for the unpaid balance of the contract amount. (f) Reasonable indication that the work will not be completed within the contract time. When the above grounds are removed or the CONTRACTOR provides a Surety Bond satisfactory to the OWNER, which will protect the OWNER in the amount withheld, payment shall be made for amounts withheld because of them. 5.09 DELAYED PAYMENTS. Should the OWNER fail to make payment to the CONTRAC- TOR of the sum named in any partial or final statement, when payment is due, then the OWNER shall pay to the CONTRACTOR, in addition to the sum shown as due by such statement, interest thereon at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum, unless otherwise specified, from date due as provided under "Partial Payments" and "Final Payments," until fully paid, which shall fully liquidate any injury to the CONTRACTOR growing out of such delay in payment, but the right is expressly reserved to the CONTRACTOR in the event payments be not promptly made. as provided under "Partial Payments," to at any time thereafter treat the contract as abandoned by the OWNER and recover compensation, as provided under "Abandonment of Contract," unless such payments are withheld in accordance with the provisions of "Payments Withheld." 6. EXTRA WORK AND CLAIMS 6.01 CHANGE ORDERS: Without invalidating this Agreement, the OWNER may, at any time or from time to time, order additions, deletions or revisions to the work; such changes will be authorized by Change Order to be prepared by the ENGINEER for execution by the OV,~ER and the CONTRACTOR. The Change Order shall set forth the basi-~ for any change it, contract price, as hereinafter set forth for Extra Work, and any change in contract time which may result from the change. In the event the CONTRACTOR shall refuse to execute a Change Order which has been prepared by the ENGINEER and executed by the OWNER, the ENGINEER may in writing instruct the CONTRACTOR to proceed with the work as set forth in the Change Order and the CONTRACTOR may make claim against the OWNER for Extra Work involved therein, as herein- after provided. 6.02 MINOR CHANGES: The ENGINEER may authorize minor changes in the work not inconsistent with the overall intent of the Contract Documents and not involving an increase in Contract Price. If the CONTRACTOR believes that any minor change or alteration authorized by the ENGINEER involves Extra Work and entitles him to an increase in the Contract Price, the CONTRACTOR shall make written request to the ENGINEER for a written Field Order. In such case, the CONTRACTOR by copy of his communication to the ENGINEER or otherwise in writing shall advise the OWNER of his request to the ENGINEER for a written Field Order and that the work involved may result in an increase in the Contract Price. Any request by the CONTRACTOR for a change in Contract Price shall be made prior to beginning the work covered by the proposed change. ,~6.03 EXTRA WORK: It is agreed that the basis of compensation to the CONTRACTOR for work either added or deleted by a Change Order or for which a claim for Extra Work is made shall be determined by one or more of the following methods: "m .........-r .........'T ...................TT .........T When the work shall have b~n substantially completed the CONTRACTOR and his Surety shall be so notified and Certificates of Completion and Acceptance, as provided in Paragraph 5.06 hereinabove, shall be ittued. A complete itemized statement of the contract accounts, certified to by the ENGINEER as being correct, shall then be prepared and delivered to the CONTRACTOR and his Surety, whereupon the CONTRACTOR and/or his Surety, or the OWNER as the case may be, shall pay the balance due ts reflected by said statement, within fifteen (15) days after the date of such Certificate of Completion. In the event the statement of accounts shows that the cost to complete the work is less than that which would have been the cost to the OWNER had the work been completed by the CONTRACTOR under the terms of this contract; or when the CONTRACTOR and/or his Surety shall pay the balance shown to be due by them to the OWNER, then all machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies left on the site of the work shall be turned over'to the CONTRACTOR and/or his Surety. Should the cost to complete the work exceed the contract price, and the CONTRACTOR and/or his Surety fail to pay the amount due the OWNER within the time designated hereinabove, and there remains any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies on the site of the work, notice thereof, together with an itemized list of such equipment and materials, shall be mailed to the CONTRACTOR and his Surety at the respective addresses designated in this contract, provided, however, that actual written notice given in any manner will satisfy this condition. After mailing, or other giving of such notice, such property shall be held at the risk of the CONTRACTOR and his Surety subject only to the duty of the O~,.'NER to exercise ordinaxy care to protect such property. After fifteen (15) days from the date of said notice the OV~ER may sell such machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies and apply the net sum derived from such sale to the credit of the CONTRACTOR and his Surety. Such sale may be made at either public or private sale, with or without notice, as the OWNER may elect. The O%~,.~ER shall release any machinery, equipment, tools,' materials, or supplies, which remain on the ~'ork, and belong to persons other than the CONTRACTOR or his Surety, to their proper owners. The books on all operations provided herein shall be open to the CONTRACTOR and his Surety. 7.02 ABANDONMENT BY OWNER. In case the OWNER shall fail to comply with the terms of this contract, and should fail or refuse to comply with said terms within ten (10) days after written notification by the CONTRACTOR, then the CONTRACTOR may suspend or wholly abandon the work, and may remove therefrom all machinery, tools and equipment, and all materials on the site of work that have not been included in payments to the CONTRACTOR and have not been wrought into the work. And thereupon the ENGINEER shall make an estimate of the total amount earned by the CONTRACTOR, which estimate shall include the value of all work actually completed by said CONTRACTOR (at the prices stated in ,he attached proposal where unit prices are used), the value of all partially completed work at a fair and equitable price, and the amount of all Extra Work performed at the prices agreed upon, or provided for by the terms of this contract, and a reasonable sum to cover the cost of any provisions made by the CONTRACTOR to carry the whole work to completion and which cannot be utilized. The ENGINEER shall then make a final statement of the balance due the CONTRACTOR by deducting from the above estimate all previous payments by the O~,NER and all other sums that may be retained by the OV~NER under the terms of this A~reement and shall certify same to the OWNER who shall pay to the CONTRACTOR on or before thirty (30) days after the date of the notification by the CONTRACTOR the balance shown by said final statement as due the CONTRACTOR. under the terms of this Agreement. by the two arbiters so selected', or if the arbiters fail to select a third within ten (10) days, he shall be chosen by a District Judge serving the County in which the major portion of the project is located, unless otherwise specified. Should the party demanding arbitration fail to name an arbiter within ten (10) days of the demand, his right to arbitrate shall lapse, and the decision of the ENGINEER shall be final and binding on him. Should the other party fail to choose an arbiter within ten (10) days, the ENGINEER shall appoint such arbiter. Should either party refuse or neglect to supply the arbiters with any papers or information demanded in writing, the arbiters are empowered by both parties to take ex parte proceedings. The arbiters shall act with promptness. The decision of any two shall be binding on both parties to the contract. The decision of the arbiters upon any question submitted to arbitration under this contract shall be a condition precedent to any right of legal action. The decision of the arbiter or arbiters may be filed in court to carry it into effect. The arbiters, if they deem the case demands it, are authorized to award the party whose contention is sustained, such sums as they deem proper for the time, expense and trouble incident to the appeal, and if the appeal was taken without reasonable cause, they may award damages for any delay occasioned thereby. The arbiters shall fix their own compensation, unless otherwise provided by agreement, and shall assess the cost and charges of the arbitration upon either or both parties. The award of the arbiters must be made in writing. 7. ABANDONMENT OF CONTRACT 7.01 ABANDONMENT BY CONTRACTOR. In case the CONTRACTOR should abandon and fail or refuse to resume work Within ten (10) days after written notification from the O~'ER, or the ENGINEER, or if the CONTRACTOR fails to comply with the orders of the ENGINEER, when such orders are consistent ,with the Contract Documents, then, and in that case, where performance and payment bonds exist, the Sureties on these bonds shall be notified in writing and directed to complete the work, and a copy of said notice shall be delivered to the CONTRACTOR. After receiving said notice of abandonment the CONTRACTOR shall nat remove from the work any machinery, equipment, tools, materials or supplies then on the job, but the same, together with any materials and equipment under contract for the work, may be held for use on the work by the OWNER or the Surety on the performance bond, or another contractor in completion of the work; and the CONTRACTOR shall not receive any rental or credit therefor (except when used in connection with Extra Work, where credit shall be allowed as provided for under Section Extra Work and Claims), it being understood that the use of such equipment and materials will ultimately reduce the cost to complete the work and be reflected in the final settlement. Where there is no performance bond provided or in ease trae Surety should fail to commence compliance with the notice for completion hereinbefore provided for, within ten (10) da.vs after service of such notice, then the OWNER may provide for completion of the work in either of the following elective manners: 7.01.1 The OWNER may thereupon employ such force of men and use such machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies as said OWNER may deem necessary to complete the work and charge the expense of such labor, machinery, equipment, tools, materials and supplies to said CONTRACTOR, and expense so charged shall be deducted and paid by the OWNER out of such moneys as may be due, or that may thereafter at any time become due to the CONTRAC- TOR under and by virtue of this Agreement. In case such expense is less than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by the CONTRACTOR, then said CONTRACTOR shall receive the difference. In case such expense is greater than the sum which would have been payable under this contract, if the same had been completed by said CONTRACTOR, then the CONTRACTOR and/or his Surety shall pay the amount of such excess to the OWNER; or 7.01.2 The OWNER under sealed bids, after five (5) days notice published one or more times in a newspaper having general circulation in the county of the location of the work, may let the contract for the completion of the work under substantially the same terms and conditions which are provided in this contract. In case any increase in cost to the OWNER under the new contract as compared to what would have been the cost under this contract, such increase shall be charged to the CONTRACTOR and the Surety shall be and remain bound therefor. However, should the cost to complete any such new contract prove to be less than what would have been the cost to complete under this contract, the CONTRACTOR and/or his Surety shall be credited therewith. G-13 bond, and it does hereby waive notice of any such change, extension of time, alteration or addition to the terms of the contract, or to the work to be performed thereunder. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the said Principal and Surety have si~ned and sealed this instru- ment this _day of , 19 Principal 8uxt-ty By By Title Titl~- Address_ Address The name and address of the Resident Agent of Surety is: FB-2 DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00800 - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS PART I - GENERAL PAGE 00800-1 1.1 GENERAL: These Supplementary Conditions supplement, modify, change, delete from and/or add to the Specifications and the "General Conditions of Agreement~ Section 00700',. Where any Article of the General Conditions is modified or any Paragraph, subparagraph or Clause thereof is modified or deleted by these supplements, the unaltered provisions of that Article, Paragraph, Subparagraph or Clause shall remain in effect. 1.2 DEFINITION OF TERMS: Wherever the words, forms or phrases defined herein or pronouns used in their place occur in these Specifications, in the Contract, in the Bonds, in the advertisement, or any other document or instrument herein contemplated, or to which these Specifications apply or may apply, the intent and meaning shall be interpreted as follows: Owner: Wherever the word ,,OWNER,, is used in the Specifications and the Contract Documents, it shall be understood as referring to the City of Coppell, Texas. Engineer: Wherever the word ,'ENGINEER', is used in the Specifications and the Contract Documents, it shall be understood as referring to Ginn, Inc., 17103 Preston Rd., Suite 100, LB 118, Dallas, Texas 75248· Advertisement: All of the legal publications pertaining to the work contemplated or under Contract. De Bidder: Any person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, or corporation acting directly or through a duly authorized representative submitting a Proposal for the work contemplated. Contract: The written agreement covering the performance of the work. The Contract includes the advertisement, Proposal, Specifications, including special provisions, Plans or working drawings and any supplemental changes or agreements pertaining to the work or materials therefore, and bonds. Contractor: The person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, or corporation entering into Contract for the execution of the work, acting directly or through a duly authorized representative. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00800 - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITIONS PAGE 00800-2 Palment Bond: The approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his surety as a guaranty for the protection of all claimants supplying labor and material in the prosecution of the work provided for in this Contract; said security shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended by Acts of the Regular Session of the Legislature, 1959. Performance Bond: The approved form of security furnished by the Contractor and his surety as a guarantee of good faith on the part of Contractor to execute the work in strict accordance with the Plans, Specifications and terms of the Contract, and that the Contractor will maintain the work constructed by him in good condition for the period of time required; said security shall be in accordance with the provisions of Article 5160, Revised Civil Statutes of Texas, as amended by Acts of the Regular Session of the Legislature, 1959. Plan or Plans: All the Drawings pertaining to the Contract and made a part thereof, including any supplementary drawings or addenda as the Engineer may issue in order to clarify other drawings, or for the purpose of showing changes in the work hereinafter authorized, or for showing details not shown thereon. Proposal: The written statement or statements duly filed with the City of Coppell of the person, persons, partnership, company, firm, association, or corporation proposing to do the work contemplated, including the approved form on which the formal bids for the work are to be prepared. Proposal Guaranty: The security designated in the advertisement and Proposal, to be furnished by each bidder as a guaranty of good faith to enter into a Contract with the City of Coppell and execute the required bonds for the work contemplated after the work is awarded to him, and payment of damages upon his failure to enter into the Contract. Special Provisions: The special clauses setting forth conditions or requirements peculiar to the specific project involved, supplementing the standard Specifications, and taking precedence over any conditions or requirements of the standard Specifications with which they are in conflict. Specifications: The directions, provisions, and requirements contained her·in, together with the special GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL# TEXAS PAGE 00800-3 DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00800 - SUPPLEMENTARY CONDITION8 provisions, supplemental hereto, pertaining to the method and manner of performing the work or to the qualities or quantities of the materials to be furnished under the Contract. Sureties: The corporate bodies which are bound by such bonds as are required with and for the Contractor. Said sureties engaged to be responsible for the entire and satisfactory fulfillment of the Contract, and for any and all requirements as set out in the Specifications, Contract or Plans. The Work: All work, including the furnishing of labor, materials, tools, equipment, and incidental, to be performed by the Contractor under the terms of the Contract. Working Day: A working day is defined as: a calendar day including Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays in which weather or other conditions not under the control of the Contractor will permit the performance of the principal units of work under way for a continuous period of not less than 7 hours between 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. One day will be charged against the Contract working time when weather conditions will permit 7 hours of work as delineated above. A principal unit of work shall be that unit which controls the completion time of the Contract. Nothing in this definition shall be construed as prohibiting the Contractor from working on Saturdays if he so desires and has the approval of the Engineer. Work on Sundays will not be permitted (except in cases of extreme emergency and then only with the written permission of the Engineer). Qualification of Bidder Forms: Bidder shall complete and submit the Qualification of Bidder Forms bound within these contract documents upon request after the bids are received. The equipment schedule, experience schedule, and Financial Statements shall be current statements of a date not exceeding one (1) year prior to the date for receiving bids and the information provided in the statements shall not be substantially different from the contractor's actual status at the time bids are accepted. The Financial Statement submitted shall be prepared preferably by a Certified Public Accountant and be based on the yearly audit statement of the firm. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS PART i - GENERAL PAGE 00810-1 1.1 GENERAL: The following designated items of the General Conditions of Agreement are modified as follows: Paragraph 2.06 - Lines and Grades is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefore . . "The Engineer will provide references to bench marks and horizontal control points in close proximity to the Work. From these control points, the Contractor shall provide all surveying necessary to lay out the Work. Contractor shall be responsible for establishing all lines and grades necessary to control the Work and shall be responsible for the precise location of all facilities." "The Engineer may make checks as the Work progresses to verify lines and grades established by the Contractor to determine the conformance of the completed work as it progresses with the requirements of the Contract Specifications and Drawings. Such checking by the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to perform all Work in connection with the Contract Drawings and Specifications and the lines and grades given therein. Paragraph 3.09 - Protection Against Accident to Employees and the Public is modified by adding the following: "Contractor's attention is specifically directed to the Texas Occupational Safety Law." "The Contractor shall so conduct his operations as to offer the least possible obstruction and inconvenience to public traffic. After the "Notice to Proceed" is issued, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer, at the earliest possible date, of the starting of hauling of materials and any construction work which might in any way inconvenience or endanger traffic." "The Contractor shall provide and maintain flagmen at all points where his operations interfere in any manner with traffic flow. Flagmen shall be English speaking, courteous, well informed, physically and mentally able effectually to perform their duties in safeguarding and directing traffic and protecting the Work, and shall be neatly attired and groomed at all times when on duty. Flagmen, when directing traffic, shall use standard flagging procedures set forth in the ~Instructions to Flagmen' published by the Texas State Department of Highways and Public Transportation." GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITION8 PAGE 00810-2 "The Contractor shall provide, construct and maintain suitable barricades as shown on the Plans and elsewhere when directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide and maintain such standard barricades or special barricades, signs, lights and flags at points along the project as may be necessary to protect the Work and safeguard all traffic. All signs, barricades and working area layouts shall be provided and maintained in accordance with requirements of Part VI of the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices, 'Traffic Controls for Street and Highway Construction and Maintenance Operations.' Signs and barricades to facilitate the flow of traffic will be the responsibility of the Contractor. The use of sufficient vertical panels with flashers in conjunction with necessary warning signs and barricades will be required to direct traffic." "No direct payment will be made for the work involved in carrying out the public safety measures herein provided, the cost thereof being included in the prices paid for the various Contract items of work and no additional allowance will be made therefore." Paragraph 3.10 - Performance and Payment Bonds is modified as follows: With the execution and delivery of the Contract, the Contractor shall execute and furnish separate Performance and Payment Bonds on the forms provided as follows: Performance Bond: A Performance Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, or any increases or deletions therefrom due to Contract modifications, guaranteeing faithful performance of the work and fulfillment of the obligations of the Contract. The Performance Bond shall guarantee that the Contractor shall repair and/or replace any defects in the work arising from defective or inferior workmanship or materials used therein, for a period of one (1) year from date of final acceptance of the work by the Owner. Payment Bond: A Payment Bond in the amount of one hundred percent (100%) of the Contract price, or any increases or deletions therefrom due to Contract modifications, guaranteeing payment to all persons supplying labor and materials or furnishing equipment in the execution of the Contract. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS PAGE 00810-3 e Performance and Payment bonds shall be from an approved surety company holding a permit from The State of Texas to act as surety or other surety or sureties acceptable to the Owner. Paragraph 3.18 - Insurance is modified by the addition of the following . . Contractor shall comply with each and every condition contained herein. The Contractor shall provide and maintain, until the work covered in the contract is completed and accepted by the Owner, the minimum insurance coverages as follows: Commercial General Liability insurance at minimum combined single limits of $1,000,000 per-occurrence and $2,000,000 general aggregate for bodily injury and property damage, which coverage shall include products/completed operations, and XCU hazards. Coverage for products/completed operations must be maintained for at least two years after the construction work is completed. Coverage must be written on an occurrence form. Workers Compensation insurance at statutory limits, including employers' liability coverage at minimum limits of $500,000. Commercial Automobile Liability insurance at minimum combined single limits of $1,000,000 per-occurrence for bodily injury and property damage, including owned, non-owned, and hired-car coverage. All-Risk Builders, Risk insurance at completed value if the contract is for the construction of a structure or building. ,Note that the general aggregate limit must be at least two times the per-occurrence limit. A comprehensive general liability insurance form may be used in lieu of a commercial general liability insurance form. In this event, coverage must be written on an occurrence basis, at limits of $1,000,000 per-occurrence combined single limit, and coverage must include a broad form comprehensive general liability endorsement, products/completed operations and XCU hazards. With reference to the foregoing insurance requirement, Contractor shall provide the following endorsements: GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REQUIREMENT8 SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITIONS PAGE 00810-4 Named insured wording which includes the Contractor, the Owner and Ginn, Inc., with respect to General Liability, Automobile Liability, and Builders' Risk. All liability policies shall contain cross liability and severability of interest clause. A waiver of subrogation in favor of the Owner and Ginn, Inc. with respect to the Builders' Risk and Workers Compensation Insurance. The policy shall be endorsed to require the insurer to immediately notify the Owner and Ginn, Inc. of any material change in the insurance coverage. All insurance shall be purchased from an insurance company that meets the following requirements: 1. A Best financial grading of A:X or better. Licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas. All insurance must be written on forms filed with, and approved by, the Texas State Board of Insurance. Certificates of Insurance shall be prepared and executed by the insurance company or its authorized agent and shall contain provisions representing and warranting the following: The company is licensed and admitted to do business in the State of Texas. The company's forms have been approved by the Texas State Board of Insurance. 3. Sets forth all endorsements as required above. The Owner and Ginn, Inc. will receive at least sixty (60) days notice prior to cancellation or termination of the insurance. Upon request, Contractor, shall furnish the Owner with certified copies of all insurance policies. The Contractor shall also file with the Owner valid Certificates of Insurance covering all subcontractors in accordance with the insurance requirements set forth herein for Contractor. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATIONS TO GENERAL CONDITION8 PAGE 00810-5 Section 4 - PROSECUTION AND PROGRESS is deleted in entirety and the following substituted therefore: its 4. TIME FOR COMPLETION AND LIQUIDATED DAMAGES 4.01 TIME FOR COMPLETION: The time allotted for com- pletion of all items of work for this project shall be the number of consecutive calendar days, as stated on proposal form. It is hereby understood and mutually agreed, by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the date of beginning and the time for completion as specified in the Contract of the work to be done hereunder are ESSENTIAL CONDITIONS of this Contract; and it is further mutually understood and agreed that the work embraced in this Contract shall be commenced on a date to be specified in the Notice to Proceed. The Contractor agrees that said work shall be prosecuted regularly, diligently, and uninter- ruptedly at such a rate of progress as will insure full completion thereof within the time specified. It is expressly understood and agreed by and between the Contractor and the Owner, that the time for the completion of the work described herein is a reasonable time for the completion of same, taking into considera- tion the average climatic range and usual conditions prevailing in this locality. 4.02 LIQUIDATED DAMAGES: If the said Contractor shall neglect, fail or refuse to complete the work within the time herein specified or any proper extension thereof granted by the Owner, then the Contractor does hereby agree, as a part consideration for the awarding of this Contract, to pay to the Owner an amount as stipulated on bid proposal form FOR EACH CALENDAR DAY, not as penalty, but as liquidated damages for such breach of Contract as hereinafter set forth, for each and every calendar day that the Contractor shall be in default after time stipulated in the Contract for completing the work. The said amount is fixed and agreed upon by and between the Contractor and Owner because of the impracticability and extreme difficulty of fixing and ascertaining the actual damages the Owner would in such event sustain, and said amount shall be retained from time to time by the Owner from current periodical estimates. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATION8 TO GENERAL CONDITION8 PAGE 00810-6 It is further agreed that time is of the essence of each and every portion of this Contract and of the Specifications wherein a definite and certain length of time is fixed for the performance of any act whatsoever; and where under the Contract an additional time is allowed for the completion of any work, the new time limit fixed by such extension shall be of the essence of this Contract. Provided. that the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the Owner determines that the Contractor is without fault and the Contractor's reasons for the time extension are acceptable to the Owner; Provided further. that the Contractor shall not be charged with liquidated damages or any excess cost when the delay in completion of the Work is due: To any preference, priority or allocation order duly issued by the Government; To unforeseeable cause beyond the control and without the fault or negligence of the Contractor, including but not restricted to, acts of God, or of the public enemy, acts of the Owner, acts of another contractor in the performance of a Contract with the Owner, fires, floods, epidemics, quarantine restrictions, strikes, freight embargoes, and severe weather: and To any delays of subcontractors or suppliers occasioned by any of the causes specified in subsections (a) and (b) of this article; Provided further, that the Contractor shall within ten (10) days from the beginning of such delay, unless the Owner shall grant a further period of time prior to the date of final settlement of the Contract, notify the Owner, in writing, of the causes of the delay, who shall ascertain the facts and extent of the delay and notify the Contractor within a reasonable time of its decision in the matter. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF C0PPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00810 - MODIFICATION8 TO GENERAL CONDITIONS PAGE 00810-7 Paragraph 5.04 - Partial Payments, is deleted in its entirety and the following substituted therefore: "On or before the tenth of the month, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer for approval a statement showing as completely as practicable the total value of the work done by the Contractor up to the last day of the previous month; said statement shall also include the value of all sound materials delivered and stored on the job site of the work that are to be fabricated into the work. "The Owner shall then pay the Contractor after receiving the Engineer's recommendation for payment. The amount paid shall be the total amount less five (5) percent of the amount if total project estimated cost exceeds $400,000 or ten (10) percent of the amount if the estimated project cost is less than $400,000, which percent retained shall be held until final payment, and further less all previous payments and all further sums that may be retained by the Owner under the terms of this agreement. "It is understood, however, that in case the whole work be near to completion and some unexpected and unusual delay occurs due to no fault or neglect on the part of the Contractor, the Owner may---upon written recommendation of the Engineer--- pay a reasonable and equitable portion of the retained percentage to the Contractor, or the Contractor at the Owner's option, may be relieved of the obligation to fully complete the work and, thereupon, the Contractor shall receive payment of the balance due him under the Contract subject only to the conditions stated under 'Final Payment'." END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOM WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS PAGE 00830-1 DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00830 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REOUIREMENTS PART i - GENERAL 1.1 OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE MANUAL: The Contractor shall prepare and assemble for submittal to the Owner's Engineer, six (6) copies of data for inclusion in an operation and maintenance manual. The data shall be bound in 3-ring note books, and shall consist of the following items: Maintenance and operation instructions including routine adjustments and lubrication for all butterfly and gate vales, and all other functional equipment provided in this contract. Special emphasis shall be placed on preventive maintenance and safety recommendations. Annual man-hour estimates for the routine and preventive maintenance of the equipment as specified in Item 1 above. Manufacturer's manuals and parts lists for all equipment specified in Item 1 above. 4. Shop drawings as approved by the Owner's Engineer. All Operation and Maintenance Manual data shall be submitted at one time and not later than the time at which the contract becomes 90% complete. 1.2 ORDER OF WORK: The Contractor shall schedule and conduct all his operations and perform his work in such a manner as to not interfere with the operation of the existing water system. No work will be performed on existing facilities until new construction has been completed and determined to be operationally acceptable. Any alterations to flows into or through the water system will be accomplished only after coordination with both the Director of Public Works and the Engineer, and only with the consent of both. Any special piping or valves required for temporary rerouting or diversion of flows shall be provided by the Contractor and no additional payment will be made therefor. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00830 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REOUIREMENTS PAGE 00830-2 1.3 CONTRACT EXECUTION AND ISSUANCE OF WORK ORDER: It is the intention of the Owner to notify the Successful Bidder in writing, within ninety (90) days after receiving bids, of his acceptance of the Proposal. The Contractor shall complete the execution of the required Bonds and Contract within ten (10) days of such notice. Upon completion of the execution of the Contract Documents, the Owner/Engineer will issue a "Notice to Proceed with Construction." 1.4 STATE AND CITY SALES TAX: The Contractor's attention is directed to Amendment No. 7 to Section 6a, Article 20.01, Chapter 20, Title 122A, Taxation-General of the Revised Civil Statutes of Texas. This amendment provides that all items used or consumed by a contractor, whether incorporated into the project or not, can be purchased free of State and City sales tax when the project is being performed for an exempt agency. Included are equipment rentals and other items which are consumed by the contractor but are not incorporated into the project. This Contract is issued by an organization which qualifies for exception pursuant to the provisions of Article 20.04 (F) of the Texas Limited Sales, Excise and Use Tax. The contractor performing this Contract may purchase, rent or lease all materials, supplies, and equipment used or consumed in the performance of this Contract by issuing to his supplier an exemption certificate in lieu of the tax, said exemption certificate complying with State Comptroller's ruling No. 95-0.07. Any such exemption certificate issued by the contractor in lieu of the tax shall be subject to the provisions of the State Comptroller's ruling No. 95-0.09 as amended to be effective October 2, 1968. 1.5 EXISTING STRUCTURES: The Plans show the locations of all known surface and sub-surface structures believed to be involved in this proposed construction. However, the Owner or Engineer assumes no responsibility for failure to show any or all of these structures on the Plans, or to show them in their exact location. It is mutually agreed that such failure shall not be considered sufficient basis for claims for additional compensation for extra work, unless the obstruction encountered is such as to necessitate changes in the lines or grades, or requires the building of special work, provisions for which are not made in the Plans and Specifications, in which case the provisions in the General GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00830 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REOUIREMENTS PAGE 00830-3 Conditions of Agreement for extra work shall apply. 1.6 PROTECTION AND RESTORATION OF PROPERTY: The Contractor shall be responsible for the preservation from injury and damage, resulting directly or indirectly from the execution of the work under this Contract, of all public and private property adjacent to the work. He shall use every precaution to prevent the damage or destruction of buildings, poles, trees, shrubbery and lawns. Also, underground structures such as wires, cables, etc.; within or without the work area. He shall protect and carefully preserve all official survey monuments, properties and section markers or other similar markers until an authorized agent has witnessed or otherwise referenced their location and shall not remove them until directed. When or where direct or indirect damages or injury is done to public or private property by or on account of any act, omission, neglect or misconduct in the execution of the work or in consequences of the nonexecution of same on the part of the Contractor, such property shall be restored at the Contractor's expense to a condition similar or equal to that existing before such damage or injury was done, he shall make good such damage or injury in an acceptable manner. In case of failure on the part of the Contractor to restore such property, or make good such damage, or injury, the Engineer may upon twenty-four (24) hours written notice, proceed to repair, rebuild or otherwise restore such property as may be deemed necessary and the cost thereof shall be deducted from any moneys due the Contractor under the Contract. 1.7 REFERENCE SPECIFICATIONS: Reference to ASTM, or others as listed below, shall be considered as referring to the Specifications or Method of Test as set forth by those various organizations and shall be considered as part of these Specifications when designated as such. Abbreviations and meanings are as follows: A.S.A ............. American Standards Association A.S.T.M ........... American Society of Testing Materials A..A.S.H.T.O ....... American Association of State Highway & Transportation Officials A.C.I ............. American Concrete Institute A.W.S ............. American Welding Society A.W.W.A ........... American Water Works Association GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSBTOWlqWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00830 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REOUIREMENTS PAGE 00830-4 S.S.P.C ........... Steel Structures Painting Council, Federal Specifications Treasury Department Procurement Division, United States Government U.L ............... Underwriters Laboratories N.E.M.A ........... National Electrical Manufacturers Association W.P.C.F ........... Water Pollution Control Federation T.S.D.H.P.T ....... Texas State Department of Highways and or THD Public Transportation C.D.G.S ........... City of Dallas General Specifications S.S.P.W.C.N.C.T...Standard Specifications for Public Works Construction North Central Texas N.C.T.C.O.G ....... North Central Texas Council of Governments 1.8 SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS: Contractor shall make his own investigation of subsurface conditions. No claims for extra compensation due to unusual soil conditions that are found to exist will be allowed. 1.9 SERVICE OF MANUFACTURER'S REPRESENTATIVE: The Contract price for the project shall include the cost of furnishing competent and experienced engineers or superintendents who shall represent the manufacturers and shall assist the Contractor, when required, to install, adjust and test the equipment in conformity with the Contract Documents. After the equipment is placed in permanent operation by the Owner, such engineer or superintendent shall make all adjustments and tests required by the Engineer to prove that such equipment is in proper and satisfactory operating condition, and shall instruct the Owner's representatives in the proper operation and maintenance of such equipment or system. 1.10 PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS AVAILABILITY: The Engineer will provide the Contractor with three (3) copies of Plans and Specifications in addition to the Contract Sets provided for use on the project. Additional copies may be purchased by the Contractor for the cost of printing. Reproducibles required for as-builts will be paid for by the Contractor. Engineer will provide the original Drawings. 1.11 CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITY FOR UTILITIES AND SERVICES: The Contractor shall make his own investigations and be fully responsible for locating and taking care not to damage any gas, water, sewer, or telephone lines. The Contractor shall not begin any operations which may interfere with or impair the normal service being rendered by public utility operators. The Contractor will be held responsible for the protection of the property or service of public utilities within the limits of the Work. In case GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00830 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REOUIREMENTS PAGE 00830-5 1.12 1.13 that such physical properties conflict with the performance of the Contract, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to anticipate such conflicts and to give advance notice thereof to the owners of the utility. The Contractor will be responsible for any damages done by him to any utility structure whether owned by a public or private agency. Damage of whatever nature to the existing facilities shall be repaired immediately at the Contractor's own expense as directed by the Engineer. Contractor shall be responsible for the relocation of any water, sewer, gas, telephone or other utility which inter- feres with the performance of the Contract. No extra claims for compensation will be allowed for any utility relocation, unless approved in writing by Engineer, prior to relocation. MANUFACTURER'S DIRECTIONS: All manufactured articles, materials and equipment shall be applied, installed, connected, erected and used as directed by the manufacturers, unless herein specified to the contrary. Contractor shall furnish copies of all printed directions with the material. SANITARY FACILITIES: The Contractor shall provide at his own expense field toilets for the use of the employees and contractor forces. The facilities shall conform to the requirements of the Texas State Health Department and those of any other agencies having jurisdiction herewith. The field toilets shall be cleaned and scrubbed with a disinfectant at least once per day. 1.14 1.15 GUARANTEE OF WORK: All work shall be guaranteed against defects resulting from the use of inferior materials, equipment or workmanship for one year from date of final completion and acceptance of the project. FINAL REVIEW AND OBSERVATION: When the work is completed, the Contractor shall notify the Owner in writing on which date he will be ready for final test and review. Notice shall be given seven (7) days in advance and verified by telephone twenty-four (24) hours prior to the time set for review and observation. After the Owner and Engineer are completely satisfied with the work, the Engineer shall make final measurements of all GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00830 - SPECIFIC PROJECT REOUIREMENTS PAGE 00830-6 items and approve final estimate and recommend to the Owner to make final payment to the Contractor. 1.16 PERMITS AND LICENSES: All permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the work shall be secured and paid for by the Contractor. Building permit fees shall be waived for this work, but Contractor shall apply for a building permit in normal manner. 1.17 NOTICE-OF-REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFICATION OF NON-SEGREGATED FACILITIES: Bidders are cautioned as follows: By signing the Contract for which these bids are solicited, the bidder will be deemed to have signed and agreed to the provisions of the "Certificate of Non-segregated Facilities" as contained in the Specifications for this project. 1.18 LAYOUT OF PROJECT COMPONENTS: Prior to start of any excavation, Contractor shall have laid out (horizontally and vertically) all components of the project, and have them reviewed by the Engineer before proceeding. The Contractor shall be responsible for all alignment and elevation control. The Contractor shall provide the Engineer a "cut sheet" prior to beginning any excavation or embankment, indicating all "cuts and fills" as required on the project. 1.19 WAGE RATES All employees directly employed on this project by the Contractor or his sub-contractors shall be paid the Prevailing Wage Scale for work of a similar character in the locality, and in no event less than the minimum rates per hour specified in Appendix B. The wage rates applicable to the work called for are the minimum to be paid to the various classes of labor and crafts. The Contractor is at liberty to pay any amount over and above the rates called for herein. The rates contained in Appendix B have not been formally adopted by the City of Coppell. It is anticipated that these rates will be adopted prior to the award of this contract. Should the adopted rates vary from the rates contained in Appendix B, appropriate compensation will be negotiated with the Successful Contractor. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENTS SECTION 00850 - INDEX TO DRAWINGS PAGE 00850-1 Sheet No. Description 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. END OF SECTION COVER SHEET LOCATION MAP SHEET INDEX AND SUMMARY OF QUANTITIES LINE A - STA. 0+00 TO STA. 10+00 LINE A - STA. 10+00 TO STA. 20+00 LINE A - STA. 20+00 TO STA. 30+00 LINE A - STA. 30+00 TO STA. 41+00 LINE A - STA. 41+00 TO STA. 51+00 LINE A - STA. 51+00 TO STA. 61+00 LINE A - STA. 61+00 TO STA. 71+00 LINE A - STA. 71+00 TO STA. 81+00 LINE A - STA. 81+00 TO STA. 91+00 LINE A - STA. 91+00 TO STA. 100+00 LINE A - STA. 100+00 TO STA. 110+00 LINE A - STA. 110+00 TO STA. 120+00 LINE A - STA. 120+00 TO STA. 130+00 LINE A - STA. 130+00 TO STA. 140+00 LINE A - STA. 140+00 TO STA. 150+00 LINE A - STA. 150+00 TO STA. 159+60 LINE B - STA. 9+96.23 TO STA. 20+00 LINE B - STA. 20+00 TO STA. 30+00 LINE B - STA. 30+00 TO STA. 40+00 LINE B - STA. 40+00 TO STA. 50+00 LINE B - STA. 50+00 TO STA. 60+00 LINE B - STA. 60+00 TO STA. 62+26.78 LINE C - STA. 4+85 TO STA. 11+50 LINE C - STA. 11+50 TO STA. 22+50 LINE C - STA. 22+50 TO STA. 30+20 LINE D - MOORE ROAD AND CARTER DRIVE SD-5 VALVES SD-16 WATER-FIRE HYDRANT-SERVICE CONNECTION SD-17 WATER - WATER PIPE DETAILS SD-18 WATER - WATER PIPE DETAILS SD-19 SEWER - MANHOLE-CLEANOUTS-CONNECTIONS TRENCH SAFETY GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 0 - BIDDING AND CONTRACT REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 00900 - ADDENDA AND MODIFICATION8 PART I - GENERAL PAGE 00900-1 1.1 GENERAL: If required, the proposed Contract Documents for this Work, including the drawings and specifications prepared by Ginn, Inc. - Consulting Engineers, for the construction of the Work as shown, shall be modified, amended or changed; and specific information will be provided in this section. Addenda, if issued, will be either mailed, picked up by bidders, or delivered to all bidders receiving a complete set of Bidding Documents. No Addenda will be issued later than four (4) days prior to the date for receipt of bids, except an Addendum, postponing the date, or withdrawing the request for bids. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 01010-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION AND LOCATION OF WORK: Work covered by the Contract Documents includes the furnishing of all labor, materials, tools, equipment, taxes, services, transportation and other items necessary to perform and complete all of the work for the construction as indicated on the drawings and as herein written. The work consists of furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and tools related to construct the following: (not limited to only this list) All site clearing and grubbing, including waste material disposal, as required. Excavation, placement and compaction of select fill materials, base materials and granular materials. Construct water mains including valves, vaults bends, thrust blocking, tie-ins, and trench safety. Furnish and install all piping, valves, and fittings as indicated on the drawings. 1.2 WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: General conditions of agreement, special conditions, standard specifications and special provisions. 1.3 START OF WORK: 1.4 Work shall be started immediately upon issuance of a notice to proceed order. Prior to this, all contracts and beginning documents will have been executed and insurance in force. COMPLETENESS OF WORK: The drawings and specifications describe the various items of work, character of materials and quality of workmanship and finish. Any appurtenances, parts, finish of work essential to the entire completion of the work, though not specifically shown or specified, shall be provided by the Contractor and included in the Contract Sum Amount. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 01010-2 Time of Completion: The completion of this work is to be on or before the time indicated in the Owner and Contractor Agreement. 1.5 EXISTING UTILITIES, STRUCTURES, AND OTHER PROPERTY: Prior to any excavation, it shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the locations of all existing water, gas, petroleum, sewer, electric, telephone, telegraph, television and other underground utilities and structures. Obtain location drawings and other assistance from the various local Utility Departments and other applicable agencies, and make other investigations as required to accomplish this. After commencing work, use every precaution to avoid interference with existing underground and surface utilities and structures, and protect them from damage. Where the locations of existing underground and surface utilities and structures are indicated on the drawings, these locations are generally approximate, and all items which may be encountered during the work are not necessarily indicated. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to determine the exact locations of all items indicated, and the existence and locations of all items not indicated. 1.6 CONTRACTOR'S DUTIES: A. Except as specifically noted, provide and pay for: Labor, materials, equipment. Tools, construction equipment, and machinery. Water, heat, and utilities required for construction. Other facilities and services necessary for proper execution and completion of work. Pay legally required sales, consumer, use, payroll, privilege and other taxes. Secure and pay for, as necessary for proper execution and completion of work, and as applicable at time of receipt of bids: Fees Licenses Permits D. Give required notices. Comply with codes, ordinances, rules, regulations, orders and other legal requirements of public authorities which bear on performance of work. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 01010-3 Promptly submit written notice to Engineer of observed variance of contract documents from legal requirements. It is not the contractor's responsibility to make certain that drawings and specifications comply with codes and regulations. Appropriate modifications to contract documents will adjust necessary changes. Assume responsibility for work known to be contrary to such requirements without notice. Enforce strict discipline and good order among employees. Do not employ on work, unfit persons or persons not skilled in assigned task. 1.7 COORDINATION: The prime general contractor is responsible for the coordination of the total project. All other contractors and all sub-contractors will cooperate with the prime general contractor so as to facilitate the general progress of the work. Each trade shall afford all other trades every reasonable opportunity for the installation of their work. 1.8 CONTRACTS: A. Construct work under a single prime general contract. 1.9 MATERIALS AND WORKMANSHIP: All material under this contract shall be new and as specified, suitable for the purpose and subject to approval by the Engineer. The workmanship shall be first-class and subject to the approval of the Engineer as equal to best standard practice. Contractor shall furnish labor which in no way will conflict with other labor working on the site. The Contractor shall at all times enforce strict discipline and good order among his men and shall not employ any unfit persons or anyone not skilled in the work assigned to him. The work shall be protected from action of the weather and damage from workmen. Surfaces shall be clean and free from defects. The Contractor shall remove at his own expense any work or material condemned by the Engineer as defective and not in accordance with the contract documents. Failure to do so shall be deemed as violation of contract and shall be subject to the procedure established for such case. Any omission or failure on the part of the Engineer to disapprove or reject any work or material shall not be construed to be an acceptance of any such defective work or material. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS -- PAGE 01010-4 DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK 1.10 REVIEW AND OBSERVATION OF WORK: All the work of the contract shall be subject to review and observation by the Engineer and his authorized representatives, and the Contractor shall afford every facility for the review and observation of materials and workmanship. Such access shall include such portions of the place of manufacture or fabrication as may be necessary to complete such review. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer in writing, in ample time, to permit review and observation at the place of manufacture should the Engineer so desire. Materials shall be delivered on the job properly marked for identification and whether previously observed or not shall be subject to re-observation and review and final acceptance or rejection at the site of the work. If the specifications, Engineer's instructions, laws, ordinances, or any public authority require any work to be specially tested or approved, the Contractor shall give the Engineer timely notice of its readiness for review and observation, and if review is by another authority than the Engineer, of the date fixed for such review and observation. Re-examination of the questioned work may be ordered by the Engineer and, if so ordered, the work must be uncovered by the Contractor. If such work is found to be in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Owner shall pay the cost of the re-examination and replacement. If such work is found not in accordance with the Contract Documents, the Contractor shall pay such cost unless he shall show the defect in the work was caused by another Contractor and, in that event, the party responsible shall pay such costs. 1.11 SUSPENSION OF WORK - DELAY: On order of the Engineer, the work may be suspended for any substantial cause, such as, but not limited to, unfavorable weather conditions, failure, refusal or neglect on the part of the contractor and his employees to comply with the terms and conditions of the Contract documents. The use of, or attempted use of materials or methods not in accordance therewith, interference of the work with other work of a public or private nature necessary to be done prior to the work herein contemplated or for any cause of like nature, and the work so suspended shall not be resumed except with the consent of the Engineer. During the time of such suspension of the work, if it is to be a considerable time, the Contractor shall have all material neatly piled or removed from the GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 0 10 10 - SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 01010-5 line of work, and all equipment shall be located so as to least interfere with public convenience and traffic. Should the Contractor refuse or neglect to take proper care of such materials and equipment, the Engineer shall cause the same to be properly cared for and an amount equal to the cost of so doing shall be deducted from any monies which may be or may become due to the Contractor. The Contractor may file proper claims for loss or damage on account of delays incurred by the Owner. If any delay is caused by any act of the Owner, or results from causes hereinbefore mentioned, the Contractor will be granted an extension of time for the completion of the work, sufficient to offset such delay if a claim is made by the Contractor in writing to the Engineer within seven days from the date upon which such delay is started. No extension of time shall be granted for time lost during suspension of the work due to the Contractor's failure to comply with the conditions or terms of the contract. 1.12 CHANGES IN THE WORK: No extra work or change shall be made without a written order from the Owner, in which event the Contractor shall proceed with such extra work or change, and no claim for an addition to the Contract Sum shall be valid unless so ordered. However, the Engineer shall have the authority, by instructions, to make minor changes in the work, not involving extra cost and not inconsistent with the purposes of the project. If the Contractor claims that any such instructions to make minor change do involve extra cost under the contract, he shall notify the Engineer in writing, within a reasonable time after receiving the said instruction and, in any event, before proceeding with the work as changed thereby or be barred from making any claim against the Owner for such extra costs. Compensation for the work covered by an approved change order shall be determined according to the General Conditions of Agreement, Section 6.03, Extra Work, page G-11. 1.13 LATENT CONDITIONS: If, in the performance of the Contract, latent conditions at the site are found to be materially different from those indicated by the specifications or unknown conditions not usually inherent in work of the character specified, the attention of the GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01010 - SUMMARY OF WORK PAGE 01010-6 Owner and Engineer shall be called immediately to such conditions before they are disturbed. Upon such notice, or upon his own observations of such conditions, the Engineer and Owner shall promptly make such changes in the specifications as he finds necessary to conform to the different conditions, and any increase or decrease in the cost of the work resulting from such changes shall be adjusted as provided under Article 6, General Conditions, EXTRA WORK AND CLAIMS, as amended in the Special Conditions. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01014 - WORK SEOUENCE PAGE 01014-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Construct work so as to provide the least interruption of use of the existing operations. At all times throughout construction, existing water, sewer and electric facilities shall remain in use. No discontinuation of service for any extended period of time will be allowed. Contractor shall submit a written construction schedule stating how construction will be phased. This schedule must be submitted and reviewed by the engineer prior to beginning construction. D. See Section 01310 - Construction Schedule. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01015 - CONTRACTOR USE OF PREMISES PAGE 01015-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 CONTRACTOR'S USE OF PREMISES: Ae Contractor shall limit his use of the premises for work and for storage to the limits of areas allowed by owner. B. Confine operations at site to areas permitted by: 1. Law 2. Ordinances 3. Permit 4. Contract Documents 5. Owner Do not unreasonably encumber site with materials or equipment. Coordinate use of premises with Owner/ Engineer and property owners. Assume full responsibility for protection safekeeping of products stored on premises. and Move any stored products which interfere operations of Owner or other contractors. with Obtain and pay for, use of additional storage of work areas needed for operations. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01041 - PROJECT COORDINATION PART I - GENERAL PAGE 01041-1 1.1 DESCRIPTION: Scope: To set forth procedures, conditions and responsibility for coordination of the total project. Project Coordinator: The Contractor shall keep on his work during its progress a competent superintendent and any necessary assistants all satisfactory to the Engineer. The superintendent shall not be changed, except with the consent of the Engineer, unless the superintendent proves to be unsatisfactory to the Contractor and ceases to be in his employ. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor in his absence, and all direction given to him shall be binding as if given to the Contractor. Important directions shall be confirmed in writing to the Contractor. Other directions shall be so confirmed on written request in each case. 1.2 DUTIES OF PROJECT COORDINATOR: A. General: 1. Coordination: Coordinate the work of all subcontractors and material suppliers. Supervision: Supervise the activities of every phase of work taking place on the project. Mechanical/Electrical: Take special care to coordinate and supervise the work of the plumbing, heating and cooling and electrical subcontractors. Communication: Establish lines of authority and communication at the job site· Location: The project coordinator must be present on the job most of the time. Permits: Assist in obtaining building and special permits required for construction. B. Interpretation of Contract Documents: Consultation: Consult with Engineer to obtain interpretations. 2. Assistance: Assist in resolution of any question. Transmission: Transmit written interpretations to concerned parties. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS PAGE SECTION 01041 - PROJECT COORDINATION 01041-2 C. Cessation of Work: Stop all work not in accordance with the requirements of the contract documents. Division One: Coordinate and assist in the preparation of all requirements of Division One and specifically as follows: Cutting and Patching: Supervise and control all cutting and patching of other trades' work. 2. Project Meetings: Schedule and preside at all project meetings. Construction Schedules: Prepare and submit all construction schedules. Supervise work to monitor compliance with schedules. Shop Drawings Product Data and Administer the processing of all required by the Project Manual. Samples: submittals Schedule of Values: Assist in preparation and be knowledgeable of each entry in the Schedule of Values. 6. Testing: Coordinate all required testing. Temporary Facilities and Controls: Allocate, maintain and monitor all temporary facilities. Substitutions and Product Options: processing of all substitutions. Administer the Project Closeout: Conduct final inspections and assist in collection and preparation of closeout documents. 10. Cleaning: Direct and execute a continuing cleaning program throughout construction, requiring each trade to dispose their debris. 11. Project Record Documents: project record documents. Maintain up-to-date 12. Enforce all safety requirements. Changes: Recommend and assist in the preparation of requests to the Engineer for any changes in the contract. Application for Payment: Assist in the preparation and be knowledgeable of each entry in the Application and Certificate for Payment. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01041 - PROJECT COORDINATION PAGE 01041-3 1.3 SUBCONTRACTOR'S DUTIES: The subcontractor is responsible to coordinate and supervise his employees in the work accomplished under his part of the contract. Schedules: Conduct work to assure compliance with construction schedules. Suppliers: suppliers. Transmit all instructions to his material Cooperation: Cooperate with the project coordinator and other subcontractors. All prime contractors and all subcontractors shall coordinate all work, one with the other, so as to facilitate the general progress of the work. Each trade shall afford all other trades every reasonable opportunity for the installation of their work. If any part of the Contractor's work depends on proper execution, or results upon the work of any other contractor, the Contractor shall inspect and promptly report to the Engineer any defects in such work, that renders it unsuitable for such proper execution. And, the result of his failure to inspect and report shall constitute an acceptance of his work, except as to the defects which may develop in the other contractor's work after the execution of his work. To insure the proper execution of his subsequent work, the Contractor shall measure work already in place and shall at once report to the Engineer any discrepancy between executed work and the drawings. Justifiable delays, such as strikes, acts of God, etc., caused by conditions beyond the control of any Prime Contractor, which in turn delays other prime contractors, shall not be considered as constituting a cause for claiming damages therefore from either the Prime Contractor or the Owner. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01045 - CUTTING AND PATCHING PART I - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: A. General Conditions B. Mechanical - Division 15 PAGE 01045-1 1.2 DESCRIPTION: 1.3 Execute cutting including excavating, fitting and patching required to complete Work or to: 1. Make several parts fit properly. 2. Uncover portions of Work to provide for installation of ill-timed Work. 3. Remove and replace defective work. 4. Remove and replace work not conforming to requirements of Contract Documents· Remove samples of installed work as specified for testing. Provide penetrations of non-structural surfaces for installation of piping and conduit. In addition to contract requirements, upon written instructions of Engineer: Uncover work to provide for Engineer observation of covered work. 2. Remove samples of installed materials for testing. Remove work to provide for alteration of completed work. SUBMITTALS: Submit written notice to Engineer in advance of executing cutting which affects: 1. Work of Owner or any separate contractor. 2. Structural integrity of Work. Integrity of weather-exposed or moisture-resistant elements. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 - GENEI~L REOUIREHENTS SECTION 01045 - CUTTING ~ PATCHING PAGE 01045-2 4. Efficiency, operation or operational equipment. maintenance of 5. Visual qualities of sight-exposed elements. B. Request shall include: Identification of Project, description of affected work, necessity for cutting, effect on other Work, effect on structural integrity of Project, description of proposed work. Designate: a. Scope of cutting and patching. b. Trades to execute work. c. Products proposed to be used. d. Extent of refinishing. 2. Alternatives to cutting and patching. Written permission of separate contractor whose work will be affected. Should conditions of Work, or schedule, necessitate change of materials or methods, submit written recommendation to Engineer, including: 1. Conditions indicating change. Recommendations for alternative materials or methods. Submittals as required for substitutions as specified in Section 01630, if provided. Submit written notice to Engineer designating time work will be uncovered to provide for observation. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. For replacement of work removed, comply Specifications for each specific product involved. with GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 PAGE SECTION 01045 - CUTTING AND PATCHING 01045-3 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION: A. Inspect existing conditions of Work, including elements subject to movement or damage during cutting and patching and during excavation and backfilling. After uncovering work, inspect conditions affecting installation of new products, or performance of work. Do not proceed until unsatisfactory conditions have been corrected. 3.2 PREPARATION: Provide temporary shoring, bracing and support to maintain structural integrity of affected portion of Work. B. Provide protection for other portions of Work. Provide protection from elements for portion of Work which may be exposed by cutting and patching, and maintain excavations free of water. 3.3 PERFORMANCE: Execute fitting and adjustment of products to provide finished installation to comply with specified products, functions, tolerances and finishes. Execute cutting and demolition by methods which will prevent damage to other work and will provide proper surfaces to receive installation of repairs and new work. Execute excavating and backfilling by methods which will prevent damage to other work and will prevent settlement. Restore work which has been cut or removed; install new products to provide completed Work in accord with requirements of Contract Documents. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01050 - FIELD ENGINEERING PART i - GENERAL PAGE 01050-1 1.1 GENERAL: Contractor shall provide and pay for field engineering services required for the project and include in his bid the necessary allowance to cover same, including: 1. Survey work required in execution of the project· Civil, structural, or other professional engineering services specified, or required to execute Contractor's construction methods. The Engineer will identify existing control points indicated on the drawings, as required. 1.2 QUALIFICATIONS OF SURVEYOR OR ENGINEER: Ae Qualified engineer or registered land surveyor, registered in State of Texas, acceptable to Contractor and Engineer. 1.3 BENCH MARKS, MONUMENTS AND SURVEY REFERENCE POINTS: The Contractor will carefully maintain all bench marks, monuments, and other reference points. If destroyed or disturbed, the reference points will be replaced, by the Contractor, to their original positions. In any case in which a reference point is disturbed, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer. 1.4 PROJECT SURVEY REQUIREMENTS: The Contractor shall accurately stake out all components of the project and will be held entirely responsible for any errors in these lines and levels. The Contractor shall verify all grades, lines and levels and shall report any inconsistencies to the Engineer before commencing work. Establish line and levels, instrumentation: locate and layout by Water line improvements: a. Stakes for grading, water llne placement. excavation, fill and b. Utility slopes and invert elevations. 2. All appurtenances required by this contract. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIRENENTS SECTION 01050 - FIELD ENGINEERING PAGE 01050-2 1.5 RECORDS: 1.6 Contractor shall maintain a complete accurate log of all control and survey work as it progresses, copies of which shall be available to the Engineer if requested. SUBMITTALS: A. If requested by Engineer, Contractor shall submit: 1. Name and address of surveyor and/or professional engineer. 2. Documentation to verify accuracy of field engineering work. Certificate signed by registered engineer or surveyor certifying that elevations and locations of improvement are in conformance, or non-conformance with Contract Documents. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS PAGE 01070-1 DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01070 - ABBREVIATION8 AND REFERENCE STANDARD8 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 ORGANIZATION AND SOCIETY ABBREVIATIONS: Ae Publications of organizations and societies are referred in Contract Documents by following abbreviated designations: American Concrete Institute American Institute of Steel Construction American Iron and Steel Institute American National Standards Institute American Society for Testing and Materials American Society of Civil Engineers American Welding Society Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute Factory Mutual Federal Specifications Portland Cement Association Precast Concrete Association Steel Deck Institute Steel Joist Institute Steel Structures Painting Council Underwriters Laboratories Uniform Building Code ACI AISC AISI ANSI ASTM ASCE AWS CRSI FM FS PCA PCI SDI SJI SSPC UL UBC 1.2 REFERENCE STANDARDS - GENERAL: Publications of organizations and societies listed in individual Specification Sections shall be considered integral part of Contract Documents to extent referenced. Publications are referred to in text by basic designation only with organizations and societies referenced by abbreviations. When standard is referred to in individual Specification Section but is not listed in this Section by title and date, it shall be considered to be latest revision at date of Project Manual issuance. D. Following listings include full title and applicable revision date. 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS: A. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 211.1-81 (R 1985), Standard Practice for Selecting Proportions for Normal and Heavyweight Concrete. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01070 - ABBREVIATIONS AND REFERENCE STANDARD8 PAGE 01070-2 211.3-75 (R 1980), Recommended Practice for Selecting Proportions for No-Slump Concrete. 301-84 (R 1985), Specification for Structural Concrete for Buildings. 304R-85, Guide for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting, and Placing Concrete. 305R-77, Hot Weather Concreting. 306R-78, Cold Weather Concreting. 308-81 (R 1986), Standard Practice for Curing Concrete. 309-72 (R 1978), Standard Practice for Consolidation of Concrete. 315-80, Details and Detailing of Reinforced Concrete. 315R-80, Manual of Engineering and Placing Drawings for Concrete Reinforcement (Synopsis Only). 318-83, Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 347-78, Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork. American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC): Code of Standard Practice for Steel Buildings and Bridges (with Commentary), September 1, 1976. Manual of Steel Construction, Eighth Edition. Specification for Structural Joints Using ASTM A325 or A490 Bolts, April 26, 1978. American Society for Testing of Materials (ASTM): A 36-77a, Specification for Structural Steel. A 47-77, Specification for Malleable Iron Castings. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01100 - ALTERNATES AND ALTERNATIVES PAGE 01100-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: This Section identifies each Alternate by number, and describes the basic changes to be incorporated into the Work, only when that Alternate is made a part of the Work by specific provisions in the Owner-Contractor Agreement. Related requirements in Other Parts of the Project Manual: Method of quotation of the cost of each Alternate, and the basis of the owner's acceptance of Alternates: Bidding Documents. 2. Incorporation of Alternates into the Work: Owner- Contractor Agreement. Referenced sections of specifications stipulate pertinent requirements for products and methods to achieve the work stipulated under each Alternate. Coordinate pertinent related work and modify surrounding work as required to properly integrate the work under each Alternate, and to provide the complete construction required by Contract Documents. 1.2 DESCRIPTION OF ALTERNATES: Ductile Iron Pipe - Reference Division 2, Section 02615 for applicable specifications. This item would replace the Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe (PCCP) line item found in the Bidding Documents, Division O, Section 00300, under both "Line A" and "Line B". Consideration of this Alternate shall be given at the time of Contract Award. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01152 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PART I - GENERAL PAGE 01152-1 1.1 GENERAL: Contractor to submit Applications for Payment to Engineer in accordance with the schedule established by Modifications to General Conditions, Section 00810, paragraph 1.1, F, Partial Payments. 1.2 FORMAT AND DATA REQUIRED: Submit six itemized applications typed on Application and Certificate for Payment, as approved by Engineer. 1.3 PREPARATION OF APPLICATION FOR EACH PROGRESS PAYMENT: A. Application Form: Engineer shall supply the initial application form to the Contractor. Fill in required information, including that for Change Orders executed prior to the date of submittal of applications. Fill in summary of dollar values to agree with the respective totals indicated on the continuation sheets. Execute certification on each copy with the signature of a responsible officer of the Contract firm. Each copy shall bear an original signature. B. Continuation Sheets: Fill in total list of all scheduled component items of work, with item number and the scheduled dollar value for each item. Fill in the dollar value in each column for each scheduled line item when work has been performed or products stored. List each Change Order Number, and description, as for an original component item of work. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01152 - APPLICATIONS FOR PAYMENT PAGE 01152-2 1.4 SUBSTANTIATING DATA FOR PROGRESS PAYMENTS: When the Owner or the Engineer requires substantiating data, Contractor shall submit suitable information, with a cover letter identifying: 1. Project 2. Application number and date 3. Detailed list of enclosures 4. For stored products: Item number and identification as shown on application· b. Description of specific material. Provide photocopy of Purchase Order Request and/or material supplier's invoice indicating date PAID. Submit one copy of data cover letter for each copy of application. 1.5 SUBMITTAL PROCEDURE: Submit Applications for Payment to Engineer at times stated in Section 00810. B. Number: Six (6) copies of each Application· C. Sign each copy and have each copy properly notarized. When Engineer finds the Application properly completed and correct, he will transmit three (3) copies of the certificate for payment to the Owner and one (1) copy to the Contractor. PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PART 3 - EXECUTION Not Used GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01202 - PROGRE88 MEETING8 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: PAGE 01202-1 Contractor shall schedule and administer periodic progress meetings, and specially called meetings throughout the progress of the work. 1. Prepare agenda for meetings. 2. Distribute written notice of each meeting four days in advance of meeting date. 3. Make physical arrangements for meetings. 4. Preside at meetings. 5. Record the minutes; include all significant proceedings and decisions. 6. Reproduce and distribute copies of minutes within four (4) days after each meeting. a. To all participants in the meeting. b. To all parties affected by decisions made at the meeting. c. Furnish three copies of minutes to Engineer. Representatives of contractors, subcontractors and suppliers attending the meetings shall be qualified and authorized to act on behalf of the entity each represents. Engineer may attend meetings to ascertain that work is expedited consistent with Contract documents and the construction schedules. Related requirements specified in other sections: 1. Summary of Work: Section 01010 2. Construction Schedules: Section 01310 3. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples: Section 01340 4. Project Record Documents: Section 01720. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01202 - PROGRESS MEETING8 1.2 PROGRESS MEETINGS: PAGE 01202-2 Hold called meetings as required by progress of the work. Location of the meetings: The project field office of the Contractor, or some place designated acceptable to all concerned. Attendance: 1. Engineer, and his professional consultants needed. 2. Subcontractors as pertinent to the agenda. 3. General Contractor 4. Owner Minimum Agenda: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Review approved minutes of the previous meeting. Review work progress since last meeting. Note field observations, problems and decisions. Identify problems which impede planned progress. Review off-site fabrication problems. Revise construction schedule as indicated. Plan progress during the next work period. Review proposed changes. Complete other current business. as END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 PAGE 8ECTION 01300 - SUBMITTAL8 01300-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 PRIOR TO BEGINNING WORK: Submit the following items with the signed agreement form as a prerequisite to starting the work. The number-of copies required of each submittal is six (6). The location of information concerning each submittal is referenced. Performance Bond· Bidding Documents, Contract Forms, General and Supplementary Conditions. Payment Bond. Bidding Documents, Contract Forms, General and Supplementary Conditions. Certificate of Insurance. Conditions. General and Supplementary List of Subcontractors. General and Supplementary Conditions, Bidding Documents. Schedule of Values. General Conditions and as specified in the section on Schedule of Values, Section 01370. Construction Schedule. General Conditions and as specified in the section on Construction Schedule, Section 01310. 1.2 DURING CONSTRUCTION: During the progress of the work, make the following submittals in a timely manner to prevent any delay in the work. Work Schedules. Submit progress schedules monthly as an evidence that the project will be completed by the date of contract completion. Two copies are required. application. Submit with monthly pay Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. Submit in accordance with the section on Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples included in Division 1 - General Requirements, Section 01340. Mill Certificates. Submit mill certificates on the following items as required by the specifications sections. Reinforcing Steel: Division 3 - Concrete. Bulk Cement: Division 3 - Concrete. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 01300 - SUBMITTAL8 PAGE 01300-2 De Application for Payment. Submit applications for partial payment as specified in the General and Supplementary Conditions and within the time specified in the agreement. Change Order Proposal. A proposal for change order may be submitted to the Engineer whenever a need arises. The request must be in writing and must include sufficient information to assess the need for a change in the work, the contract time, or the contract sum. 1.3 PROJECT CLOSE-OUT: With a written notice of completion, submit the following items in the proper form as a condition of final acceptance of the work. Project Record Documents. Submit in accordance with the section on Project Record Documents included in Division 1 - General Requirements, Section 01720. Operation and Maintenance Data. As specified in various sections of the specifications. Spare Parts and Maintenance Materials. the various specification sections. As specified in Other items as required by other sections of these documents. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PAGE 01310-1 P~T 1-GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Within 15 days after award of the Contract, the Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer an estimated construction progress schedule for the Work, with dates on which he will start the salient features of the work and the contemplated dates for completing the same. Submit revised progress schedules with each application for payment. Submit two (2) copies. Failure to submit these will be cause for payment to be delayed. 1.2 RELATED REQUIREMENTS SPECIFIED IN OTHER SECTIONS: A. Summary of the Work: Section 01010. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples: 01340. Section 1.3 FORM OF SCHEDULES: Prepare schedules in the form of a horizontal bar chart. Provide separate horizontal bar for each separate item or operation. Horizontal time scale: year, etc. Identify by week, month, 3. Minimum sheet size: 8 1/2" x 11". Format of listings: The chronological order of the start of each item of work. Identification of Listings: section numbers. By major specification 1.4 CONTENTS OF SCHEDULE: A. Construction Progress Schedule: Show the complete sequence of construction by activity. Show the dates for the beginning, and completion of, each major element of construction. Show projected percentage of completion for each item, as of the first day of each month. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULES PAGE 01310-2 Submittals Schedule for Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples. Show: 1. The dates for Contractor's submittals. 2. The dates approved submittals will be required from the Engineer. Prepare and submit subschedules for each separate stage or work specified in Section 01010. Provide subschedules to define critical portions of prime schedules. Indicate progress of each activity to date of submiss ion. B. Show changes occurring since previous submission of schedule. 1. Major changes in scope. 2. Activities modified since previous submission. 3. Revised projections in progress and completion. 4. Other identifiable changes. C. Provide a narrative report as needed to define: 1. Problem areas, anticipated delays and the impact on schedule. 2. Corrective action recommended and its effect. 3. The effect of changes on schedules or other prime contractors. 1.6 SUBMISSIONS: A. Submit initial schedules within 15 days after award of contract. 1. Engineer will review schedules and return review copy within 10 days after receipt. 2. If required, resubmit within 7 days after return of review copy. 1.5 PROGRESS REVISIONS: A. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01310 - CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE8 PAGE 01310-3 Submit revised progress schedules with each application for payment. Submit two copies which will be retained by the Engineer. 1.7 DISTRIBUTION: A. Distribute copies of reviewed documents to: 1. Job site file. 2. Subcontractors. 3. Other concerned parties. B. Instruct recipients to report promptly to Contractor, in writing, any problems anticipated by the projections shown in the schedules. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL PROGRE88 SECTION 01320 - PROGRE88 REPORT8 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: A. PAGE 01320-1 Contractor to submit weekly progress reports to Engineer for the duration of the project. Reports shall be submitted in a form acceptable to the Engineer and shall include: 1. Date of report (for week beginning to ending)· 2. Project name and location. 3. Contract time remaining. 4. Approximate percent complete. 5. Work completed this period. 6. Work in progress this period. 7. Weather conditions throughout week. 8. Additional comments. Submit original and one (1) copy to Engineer. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01340 - 8HOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLE8 PAGE 01340-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Contractor to submit Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples as required by the Contract Documents and as specified in other sections of the specifications. B. Related requirements specified in other sections· 1. Construction Schedules: Section 01310. 2. Record Documents: Section 01720. 3. Sections requiring submittals. Designate in the construction, or in a separate coordinated schedule, the dates for submission and the dates that reviewed shop drawings, product data and samples will be needed. Shop drawings, product data and samples are not considered a part of contract documents. 1.2 SHOP DRAWINGS: As soon as practicable after contract award, submit to the Engineer, for review, the required number of bound copies of shop drawings of all items as specified in the various sections of these specifications, accompanied by letters of transmittal. Shop drawings shall include: Manufacturer's catalog sheets and/or descriptive data for materials and equipment; showing dimensions, performance characteristics, and capacities and other pertinent information as required to obtain Engineer's review and comment regarding the items involved. No work requiring shop drawings will be executed until review and appropriate comment(s) regarding such drawings has been obtained. D. Preparation by a qualified detailer is required. Where necessary for clarity, identify details by reference to sheet and detail numbers, schedule or room numbers as shown on the contract drawings. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01340 - 8HOP DRAWINGS° PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 1.3 1.4 1.5 PRODUCT DATA: A. PAGE 01340-2 Preparation: 1. Clearly mark each copy to identify pertinent products or models. 2. Show performance characteristics and capacities. 3. Show dimensions and clearances required. 4. Show wiring diagrams and controls. Manufacturer's standard schematic drawings and diagrams: 1. Modify drawings and diagrams to delete information which is not applicable to the work. 2. Supplement standard information to provide information specifically applicable to the work. SAMPLES: A. Provide samples as these specifications. indicated in other parts of Submit office samples of sufficient size and quantity to clearly illustrate: Functional characteristics of product or materials with integrally related parts and attachment devices. 2. Full range of color samples. Erect field samples and mock-ups at the project site in an acceptable location. Construct each sample complete, including work of all trades required in finished work. Include in transmittal letter all information required for submission. Ee CONTRACTOR RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Review Shop Drawings submission· B. Determine and Verify: 1. Field measurements 2. Field construction criteria Prepare the number of samples specified. and Product Data prior to GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 1.6 3. Catalog numbers and similar data 4. Conformance with specifications. PAGE 01340-3 C. Coordinate each submittal with requirements of the work and of the Contract Documents. D. Begin no work which requires submittals until return of submittals with Engineer's review. E. Keep one (1) approved copy of shop drawings or product data at job site at all times. SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: A. Make submittals promptly and in such sequence as cause no delay in the work or in the work. B. Number of submittals required: to For shop drawings and product data: Submit the number of copies which the contractor requires, plus four which will be retained by the Engineer. Submittals shall contain: 1. The date of submission and the dates previous submissions. 2. The project title. 3. The names of: a. Contractor b. Supplier c. Manufacturer d. Subcontractor e. Engineer 4. Identification of the product. 5. Field dimensions, clearly identified as such. 6. Relation to adjacent structure or features of the work or materials. 7. Applicable standards, such as ASTM Specification numbers. of any critical or Federal GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01340 - 8HOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES 8. Identification of deviations from Documents. PAGE 01340-4 Contract 9. Identification of revisions on resubmittals. 10. Contractor's stamp, initialed or signed, certifying to review of submittal, verification of products, field measurements and field construction criteria, and coordination of the information within the submittal with requirements of the work and of Contract Documents. 11. Fabrication and erection drawings lists and schedules. 12. Basis of design and design calculations signed and sealed by a registered professional engineer. 13. Seal and signature of a registered engineer on all structural submittals. 14. A blank space on each shop drawing, approximately 4" x 4", for the Engineer's Stamp. D. REVIEW: Shop drawing and product data information review will be general. Such review will not relieve the Contractor of any responsibility and work required by the Contract. Reviewed shop drawings will be so designated and all sets, except four (4), returned to the Contractor. Rejected shop drawings will be so designated and all sets except two (2) will be returned to the Contractor, with indications of the required corrections and changes. Rejected shop drawings will be corrected and resubmitted to the Engineer for acceptance. 1.7 RESUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS: Make any corrections or changes in the submittals required by the Engineer and resubmit until no further corrections or changes are noted per the Engineer's review. B. Shop Drawings and Product Data: Revise initial drawings or data, and resubmit as specified for the initial submittal. 2. Indicate any changes which have been made other than those requested by the Engineer. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01340 - SHOP DRAWINGS, PRODUCT DATA AND SAMPLES PAGE 01340-5 1.8 ENGINEER'S RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Review submittals with reasonable promptness. Affix stamp and initials or signature, and indicate requirements for resubmittal; or indicate reviewed with no other comments indicated on submittal. C. Return submittals to Contractor for or for resubmission. distribution, 1.9 ITEMS REQUIRING SHOP DRAWING SUBMITTALS: The items listed below are items which require shop drawings submitted as outlined above. Items not listed shall not be submitted unless specifically required in writing by the Engineer. In the event additional items are required for submission, no additional compensation for this task will be allowed and the below list shall be considered ammended to include the additional item and all submittal requirements shall be in full effect for the item as if it originally appeared on the list. Manholes Mechanical Equipment Pipe Culverts Headwalls, Wingwalls Misc. Steel Steel Piping Frames, Grates & Covers Vaults PVC Piping All Valves; Gate, Butterfly, etc. Pipe Couplings PCCP Piping Other Items As Specified Ductile Iron Piping 1.10 DISTRIBUTION AFTER REVIEW: Distribute copies of shop drawings and product data which carry the Engineer's stamp to, as applicable: 1. Contractor's file. 2. Job site file. 3. Record document file. 4. Subcontractors. 5. Supplier. 6. Fabricator. Distribute samples as directed. may be used in construction. After review, samples END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01370 - SCHEDULE OF VALUES PAGE 01370-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Submit a schedule of values at least 15 days prior to submitting the first application for payment. Upon request, support values given with data that will substantiate the amounts. Use schedule of values only as basis for application for payment. Submit quantities of designated materials. quantities of materials specified in unit prices· List Payment for materials stored on-site will be limited to those materials listed in a schedule of unit material values. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 FORM OF SUBMITTAL: A. Submit typewritten schedule of values on 8-1/2" x 11", plain bond, white paper. Use the proposal form of this project manual as a format for listing costs of work by units. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARING SCHEDULE OF VALUES: A. Itemize separate line item cost for each item of work as outlined in the Bid Form. B. Break down installed costs into: 1. Delivered cost of product, with taxes paid. 2. Total installed cost, with overhead and profit. C. Make sum of total costs for all items listed in the schedule equal to the total contract sum. 3.2 PREPARING SCHEDULE OF UNIT MATERIAL VALUES: A. Submit separate schedule of unit prices for materials to be stored on which partial payments will be made. B. Make a submittal form parallel to the schedule of values, with line items identified the same as line items in the schedule of values. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01370 - SCHEDULE OF VALUE8 PAGE 01370-2 C. Include in unit prices only: Cost of material. Delivery and unloading at site. Sales taxes. Make sure that the unit price multiplied by the quantity given equals the material cost of that item in the schedule of values. 3.3 REVIEW AND RESUBMITTAL: After review by the Engineer, revise and resubmit the schedule of values or material values, if required. Resubmit revised schedules in the same manner as the original schedules. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REOUIRENENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 01410-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 PAYMENT: The Engineer will employ and pay for services of an independent testing laboratory to perform specified testing except for testing required for equipment. When initial tests requested by the Engineer indicate non-compliance with the Contract Documents, all subsequent retesting occasioned by the non-compliance shall be scheduled by the Contractor and performed by the same testing laboratory at the sole expense of the Contractor. The cost of the initial test indicating non-compliance will also be at the sole expense of the Contractor under these circumstances. Inspection or testing performed exclusively for the Contractor's convenience shall be borne by the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish concrete batch designs, properties of materials and conformation cylinders made from batch design at his expense. Employment of a testing laboratory by the Engineer in no way relieves the Contractor of his obligation to perform the work according to the Contract Documents. 1.2 RELATED WORK: General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. Inspections and testing required by laws, ordinances, rules and regulations or orders of public authorities are the responsibility of the Contractor. Specification Sections. Contained in the various specification sections are requirements for certification of products, testing, adjusting and balancing of equipment, and other tests and standards. 1.3 WORK INCLUDED: A. Testing is required for the following item(s) of work: 1. Soils compaction control. 2. Concrete. B. See paragraph 3.5 this Section for additional requirements. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PART 2 - PRODUCTS Not Used PAGE 01410-2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 QUALIFICATIONS: A. Standards. Meet "Recommended Requirements for Independent Laboratory Qualification," latest edition, published by American Council of Independent Laboratories. Meet basic requirements of ASTM E329, "Standards of Recommended Practice for Inspection and Testing Agencies for Concrete and Steel as Used in Construction." Submit copy of report of inspection of facilities made by Materials Reference Laboratory of National Bureau of Standards during most recent tour of inspection; with memorandum of remedies of any deficiencies reported by inspection. B. Testing Equipment. Calibrated at maximum 12-month intervals by devices of accuracy traceable to either the National Bureau of Standards or accepted values of natural physical constants. Submit copy of certificate of calibration, made by accredited calibration agency. 3.2 DUTIES: Cooperate with the Engineer and Contractor; provide qualified personnel promptly on notice. Perform specified inspections, sampling and testing of materials and methods of construction: Comply with specified standards; ASTM, other recognized authorities, and as specified. Ascertain compliance with requirements of the contract documents. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICE8 PAGE 01410-3 Promptly notify the Engineer and Contractor of irregularities or deficiencies of work which are observed during performance of services. Prepare and distribute reports of inspections and tests within 3 days of test completion or weekly on continuous work as follows: 1. Engineer: three copies. 2. Contractor: two copies. 3. Owner: one copy. Include the following information for each test as well as additional data specified in the applicable section. 1. Date of test. 2. Location of test. 3. Specified standards. 4. Test results. 5. Remarks. 3.3 3.4 LIMITS OF AUTHORITY: The laboratory is not authorized to: A. Release, revoke, alter, or enlarge on requirement of the contract documents. B. Approve or accept any portion of the work. C. Perform any duties of the Contractor. CONTRACTOR'S RESPONSIBILITIES: A. Cooperate with laboratory personnel; provide access to the work or to manufacturer's operations. B. Provide to laboratory, preliminary representative samples of materials to be tested, in required quantities. C. Furnish copies of mill test reports. D. Furnish labor and equipment: 1. To provide access to the work to be tested. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 01410-4 2. To obtain and handle samples at the site. 3. To facilitate inspections and tests· For laboratory's exclusive use for storage and curing of test samples. Notify the laboratory at least 48 hours in advance of operations to allow for his assignment of personnel and scheduling of tests. Arrange with the laboratory and pay for additional samples and tests required for the Contractor's convenience. In the event of a test failure, the Engineer shall notify the Contractor in writing of the "failed test" and identify the area which is not acceptable. It is the responsibility of the Contractor to order and pay for fetesting. All retest reports and invoices should be sent directly to the Contractor with copies to Engineer/Owner. 3.5 SPECIFIC TESTS, INSPECTIONS AND METHODS REQUIRED PERFORMED BY TESTING LAB: (AS APPLICABLE THIS PROJECT) Select Fill: Perform plasticity index tests on proposed select fill material prior to use to determine compliance with specified requirements. 1. Atterberg Limit Series: Per job requirements. 2. Standard Procter Density: Per job requirements. B. Sub-grade Density Testing: Establish moisture density relationship, ASTM D698, for each soil type. Perform field in-place density tests, ASTM D2922, as follows; Paving subgrade: One test for each 5000 square feet or fraction thereof, per lift. 3. Trench Backfill: Make random tests of subsequent lifts of backfill to assure compliance with plans and specifications. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 01410-5 C. Reinforcing Steel: If reinforcing steel is purchased direct from a United States mill, manufacturer's approved test sheets will suffice. If steel is from dealer's stock, perform tension and bending tests on three separate samples for each size of bar in every 5 tons of each type of steel as specified in the appropriate ASTM Specification. Contractor shall furnish all material for testing and pay for all such tests. Steel supplier shall furnish mill certificate reports. Perform visual inspection prior to placement for size, type, and quality of materials. Observe and report on placement of reinforcement, including size, vertical location, horizontal spacing, correctness of bends, splices, clearance between bars and forms, firmness of installation, and security of supports and ties, immediately prior to concreting. D. Inspection and Testing of Concrete: 1. Concrete Mix Designs: Trial mixtures having proportions and consistencies suitable for the work shall be made based on ACI 211.1, using at least three different water-cement ratios which will produce a range of strengths encompassing those required for this project. Trial mixes shall be designed to produce a slump within 1/2" of the maximum permitted, and for air-entrained concrete, within .5 percent of maximum allowable air content. For each water-cement ratio, at least three compression test cylinders for each test age shall be made and cured in accordance with ASTM C192. Cylinders shall be tested at 7 and 28 days in accordance with ASTM C39, unless otherwise directed by the Engineer. From the results of the 28 day tests a curve shall be plotted showing the relationship between the water-cement ratio and compressive strength. From this curve, the water-cement ratio to be used in the concrete shall be selected to produce the average strength required. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICES PAGE 01410-6 strength. From this curve, the water-cement ratio to be used in the concrete shall be selected to produce the average strength required. The cement content and mixture proportions to be used shall be such that this water-cement ratio is not exceeded when slump is the maximum permitted. Control in the field shall be based upon maintenance of proper cement content, slump, and air content. Mix designs furnished by the concrete supplier and accompanied by test data showing an acceptable strength history, will be considered as an acceptable alternative to the procedure described in paragraphs 'a through d' above. Temperature of concrete in test data shall be within 5 degrees F of maximum temperature specified or expected for this project. Strengths indicated in test data shall be in accordance with ACI 318. 2. Inspection: Inspect and control concrete mixing and loading of transit-mix trucks at plant at start of each day's mixing. Prevailing conditions shall be compared to criteria indicated on appropriate design mix (temperature, moisture, condition of aggregates, etc.). Report significant deviances immediately; make corresponding adjustments to mix before materials are discharged. Control addition of water to concrete at job site and length of time concrete is allowed to remain in truck during placement. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL NEOUIREMENTS SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICE8 PAGE 01410-7 Certify each delivery ticket indicating class of concrete delivered, amount of water added and time at which cement and aggregate was discharged into truck, and time at which concrete was discharged from truck. Temperature: Determine temperature concrete sample of each strength test. of 3. Test Cylinders: During progress of work, make test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C172. Make 3 test cylinders for each 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof placed for any one day, for each different class of concrete. Mold and cure cylinders in accordance with ASTM C31; test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C39 (1 at 7 days and 2 at 28 days). Engineer may waive test requirements for placements of 25 cubic yards or less. Slump Tests: Make slump assurance tests at beginning of each day's placement and for each set of test cylinders in accordance with ASTM C143. Air Content: Determine total air content of air entrained normal weight concrete for each strength test in accordance with ASTM C231. E. Inspection and Testing of Structural Steel: Inspect structural steel during fabrication and after erection for conformance with Contract Documents and approved shop drawings. Fabricator and Erector shall provide the Testing Laboratory with names of welders to be employed on work, together with certification that each of these welders has passed qualification tests within the last year using procedures covered in the American Welding Society Standard. Inspect erected conformance with including: structural framework for requirements specified, a. Location and adequacy of bracing. Location and set of anchor bolts and other inserts. c. Required alignment, plumbness, camber, etc. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01410 - TESTING LABORATORY SERVICE8 PAGE 01410-8 Inspection of high strength bolted construction: In accordance with Section 6, AISC Specification for Structural Joints, and as follows: Visually inspect all high strength bolted connections. Check at least two bolts of every third connection between beams and girders with calibrated torque wrench for proper torque. Check at least two bolts of every connection between girders and columns as above, but not less than 10% of bolts. Inspection of Field Welds: In accordance with Section 6 of AWS Building Code and as follows: Visually inspect welds in accordance with Article 605. Test full penetration welds by ultrasonic method in accordance with ASTM E164. Special Inspections: If after the commencement of the work, the Engineer determines that any part of the work requires special inspection, testing or approval, he will instruct the Contractor to order such special inspection, testing or approval. If such special inspection or testing reveals a failure of the work to comply with the requirements of the Contract Documents, or with respect to the performance of the work, with laws, ordinances, rules, regulations or the orders of any public authority having jurisdiction; the Contractor shall bear all costs thereof, including Engineer additional services made necessary by such failure. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENT8 PAGE SECTION 01420 - RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE 8ERV. 01420-1 P~T 1-GENEI~L 1.1 SCOPE: This section summarizes the duties, responsibilities and limitations of authority of the Resident' Project Representative (RPR) in connection with his observation and review of the work. 1.2 AUTHORITY: Services of the RPR are set forth in the General Conditions of the Contract for Construction. In particular, the definition of the Engineer's duties provide authority for observation and review of the work. The RPR's authority to require special inspection or testing in connection with rejected work is also provided in the General Conditions. Furthermore, the provisions that, upon request by the Contractor, the RPR review and accept or reject any material furnished is also granted in the General Conditions. The provision for removing work for inspection by the inspector is set forth in the General Conditions in the paragraph concerning uncovering of work. 1.2 DEFINITIONS: Resident Project Representative (RPR). A representative of the Engineer or Owner will be assigned authority to observe and review the work. Working Day. RPR's are not required to work on Saturdays, Sundays, or legal holidays. If the Contractor plans work on a Saturday or legal holiday, prior arrangements should be made for an RPR not later than 2:00 p.m. on the working day before the Saturday or legal holiday. Unobserved or Unreviewed Work. Any work performed on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday without benefit of any observation or review by the RPR may require removal and replacement if so directed by the RPR. Removal and replacement will be completed at no additional cost. 1.3 FULL-TIME PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE: Ae Assist the Contractor's superintendent in understanding the intent of the contract documents. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01420 - RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE 8ERV. PAGE 01420-2 Conduct on-site observations and spot checks of the work in progress as a basis for determining conformance of work, materials and equipment with the contract documents. Consider and evaluate suggestions or recommendations which may be submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer and report them with recommendations to the Engineer for final decision. Be alert to the construction schedule and to conditions which may cause delay in completion, and report same to the Engineer. Maintain liaison with the Contractor and all subcontractors on the project only through the Contractor's superintendent. Attend conferences held at the project site as directed by the Engineer. Report to the Engineer the results of such meetings. Advise the Engineer in advance of the schedules of tests and observe that tests at the project site which are required by the contract documents are actually conducted; observe, record and report to the Engineer all details relative to the test procedures. If inspectors representing local, state or federal agencies having jurisdiction over the project visit the site, accompany such inspectors during their trips through the project; record and report to the Engineer's office the results of these inspections. Receive samples which are required to be furnished at the site; record date received and from whom, and notify the Engineer of their readiness for examination; record Engineer's approval or rejection; and maintain custody of approved samples. Review applications for payment submitted by the Contractor and forward them with recommendations to the Engineer for disposition. After substantial completion, check each incomplete or defective item as it is corrected. If a situation arises during construction which requires that work be rejected, report such situation immediately to the Engineer. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01420 - RESIDENT PROJECT REPRESENTATIVE 8ERV. PAGE 01420-3 The project representative shall not: 1. Authorize deviations from the contract documents. 2. Personally conduct any tests. Enter into the area of responsibility of the Contractor's superintendent. Expedite the work for the Contractor. Advise on, or issue directions relative to any aspect of construction means, methods, techniques, sequences or procedures, or for safety precautions and programs in connection with the work. Authorize or suggest that the Owner occupy the project, in whole or in part, prior to substantial completion. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REQUIREMENT8 PAGE SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS 01500-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Ae The facilities and controls specified in this section are considered minimum for the project. The Contractor may provide additional facilities and controls which he considers necessary for the proper execution of the work and to meet his responsibilities for protection of persons and property. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Regulation: Comply with governing regulations for the installation and use of temporary construction facilities, and operation of security and protection facilities, including health and safety regulations. Comply with pollution, environmental protection, and conservation regulations for the use of water and energy, and for the control of dust, air pollution, noise, trash and similar nuisances. ContraCtor shall assign responsibilities for installation and maintenance of temporary facilities security and protection, and compliance with regulations. 1.3 JOB CONDITIONS: Scheduled Uses: Provide temporary construction facilities at the time first needed to avoid delays in the performance of the work. Maintain, expand, and modify as needed through the progress of work. Conditions of Use: Operate, maintain, control, and protect temporary construction facilities in a manner which will prevent over-loading, freezing, pollution, contamination of water source, flooding, unsanitary conditions, hazardous exposures, fire, disease, erosion of site, damage or deterioration of completed work, public nuisances, trash and similar deleterious effects. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROL8 PAGE 01500-2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS OF TEMPORARY FACILITIES: Either new or used materials and equipment, which are in substantially undamaged condition and without significant deterioration. Use materials and equipment which are recognized in the construction industry by compliance with appropriate standards, as being suitable for the intended use in each case, and capable of being maintained properly through the course of anticipated use of the project site. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 TEMPORARY CONSTRUCTION FACILITIES: A. Access: Construct and maintain in good condition all temporary roads and other points of access to the project site. Deliver construction materials only from locations designated by the Engineer and Owner. Protect curbs with timber bridging. At the completion of work, restore all damaged curbs to their original condition. Temporary Drainage Control: From commencement to completion of construction, maintain the site, excavations, and the construction free of accumulated water. Slope ground to drain surface water away from building and provide pumping and bailing equipment to keep excavations dry. 3.2 TEMPORARY GENERAL SERVICE FACILITIES: Ae Temporary Field Offices: Minimum 100 sq. ft. for use of the Owner and Engineer's field representative, equipped with a desk, plan table, two chairs, and a direct line telephone· (Not Applicable this Project)· Provide temporary field office at the site on an approved location. The building shall be weatherproof with a lockable door, properly heated and air conditioned with adequate illumination· (Not Applicable this Project). GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PAGE 01500-3 Temporary Sanitary Facilities: Toilets, drinking water, and wash facilities for the use of all construction personnel. Portable facilities, properly maintained, may be used as approved by the County Health Department. Temporary Telephone Service: For use by construction personnel and the Engineer's representative. The Contractor shall pay for all local calls and charges. (Not Applicable this Project). E. Temporary Water Supply: Provide all water necessary for construction purposes. Make temporary connection to existing main to provide temporary water. The Contractor shall make the necessary arrangements with the City Water Department and include all expenses in the Contract Amount, or make arrangements to pay for them separately. 3.3 SECURITY AND PROTECTION: A. Barriers and Fences: Comply with recognized standards and applicable city ordinances for the erection of substantial and structurally adequate barricades and fences required during construction. Provide barricades wherever needed to insure prevention of accidents and losses. Paint with appropriate colors and warning signs to inform personnel and general public of the hazard present. B. Temporary Fire Protection: During the construction period and until the time certain protection needs may be fulfilled by permanent facilities, install and maintain whatever types and forms of fire protection temporary facilities may be needed to adequately protect against fire losses which are reasonably predictable and controllable. Comply with the applicable City Ordinances for fire protection. Locate extinguishers where most convenient and effective. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01500 - TEMPORARY FACILITIES AND CONTROLS PAGE 01500-4 Store combustible materials in fire-safe locations and containers. 3.4 TERMINATION AND REMOVAL: At the time the need has ended for each temporary facility, or at substantial completion of the project, promptly remove the facility. Any work that is damaged or otherwise affected by temporary facilities shall be restored to its original condition by the Contractor. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 PAGE SECTION 01600 - MATERIAL AND EOUIPMENT 01600-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: A. Material and Equipment Incorporated into the Work· 1. Conform to applicable standards. specifications and Comply with size, make, type and quality specified, or as specifically approved in writing by the Engineer. 3. Manufactured and Fabricated Products. Design, fabricate and assemble in accord with the best engineering and shop practices. Manufacture like parts of duplicate units to standard sizes and gages, to be interchangeable. Two or more items of the same kind shall be identical, by the same manufacturer· Products shall be suitable for service conditions. Equipment capacities, sizes and dimensions shown or specified shall be adhered to unless variations are specifically approved in writing. Do not use material or equipment for any purpose other than that for which it is designed or is specified. B. Related Requirements Specified in Other Sections. 1. Summary of Work: Section 01010. 2. Shop Drawings, Product Data and Samples: Section 01340. 1.2 REUSE OF EXISTING MATERIAL: Except as specifically indicated or specified, materials and equipment removed from the existing facilities shall not be used in the completed work. For material and equipment specifically indicated or specified to be reused in the work: GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS PAGE SECTION 01600 - MATERIAL AND EOUIPMENT 01600-2 1. Use special care in removal, handling, storage and reinstallation, to assure proper function in the completed work. Arrange for transportation, storage and handling of products which require off-site storage, restoration or renovation. Pay all costs for such work. 1.3 MANUFACTURER'S INSTRUCTIONS: When contract documents require that installation of work shall comply with manufacturer's printed instructions, obtain and distribute copies of such instructions to parties involved in the installation, including two copies to Engineer. Maintain one set of complete instructions at the job site during installation and until completion. Handle, install, connect, clean, condition and adjust products in strict accord with such instructions and in conformity with specified requirements. Should job conditions or specified requirements conflict with manufacturer's instructions, consult with Engineer for further instructions. 2. Do not proceed with work without clear instructions. Perform work in accord with manufacturer's instructions. Do not omit any preparatory step or installation procedure unless specifically modified or exempted by contract documents. 1.4 TRANSPORTATION AND HANDLING: Arrange deliveries of products in accord with construction schedules; coordinate to avoid conflict with work and conditions at the site. Deliver products in undamaged condition, in manufacturer's original containers or packaging, with identifying labels intact and legible. Immediately on delivery, inspect shipments to assure compliance with requirements of contract documents and approved submittals, and that products are properly protected and undamaged. Provide equipment and personnel to handle products by methods to prevent soiling or damage to products or packaging. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION i - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01600 - MATERIAL AND EOUIPNENT 1.5 STORAGE AND PROTECTION: PAGE 01600-3 Store products in accord with manufacturer's instructions, with seals and labels intact and legible· Store products subject to damage by the elements in weathertight enclosures. Maintain temperature and humidity within the ranges required by manufacturer's instructions· B. Exterior Storaqe. Store fabricated products above the ground, on blocking or skids, prevent soiling or staining. Cover products which are subject to deterioration with impervious sheet coverings; provide adequate ventilation to avoid condensation. Store loose granular materials in a well-drained area on solid surfaces to prevent mixing with foreign matter. Arrange storage in a manner to provide easy access for inspection. Make periodic inspections of stored products to assure that products are maintained under specified conditions, and free from damage or deterioration. Protection After Installation. Provide substantial coverings as necessary to protect installed products from damage from traffic and subsequent construction operations. Remove when no longer needed. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01630 - SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PAGE 01630-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Ae Products List. Within 30 days after contract date, submit to Engineer a complete list of major products proposed to be used, with the name of the manufacturer and the installing subcontractor. B. Contractor's Options. For products specified only by reference standard, select any product meeting that standard. For products specified by naming several products or manufacturers, select any one of the products or manufacturers named, which complies with the specifications. For products specified by naming one or more products or manufacturers and "or equal," Contractor must submit a request as for substitutions for any product or manufacturer not specifically named. For products specified by naming only one product and manufacturer, there is no option. C. Substitutions. For a period of 30 days after contract date, Engineer will consider written requests from Contractor for substitution of products. Submit a separate request for each product, supported with complete data, with drawings and samples as appropriate, including: Comparison of the qualities of the proposed substitution with that specified. Changes required in other elements of the work because of the substitution. c. Effect on the construction schedule. Cost data comparing the proposed substitution with the product specified. e. Any required license fees or royalties. Availability of maintenance service, and source of replacement materials. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01630 - SUBSTITUTIONS AND PRODUCT OPTIONS PAGE 01630-2 Engineer shall be the judge of the acceptability of the proposed substitution. Contractor's substitution Contractor: Representation. constitutes a A request for a representation that Has investigated the proposed product and determined that it is equal to or superior in all respects to that specified. Will provide the same warranties or bonds for the substitution as for the product specified. Will coordinate the installation of an accepted substitution into the work, and make sure other changes as may be required to make the work complete in all respects. Waives all claims for additional costs, under his responsibility, which may subsequently become apparent. Engineer will review requests for substitutions with reasonable promptness, and notify Contractor, in writing, of the decision to accept or reject the requested substitution. Substitutions will not be considered if: They are indicated or implied on Shop Drawings or Product Data submittal without formal request submitted in accordance with this section. Acceptance will require substantial revision of the Contract Documents. If substitution is not approved or accepted, Contractor shall furnish specified product. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS PAGE SECTION 01700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 01700-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Ae Contractor shall comply with requirements stated in Conditions of the Contract and specifications for administrative procedures for closing out the work. B. Related requirements specified in other sections: Record Documents: Section 01720 Warranties: Section 01750 Operation and Maintenance Data: Section 01730. 1.2 SUBSTANTIAL COMPLETION: When Contractor considers the work is substantially complete, he shall submit to the Engineer: A written notice that the work, or designated portion thereof, is substantially complete. 2. A list of items to be completed or corrected. Within a reasonable time after receipt of such notice, Engineer will make a review to determine the status of completion and shall furnish the Contractor a complete list of items of work to be completed or corrected. The list so developed shall, in no way, release the Contractor, or subcontractors from furnishing and installing or correcting items or work required by the Contract Documents. Should Engineer determine that the work is not substantially complete: Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, giving the reasons therefor. Contractor shall remedy the deficiencies in the work, and send a second written notice of substantial completion to the Engineer. 3. Engineer will re-observe the work· When Engineer concurs that the work is substantially complete, he will: Prepare a tentative Certificate of Substantial Completion accompanied by Contractor's tentative list of items to be completed or corrected, as verified and amended by the Engineer. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PAGE 01700-2 Submit the tentative Certificate to Owner and Contractor for their written acceptance of the responsibilities assigned to them. After due consideration of any objections to the tentative certificate that have been made by the Owner as provided in the General Conditions, the Engineer will execute and deliver to the Owner and Contractor a definite Certificate of Substantial Completion with a revised list of items to be completed or corrected. 1.3 FINAL REVIEW AND OBSERVATION: When Contractor considers the work is complete, he shall submit written certification that: 1. Contract Documents have been reviewed. work has been inspected for compliance with Contract Documents. Work has been completed Contract Documents. in accordance with Equipment and systems have been tested in the presence of the Owner's representatives and are operational. Work is completed and ready for final review and observation. Engineer will make a review to verify the status of completion with reasonable promptness after receipt of such certification. Should Engineer consider that the work is incomplete or defective: Engineer will promptly notify the Contractor in writing, listing the incomplete or defective work. Contractor shall take immediate steps to remedy the stated deficiencies, and send a second written certification to Engineer that the work is complete. When the Engineer finds that the work is acceptable under the Contract Documents, he shall request the Contractor to make closeout submittals. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT PAGE 01700-3 1.4 CONTRACTOR'S CLOSEOUT SUBMITTALS TO ENGINEER: Upon final acceptance by the Owner, and completion of all work, the Contractor shall submit to the Owner, through the Engineer, the following data: Certificate stating that all accounts for labor, equipment and material are paid in full; or in the case of outstanding accounts because of this work, the Contractor shall furnish a release of claims by the individual or concerned party. This certificate shall be notarized and signed by the Contractor. The Contractor's Bonding Company shall furnish a release to the Owner, that it is with their consent that final payment be made to the Contractor. The Contractor shall furnish a letter guarantee of all workmanship to be free of defects for a period of one year, unless required longer by any division of the specifications, and should any defects arise, then such defects shall be restored to the original condition at no expense to the Owner. This shall include all necessary cutting and patching as may be required to correct the defective work. The Contractor shall submit accurate and detailed "As-Built Drawings" covering all changes to the work. Submit two (2) copies and one (1) original mylar. The Contractor shall submit all guarantees, warranties, brochures, and operating instructions as required by the different divisions of the specifications. The Contractor shall submit a request for final payment, which shall include an audit of the account of the contract and said audit shall fully cover amounts paid by the Owner to the Contractor, and amounts due Contractor because of this work, all of which shall be fully covered by the contract documents and approved change orders. 7. Certificate of Occupancy, if applicable. 8. Certificates of inspection, if applicable. Operation and Maintenance Data, Instructions to Owner's Personnel. To requirements of respective sections in specifications. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01700 - CONTRACT CLOSEOUT 1.5 1.6 10. Spare Parts and specified in specifications· FINAL ADJUSTMENT OF ACCOUNTS: A. Submit a final statement of (Final pay application) B. Statement shall reflect all sum: 1. 2. Maintenance respective PAGE 01700-4 Materials. sections accounting to adjustments to Original contract sum. Additions and deductions resulting from: a. Previous change orders. b. Unit prices. c. Deductions for uncorrected work. d. Deductions for liquidated damages. e. Other adjustments. Total contract sum, as adjusted. Previous payments. Sum remaining due. FINAL PAYMENT: As Engineer. contract Final payment shall be made upon submission of the documents called for above, and as covered under the general conditions and any modification thereto. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01720 - PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: 1.2 PAGE 01720-1 Prepare and maintain record documents for the project to accurately reflect the construction as built. Documents must be submitted at work completion as a condition of final acceptance. Related Requirements Specified Elsewhere: 1. Shop Drawings, Product Data & Samples: Section 01340 MAINTENANCE OF RECORD DOCUMENTS: A. Maintain at the job site, one copy of: 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Contract drawings. Specifications· Addenda. Reviewed shop drawings. Change orders and field orders. Other contract modifications. D. E. F. 7. Field test records. 8. Correspondence. Store documents in approved location, apart from documents used for construction. Provide files and racks for storage of documents. Maintain documents in clean, dry legible condition. Do not use record documents for construction purposes. Make documents available at all times for inspection by Engineer and Owner. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MARKING DEVICES: A. Mark all changes with red pencil. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01720 - PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS PART 3 - EXECUTION PAGE 01720-2 3.1 RECORDING: A e Keep record documents current. Do not conceal any work until required information has been recorded. Label each document "PROJECT RECORD" in neat, large, printed letters. Legibly mark contract drawings to record actual construction: Depths of various elements of foundations in relation to benchmark elevation. Horizontal and vertical location of underground and underslab utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. Location of internal utilities and appurtenances referenced to permanent surface improvements. 4. Field changes of dimension and detail. 5. Changes made by change order or field order. 6. Details not on original contract drawings. C. Legibly mark specifications and addenda to record: Manufacturer, trade name, catalog number and supplier of each product and item of equipment actually installed. 2. Changes made by change order or field order. 3. Other matters not originally specified. Legibly annotate the shop drawings to record changes made after review. E. Final Drawings: Upon completion of Work, furnish Owner with one (1) complete set of marked-up reproducibles with "PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS" clearly printed in lower right hand corner of each sheet. Engineer when requested, will furnish set of reproducibles of mylars for mark-up. (Cost of reproducibles to Contractor) Accurately and neatly transfer changes and deviations from construction progress set to final set. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01720 - PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS PAGE 01720-3 3.2 Prepare record Drawings where specified and as required. Provide reproducibles plus two (2) sets of blue line prints. F. Final Specifications: Upon completion of Work, furnish Owner with one (1) copy to Engineer with complete set marked-up with "PROJECT RECORD DOCUMENTS" clearly printed on cover. Engineer, at cost of reproduction to Contractor, will furnish Specifications for mark-up. With black ink, accurately and neatly transfer annotations from construction progress set to final set. Samples: Record on transmittal, if not indicated, manufacturer, trade name, catalog number, color, and supplier. Endorsement: Sign each final record drawing and cover of final record Specifications. Note thereon that record documents are complete and accurate. SUBMITTALS: Ae Collect and protect items submitted by manufacturer, supplier or subcontractor which accompany materials and equipment, such as bonds and warranties, special tools, extra maintenance parts and materials, and printed information regarding operation, lubrication, parts and maintenance. Submit to Owner upon completion of job, in bound tabbed volume. Upon completion of job, bind one copy of approved shop drawings and catalog of equipment actually installed in job, and post construction submittals, into tabbed, trade related volumes, and deliver to the Engineer for transmittal to the Owner. Preparation of Reproducibles: In preparation for Certification of Substantial Completion of the work, review completed mark-up of record drawings with Engineer. When authorized, proceed with preparation of a full set of corrected reproducibles for contract record drawings. Incorporate changes and additional information previously marked-up on print sets, by erasing and redrawing where applicable; refer instances of uncertainty to Engineer for determination. Identify and date each updated drawing. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01720 - PROJECT RECORD DRAWINGS PAGE 01720-4 De Accompany submittal with transmittal duplicate, containing: letter, in 1. Date. 2. Project title and number. 3. Contractor's name and address. 4. Title and number of each record document. Certification that each document as submitted is complete and accurate. 6. Signature of Contractor, or his representative. authorized At Contract close-out, deliver one set of reproducibles and two sets (blue line prints) of record documents (as-built) to Engineer for the Owner. Cost of reproducibles and blue lines will be borne by the Contractor. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 0 1730 - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PAGE 01730-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: Compile product data and related information appropriate for Owner's maintenance and operation of products furnished under Contract. Prepare operation and maintenance data as specified in this Section and as referenced in other pertinent sections of Specifications. Instruct Owner's personnel in maintenance of products and in operation of equipment and systems. 1.2 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A. Preparation of DATA shall be done by personnel: Trained and experienced in maintenance and operation of described products. 2. Familiar with requirements of this Section. Skilled as draftsman and writer to extent required to communicate essential data. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. Data 1. Compile product data and related information appropriate for Owner's maintenance and operation of products furnished under Contract. Format: a. Size: 8-1/2" x 11". Text: Manufacturer's printed data, or neatly typewritten. Drawings: Provide reinforced punched binder tab, bind in with text; fold larger drawings to size of text pages. Provide tabbed fly-leaf for each separate product or each piece of operating equipment. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REOUIREMENT8 SECTION 01730 - OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA PAGE 01730-2 Cover: Identify each volume with typed or printed title "OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE DATA", project title and name of Contractor. Binders: Commercial quality three-ring binders with durable and cleanable plastic covers. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION OF MANUAL: A. General 1. Prepare data in form of instructional manual. When multiple binders are used, correlate data into related consistent groupings. List, with each product, name, address, and telephone number of: 1. Subcontractor or installer. 2. Maintenance contractor, as appropriate. 3. Identify area of responsibility of each. 4. Local source of supply for parts and replacement. Identify each product by product name and other identifying symbols as set forth in Contract Documents. Product Data: Include only those sheets pertinent to specific product. Clearly identify pertinent data; line out inapplicable text. Drawings: Supplement product data with drawings as necessary. Coordinate drawings with information in Project Records Documents to assure correct illustration of completed installation. Written text, as required to supplement product data for particular installation. Content for each unit of equipment and system, as appropriate: 1. Description of unit and component parts. 2. Operating and maintenance procedures. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 1 - GENEI~L REOUIREHENTS PAGE SECTION 01730 - OPEI~TION ~qD M~INTENKNCE DATA 01730-3 Servicing and lubrication. Description of sequence of operation by control manufacturer. Original manufacturer's parts list, illustrations, assembly drawings and diagrams. As installed piping diagrams. Charts of valve tag numbers, with location and function of each valve. List of replacement or maintenance parts, with local source, if available. Other data as required under pertinent sections of specifications. 3.2 SUBMITTALS: Submit preliminary draft of proposed formats and outlines of contents at least 14 days prior to final inspection. Engineer will review draft and return one copy with comments. Submit two copies of approved data in final form within 10 days after final review and observation or acceptance. 3.3 INSTRUCTIONS OF OWNER'S PERSONNEL: Prior to final review and observation or acceptance, fully instruct Owner's designated operating and maintenance personnel in operation, adjustment and maintenance of products, equipment and systems. Operation and maintenance manual shall constitute basis Of instruction. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION I - GENERAL REOUIREMENTS SECTION 01750 - WARRANTIES AND BONDS PAGE 01750-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: Contractor shall guarantee materials and workmanship for a period of one year from date of completion and final acceptance by the Owner except where additional guarantees or warranties are required under the technical sections of the specifications. Before final payment is made the General Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer all material and equipment guarantees or warranties in writing from sub- contractors and suppliers. The General Contractor shall also deliver to the Engineer before final payment three complete bound sets of manufacturer's instructions, service and parts manuals on each piece of equipment furnished under this contract. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 SITEWORK GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02100 - SITE PREPARATION PART I - GENERAL 1.1 PAGE 02100-1 CONDITIONS OF THE CONTRACT AND DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS: Are hereby made a part of this section 1.2 SCOPE: Work in this section includes furnishing all labor, materials, equipment and services required for clearing and grubbing, removal and disposal of items as specified herein and on the plans. PART 2 - PRODUCT8 2.1 No products are required to execute this work, except as the contractor may deem necessary. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 CLEARING AND GRUBBING: Clearing and grubbing shall consist of removing all natural and artificial objectionable materials from the areas of construction shown on the plans along the length of the project. Ae In general, clearing and grubbing shall be performed in advance of excavation and backfill operations and shall be performed over the area where the pipe will be placed. All dead trees, logs, stumps, rubbish of any nature, and other surface debris shall be cleared. Buried material such as logs, stumps, roots of downed trees that are greater than one and one-half (1-1/2") inches in diameter, matted roots, rubbish, and foreign debris shall be grubbed and removed to a minimum depth of twelve (12") inches below proposed finished flOW line grades of the proposed pipe. Ground covers of weeds, grass, and other herbaceous vegetation shall be removed prior to stripping and stockpiling topsoil from areas of excavation operations. Such removal shall be accomplished by "blading" off the uppermost layers of sod or rootmatted soil for removal. 3.2 TREES AND SHRUBS TO BE PRESERVED AND PROTECTED: Unless otherwise specified on the plans, trees shall not be cleared (removed), outside of the area where pipe is GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - 8ITEWORK SECTION 02100 - 8ITE PREPARATION PAGE 02100-2 proposed unless specifically approved by the Engineer. The Contractor will protect trees from construction damage such as trunk impacts and scrapes, limb breakage, compaction of soil within the drip line, and other injurious construction activities. If necessary, the Owner may direct the Contractor, at the Contractor's expense, to erect protective stockades along the drip lines of trees that the Owner considers vulnerable to damage. Such stockades shall be of eight (8') foot long x six (6") inch diameter posts vertically buried three (3') feet deep at six (6') foot intervals along the drip line. Where excavation or clearing and grubbing operations is to occur between trees that are to be preserved and protected, the Contractor will prune the lower branches of those trees as necessary to prevent their breakage and to permit access by construction machinery. Branches will be cut off to the trunk or major limb in a workmanlike manner. The Engineer may direct that the Contractor remove additional branches in such a manner that the tree presents a balanced appearance. Scars will be treated with a heavy coat of an approved tree sealant. 3.3 BACKFILLING: All holes, cavities, and depressions in the ground caused by the excavation operations will be backfilled and tamped to stated compaction and and will be graded to prevent ponding of water and to promote drainage. 3.4 DISPOSAL OF WASTE MATERIALS: Unless otherwise stated, materials generated by clearing, grubbing, removal, and demolition shall be known as "waste" or "spoils" and shall be removed from the site and disposed of by the Contractor. Similar materials may be unearthed or generated by excavation operations. Unless otherwise specified, any merchantable items become the property of the Contractor. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - 8TRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 DESCRIPTION: This section describes requirements for: The excavation for all structures, backfilling around completed structures and the disposal of all excess excavated material. All operations required for the proper completion of the excavation work, including sheeting, shoring and bracing, dewatering of excavations and compaction of backfill are included. Trenching and backfilling for all pipes under, or a part of structures. 1.2 RELATED WORK: Division 2 - Site Work Division 3 - Concrete· Appendix "A" - Trench Safety Study 1.3 REFERENCE STANDARDS: A. American Society for Testing and Materials (ANSI/ASTM). ANSI/ASTM C 33 - Standard Specification for Concrete Aggregate. ANSI/ASTM C 40 - Standard Test Method for Organic Impurities in Sands for Concrete. ANSI/ASTM C 136 - Standard Test Method for Sieve or Screen Analysis of Fine and Coarse Aggregate. ANSI/ASTM C 150 - Standard Specification for Portland Cement. ANSI/ASTM D 423 - Standard Test Method for Liquid Limit of Soil. ANSI/ASTM D 424 - Standard Test Method for Plastic Limit and Plasticity Index of Soils. ANSI/ASTM D 698 - Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil- Aggregate Mixtures Using 5.5-1b. (2.49-Kg) Rammer and 12-in. (305 mm) Drop. ANSI/ASTM D 1557 - Standard Test Methods for Moisture-Density Relations of Soils and Soil- Aggregate Mixtures using 10-1b. (4.54-Kg) Rammer and 18-in. (457 mm) Drop. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL~ TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-2 ANSI/ASTM D 2049 - Standard Test Method for Relative Density of Cohesionless Soils. U.S. Department of Commerce/National Bureau of Standards. PS-17-Polyethylene Sheeting (Construction, Industrial and Agricultural Applications). 1.4 SUBMITTALS: Submit in accordance with the requirements of the General Conditions and Division 1 - General Requirements. Testing laboratory reports, as specified or required, to show compliance with specifications for material from off-site locations. The specified tests shall be performed by a certified independent testing laboratory. 1.5 PROTECTION OF FACILITIES: Before the start of excavation operations, adequately protect existing structures, utilities, trees, shrubs and other permanent objects. Costs resulting from damage to permanent facilities due to negligence or lack of adequate protection will be charged to the Contractor. The Contractor will also be charged for damage to facilities scheduled for later removal or demolition if the damage sufficiently impairs proper operation to the extent that temporary replacement or repair is required. Prior to beginning of the project, a joint inspection will be made by the Engineer and Contractor to determine the condition of any existing structures or other permanent objects. Provide surface drainage during the period of construction to protect the work and to avoid ponding of water on adjoining property. The Contractor shall conduct his operations in such fashion that trucks and other vehicles do not create a dirt nuisance in the streets. The truck beds shall be sufficiently tight, and shall be loaded in such a manner that objectionable materials will not be spilled onto the streets. Any dirt, mud, or other materials that are spilled onto the streets or deposited onto the streets by the tires of vehicles shall be promptly cleared away by the Contractor. 1.6 BLASTING: A. Blasting will not be permitted. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - BITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTUI~L EXCAVATION, FILL XND BACKFILL 02220-3 1.7 QUALITY ASSURANCE: A testing laboratory, as specified in Division 1 - General Requirements, will perform compaction tests on the compacted material. The Contractor shall cooperate with the testing laboratory in performing these tests. The Contractor shall notify the Engineer at least 48 hours in advance of the time at which tests will be required. Any area failing to comply with the specifications shall be reworked as required to conform to the specifications. Initial testing for work in this section will be random and at the discretion of the Engineer. Re-tests shall be required to be paid for by the Contractor. 1.8 OBSERVATION OF EXCAVATIONS: Notify the Engineer at least 48 hours prior to completion of any excavation so that the excavation may be observed. Do not place reinforcing steel or concrete in the excavation prior to observation unless approval has been given to proceed without such observation. Notify the Engineer at least 48 hours prior to backfilling of pipe trenches. Do not begin backfilling of pipe trenches until all pipe joints have been observed or consent has been given to backfill the trenches without such observation. 1.9 DEWATERING: The Contractor shall provide and maintain adequate dewatering equipment to remove and dispose of all surface and ground water entering excavations, trenches, or other parts of the work. Each excavation shall be kept dry during subgrade preparation and continually thereafter until the structure to be built, or the pipe to be installed therein, is completed to the extent that no damage from hydrostatic pressure, flotation, or other cause will result. All excavations for concrete structures or trenches which extend down to or below ground water shall be dewatered by lowering and keeping the ground water level beneath such excavations 12 inches or more below the bottom of the excavation. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEX~S DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-4 Surface water shall be diverted or otherwise prevented from entering excavated areas or trenches to the greatest extent practicable without causing damage to adjacent property. The Contractor will be held responsible for the condition of any pipe or conduit which he may use for drainage purposes, and all such pipes or conduits shall be left clean and free of sediment. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 REGULAR NATIVE MATERIAL: Ae Where no other material is specified or shown, use suitable soils from the excavation. Do not use peat or other organic matter, silt, muck, debris or similar materials. Suitable soils shall be defined as excavated materials that are capable of achieving the required level of compaction specified or shown for the location where it is used. 2.2 SELECT MATERIAL: Where select material is shown or specified, use clayey sand or sandy clay, from an approved off-site source, free of roots, grass, trash or other organic material, having a plasticity index between 4 and 12, as determined by ASTM D 424. Prior to bringing any of the proposed material to the site, submit, for review by the Engineer, an analysis of the proposed material including, but not necessarily limited to, Atterberg Limits (ASTM D 423 and ASTM D 424) for clays or Grain Size Analysis (ASTM D 422) for sands and gravels and a moisture-density relationship curve (ASTM D 698) by a certified independent testing laboratory employed and paid by the Contractor. Select Material - (Crushed Austin Chalk Limestone). This select backfill should consist of excavated crushed Austin Chalk Limestone broken sufficiently so that all fragments are less than 6 inches in diameter prior to place in the backfill area. Crushed Limestone. Crushed limestone shall be Chico limestone from the Bridgeport, Texas area. Granular fills shall be placed on suitably prepared subgrades and compacted. Granular fill material shall be crushed stone free from dust, clay, or trash, and shall be graded to ASTM C33 Size No. 3, aggregate. (Max. nominal size of 1 inch.) GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-5 Where crushed stone fills are to be covered with concrete, the top surface shall be graded to the required subgrade and covered with polyethylene film having a minimum thickness of 6 mils. Washed Gravel. Washed gravel shall consiat of hard durable gravel graded from 3/4 inch to No. 4. The material shall be washed to remove any fines and shall not have any sharp edges so as to prevent damage to the protective coatings of the barrels. Concrete (For fill or thrust blocking). Conform to ASTM C-94. The compressive strength of the concrete shall be at least 2000 psi and shall contain at least four (4) sacks of cement per cubic yard. 2.3 SAND: Where sand is specified or shown, use reasonably clean bank sand from an approved source. The sand must be free from large lumps of clay, rubbish, organic matter or other deleterious substance, and having a plasticity index of 12 or less. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION: Prepare the construction site and area of excavation according to Section 02100 - Site Preparation. 3.2 REPAIR OF CONCRETE PAVEMENT A. Concrete pavement. (1) Subgrade. Scarify to a depth of 6 inches below the indicated depth and recompact to 95 percent maximum density at plus to minus 2% of optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D 698. The recompacted subgrade shall be proof-rolled with a pneumatic tired roller in order to detect any soft areas. Soft and wet areas not achieving compaction will require removal and replacement with select material of at least 12 inches compacted thickness. Depressions from stump removal shall be cleaned of all organic matter and filled with select material. (2) Fill. Upon completion of subgrade preparation, place select material in uniform layers of loose material, 6 to 8 inches in depth, dried or moistened as required to obtain at plus to minus 2% of optimum moisture content, and compact each layer as specified. Fill shall be placed while subgrade GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-6 iS at its required optimum moisture content range as specified herein. B. Compaction· (1) The subgrade and fill material shall be compacted to a minimum of 95 percent of maximum density at plus to minus 2% of optimum moisture as determined by ASTM D 698. The methods used to secure the specified compaction and moisture content will be the Contractor's responsibility. Wet soils shall be worked by plowing, disking, or scarifying and air drying as required to reduce the moisture content to optimum levels. The Contractor may, at his option, add flue dust or other drying material acceptable to speed up the drying procedure at no change in the contract sum. (2) The compacting equipment and method of compaction shall be such that uniform density will be obtained over the entire area and depth of material being compacted. All fill materials deposited in place by scrapers, dump trucks, drag lines or similar equipment shall be thoroughly broken up before being spread into uniform layers. 3.3 EXCAVATION: Excavation work shall be unclassified and includes removal of all types of materials encountered without exception. Make excavations to lines and grades indicated on drawings. Complete excavations within the tolerances specified. Excavate in such a manner to conform to the dimensions and elevations indicated on the drawings for each structure. Extend excavation a sufficient distance from the walls to allow for placing and removal of forms, installation of piping, and for Engineer's observation of work. Excavation below Water Table. At all times maintain a dewatered surface in all excavations to prevent softening of the subgrades and to prevent excessive settlement of the foundations. Undercut and excavate all soft materials found at subgrade and replace with crushed stone, or concrete as directed by the Engineer at no additional cost to the Owner. D. Structures. (1) Wherever practicable, cut all excavations to neat lines with a tolerance of minus 1 inch or plus 3 inches, and place concrete to bear against earth GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-7 sides. (2) Excavate to the elevations shown on the drawings forming a level undisturbed surface free of mud or other soft material. All excavations will be observed. Undercut and excavate to deeper levels when suitable foundation soils are not encountered at the planned depth. Remove all pockets of soft or otherwise unstable material and replace with concrete or with suitable well-compacted material as directed by the Engineer, at no additional cost to the Owner. (3) Fill all unauthorized excessive excavation with concrete at no change in the contract sum. (4) Protect all open excavations from rainfall or excessive drying so as to maintain the foundation subgrade in a satisfactory, undisturbed condition. Keep excavations reasonably free of water at all times and completely free of water during placement of concrete. Soils below foundation, which become soft, loose or otherwise unsatisfactory for support of the foundation as a result of inadequate excavation, dewatering or other construction methods shall be removed and replaced with satisfactory material at the Contractor's expense. (5) Concrete shall be placed in foundation excavations the same day that excavation is completed to final grade. Base of excavations left open for longer periods shall be protected by a seal slab of lean concrete or cement-stabilized sand furnished and placed at Contractor's expense. 3.4 SHEETING AND SHORING: Except where banks are cut back on a stable slope, excavation for structures shall be properly and substantially sheeted, braced, and shored, as necessary, to prevent caving or sliding, to provide protection for workmen and the work, and to provide protection for existing structures and facilities. Sheeting, bracing, and shoring shall be designed and built to withstand all loads that might be caused by earth movement or pressure and shall be rigid, maintaining shape and position under all circumstances. In all cases, excavation shall conform to the stricter of the requirements of the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 or the Trench Safety Study located in Appendix "A" of these specifications and shown on sheet 34/34 in the Construction Plans. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL PAGE 02220-8 3.5 BACKFILL: A. General Do not begin backfilling until authorization has been obtained from the Engineer. Complete backfill to the surface of natural ground or to the lines and grades shown on drawings. Use regular native material except where special materials are shown or specified. Deposit backfill in uniform layers and compact each layer as specified. B. Structural Backfill Place backfill as promptly as practicable after completion of each structure or portion of a structure. Do not, however, place backfill against concrete walls or similar structures until concrete has been cured at least 7 days. Where the top of walls are supported by slabs or intermediate walls, do not begin backfill operations until the slab or intermediate walls have been placed and the concrete has cured for a minimum of 7 days. Remove concrete forms before starting backfill and remove shoring and bracing as the work progresses. Take care to prevent any wedging action of backfill against the structure. Step cut or serrate the slopes bounding the excavation as required to prevent wedging. Compact backfill as specified below in sub-section 3.5-D C. Non-Structural Backfill All other backfill placed outside this area (assuming that no structure or piping will be placed thereon) may be either regular or select material as specified on the plans deposited in layers not to exceed 8" in uncompacted thickness and mechanically compacted to at least 95 percent of maximum density at plus to minus 2% of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D698. Compaction of backfill by rolling will be permitted provided the desired compaction is obtained and damage to the structure is prevented. Compaction of baokfill by inundation with water will not be permitted. The material shall contain no wood, grass, roots, broken concrete, stones, trash, or debris of any kind. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02220 - STRUCTURAL EXCAVATION, FILL AND BACKFILL 02220-9 No backfill shall be deposited or compacted in water. D. Compacting Backfill Place material in uniform layers of prescribed maximum thickness and wet or dry the material to approximately optimum moisture content. Compact using mechanical means and methods able to consistently achieve the prescribed required density. Regular and Select Material. Place in 8-inch maximum layers, loose measure. Compact to not less than 95 percent of maximum soil density at plus to minus 2% of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 698. Sand Material. Place in 6-inch maximum layers, loose measure. Compact to not less than 95 percent of maximum soil density at plus to minus 2% of optimum moisture content as determined by ASTM D 2049. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS PAGE 02221-1 DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02221 - EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING FOR UTILITIES PART i - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Work in this section shall consist of furnishing all equipment, materials and labor for excavation, trenching and backfilling for water distribution mains, miscellaneous water lines and other utility systems and appurtenances. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Division 2, Site Work· B. Division 15, Mechanical. C. Appendix A, Trench Safety Study PART 2 - PRODUCT8 2.1 REGULAR NATIVE MATERIAL FOR BACKFILL: Where no other material is specified or shown, use suitable soils from the excavation. Do not use peat or other organic matter, silt, muck, debris or similar materials. Suitable soils shall be defined as excavated materials that are capable of achieving the. required level of compaction specified or shown for the location where it is used. 2.2 SELECT MATERIAL FOR BEDDING AND PARTIAL BACKFILL: Crushed Limestone. Crushed limestone shall be Chico limestone from the Bridgeport, Texas area. Granular bedding material shall be crushed stone free from dust, clay, or trash, and shall be graded to ASTM C33 Size No. 3, aggregate (Max. nominal size of 1 inch). Concrete. ( For bedding, encasement, or thrust blocking) . Conform to ASTM C-94. The compressive strength of the concrete shall be at least 2000 psi and shall contain at least four (4) sacks of cement per cubic yard. Sand. Where sand is specified or shown, use reasonably clean bank sand from an approved source. The sand must be free from large lumps of clay, rubbish, organic matter or other deleterious substance, and having a plasticity index of 12 or less. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02221 - EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING FOR UTILITIES PAGE 02221-2 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION: A. Procedure. Excavate to indicated or specified depths. Excavate by open cut with trenching machine or back hoe. Where machines other than ladder or wheel type trenching machines are used, do not use excavated material composed of large chunks or clods for backfill, but dispose of such material and provide other suitable material for backfill without additional expense. During excavation, pile material suitable for backfilling in an orderly manner far enough from the bank of the trench to avoid overloading, slides or cave-ins. Remove from site, or waste as indicated, all excavated materials not required or suitable for backfill. Grade as necessary to prevent surface water from flowing into trenches or other excavations. Trench Excavation. Cut banks of pipe trench in strict accordance with Appendix "A". Remove stones as necessary to avoid point-bearing. Undercut and excavate wet or unstable soil from the trench bottom to permit construction of a more stable bed for pipe. No additional payment will be made. Dig the trench the proper width as shown. If the trench width below the top of pipe is wider than specified in this section or shown on the plans, then the Contractor shall install higher class of pipe and/or improved bedding as determined by the Engineer. No additional payment will be made. Accurately grade the trench bottom to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe at every point along its entire length, except where necessary to excavate for bell holes and for proper sealing of pipe joints. Dig bell holes and depressions for joints after the trench bottom has been graded. Make bell holes and depressions for joints no deeper, longer or wider than needed to make the joint properly. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEW0RK SECTION 02221 - EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING FOR UTILITIES PAGE 02221-3 Do not overexcavate· If any excavation is carried beyond the lines and grades required or authorized, the Contractor shall, at his own expense, fill such space with concrete or other suitable material as directed by the Engineer. No additional payment will be made. Pipe Bedding. Bedding. Accurately grade the bottom of the trench 6 inches below the bottom of the pipe and to the width shown. Place the proper bedding material to the proper depth as required in the plans for the type utility being installed. Install the pipe and place initial backfill material of the kind specified in the plans for the type utility being installed. Compact the initial backfill material around the pipe to a depth of not less than 12 inches over the top of the pipe. Water in Excavation. The Contractor shall, at all times, take such precautions as are necessary to keep the work free from ground or surface water. Pumps of adequate capacity, diversion, or other appropriate methods shall be provided to remove water from the excavation in such a manner that it will not interfere with the progress of the work or the proper placing of other work. Complete flow restrictions of waterways will not be permitted. 3.2 BACKFILLING: Do not backfill trenches until the installed section of the utility system, desired to be backfilled, conforms to specified requirements of appropriate sections. Backfill trenches to ground surface with suitable native material. Reopen trenches improperly backfilled to depth required for proper compaction. Refill and recompact as specified, or otherwise correct the condition in an equivalent manner. In the pipe zone, place backfill evenly and carefully around and over pipe in layers 6"-8" thick (loose measure). Compact using mechanical means and methods capable of achieving the required density indicated in the plans, until there is a cover of not less than 1 foot over pipe lines. Use selected backfill material in accordance with the plans. Take special care not to damage pipe wrapping or coating. Above the pipe zone, deposit backfill in 6 to 8 inch layers. Compact each layer in accordance with the plans (shts. 30 & 31) for the type utility applicable. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02221 - EXCAVATION, TRENCHING AND BACKFILLING FOR UTILITIES PAGE 02221-4 Any utility not having a required compaction and backfill procedure outlined in the plans, will be required to meet the requirements stipulated on sheet 30 in the plans for PVC Water Pipe. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02430 - D1U~INAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES ~ FITTINGS 02430-1 PKRT 1-GENE1U~L 1.1 SCOPE: This section provides for furnishing, repairing, replacing or constructing storm sewers, manholes and inlets damaged during construction of the water lines. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Division 20 Site Work. 1. Site Preparation - Section 02100. 2. Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for Utilities - Section 02221. B. Division 3, Concrete. 1. Concrete Formwork - Section 03100. 2. Reinforcing Steel - Section 03200. 3. Cast-in-Place Concrete - Section 03300. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 STORM SEWER PIPE: Reinforced Concrete Pipe. Provide reinforced concrete pipe which conforms with ASTM C 76, Class III. 2.2 PIPE JOINT MATERIAL: Cold Compound Joints. For concrete pipe or box sections furnish pipe joint material, such as Talcote No. 052, Gulf States No. GS 702, or Ram-Nek flexible plastic gasket as manufactured by the K.T. Snyder Company, Inc., and meeting all requirements of Federal Specification SS-S-00210, "Sealing Compound, Preformed Plastic for Pipe Joints," Type 1, rope form. Use a primer of the type recommended by the manufacturer of the compound used. Mortar Joints. Joints in precast pipe sewers shall be formed in a careful, thorough and workmanlike manner. All pipe shall be jointed tight and sealed with stiff mortar, composed of one part portland cement and two parts sand, so placed as to form a durable watertight joint. The ends of the pipe shall be cleaned thoroughly and wetted before making the joint. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02430 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPES AND FITTINGS 02430-2 The groove of the pipe last laid and the tongue of the pipe section being laid shall be plastered thoroughly with an even layer of mortar; then, the tongue end of the next section of pipe shall be inserted and the joint pulled tight, taking care that the inner surfaces of the abutting pipe sections are flush and even. After the section is laid and uniformly matched and the sections have been filled as close as the construction of the pipe will permit, the entire inner circumference of the joints of pipe 24 inches and larger in diameter shall be sealed and packed with mortar and finished smooth and even with the adjacent section of pipe. Before this mortar has attained initial set, additional mortar then shall be applied from the outside and forced into the unfilled portions of the groove to fill completely the annular space around the tongue for the entire circumference of the joint. A bead shall be formed on the pipe exterior extending at least one inch on either side of the joint and of approximately semicircular cross section. For pipe too small to permit finish of the inside surface of the joint, a tight stopper of burlap or other equivalent materials shall be dragged through the pipe past the new joint to remove any fins of mortar. After initial set, the mortar on the outside shall be protected from air and sun with a thoroughly wetted earth or burlap cover .which shall be kept wet for a minimum of 48 hours or until the backfill has been completed. The use of an approved curing compound by the Contractor to protect the mortar on the outside in lieu of the wetted earth or burlap cover will be acceptable. As specified hereinbefore, joints shall be so made that the tongue is inserted in the groove and pulled up tight for the full length of the tongue. To achieve the radius shown on the plans, it may be necessary to lay the pipe in such a manner that a portion of the tongue will be exposed. In no event will more than one half of the tongue length be permitted to be exposed either on a tangent or a curve. When a portion of the tongue is exposed, the annular space shall be carefully filled with mortar as herein specified to form a sewer with a smooth and uniform invert. No jointing shall be done when the atmospheric temperature is below 40 degrees F, and when necessary because of a sudden drop in temperature, joints shall be protected against freezing. After placing, any pipe which is not in true alignment or which shows any undue settlement after laying or is damaged, shall be taken up and relaid or repaired without extra compensation. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02430 - DRAINAGE STRUCTURES, PIPE8 AND FITTING8 02430-3 2.3 MANHOLE AND INLET MATERIAL: Brick and Mortar, Cast in Place Concrete or Precast Concrete. Submit shop drawings prior to construction (Reference Coppell Standard Construction Detail Sheets SD-8 and SD-9 respectively). Standards available from Engineer upon request at no addtional cost. Mortar. Furnish mortar conforming to ASTM C 270, Mortar Type S using Portland cement. Aggregate for Mortar. C 144. Use aggregate conforming to ASTM PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 EXCAVATION: Dig the trench and bottom as specified in the section of Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for Utilities, and as detailed on the drawings. 3.2 PIPE BEDDING: Lay pipe bedding as shown and specified in the section on Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for Utilities. 3.3 PIPE INSTALLATION: Ae Pipe Sewers and Culverts. Furnish and place in position, as directed, all necessary stakes, grade and batter boards for locating work. Do not place pipe until the excavation has been completed, the bottom of the trench shaped, proper bedding material placed and observed by the Engineer for condition, line and grade. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02480 - LKNDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 02480-1 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Provide all labor, materials, equipment, tools and related items required for preparing ground, providing Bermuda grass or other acceptable sod, fertilizer, mulching with straw, if necessary, and other management practices required for erosion control. Areas requiring sodding for erosion control will be all areas disturbed by the construction of Line "B", Line"D" and Line "A" (Chevron-Gulf frontage only, near the Belt Line and Denton Tap intersection). 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Division 2o Site Work. B. Texas Highway Department Standard Specifications, 1982. Item 162 Sodding for Erosion Control. Item 166 Fertilizer. 1.3 MODIFICATIONS TO TEXAS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT SPECIFICATIONS: Wherever reference is made to the Texas Highway Department or to the Engineer, it shall be taken to infer the Owner or the Engineer of the Owner as defined in the Supplementary Conditions. Articles 162.9 and 162.10 are hereby deleted from Item 162, Sodding for Erosion Control. Articles 166.4 and 166.5 are hereby deleted from Item 166, Fertilizer. 1.4 MEASUREMENT AND PAYMENT: Work and acceptable materials and all incidentals for block sodding (full cover), fertilizing and watering will be included and paid per lump sum bid for project. Water will be provided by the Owner at no cost to the Contractor but will be required to be metered. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIAL: Ae Sod shall comply with the requirements of Item 162, Article 162.2, and shall be Bermuda grass or other acceptable sod and comply with the planting dates specified for Highway District No. 18. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02480 - LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 02480-2 Fertilizer shall comply with the requirements of Item 166, Article 166.2. PART 3 - EXECUTION Application of Sod, Fertilizer. To be in accordance with the requirements of Items 162 and 166 and as follows: All sodded areas shall be installed in accordance with Item 162, Articles 162.3 and 162.5. B. Cleanup. Continuously and promptly remove excess and waste materials. Keep work areas clear. Take all reasonable precautions to avoid damage to existing structures and grass. When sodding an area has been completed, thoroughly clean the area. Collect debris, rubbish, subsoil and waste materials and remove them from the site. Regrade and sod grass areas damaged by the work. When work is complete, leave the sodded areas neat and clean. Protect the sodded area from other construction operations. Maintenance. Until acceptance, maintain sodded areas with all necessary watering, cultivating, mowing, weeding, disease and insect control, protective spraying, replacement and any other procedure consistent with good horticultural practice necessary to ensure normal, vigorous and healthy growth of grass. Watering. Apply water to the sodded areas after compaction and sodding. Apply water using portable pipe and hose lines with rotating sprinklers within 24 hours after sod is placed. Sprinkling may be done with water trucks and hoses in certain locations where it is impractical to use portable lines or hoses. Supervise sprinkling to prevent runoff of water. The Contractor shall furnish all pumps, hoses, pipe lines, water trucks and sprinkling equipment required. Water with approved watering equipment in compliance with the schedule of 14,000 gal/AC weekly for seven weeks. Do not water at rates exceeding 5,000 gal/AC/hr., to prevent runoff. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CRO8STOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02480 - LANDSCAPE SPECIFICATIONS PAGE 02480-3 Weedinq. Keep all sodded areas relatively free from weeds and undesirable grasses, using approved methods, materials and timing. Disease and Insect Pest Control. Upon discovery of any disease or insect pest infestation, identify or have identified the nature or species of infestation and submit the proposed method of control for approval prior to application of control measures. Mowinq. Mow the grass should the height reach 4 inches or greater on the average before final acceptance. Mow to a height of 2-1/2 inches. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02510 - CONCRETE WALKS PART I - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: 1.2 PAGE 02510-1 Provide 4-inch-thick, reinforced concrete sidewalks in conformity with the lines, grades and details shown on drawings. Construct on an approved sand bed. RELATED WORK: Division 3o Concrete· 03300. Cast-In-Place Concrete, Section PART 2 - PRODUCT8 2.1 CONCRETE: Provide materials and proportions for concrete and reinforcing steel which conform to the applicable requirements of the section on Concrete. 2.2 EXPANSION JOINT FILLER: Performed bituminous type conforming to ASTM D 994, having thickness of 3/4-inch unless otherwise shown on the drawings, or redwood boards, nominally 1" in thickness. 2.3 SAND BED: Obtain bank sand from an approved source. Use sand that is free from clay lumps, organic and other deleterious material, and having a plasticity index of 12 or less. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION: Subgrade. Excavate subgrade 6 inches beyond the outside lines of the sidewalk. Shape to the line, grade and cross section. Compact the subgrade to a minimum of 95% of maximum dry density per ASTM D698. Sand Bed. Immediately after subgrade is prepared, cover with a 2-inch-thick compacted sand bed. Place concrete when sand is moist. Forms. Use wood or metal forms with the proper section. Select pieces which are straight, unwarped and nominally 4 inches deep. Securely stake forms to line and grade and maintain in true position during concrete placement. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02510 - CONCRETE WALK8 PAGE 02510-2 3.2 REINFORCEMENT: Install No. 3 reinforcing steel bars on 24-inch centers longitudinally and across the walk. Lay longitudinal bars in walk continuously, except through expansion joints. During concrete placement, see that reinforcement is in the approximate center of the slab, by use of plastic "chairs". 3.3 EXPANSION JOINTS: Provide 3/4-inch expansion joints along and across the sidewalk at walls, and across the walk at intervals of 20 feet or less throughout the entire length of the sidewalk. Extend the expansion joint filler the full depth of the slab and the entire width of the walk. 3.4 PLACING AND FINISHING: Placing· Place the concrete in forms to the specified depth and tamp thoroughly with a "jitterbug" tamp to bring the mortar to the surface. Finishing. Strike off to a smooth finish with a wood strike board. Finish smoothly with a wood hand float. Brush across the sidewalk lightly with a fine-haired brush. Tool Joints. Unless otherwise shown on drawings, mark off walks 1/4 inch deep, at spacing equal to the width of the walk. Use a joint tool as wide as an edging tool. Finish the edges with a tool having 1/4-inch radius. 3.5 CURING AND PROTECTION: Cover the sidewalk with burlap or suitable cotton mats. Keep the cover wet for 48 hours after the burlap or mats are placed. Commence curing as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to be unmarked by the method of curing. Instead of sprinkling, membrane curing methods may be used. Refer to the section on Cast-In-Place Concrete. Protect sidewalks from traffic for 48 hours after pouring. 3.6 BACKFILLING: After the concrete has set sufficiently, refill the space along the sides of the sidewalk to the top of the walk with suitable material. Tamp until firm and solid. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02515 - CONCRETE PAVING PAGE 02515-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Provide concrete paving including broom- finished paving, flatwork, and curbs, for areas designated on drawings. To be used for concrete paving destroyed by this construction. 1.2 RELATED WORK SPECIFIED ELSEWHERE: Excavation, Fill & Backfill for Utilities - Section 02221. B. Cast-in-Place Concrete - Section 03300. 1.3 SUBMITTALS: Concrete Design: Contractor shall be responsible for and shall pay for design of concrete mixes. An independent testing laboratory shall determine mixes of each type concrete based on specified strengths and materials in accordance with ACI 318-83. Submit 4 copies of design mix for approval. 1.4 COORDINATION: Notify responsible trades of schedules of concrete pours so as to allow adequate time for installation of their work. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: A. Portland Cement: ASTM C-150-78A, Type I or III. B. Fine Aggregate: Natural sand, ASTM C-33-78. Coarse Aggregate: Hard, durable natural gravel or crushed rock meeting requirements of ASTM C-33-78. Maximum size and gradation in accordance with Size No. 67 or 467 in Table II of ASTM C-33. D. Water: Potable Admixture: Cement-dispersing, water reducing compound such as Pozzolith 100 series, as made by Master Builders. Air entraining agent meeting requirements of ASTM C260. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02515 - CONCRETE PAVING 2.2 Reinforcing Steel: ASTMA615, grade 60. Wire Mesh: ASTM A185. PAGE 02515-2 Forms: Nominal 2" thickness dimension fir, or steel paving forms. Premolded Expansion Joint Filler: ASTM D-1782, non- asphaltic. Dowels and Sleeves: 3/8" plain round bars, with sleeves. PROPORTIONING AND MIXING: A. Proportions and Design: Concrete shall produce a mixture of adequate workability, free from segregation, honeycombing and bleeding, and shall be of following types: 1. Schedule of Types of Concrete: MIN. ALL. COMP. TYPE STRENGTH (28 DAYS] I 3000 psi MAX. SIZE CEMENT % AIR AGGREGATES Portland 6% 1-1/2" Broom finished paving, walks, ramps, exterior concrete steps and flat slabs. Admixture: Add specified cement-dispersing agent and air-entraining agent to concrete mixes. B. Mixing: C-94. Ready mixed concrete in accordance with ASTM Slump: Shall not exceed 4" per ASTM C-143. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSPECTION AND PREPARATION: Inspect subgrade and report any discrepancies to Engineer before proceeding. Do not place concrete until layout, formwork, reinforcing and accessories have been and observed by the Engineer. 3.2 FORMWORK: Build form to lines and grades detailed, of sufficient strength and rigidity so they will not deflect under pressure of wet concrete. Exercise extreme care in layout, bracing and aligning forms. Formwork shall be straight, with no bulges in completed work greater than 1/8" in 10'. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVI8ION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02515 - CONCRETE PAVING PAGE 02515-3 3.3 REINFORCING: Place reinforcing steel as detailed and in accordance with ACI 318-83. Place wire mesh to provide one full mesh lap at sides, minimum 8" at ends. Place dowels and sleeves at expansion joints at 24" o.c. unless shown otherwise on the plans. Provide positive bar supports for all reinforcing. 3.4 PLACING: Concrete: Convey and place concrete so there is no separation in ingredients in accordance with applicable requirements of Chapter 10, ACI standard specifications for Concrete Pavements and Concrete Bases (ACI 617). Do not place concrete when temperature is below 40 degrees F. No calcium carbonate shall be added to the concrete. Do not place concrete which exceeds 95 degrees F., and add a double dose of retarder to all concrete which is between 90 degrees and 95 degrees F. Ice shall be used to control the maximum temperature. Construction Joints: Stoppage of concrete placing shall occur at expansion joint or other detailed contraction joints. Construct bulkheads to permit continuation of reinforcing steel. Expansion Joints: Place expansion joint fillers where paving abutts structure or walls and at other locations detailed. Provide removable tacked-on strips to provide a recess for joint sealing compound. Provide expansion joint every 40 feet in curbs and walks, or as shown on drawings. Use Zipstrip type control joints. joints nominally at 20'-0" o.c. otherwise on drawings. Locate contraction or as detailed 3.5 FINISH: Provide broom finish. Materials exposed to view free of surface defects such as poor joints, ridges, cracks, honeycombing, excessive laitance, stone pockets or other defects. Materials that are defective and cannot be satisfactorily repaired, shall be removed and replaced at the Contractor's expense. Concrete cured by use of curing compound applied after surfaces taken initial set after finishing. Material Clear Bond by Guardian Chemical, Kure-N-Seal by Sonneborn or Dress and Seal, or equal. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROS8TOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PART 1 - GENERAL PAGE 02610-1 1.1 DESCRIPTION: This item shall govern for all materials and work necessary for furnishing and installing all water mains of the type specified, and any and all distribution lines as shown on the plans, including all sheeting, shoring, excavation, dewatering, pipe laying, jointing, testing, backfilling, and any other work that is required or necessary to complete the installation as shown on the plans and as specified herein. The Contractor shall be responsible for all materials furnished to him by his material suppliers and shall replace at his expense all such materials that are found to be defective in manufacture or that are damaged in handling. The Contractor shall install piping to meet all applicable standards. The contractor shall provide manufacturer's certificate that materials meet or exceed minimum requirements as hereinafter specified. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Section 02615 - Cast Iron and Ductile Iron Pipe B. Section 02617 - Steel Pipe C. Section 02618 - Prestressed Concrete Cylinder Pipe D. Appendix A - Trench Safety Study PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GENERAL: All phases of this project shall be installed using the materials designated on the plans and as specified herein. All materials shall be new and meet the following minimum specifications. 2.2 STEEL PIPE AND FITTINGS: Unless otherwise specified on the plans, all 6" and under steel pipe shall be ASTM A120, standard weight (Schedule 40). All steel pipe larger than 6" shall conform to the requirements of AWWA C-200-80. All welded fittings shall meet the requirements of ANSI B-16.9 (Schedule 40) or AWWA C-208-83. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-2 All flanges and flanged fittings shall be flat faced and meet the requirements of ANSI B-16.5, 150# class or AWWA C-207-86, Class E. Contractor shall coordinate matching flanges. All flange gaskets to be ASTM D-1330, Grade I, red rubber, ring type, 1/8" thick. The inside of all pipe and fittings shall be smooth, clean, and free from blisters, loose mill scale, sand, and dirt when installed. All bolts to be ASTM A-193, Grade B-7, with two (2) hex nuts, ASTM A-194, Grade 2-H attached. Studs to project 1/4 inch beyond outer face of each nut. The interior of all steel pipe shall be lined with a protective cement mortar coating, in accordance with the A.W.W.A. Specification C205-85. The exterior of steel pipe to be installed underground shall be given a coat of primer, a corrosion preventative tape (inner layer), and two layers of a mechanical protective tape (outer layer). The tape coating system shall be in accordance with A.W.W.A. C-214-83 and shall be a minimum of 80 mils thick. The exterior of steel pipe which will be exposed shall be thoroughly cleaned and primed with a primer compatible to the final exterior paint to be used. Refer to painting specifications, and insulation specifications for additional pipe protective coatings. 2.3 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE WATER PIPE AND FITTINGS (PVC): Unless otherwise specified on the plans, 1/2 inch PVC pipe shall be Class 315, 3/4 inch or larger PVC shall be Class 200. All thermoplastic PVC pipe shall fulfill the requirements of ASTM D2241, Class 200, DR 14. Where specified on the plans, Schedule 40 PVC pipe shall be PVC 1120 and shall meet requirements of ASTM D 1785. PVC, DR 14, shall meet or exceed requirements of AWWA C-900, latest revision, with cast iron outside dimensions and with rubber ring bell joint which shall be an integral and homogeneous part of the pipe barrel conforming to ASTM D 3139, latest revision. Rubber gaskets shall conform to ASTM F 477. PVC water pipe shall be listed by Underwriter Laboratories and approved for use in cities and towns of Texas by the State Board of Insurance. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE ~ FITTINGS P~GE 02610-3 The rigid PVC pipe shall bear the seal of approval (or "NSF" mark) of the National Sanitation Foundation Testing Laboratory for potable water pipe. Pipe shall be made from NSF approved Class 12454-A or B PVC compound conforming to ASTM D 1784 resin specification. 2.4 CAST IRON PIPE/DUCTILE IRON PIPE AND FITTINGS (C.I.P.) (D.I.P.): Unless otherwise specifically shown on the plans, or approved in writing, shall conform to ANSI A21.51 (AW'WA C151, latest revision), 200 psi working pressure, and shall be centrifugal cast pipe of rubber gasket type joint, furnished in 16' or 18' nominal laying lengths. All such pipe shall bear a mark denoting approval by the Underwriters Laboratories. Cast iron pipe under these specifications shall have a tensile strength of 21,000 lbs. per square inch and 45,000 lbs. per square inch modulus of rupture. All such pipe shall be manufactured in accordance with ANSI "Manual for Thickness Design of Cast Iron Pipe", and shall be designed for 200 lbs. water working pressure, 12 feet of cover, and field condition B. Ductile iron pipe shall be manufactured from metal having a minimum tensile strength of 60,000 lbs. per square inch, a minimum yield strength of 40,000 lbs. per square inch and a minimum elongation of 18 percent (60-40-18), and shall meet all requirements of AWWA Specification C150 and C151, latest revision, Class 51. D. Joints for cast iron or ductile iron pipe shall be: Push-on joint with rubber gasket conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AWWA Clll) of latest revision, or Mechanical joint conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AW'WA Clll) of latest revision, or Bell and spigot joints conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AWWA Clll), of latest revision, or Flanged joint conforming to ANSI/AWWA - Cl10/A21.10, 250 psi working pressure, drilled and faced to match ANSI B-16.1, 125# Class. Fittings for cast iron or ductile iron pipe shall be rated for a minimum of 250 psi working pressure and shall be: (shown on plans) GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEX~S DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-4 Mechanical joint fittings conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AWWA Clll), of latest revision, or Bell and spigot fittings, conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AWWA Clll), of latest revision. Flanged fittings, 250 psi working pressure, conforming to ANSI A21.10 (AWWA Cll0), with rubber ring gaskets, drilled and faced to match ANSI B- 16.1, 125# Class. All ductile iron pipe shall have a standard thickness of cement mortar lining as specified in ANSI A21.4, latest revision (AWWA C104), except for flanges, which will receive an inside tar coating in place of the cement mortar lining. All ductile iron pipe, valves, and fittings shall be coated on the outside with hot dipped coal tar varnish conforming to Federal Specification WW-P-421 or, in lieu of coal tar coating, polyethylene encasement may be used for ductile iron pipe in accordance with ANSI/ASTM C 105/A21.5 latest revision. The film shall have a minimum nominal thickness of 0.008 inches (8 mils.). Bolts and nuts for mechanical joints or flanged ends shall be of a high-strength low-alloy corrosion- resistant steel and shall conform to ASTM Designation A 325 (Type 3). 2.5 POLYVINYL CHLORIDE (PVC) SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS: All pipe and fittings shall be suitable for use as a gravity sewer conduit and shall conform to ASTM D3034 (SDR 35), latest revision, minimum pipe stiffness, 46 psi. Pipe shall be similar to Certainteed Fluid-Tits PVC pipe, Johns-Manville Ring-Tite PVC Gravity Sewer Pipe, or approved equal. Joints for PVC sewer pipe shall be integral bell gasketed joint designed so that when assembled, the elastomeric gasket inside the bell is compressed radially on the pipe spigot to form a positive seal. The joint shall be so designed to avoid displacement of the gasket when installed in accordance with the manufacturer'~ recommendation. Joints shall conform to ASTM D3212, latest revision. Gaskets shall conform to ASTM F477, latest revision. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-5 2.6 DUCTILE IRON SEWER PIPE AND FITTINGS: Ductile iron gravity sewer pipe shall conform to ASTM A746, latest revision. ANSI A21.51 or AWWA C151, latest revisions, Class 52. B. Joints for ductile iron pipe shall be: Mechanical joint, conforming to ANSI A21.11 (AWWA Clll) of latest revision, or Push-on joint, with rubber gasket as described in ANSI A21.11 (AWWA Clll) latest revision. C. Cement-mortar lining shall conform to ANSI A21.4. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 SCOPE: The work to be performed under this section shall include all labor, materials, equipment, transportation, all excavation, installation, and all backfill, testing and facilities necessary for proper installation of all water lines, and all distribution lines as shown on the plans, and/or as herein specified. All lines shall be constructed from the utility mains, shown on the drawings or connecting to utility service lines. The contractor shall be responsible to check all elevations of inverts of existing pipes before construction of station piping or mains. Utility extension, rerouting and connection costs shall be paid and arranged for by contractor. All costs involved in extending, rerouting and connecting the utilities whether or not part of the work must necessarily be performed by the various utility company crews shall be paid by this contractor. Any charges for connections to mains, valving, extending to property line or building, furnishing equipment, etc., shall be paid for as a part of the work of this section. Regardless of whether the Owner may have to sign with the utility company for any or all of these services, the contractor shall include in his bid all fees, city inspection charges, permit charges, work charges, etc., and shall be ready to deposit with the utility company said fees when required at time of Owner's signing for same. All welding operations shall be in strict accordance with AWWA C206 and AWS Di.1, Structural Welding Code. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-6 The Contractor shall submit qualification test results for all welders prior to commencing construction. 3.2 EXISTING SITE CONDITIONS: Existing Utilities: Locations and sizes o~ existing utilities as shown on the drawings are based on the best available information and may not be entirely correct. Exact location, depth and size must be verified by the contractor in the field. Additional compensation will not be allowed if damage to the utilities results because of minor discrepancies between locations shown on the drawings and actual field locations. Relocation of utilities in place shall be done whether or not such work is specifically shown on the drawings. Any existing utilities that may be shown on the drawings or the location of which is made known to the contractor prior to excavation shall be protected from damage during the excavation and backfilling of trenches and, if damaged, shall be repaired by the contractor at his expense. Any existing utility that is not shown on the drawings or the location of which are not known to the contractor in sufficient time to avoid damage, if inadvertently damaged during excavation, shall be immediately repaired by the contractor due to the existence of utilities that are not shown on the drawings or the location of which is not known to the contractor at the time of bidding. Any existing utility lines and services shall be maintained at all times, except for such short periods of time as may be necessary to actually make connections to new work to the existing system. When it is necessary to temporarily interrupt service for the above purpose, such shall be done only at such date and time as may be established in advance by the Engineer. Those lines shown on the drawings to be abandoned or removed shall not be abandoned or removed until after it has been determined that they are no longer required for service and until such action has been approved by the Owner and the Engineer. 3.3 LINES, GRADES, STAKES AND TEMPLATES: Ae The Contractor shall, at his own expense, furnish all stakes, templates, patterns, platforms and labor, including a person qualified to lay out all of the work. The engineer will furnish, upon request from the Contractor, limit marks and bench marks reasonably GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-7 necessary for the execution of the work. It shall be the Contractor's responsibility to protect these limit marks and bench marks set by the Engineer. Should the marks become destroyed or damaged, the cost of their replacement will be at the Contractor's expense. The Engineer may furnish a representative to check alignment and grade, after it has been laid out ready for construction; however, this will in no way lessen the responsibility of the Contractor to see that grade and alignment are correct at all times. The lines and grade of the piping, as well as the location of valves, tees, meters and all other appurtenances, will be as shown on the plans or as directed by the Engineer. The Engineer reserves the right to indicate which phases of the project will receive priority in construction. The Contractor shall give the Engineer a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours notice for any engineering or inspection necessary to continue or complete the work. No deviation shall be made from the required line or grade without written approval from the Engineer. 3.4 EXCAVATION: Prior to beginning any excavation, the Contractor shall read and familiarize himself with the ,,TRENCH SAFETY STUDY, FOR THE CROSSTOWN WATER LINE, LINES A B AND C " which is included in Appendix A of this document. The Contractor shall perform the work of excavation in strict accordance with the requirements of Appendix "A" and those shown on sheet 34 of the Drawings, entitled "Waterline Trench Safety". The Contractor shall perform all excavation that may be required for the installation of any and all parts of this section. All excavations shall be made by open cuts except as shown on the plans. The sides of the trench shall be kept as nearly vertical as possible, especially from the trench floor to a level on one (1) foot above the top of the pipe. Trench bottoms shall not be less than 12 inches wider nor more than 16 inches wider than the outside diameter of the pipe laid therein, and shall be excavated true to line, so that clear space of not less than 6 inches nor more than 8 inches in width is GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-8 provided on each side of the pipe. The bottom of trenches shall be accurately graded to provide uniform bearing and support for each section of pipe or undisturbed soil at every point along its entire length, except for positions of the pipe sections where it is necessary to excavate for bell holes. Bell holes shall be excavated only to an extent sufficient to permit accurate work in the making of the joints and to insure that the pipe, for a maximum of its length, will rest upon the prepared bottom of the trench. The bottom of all trenches shall be rounded so that at least one-fourth (1/4) of the circumference of the pipe rests firmly on undisturbed soil. If the Contractor should, be error, excavate below the proper elevation for the bed of the pipe or should he desire to substitute an approved granular backfill, properly tamped, for supporting the pipe to the same extent as the shape trench bottom, then the Contractor must bring the trench bottom to the proper grade by refilling, at the Contractor's expense, with an approved granular backfill. This backfill material shall be sand of fine gravel that does not contain large rocks or other deleterious materials and should be placed so that it is at least 2 inches deep below the bottom and so that the lower one-third (1/3) of the pipe is uniformly supported on undisturbed soil. All excavation shall be placed on one side of the trench, unless permission is given by the Engineer to place it on both sides. Excavated materials shall be placed so as not to endanger the work, and so that free access may be had at all times to all parts of the trench. The Contractor shall provide, without additional compensation, suitable temporary channels for the water that may flow along or across the site of the work. Any water pumped from the trenches, or other excavations, must be disposed of in a manner satisfactory to the Engineer. 3.5 BRACING AND SHORING: The Contractor shall, when necessary or when directed by the Engineer, furnish, put in place, and maintain all without additional compensation, such sheeting, bracing, etc., as may be required to support the sides of the excavation and to prevent any movement which can in any way damage adjacent pavement or other structures, damage or delay the work or construction, or endanger life and health. Care shall be taken to prevent voids outside the sheeting, but, if voids are formed, they shall be immediately filled and rammed to the satisfaction of the Engineer. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORX SECTION 02610 - PIPE ]~TD FITTINGS 02610-9 For the purpose of preventing injury to persons, corporations or property, whether public or private, (where the liability for damage on account of which is to be assumed entirely and solely by the Contractor under this contract) he may also leave in place, to be embedded in the backfill of the trench any and all sheeting, bracing, etc., in addition to that ordered in writing by the Engineer to be left in place. All voids left by the withdrawal of sheeting shall be immediately refilled and compacted by ramming or otherwise, as may be directed. De The right of the Engineer to order sheeting and bracing left in place shall not be construed as creating an obligation on his part to issue such orders; and his failure to exercise his right to do so shall not relieve the Contractor from liability or damages to persons or property, occurring from or upon the work of constructing the sewer occasioned by negligence or otherwise, growing out of the failure of the Contractor to leave in place in the trench sufficient sheeting and bracing to prevent any caving or moving of the ground adjacent to the banks of the trench. 3.6 DEWATERING: The Contractor shall at all time during construction, provide and maintain ample means and devices with which to promptly remove and properly dispose of all water entering the pipe trenches or excavations, and keep said excavations dry until the structures are poured and the concrete has set. No pipes shall be laid, nor pipe joints made, in water; not shall water be allowed to rise over masonry or mortar until the concrete or mortar has set at least twenty- four ( 24 ) hours. 3.7 BEDDING MATERIAL: Six inches of granular material shall be used to receive the pipe barrel and each pipe section, when in place, shall have a uniform bearing on the granular material for the full length of the pipe barrel. Pipe shall not be laid unless the granular material is free of water and in a condition satisfactory to the Engineer. Adjustments of the pipe to line and grade shall be made by scraping away or filling in with gravel, or approved selected material, and not by wedging or blocking up the bell. After pipe is in place, 12" of sand shall be placed above the pipe prior to backfilling with select material. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-10 Bedding material will not be measured or paid for as a separate item. The cost thereof will be included in the lump sum price bid. In no case will extra compensation be allowed for furnishing any bedding material required to complete the installation of pipe. 3.8 PROTECTION AND INSTALLATION: Care and precautions shall be taken to prevent the introduction of foreign materials into the existing system. Well fitted stoppers or bulkheads shall be securely place in all openings and in the end of the line when construction is stopped temporarily and at the end of each day's work. It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to deliver to the Owner a pipeline which is clean throughout its entire length. Bell holes of ample size shall be cut under and around all joints to provide adequate room for making joints and to assure that the barrel of the pipe rests uniformly and in continuous contact with the supporting ground for its entire length. Water will not be permitted in the trenches while the pipe is being laid. The Contractor shall not open up more trenches than the available pumping facilities are able to dewater to the satisfaction of the Engineer. A tolerance of 1" from the established grade may be permitted, if approved by the Engineer, in order to prevent excessive breaks in alignment at the joints to such an extent that the joints cannot be properly made. The interior of the pipe shall be clean and joint surfaces shall be clean and dry when the pipe is lowered into the trench. Each pipe, fitting, and valve shall be lowered into the trench carefully and laid true to line and grade. All joints shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's specifications. 3.9 THRUST BLOCKS: 3000 psi concrete shall be placed for blocking at each change in direction of all pressure pipelines in such manner as will substantially brace the pipe against undisturbed trench walls. Concrete blocking, made from Type 1 cement, shall have been in place four days prior to testing the pipeline as hereinafter specified. Test GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE )d~D FITTINGS P~GE 02610-11 may be made in two days after completion of blocking if Type III cement is used. At all points where wet connections are made to existing, mains, the tapping connection fittings shall be supported by blocking up to the spring line with 3000 psi concrete. All valves shall be supported by a 3000 psi concrete pad, 6 inches thick and of sufficient size to rest against undisturbed earth, unless shown otherwise on plans. 3.10 CONNECTIONS AND APPURTENANCES: The Contractor shall make the alterations and the necessary connections to existing water mains as shown on the plans. Such connections shall be made at such times and in a manner that will be agreeable to the Owner in each case, when the work is started, it shall be prosecuted expeditiously and continuously until completed. Where it is necessary or indicated in the plans, connections to existing mains under pressure shall be made by tapping connection fittings. Where it is possible to valve off the section of existing main where the connection is to be made, the Contractor may have the option of either connecting by means of tapping connection fittings or by cutting the main and using standard fittings. Tapping sleeves, crosses and valves shall be of standard manufacture and mechanical joint type to fit AWWA pipe specifications in Classes A, B, C, and D. Tapping sleeves and crosses shall be designed for minimum working pressure of 200 pounds per square inch. Connecting flanges on tapping sleeves, crosses and valves shall be ASA Class 125. Tapping valves shall be designed for minimum working pressure of 200 pounds per square inch. 3.11 CLEANUP: In areas where. the piping has been backfilled, the Contractor shall clear the surrounding ground, and shall dispose of all waste materials and debris resulting from his operations. He shall fill and smooth over holes and ruts and shall repair all miscellaneous and unclassified ground damage done by him, and shall restore the ground to such stable and usable conditions as may reasonably be required, consistent with the conditions of the ground prior to GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN~FATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEX~S DIVISION 2 - 8ITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-12 the laying of the piping. 3.12 TESTING OF WATER LINES: After all pipe is installed and flushed of dirt and foreign material, the pipe shall be filled with water, care being exercised to expel all air from the pipe. During the test period, pipe, valves, meter, fittings, and joints shall be carefully examined for defects. Any observed leaks or defective pipe shall be satisfactorily repaired or replaced at the expense of the Contractor and the test repeated until the section under test is within the limits prescribed. All new piping or parts thereof shall be tested under hydrostatic pressure of 150 pounds per square inch, for a period of two hours if joints are exposed, or for a twenty-four (24) hour period if joints are covered, or as directed by the Engineer. Care shall be taken to insure that water mains existing prior to this contract are not pressure tested. Any old mains damaged by pressure testing shall be repaired at the expense of the Contractor. Leakage shall be measured by an approved calibrated meter through which all of the water required to maintain test pressure is pumped. All testing shall be performed in the presence of the Engineer. The Contractor shall furnish the pump, pipe, connections, closure fittings, gauges meters, water and all other necessary apparatus and shall furnish all labor and do all work required to make the tests. All costs of testing shall be borne by the Contractor. Testing operations shall remain in operation for a minimum of two (2) hours or until approved by the Engineer. For cast iron, ductile iron, PVC, and PCCP pipe, the allowable leakage shall not exceed 11.65 gallons of water per day per mile of pipe per inch of nominal diameter, for pipe in 18 foot lengths when evaluated at a pressure of 150 psi in accordance with AWWA C600, Section 4. There shall be no allowable leakage from steel pipe. No allowance will be made for possible leakage through any valve without the Engineers approval. If the line under test contains sections of various diameters, the allowable leakage will be the sum of the computed leakage for each size. Any and all known leaks shall be stopped regardless of the test requirements. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02610 - PIPE AND FITTINGS PAGE 02610-13 3.13 DISINFECTION: After completion of the installation, the water lines shall be thoroughly flushed out to remove dirt and foreign matter, hydrostatically tested, and then be sterilized in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Department of Health and AWWA C601. When the piping is sterilized, at least two (2) samples of water shall be extracted from the system for examination by the Texas Department of Health to determine whether the system is free of organisms of the Coil-Aerogenes group. If the samples submitted do not show negative for such organisms, the piping shall be disinfected and redisinfected by the Contractor in accordance with the requirements of the Texas Department of Health until the system is free of contamination. All materials and labor required for complete sterilization of the piping shall be furnished by the Contractor at no additional expense to the Owner. 3.14 MEASUREMENT: A. PIPING Piping, fittings, and flanges will be measured for payment. The cost of these items shall be included in the Contract Unit Price for the item. This item includes all nuts, bolts, gaskets, and other incidentals needed for completion of the project as specified on the plans. 3.15 PAYMENT: Payment for Piping will be included in the Contract Unit Price, which price shall constitute full compensation for furnishing all pipe, pipe joints, fittings, specials and all other materials not particularly specified; for furnishing all labor, tools, equipment and incidentals and performing all work including preparation of right-of-way, excavation, pipe installation, painting, backfill (where required), testing, sterilization, cleanup and any other operations essential to completing the work as shown on the Contract Drawings. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24n CROSBTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02615 - DUCTILE IRON PIPE 02615-1 PART 1-GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Ductile iron pipe, fittings and specials are to be installed at the line and grade shown on the plans and as specified in these Contract Documents· 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Section 02610 - Pipe and Fittings B. Section 02221 - Excavation, Trenching and Backfilling for Utilities· C. Appendix "A" - Trench Safety Study PART 2 - PRODUCT8 2.1 MATERIALS: A. For description of designated materials to be used on this project, see Section 02610. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PIPE HANDLING: Ae All pipe, fittings and specials shall be lowered into the trench by derrick, tripod, crane or other suitable method. Rolling or dumping it into the trench will not be permitted. Pipe and fittings shall be handled in such a manner as not to damage the coating. All dirt and trash shall be removed from the barrel and the ends of the pipe while it is suspended. Slings shall be used to handle all pipe and fittings; no hooks will be permitted. Where it becomes necessary to deflect the pipe to avoid obstruction the deflection of each joint must be approved by the Engineer. The pipe is to be kept clean during the laying operation and free of all dirt and trash and, at the close of each operating day, the open end of the pipe is to be effectively sealed against the entrance of all objects and, especially, water. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVIBION 2 - BITEWORK SECTION 02615 - DUCTILE IRON PIPE PAGE 02615-2 3.2 JOINT-MAKING: The types of joints to be used for the various sizes of pipes will be as specified in Section 02610, Pipe and Fittings. The methods of making each type of joint will be as follows: A. Mechanical Joints: The Contractor shall wire brush and thoroughly clean the surfaces with which the gasket comes in contact on the bell and spigot. The cleaned surfaces of the bell and spigot shall then be lubricated with a nontoxic vegetable soap lubricant just prior to slipping the gasket over the spigot end and into the bell. The follower ring shall than be bolted into compression against the gasket, with the follower bolts tightened to the following torque range: Bolt Size in Inches Range of Torque in Foot Lbs. 5/8 40 - 60 3/4 60 - 90 1 70 - 100 1-1/4 90 - 120 A torque indicating wrench shall be used to obtain the specified torque range. The gland shall be tightened toward the flange, maintaining approximately the same distance between the gland and the face of the flange at all points around the socket. If effective sealing is not attained at the maximum torque indicated above the joint shall be disassembled and reassembled after thorough cleaning. Overstressing of bolts to compensate for poor installation practice will not be permitted. B. Slip-On Joints: Slip-on joints, such as Tyton, Bell-Tite, or Fastite, shall be made in the following manner. The gasket and the gasket seat inside the bell shall be wiped clean of all extraneous matter. Place the gasket in the bell in thin film of nontoxic vegetable soap lubricant to the inside of the gasket and the outside of spigot prior to entering the spigot into the bell. Force the spigot home in the bell by use of a crow bar or a fork tool on sizes 2 inches through 8 inches or by use of a jack on sizes 10 inches and larger. When using a field cut plain end piece of pipe taper the outside cut end of the pipe about 1/8 inch back at an angle of 30 degrees with a portable grinder or a coarse file before making up joint. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02615 - DUCTILE IRON PIPE PAGE 02615-3 C. Flanged Joints: Flanged connections shall be made by means of erection bolts and drift pins without undue forcing and with no restraint on the ends of the pipe or fitting which would prevent pressure from being evenly and uniformly applied to the gasket. The pipe or fitting must be free to move in any direction while bolting. Bolts shall be gradually tightened, each in turn, at a uniform rate around the entire flange. Flange bolts shall be installed with all bolt heads in one direction. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE This section covers prestressed reinforced concrete pipe with a steel cylinder and steel fittings lined and coated with concrete or mortar, to be furnished and installed in the following lines: As shown on the drawings, Line A, B, C and D. Pipe shall be furnished and installed complete with all jointing materials and accessories, anchors and blocking, and other necessary appurtenances. 1.02 1.03 GOVERNING STANDARD Except as modified or otherwise provided herein, the manufacture of prestressed concrete cylinder pipe shall be governed by AWWA C301. The supplementary information required in the foreword of the governing standard is as follows: Tabulated Layout Schedule (Sec. 1.5.2) Required. Identification Marks (Sec. 1.6) Required. Steel Test Reports & Specimens (Sec. 1.9.3) Not required. Rubber Gasket Test Results (Sec. 1.9.5) Not required. Affidavit of Compliance (Sec. 1.10) Required. Concrete Aggregate Samples (Sec. 2.4) Not required. Design Calculations (Sec. 3.2.1) Required. Welding Details (Sec. 3.5.2) Not required. Specials and Fittings (Sec. 4.1) As specified herein. Structural Steel Connections Interior lining (Sec. 4.5) required. THRUST RESTRAINTS In lieu of concrete thrust blocks, contractor may weld joint rings, designed to resist thrust of test pressures. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-2 PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.01 MATERIALS Unless otherwise specified herein, the manufacture of pipe, fittings, conform to AWWA C301. all materials used in and accessories shall A. Fine Aggregate Clean natural sand, ASTM C33. Artificial or manufactured sand will not be acceptable. B. Gaskets AWWA C301, Sections 2.11 and 3.4, except polymer shall be synthetic rubber. Natural rubber will not be acceptable. C. Joint Diapers 24 Inch Pipe and Smaller Cotton or fiberglass fabric with wire in hems or burlap fabric with steel strap in hems, at least 7 inches wide. 30 Inch Pipe and Larger Burlap or fiberglass fabric with steel strap in hems, at least 9 inches wide. D. Flanges AWWA C207. E. Joint Harness Bolts ASTM A193, Grade B7. Nuts ASTM A194, Grade 2H. 2.02 BASIS OF DESIGN Ae Design Criteria. All pipe, fittings and specials shall be designed for a combination of the following internal, external and surge pressures: Internal Pressure: 100 psi minimum or higher as indicated in Pipeline Schedule. o External Pressure: 6.0 feet of cover minimum or such greater pressures and earth loads as shown on the drawings. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-3 3. Surge Pressure: As specified in Pipeline Schedule. Inspection and Testing. Shop Inspection. When specified in Job Conditions, pipe, fittings and specials will be inspected at the manufacturer's plant by the Owner's Agent. The costs of such inspection will be paid by the Owner. Shop Visits. The Owner's Agent shall at all times have free access to the manufacturer's plant while production is in progress. Shop Testing. In accordance with the requirements of AWWA C301, Section 1.9. Pipe manufacturer shall provide copies of mill test reports, steel specimens, gasket rubber and related test reports when requested by Owner's Agent. Shop Welding. Manual-welding operators shall be qualified under Section IX, Part A, of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Inspection by the Owner's Agent, or failure to pro- vide inspection, shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibility to provide materials and per- form the work in accordance with the specifications. Pipe Rejection. Pipe may be rejected for failure to meet any of the following items: If adequate means and methods are not provided so as to insure the manufacture of a product of uniform quality. 2. A piece broken out of the pipe. Any crack extending entirely through the barrel of the pipe or to the steel cylinder or rods. 4. Any shattering or flaking of concrete at a crack. Any excessive surface cracking due to temperature conditions. Pipe manufacturer shall control these cracks by adequate concrete mix, curing or preservation of moisture in pipe interior during yard storage and shipment to job site. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSST0WNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-4 D. Reference Standards Specifications of the American Water Works Association (AWWA) listed below shall apply to this Section: C-207 Steel Pipe Flanges C-301 Prestressed Concrete Pressure Pipe, Steel Cylinder Type, For Water and Other Liquids Specifications of the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) listed below shall apply to this Section: A194 Carbon and Alloy Steel Nuts for Bolts for High Pressure and High Temperature Service A325 Specification for High-Strength Bolts for Structural Steel Joints, including Suitable Nuts and Plain Hardened Washers 2.03 FITTINGS AND SPECIALS In addition to straight pipe, all bends, tees, adapters, closure pieces, blowoff fittings, and other fittings or specials shall be furnished as indicated on the drawings or required to complete the work. Except as modified or otherwise provided herein, the design and manufacture of fittings and specials shall be governed by the same requirements as the connecting piping. Connections. Connections to concrete pipe shall be of the types indicated on the drawings. The following requirements shall govern connections to concrete pipe. 1. Flanges Ring type except where otherwise permitted. Diameter, Drilling and Thickness ANSI B-16.1, 125# Class or AWWA C207, Class E. Finish Flat faced with concentric or spiral serrated finish. Bolts and Gaskets As specified for connec- ting piping. Tapped Holes ANSI Bi.1, coarse thread, Class 2B fit. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS ' DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE 02618-5 2. Mechanical Joints ANSI A21.11. 3. Threaded Connections ANSI B2.1, NPT. 4. Mechanical Couplings Plain end steel spigots at least 12 inches long. Blowoffs. Each blowoff shall be arranged to provide a horizontal flanged drain line connection. One of the following arrangements shall be employed: 1. Tangential flanged outlets. Radial flanged outlets, plus a 60 degree flanged cast iron or cast steel bend for each. Fittings. Fittings shall comply with Section 4 of AWWA C301. Fittings shall be designed for the same loads and internal pressures as the adjacent pipe. Anchored Joints. Where indicated on the drawings, joints shall be anchored by clamps, set screws, bolt harness assemblies, or other method acceptable to the Engineer. Welding the joint rings will be acceptable. Harness bolts, if used, shall be designed on a basis of 60,000 psi. Each anchored pipe shall be designed to resist thrust of the magnitude, resulting from application of the specified hydrostatic test pressure. Reducers. Tapered reducers shall be provided at the locations indicated on the drawings. Reducers shall be concentric and shall have a diametrical reduction of not more than 3 inches per foot of length. 2.04 MARKING Each pipe, fitting, or special section shall have and permanently marked thereon: plainly A. Pipe class. B. Date of manufacture. C. Manufacturer's name or trademark. D. On bends, the angle turned thereby. Identification of specials to show proper location in line. Markings shall be idented in the pipe or painted thereon with waterproof paint. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24', CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-6 PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.01 HANDLING Concrete pipe and fittings shall be handled carefully and shall not be bumped or dropped. Hooks shall not be permitted to come in contact with joint surfaces. 3.02 CLEANING The interior of all pipe and fittings shall be thoroughly cleaned of foreign matter before being installed and shall be kept clean until the work has been accepted. All joint contact surfaces shall be kept clean until joinring is completed. Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipe during installation. No debris, tools, clothing, or other materials shall be placed in the pipe. Whenever pipe laying is stopped, the open end of the pipe shall be sealed with a watertight plug which will prevent trench water from entering the pipe. 3.03 ALIGNMENT Piping shall be laid to the lines and grades indicated on the drawings. Pipelines or runs intended to be straight shall be laid straight. Curves may be formed by using fittings or beveled joints or by opening the joints. The Contractor is responsible for using approved methods to maintain the alignment and grade of the pipe. 3.04 LAYING PIPE Pipe shall be protected from lateral displacement by pipe embedment material installed as specified in the excavation and trenching section. Under no circumstances shall pipe be laid in water and no pipe shall be laid under unsuitable weather or trench conditions. Pipe shall be laid with bell ends facing the direction of laying except when reverse laying is specifically permitted by the Engineer. 3.05 JOINTING Rubber and steel joints shall be installed in accordance with the pipe manufacturer's recommendations. Immediately before the pipe is jointed, all exterior spigot and GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-7 interior bell surfaces shall be thoroughly cleaned and well lubricated. Lubricant shall be suitable for use in potable water, shall be stored in closed containers, and shall be kept clean. The rubber gasket shall then be stretched over the spigot and settled into the spigot groove, and the pipe pushed or pulled into final position. The position and condition of the rubber gasket shall be checked before the next piping unit is installed. In jointing 30 inch or larger concrete pipe, steel inserts shall be used to prevent the pipe from entering to the full depth of the bell until the position of the gasket has been checked. Joint space outside the rubber gasket shall be filled with grout. To prevent entrance of earth into the joint space before grouting and to serve as a form for the grout, a diaper shall be placed around the outside of the joint. Grout shall be composed of one part portland cement and 2 parts sand, mixed to a pouring consistency and constantly stirred while being poured to prevent segregation. Sand for grout shall be clean masonry sand passing a 16 mesh sieve. Grout shall be poured between the diaper and the pipe and allowed to run down around to the bottom of the pipe. The grout shall be rodded, while being poured, with a stiff wire curved to the approximate radius of the pipe. The joint recess shall be completely filled at all joints. Not less than two lengths of pipe shall be in final position in advance of joint grouting. If pipe embedment operations are resumed before the grout has attained initial set, extreme care shall be taken to prevent damage to the grout while placing and compacting embedment material. After trench backfilling operations over the pipe have been completed, the inside joint recess of all 30 inch or larger concrete pipe shall be filled with stiff mortar mixed in proportions of one part portland cement to 2 parts masonry sand passing a 16 mesh sieve. Joint surfaces shall be damp, but free from surface water when the mortar is placed. Mortar shall be thoroughly compacted and finished smooth. All excess mortar shall be removed from the pipe. 3.06 CONNECTIONS WITH EXISTING LINES Where connections are made between new work and existing piping, such connections shall be made using suitable fittings for the conditions encountered. Each connection with an existing pipe shall be made at the time and under conditions which will least interfere with service to customers affected thereby, and as authorized by the GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-8 Engineer. Facilities shall be provided for proper dewatering and for disposal of all water removed from the dewatered lines and excavations without damage to adjacent property. Special care shall be taken to prevent contamination when dewatering, cutting into, and making connections with existing pipe. No trench water, mud, or other contaminating substances shall be permitted to get into the lines. The interior of all pipe, fittings, and valves installed in such connections shall be thoroughly cleaned and then swabbed with a solution having a chlorine content of 200 milligrams per liter. 3.07 CONCRETE ENCASEMENT AND BLOCKING Concrete encasement and blocking shall be installed where and as indicated on the drawings. Concrete and reinforcing steel shall be as specified in the cast-in-place concrete section. All pipe to be encased shall be suitably supported and blocked in proper position and shall be anchored against flotation. Blocking shall bear against undisturbed earth. 3.08 PROTECTIVE COATINGS Unless otherwise specified, metal surfaces shall be protected as specified herein. Shop Coatings. Bolts, flange faces, and steel joint rings shall be shop coated with rust preventive compound, Houghton "Rust Veto 344" or Rust-Oleum "R-9." All other metal surfaces shall be shop primed with Koppers "Bitumastic Mill Undercoat" or Valspar "35-J-6 Bituminous Black." Surfaces Exposed Underground. All metal surfaces which will be in contact with backfill after installation (not encased in concrete) shall be cleaned to remove all rust and foreign materials, primed, and wrapped with two half-lapped layers of coal tar saturated fabric, Protecto Wrap "200GT" or Tapecoat "CT". The wrapping shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Backfill adjacent to wrapped surfaces shall consist of clean sand or pea gravel. Surfaces Exposed in Manholes. All metal surfaces exposed inside manholes after installation shall be cleaned and given two coats of Kppers "Bitumastic Super Service Black," Tnemec "450 Heavey Tnemecol," or Porter "Tarmastic 100." GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE PAGE 02618-9 3.09 LEAKAGE All joints shall be watertight and free from leaks. Each leak which is discovered during the pressure and leakage tests shall be repaired by and at the expense of the Contractor. 3.10 PRESSURE TEST The following lines shall be subjected to a hydrostatic pressure test. The test pressure shall be maintained for at least two hours while the line is inspected. Line Test Pressure A 200 psi B 200 psi C 150 psi D 150 psi The Contractor shall provide all necessary pumping equipment, piping connections between the piping and the nearest available source of test water, pressure gages, and other equipment, materials, and facilities necessary for the tests. All pipe, fittings, valves, pipe joints, and other materials which are found to be defective shall be removed immediately and replaced with new and acceptable material, by and at the expense of the Contractor. 3.11 PIPELINE SCHEDULE Working Working Line Pressure Surge Line A 125 psi 75 psi Line B 125 psi 75 psi Line C 100 psi None Line D 100 psi None 3.12 DRAWINGS AND DATA Drawings, specifications, installation schedules, and other data showing complete details of the design, fabrication, construction, field locations and elevations, GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - BITEWORK PAGE SECTION 02618 - PRESTRESSED CONCRETE CYLINDER PIPE 02618-10 and installation of pipe, fittings, specials, and connections, together with complete data covering all materials proposed for use in connection therewith, shall be submitted in accordance with the submittals section. The drawings and data shall include but shall not be limited to the following for each size and class of pipe. A. Pipe design. B. Details of specials. C. Laying schedule. 3.13 TRENCH SAFETY The provisions of Appendix "A", Trench Safety Study and Sheet 34 must be strictly adhered to during installation of all piping. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02640 - VALVES, COCKS AND HYDRANTS PAGE 02640-1 PART 1 - GENERAL 1.1 GENERAL: This item shall include furnishing of all labor, materials and equipment and installation of all valves in accordance with contract drawings and these specifications and required for construction of the Crosstown Water Line and Miscellaneous Water lines. 1.2 SUBMITTALS: A. Catalog Data: Submit manufacturer's literature and illustrations. B. Weights: Statement of net assembled weight of each size of valve furnished. C. Shop Drawings of Valves and Operators. 1. Dimensions 2. Construction details 3. Materials D. Installation Instructions: Complete manufacturer's installation instructions. E. Maintenance Data: 1. Maintenance instructions 2. Parts lists F. Certificates: Submit manufacturer's certification that valves and accessories meet or exceed specification requirements. 1.3 PRODUCT DELIVERY, STORAGE, AND HANDLING: A. Prepare valves and accessories for shipment according to AWWA C500 and: 1. Seal valve ends to prevent entry of foreign matter into valve body. 2. Box, crate, completely enclose, and protect valves and accessories from accumulations of foreign matter. B. Store valves and accessories in area protected from GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02640 - VALVES, COCKS AND HYDRANTS PAGE 02640-2 weather, moisture, or possible damage. Do not store materials directly on ground. Handle items to prevent damage to interior or exterior surfaces. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 GATE VALVES: Gate valves for below ground service shall be Clow, Mueller, M & H, or approved equal, resilient wedge valves with epoxy coated body, non-rising stem, AWWA C500, latest revision. Valves shall be of equal, or greater, pressure class than the piping in which they are to be installed. Equipped with "0" ring seals at top of stem, and 2" square operating nut. Valves shall open by turning counter-clockwise. Gate valves for above ground service shall be Clow, Mueller, M & H, or approved equal, resilient wedge valves with epoxy coated body, OS&Y stem, AWWA C500, latest revision. Valves shall be of equal, or greater, pressure class than the piping in which they are to be installed. Valves shall be flanged, conforming to ANSI B-16.5, 150# Class or ANSI B-16.1 125# Class for cast iron, be equipped with "0" ring seals at top of stem, and have a handwheel for operation. Valves shall open by turning counter-clockwise. Valve Stem Packing Box: The valve stem packing box, consisting in part in the valve bonnet, and in part in a restraining flange (O-ring plate) shall contain, restrain in position, and seal the valve stem. The valve bonnet and restraining flange shall contain bronze stem collar thrust bushings. The valve stem shall contain a raised thrust collar. 3. The valve stem shall be sealed with "0" rings. Accessories: All gate valves shall have the following accessories provided as part of the gate valve installation. A keyed extension stem of sufficient length to bring the operating nut up to within one foot (1') of the surface of the ground when the operating nut on the gate valve or bypass valve is three feet (3') or more beneath the surface of the GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02640 - VALVES, COCK8 AND HYDRANT8 PAGE 02640-3 ground. a. Extension stems shall not be bolted or attached to the valve operating nut. Extension stems shall be cold roll steel one inch (1") square, fittings loosely enough to allow deflection. Valves installed in above ground piping shall be provided with handwheel operators. Joint components such as gaskets, packing rings, bolts, etc., shall be furnished with each valve as required for a complete installation. 2.2 BUTTERFLY VALVES: See Section 15220. 2.3 AIR RELEASE AND VACUUM RELIEF VALVES Individual air release valves and combination air release and vacuum relief valve assemblies shall be installed in the locations indicated on the drawings. Each valve assembly shall be installed complete with appurtenant piping and valves as specified or shown. Individual air release valves shall have two inch (2") inlet connection and shall be Golden Anderson "Figure SAR", Crispin as manufactured by Multiplex Co. or equal. Combination air release and vacuum relief valves shall be of the integral type with a valve assembly which functions as both an air and vacuum valve and an air release valve. Valves shall have a 6 inch inlet connection, and shall be Golden Anderson "Figure GH-7K", Multiplex "Crispin Universal Air Valves," or Valve and Primer "Apco Standard Combination Air Release Valves." The valves shall be designed for a water working pressure of 125 psi, shall have stainless steel floats, and all working parts shall be brass, stainless steel, or other noncorroding materials. The exhaust from each valve shall be piped to drain as shown on the drawings. A shutoff valve shall be provided in the piping to each combination air release and vacuum relief valve assembly. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - 8ITEWORK SECTION 02640 - VALVES, COCKS AND HYDRANTS PAGE 02640-4 2.4 CURB STOPS Curb stops shall be bronze construction, tee head type, Ford Meter Box "Ball Valve," Hays "Nuseal Plug Valve," or Mueller "Mark II Oriseal." 2.5 FIRE HYDRANT (if applicable this contract) Fire hydrant shall be of the center stem compression type construction with break away flanges as manufactured by Waterous Co., Mueller Company, or M&H and have a minimum valve opening of 5-1/4". The hydrants shall meet all the requirements of AWWA Specification C502 and shall be equipped as follows: Two hose nozzles (2-1/2"); one pumper nozzle (4-1/2" steamer); packing (0" ring); Inlet connection (6" MJ); groundline to centerline hose nozzles (18"). The contractor shall furnish for approval of the Engineer, specifications and shop drawings of the hydrant proposed for installation in the system. Hydrant must meet the 150 lbs. psi working pressure and 300 psi hydrostatic pressure. 2.6 VALVE BOXES: Valve boxes shall be three piece, screw type, 5-1/4" shaft. Contractor shall supply boxes with the correct base for all valves and in correct lengths for field conditions. Special valve boxes shall be constructed as shown on the plans. Valve boxes shall be cast iron and shall be of sufficient length and diameter to operate all valves buried in the ground. Covers shall be marked "Water." The boxes shall rest on the valve and be adjusted so that the cover may be set flush with finished grade. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 P[ANDLING AND INSTALLING VALVES: Valves shall be carefully handled and lowered into position by mechanical equipment in such a manner as to prevent damage to any part of the valve. The valve shall be placed in the proper position and held securely until all connections have been made. Where valves are to be placed in a concrete structure, the floor shall be completed before installing the valve. The valves shall be securely blocked so that its weight is carried by the floor rather than being supported by the connected piping. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK SECTION 02640 - VALVES, COCKS AND HYDRANTS PAGE 02640-5 Valves not housed in structures shall be supported on the same material as that supporting the connecting pipe. An adjustable cast iron valve box and cover shall be provided for all buried valves (including bypass valves) with stem extension when depkh exceeds three (3) feet. The valve shall be set with the stem in a truly vertical position with the box correctly centered over the operating nut. De When the valve box is in position and the top of the box adjusted to the proper elevation, select backfill material shall be firmly tamped around the outside. 3.2 FREEZE PROTECTION: All 8" and smaller piping exposed to outside air temperature shall be provided with electric pipe heating tape. Heating tape shall have a rating of five watts per foot and be for 115 volts. Heating cable shall be wrapped around pipe at one half turn per foot, and the pipe shall be insulated with not less than 2- inch thick glass fiber insulation wrapped with a waterproof covering. A remote bulb thermostat with a weatherproof case for the heating tape control shall be provided. Strap the bulb against the pipe on opposite side from the heating element under the insulation. Set the thermostat at 40F. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 CONCRETE GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK PAGE 03100-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Ae Furnish all labor materials, tools, equipment and related items required for the complete installation of concrete forms as indicated by the Contract Documents. The Contractor shall follow the recommendations of ACI "Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork". All forms and formwork shall conform to the applicable standards of O.S.H.A. Earth cuts and excavations shall not be used as forms for vertical surfaces unless otherwise shown on the plans. 1.2 STANDARDS AND TOLERANCES: A. Reference Standards: 1. ACI Formwork for Concrete, SP-4. 2. U.S. Product Standard for Softwood Plywood, Construction and Industrial PS-1. 3. Standard Grading Rules, Western Wood Products. All formwork shall be adequately designed for the loads and pressures, including windloads, to which the forms may be subjected. Where it is necessary to maintain specified tolerances the formwork may be cambered to allow for anticipated deflections due to weight and pressure of fresh concrete and other construction loads. Positive means of adjustment (wedges or jacks) of shoring and struts shall be provided and all settlement taken up during concrete placing. All shoring and struts shall be adequately braced to prevent lateral movement. Allowable Tolerances: Except when close coordination and fitting of various trades' work precludes allowance of tolerance, maximum total permissible deviations from established lines, grades and dimensions shall be as stated below. Set and maintain forms in such manner as to ensure completed work within specified tolerance limits. Variation from plumb; in lines and surfaces: 1/4" in 10'-0". Variations from level or from indicated grades: 1/4" in 10'-0". Variations in sizes and locations of sleeves, floor and wall openings: 1/4". GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK 1.3 PAGE 03100-2 Variation in cross sectional dimensions thickness of slabs and walls: 1/4". in Variations in footings: a. Variations in dimensions of plan: Minus 1/2" to plus 2" (applies to concrete only). b. Reduction in thickness: none allowed. 6. Variation in location of anchor bolts unless provided with sleeves or other means of adjustment: 1/4". SUBMITTALS: Ae Shop Drawings: Diagram of proposed construction joints not indicated on drawings. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 2.1 MATERIALS: Forms: Wood metal, or other approved material that will not adversely affect surface of concrete and will provide or facilitate obtaining specified surface finish: 1. Wood: Unexposed Surface: No. 2 Common or Better Southern Yellow Pine lumber, sufficient thickness to sustain loads to be imposed, dressed to uniform smooth contact surfaces, readily removable. Exposed Surfaces: Commercial Standard Douglas- Fir, moisture resistant, concrete form plywood, not less than 5 ply, at least 3/4" thick, one side smooth. 2. Steel: Sectional steel forms may be used only if called for on the plans, or if their use is specifically approved in writing by the Engineer. The forms must be free of dents and have a smooth surface. If sectional steel forms of the "pan" type are used, only new pans will be acceptable. All steel forms must be inspected by the Engineer prior to their use. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOM WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 8ECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK PAGE 03100-3 Metal forms for shall be of such thickness that the forms will remain true to shape. The minimum thickness of metal used in forms shall be 3/16". Forms may be made in sections of such length as will facilitate the placing of concrete and the removal of forms. The joints of sections must be closely fitted so as not to result in offset joints. All bolt and rivet heads on the facing sides shall be countersunk. Clamps, pins or other connecting devices shall be designed to hold the forms rigidly together and to allow removal without injury to the concrete. Metal forms which do not present a smooth surface or line up properly shall not be used. Special care shall be exercised to keep metal free from rust, grease or other foreign material such as will tend to discolor the concrete. B. Form Ties and Accessories: 1. Metal form ties of an approved type shall be used to hold forms in place. Such ties shall be of a type especially designed for use in connection with concrete work, and they shall have provision to permit ease of removal of the metal as hereinafter specified. The use of wire form ties will not be permitted except for minor or special form areas when the use of rigid type metal ties would be impractical, and then only with the specific approval of the Engineer. The use of metal form ties of a type that are encased in paper or other materials to allow the removal of the complete tie, leaving a hole through the concrete structure, will not be permitted. Metal ties shall be held in place by devices attached to walls. Each device shall be capable of developing the strength of the tie. All metal accessories used inside of forms to hold them in correct alignment shall be removed to a depth of at least one (1) inch from the surface of the concrete and shall be so constructed that the metal may be removed without undue injury to the surface by chipping or spalling. Such devices, when removed, shall leave a smooth opening in the concrete. Burning off of rods, bolts or ties will not be permitted. Where wire ties are used, all wires, upon removal of the forms, shall be cut back at least one (1) inch from face of the concrete with a sharp chisel or nippers. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CRO88TOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE PAGE SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK 03100-4 4. All cavities produced by the removal of metal ties shall be carefully cleaned and completely filled with retempered sand cement mortar mixed in proportion of one to three, and the concrete shall be left smooth and even. Form Oil: Non-Staining, paraffin-base oil having specific gravity between 0.8 and 0.9. Construction Joint Form: Burke Concrete Products "Keyed Kold Joint" or approved equal by the Engineer. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 INSTALLATION: A. Formwork: Construct forms to slopes, lines and dimensions shown, plumb and straight, and sufficiently tight to prevent leakage. Securely brace and shore forms to prevent displacement and to safely support construction loads. Provide access openings for cleaning and inspecting forms and reinforcing prior to depositing concrete. Do not coat forms with material that will stain or cause injury to exposed concrete surfaces. Keep forms wet as necessary to prevent shrinkage. Forms for exposed concrete shall provide for 1" radius or flat bevel on external corners. Shoring: Shore horizontal surfaces to support concrete loads and construction loads without deformation. In long spans, where intermediate supports are not possible, calculate deflection in forms due to weight of fresh concrete and compensate in design of forms to that finished concrete members will have true surfaces conforming accurately to desired lines, planes and elevations. Form Ties: Coat ties that are to be pulled from walls with cup grease or other approved material to facilitate removal. wetting and Oiling Forms: Soak inside surface of forms with clean water prior to placing concrete. Treat plywood with approved form oil. Wipe excess oil off with rags to leave surface of forms just oily to touch. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK PAGE 03100-5 B. Construction Joints: Unless otherwise indicated on drawings, each footing, wall, and slab shall be considered as a single unit, and concrete shall be placed continuously in order to provide monolithic unit of construction. Obtain Engineer's approval of construction joint locations should they prove unavoidable. Locate joints at midpoint of spans, and either plumb or level, or as shown on plans. For horizontal joints in exposed concrete faces, tack continuous strip of dressed lumber, 1" thick, to inside of wall or grade beam form, with lower edge at line of construction joint· Approximately 1 hour after placing concrete in lower part of wall or grade beam, remove strip, level off any irregularities with wood float and remove any laitance present. 3.2 Inserts and Fasteners for Work of Other Trades: Install inserts and devices required for attachment of other work. Properly locate in cooperation with other trades and secure in position before concrete is poured. Leave sufficient time between erection of forms and placing of concrete to allow various trades sufficient time for proper installation of their work. 3. Maintain in position sleeves, chases, inserts, and devices which are provided and placed in forms by various trades and protect until concreting is completed. FORM REMOVAL: To permit proper surface finish, forms in general shall be removed as soon after the concrete has set as is practicable and safe. In the determination of the safe time for removal of falsework and forms, consideration shall be given to the location and character of the structure, the weather and other conditions influencing the setting of the concrete, and the materials used in the mix. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03100 - CONCRETE FORMWORK PAGE 03100-6 De Clamps and tie rods may be loosened 24 hours after concrete is placed and all but a sufficient number to hold forms in place may be removed. Completely remove wood forms from under floors, ramps, steps, etc. Remove forms in accordance with ACI 301, without damage to concrete and in manner to insure complete safety of structure. Leave shoring in place until concrete member will safely support its own weight, plus live loads which may be placed upon it. Results of suitable control tests shall be used as evidence that concrete has attained sufficient strength to permit removal of supporting forms. In general, supporting forms or shoring shall not be removed until strength of control test specimens has attained a value of at least 75% of designed compressive strength. Exercise care to assure that newly unsupported portions of structure are not subject to heavy construction or material loading. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PAGE 03200-1 PART i - GENERAL 1.1 SCOPE: Ae Reinforcing steel shall be of the type,. size and quantity designated for use in structures as shown on the plans and in accordance with these requirements. All reinforcing steel shall be of domestic manufacture. Tests: Mill tests shall be made as required by ASTM specifications A615 and A185, and certified copies of all tests shall be provided to the Engineer prior to acceptance of any materials. Shop Fabrication: Insofar as possible, all bending of bars shall be done in the shop. Bending shall be done cold, and true to the shapes shown on the plans. Bar schedules shall be submitted prior to fabrication for approval of the Engineer. Bars shall be detailed and bent in accordance with the requirements of ACI Standard 315. Storing: Steel reinforcement shall be stored above the surface of the ground upon platforms, skids, or other supports, and shall be protected insofar as practicable from mechanical injury and surface deterioration caused by exposure to conditions producing rust. When placed in the work, it shall be free from dirt, scale, dust, paint, rust, oil, or other foreign material. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Section 03100 - Concrete Formwork B. Section 03300 - Cast-in-place Concrete PART 2 - PRODUCT8 2.1 GENERAL: All bar reinforcement shall be new billet steel conforming to the requirements of ASTM Specification A615, Grade 60. All bars shall be deformed as defined in "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete" (ACI-318) except those used for expansion joint dowels, where smooth bars are indicated on the plans. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PAGE 03200-2 B. Reinforcement: Deformed Bars. Use deformed bars conforming to ASTM A615 including Supplementary Requirements SI, grade as shown on drawings. Where grade is not shown on the drawings, use Grade 60. Smooth Bars· Use smooth bars conforming to ASTM A36, ASTM A615, Grade 60, or ASTM A675, Grade 70 for all bars shown on the drawings to be smooth bars. C. Welding: Welding of reinforcing bars is prohibited. Welded Wire Fabric: Welded wire fabric shall be electrically-welded, cold-drawn wire (70,000 psi yield point) of gage and mesh size shown on the drawings and shall conform to "Specifications for Welded Steel Wire Fabric for Concrete Reinforcement" (ASTM-185). Wire size and spacing shall be as shown on the plans. Flat sheets shall be furnished where noted. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 BENDING Reinforcement bars shall be bent cold to the shape indicated on the plans. All bending of hard grade new billet steel bars shall be done in the shop. Bends shall be true to the shapes indicated. 3.2 STORAGE Reinforcement shall be stored above the ground surface upon skids, platforms or other supports and shall be protected from mechanical injury and surface deterioration by exposure to the weather. When placed in the work, the reinforcements shall be free from dirt, rust, scale, paint, oil, or other foreign materials. 3.3 SPLICES No splices of bars, except when shown on the plans, will be permitted except upon the written permission and approval of the Engineer. Bars shall be rigidly clamped or wired at all splices in a manner approved by the Engineer. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT 3.4 DETAILING PAGE 03200-3 Completely detailed shop drawings and schedules should be submitted by the Contractor for review by the Engineer prior to fabrication. Shop drawings may not be made by reproducing the plans or contract documents. The bars shall be supplied in lengths which will allow them to be conveniently placed in the work and provide sufficient lap at joints. Dowels of proper length, size and shape shall be provided for tying walls, beams, floors and the like together where shown, specified or ordered. Steel reinforcement shall be of the type and size, cut to lengths and bent to shapes as indicated on the plans. Un- less otherwise indicated, hooks, laps. splices, and other details of reinforcement shall be provided asset forth in the ACI Building Code (ACI-318) and the "Manual of Standard Practice for Detailing Reinforced Concrete Structures" (ACI-315) to develop the full tensile strength of the bar. 3.5 PLACING REINFORCEMENT: Metal reinforcement when placed shall be free from mill and rust scale or any other coating that would destroy or reduce its bond with the concrete. When there is a delay in concreting operations and the reinforcement has been in place more than two (2) days, it shall be reinspected and, when necessary, cleaned. Metal reinforcement shall be accurately positioned and dimensional in accordance witht he plans and specifications. The bars and mesh shall be tightly secured against displacement by ties of annealed wire, of not less than No. 16 gauge, or suitable clips at intersections. Wall reinforcement shall be supported and held securely against displacement in its proper position clear of the forms as indicated on the plans. Nails shall not be driven into the wall forms to support reinforcement nor shall any other device used for this pur- pose come in contact with the form in the waterside of any water containing structure. The main reinforcement of slabs in contact with the ground shall be supported in its proper position, as indicated on the plans, by means of precase cement mortar blocks, or approved dimensions, resting on the slabs' subbase. Such precast blocks shall be made of mortar composed of one part Portland cement and two parts sand with annealed wirecast into each block. The length of the Blocks shall be spaced at the intervals required to maintain the reinforcement in its required position in the slab during the pacing of the concrete. The slab reinforcement shall not be used to sup- port planking or runways used in placing concrete. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PAGE 03200-4 In the case of floor slabs, galleries, deck slabs, and beams, metal chairs, spacers and other metal accessories necessary to provide the required clear distances and proper alignment and spacing between bars shall be used subject to the approval of the Engineer. Additionally, placement of reinforcement shall comply with the following: A. Comply with ACI 318. B. Placing: Comply with recommendations of Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute's "Recommended Practice for Placing Reinforcing Bars" and "Recommend Practice for Placing Bar Supports". Support and wire reinforcing bars together to prevent displacement by construction loads. Lap welded wire fabric at least 1-1/2 meshes plus end extension of wires but not less than 12" in structural slabs. Lap at least 1/2 mesh plus end extension of wires but not less than 6" in slabs on ground. 5. Extend mesh across supporting walls. Adequate support for mesh shall be provided by the use of "chairs" to ensure that the mesh is completely surrounded by concrete and not less than 3 inches above the bottom of slabs on ground or 1/2-inch above form work. Offset vertical bars in walls at least one bar diameter at lap splices. To insure proper placement, templates shall be furnished for all column dowels. 8. Make splices only as indicated on Drawings. Do not bend reinforcement after being partially embedded in hardened concrete except for field bent dowels. 10. Clean reinforcement of form oil or other bond inhibitors prior to placing concrete. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWlqWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03200 - CONCRETE REINFORCEMENT PAGE 03200-5 3.6 3.7 11. Where parallel reinforcement is placed in two or more layers, place reinforcing steel in upper layer directly above those in bottom layer with clear distance between layers not less than one bar diameter or 1". CONCRETE PROTECTION FOR REINFORCEMENT Steel reinforcement shall be placed and held in position so that the concrete cover, as measured from the surface of the bar shall be as specified on the plans or specified by ACI-318. PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work performed in accordance with this section of the specifications, and the cost thereof shall be included in the proper items of the Proposal and Bid Schedule. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03251 - CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND WATERSTOP8 PART I GENERAL PAGE 03251-1 1.1 SCOPE This section of the specifications covers construction joints, expansion joints and the placing of waterstops and seals where shown. PART 2 PRODUCTS 2.1 2.2 POLYVINYL PLASTIC WATERSTOP Waterstops shall be installed in construction joints at locations shown in the plans. All waterstops shall be con- tinuous throughout their lengths. The waterstops shall be heavy duty polyvinyl waterstop con- forming to Corps of Engineers Specification CRD-C-572, lat- est edition, as manufactured by Serviced Products Division of W. R. Grace and Company; B. F. Goodrich Company; Electrovert, Inc.; W. R. Meadows, Inc.; Vinylex Corp.; Wal- John, Inc.; or an approved equal of the same type and material and approximately equal in dimensions and weight but not necessarily of exactly the same shape. Waterstops shall be 6-inch in the direction perpendicular to the construction joint. The waterstop shall be extruded from polyvinyl chloride resin plastic having the following minimum properties: Tensile Strength ........... 1,700 psi Ultimate Elongation .......... 350 % Brittleness Temp (ASTM D 746) ..... -35 degrees F All waterstop shall be installed so that one-half its width will be embedded on one side of the joint and one-half on the other. The Contractor shall employ a method of placing the waterstop to insure that the waterstop will be held securely in true vertical position and in straight alignment with the joint, and to completely enclose the waterstop in the concrete. JOINTS AND WATERSTOPS All waterstops shall be continuous and so jointed at all points of contact in the same plane, or at intersections with waterstops in different planes, as to form a complete barrier to the passage of water through any construction, contraction or expansion joint and all joints shall be made by heat welding as specified herein. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03251 - CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND WATERSTOPS PAGE 03251-2 Joints in PVC waterstops shall be made by heating the two surfaces to be joined until the material has softened to the point where it is just short of being fluid and then bringing the two softened surfaces together with a slight rubbing motion followed by firmly pressing them together so that a solid and tight bond is made. The joints in strips of waterstop made in the above manner shall be such that the entire cross section of the joint shall be dense, homogeneous and free of all porosity. All finished joints shall have a tensile strength of not less than 75 percent of the material of the strip as extruded. The heating of the surfaces to be joined shall be done by means of an electric hot plate splicer designed for the specific purpose and controlled by means of a voltage regu- lator. It shall be rated at 1,000 watts for use with 115 volt electric current. The size of the plate shall be ap- proximately 2-inch by 10-inch, with a Teflon cover, and shall be used simultaneously. The voltage regulator to be used in conjunction with the above described hot plate shall be rated at 7.5 amps, 115 volt input and 0-135 volt output. In use, the heat of the hot plate shall be so regulated as to prevent too rapid melting and accompanying charring of the waterstop material. The Contractor shall provide such jigs as will assist in making the joints in a proper and workmanlike manner and in holding the strips so that the alignment of joined strips in correct and angles are true to those required. Prior to embedment all joints in the waterstops strips will be carefully inspected by the Owner's Representative and any found defective shall be corrected. 2.3 PROTECTION OF WATERSTOP BETWEEN POURS The Contractor shall take such steps as are necessary to protect exposed waterstops at all times. 2.4 EXPANSION JOINTS Expansion joints of the size and type shown on the plans, or specified herein, shall be placed in concrete pavement or structure as shown on the plans. a. Preformed Asphalt Fiber Joint Material Asphalt fiber sheet filter shall consist of performed strips of inert material impregnated with asphalt. It shall be of the thickness shown on the plans or indicated in these specifications. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03251 - CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND WATERSTOP8 PAGE 03251-3 2.5 The sheet filler shall conform to the requirements of AASHO Specifications M-59 with the following additional provisions: The asphalt content shall be 35 to 50 percent by weight of the joint filler after drying at 325 degrees F for one (1) hour. The sheet filler shall be of such character that it will not be deformed by ordinary handling during hot weather nor become hard and brittle in cold weather. It shall be of tough, resilient, durable material not affected by weathering. b. Other Premoulded Joint Filler Where premoulded cork-asphalt joint filler is required by the plans, it shall be of the dimensions indicated on the drawings and shall be the material designated as Code No. 1321 by the Serviced Products Corporation of Chicago, Illinois, or approved equal. c. Hot Poured Rubberized Tar Joint Sealer Hot poured rubberized mastic joint sealer shall consist of a mixture of durable, elastic rubber, coal tar pitch and other materials which will form a resilient and adhesive compound capable of effectively sealing concrete joint surfaces against repeated expansion and contraction. The material shall be that designated as Code 2341, Para-Plastic as manufactured by the Serviced Products Corporation, or approved equal, and shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendation. PREFORMED PLASTIC ADHESIVE WATERSTOP Waterstops shall be installed in construction joints at locations shown on the plans. All waterstops shall be con- tinuous throughout their length. The waterstops shall be preformed plastic adhesive water- stops conforming to Federal Specification SS-S-00210. Plastic waterstops shall be SYNKO-FLEX as manufactured by Synko-Flex Products, Inc., Houston, Texas or equal. These shall be installed in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03251 - CONSTRUCTION JOINTS AND WATERSTOP8 PAGE 03251-4 PART 3 EXECUTION 3.1 PAYMENT No separate payment will be made for work performed in ac- cordance with this section of the specifications, and the cost thereof shall be included in the proper items of the Proposal and Bid Schedule. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE PAGE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300-1 PART I - GENERAL 1.1 RELATED REQUIREMENTS: Comply with Division 1 - General requirements and referenced documents. This section of the specifications shall govern for the construction of structures or structural units requiring the use of concrete. All concrete structures and/or structural units shall be constructed in accordance with the design requirements and details shown on the plans, shall conform to other items of the specifications which are applicable to a complete installation, and shall be in conformity with the requirements contained herein. Form design shall be the full responsibility of the Contractor. 1.2 RELATED WORK: A. Section 03100 - Formwork B. Section 03200 - Concrete Reinforcement 1.3 SUBMITTALS: A. Shop Drawings: Show reinforcement fabrication, bar placement location, splices, spacing and bar designation, bar type, length, size, bending, number of bars, bar support type, and other pertinent information, including dimensions. Information must correspond directly to data listed on the bill of materials. Submit bills of materials to be reviewed with shop drawings. 2. Indicate location of construction joints. Do not make shop drawings using reproductions of Contract Drawings. Detail in accordance with ACI 315. Submit in writing any request for modifications to Drawings and Specifications. Submitting shop drawings for review does not constitute "in writing" unless it is brought to attention of Engineer that specific changes are being suggested. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-2 Submit to Engineer for review by Testing Laboratory for proof of compliance with Specifications as follows: 1. Concrete: a. Proposed concreting materials. b. Proposed concrete mix designs. 2. Reinforcing Steel: Submit the manufacturer's certificates giving the properties of steel proposed for use. List the manufacturer's test number and heat number, chemical analysis, yield point, tensile strength and percent elongation. Also identify on the certificates the proposed location of the steel in the work. 3. Cement. cement. Submit mill certificates for all bulk Design Mix. Submit the design mix and test data on the proposed design mix for each type and strength of concrete in the project. The design mixes shall be prepared by a certified independent testing laboratory employed and paid by the Contractor. The design mix submittal shall include manufacturer's technical information for each type of admixture proposed for use on the project. Product Data. Submit manufacturer's technical literature, including application instructions, on the following products proposed for use by the Contractor, to the Engineer for approval: 1. Air entraining agent. 2. Admixtures. 3. Concrete bonding agent. 4. Joint sealant. 5. Waterstops. Submit material samples along with the manufacturer's technical data on the waterstops. 1.4 STORAGE OF MATERIALS: Comply with detailed recommendations of ACI 304. Store cement in weathertight buildings, bins, or silos which provide protection from dampness and contamination and minimize warehouse set. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-3 C. Aggregates: Arrange stockpiles to avoid excessive segregation or contamination with other materials or with other sizes of aggregates. Ensure that conditions are met by testing for conformance to requirements for cleanliness and grading of samples secured from aggregates at point of batching. Fine and coarse aggregates shall be regarded as separate ingredients. Each size of coarse aggregate and combination of two or more shall conform to grading requirements of ASTM C33 or C330, as required. PART 2 - PRODUCT8 2.1 CONCRETE MATERIALS: A. Cements: 1. Portland Cement: ASTM C150 Type I. 2. Air Entrained Portland Cement: ASTM C150. 3. Do not use different cements interchangeable. B. Admixtures: 1. Air Entraining Admixtures: ASTM C260. 2. No fly ash or calcium chloride shall be permitted. 3. Chemical Admixtures: ASTM C494. Two or more admixtures may be used in same concrete, provided admixtures are added separately during batching sequence. Admixtures used in combination shall retain full efficiency and have no deleterious effect on concrete or on properties of each other. Water: 1. Fresh, clean and potable. Use nonpotable water only if water produces mortar cubes having seven (7) day strengths equal to strength of similar specimens made with distilled water when tested in accordance with ASTM C109. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-4 2.2 PROPORTIONING: Concrete for work shall be homogenous. When hardened, concrete shall have required strength, resistance to deterioration, durability, resistance to abrasion, watertightness, appearance, and other specified qualities. Type: Ultimate strength type concrete for use in structures or structural elements which have been analyzed and proportioned by ultimate strength design theory. C. Strength: Normal Weight Concrete: Base strength requirements on 28 day compressive strengths, unless high early strength is used, in which case required strengths shall be obtained at seven (7) days. D. Durability: Provide concrete which will be subject to potentially destructive exposure, other than wear or loading, such as freezing and thawing, severe weathering or chemicals. 2. Water-cement ratio for air entrained concrete shall not exceed 5.75 gallon per sack of cement, unless otherwise approved by Engineer. E. Slump: Slump of concrete of normal weight, as determined by ASTM C43, shall be in accordance with Table A. TABLE A - SLUMPS FOR VARIOUS KINDS OF CONSTRUCTION KINDS OF CONSTRUCTION SLUMP (IN.) Maximum Minimum Footings, Walls, Columns Slabs, Beams 4 1 5 3 F. Maximum Size of Coarse Aggregate: 1. Nominal Maximum Size of Aggregate: a. Slabs: 1" b. Walls and beams: 1" GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE PAGE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300-5 2. Coarse Aggregates in Concrete of Normal Weight: One size for concrete placed in one day when quantities to be placed are too small to permit economical use of more than one mix design. When single mix design is used, maximum nominal size shall be as required for most critical conditions of concreting, in accordance with requirements of preceding section. G. Air Entrainment: Air entrainment in concrete of normal weight shall conform to Table 5.3.3,ACI 211.1. Determine air content by either ASTM C231 or ASTM C138. H. Admixtures: Air Entrained Admixtures, and Proprietary Chemical Admixtures: In accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 2.3 MIXING: A. Comply with recommendations of ACI 304R-85. Mix and transport ready mixed concrete in accordance with ASTM C94. The ready mix producer shall be certified for compliance to the Standards of NRMCA. The mixing shall be done in a batch mixer of approved type and size which will insure the uniform distribution of the material throughout the mass so that the mixture will be uniform in color and smooth in appearance. Concrete shall be mixed only in such quantities as are required for immediate use and shall be used before initial set has taken place. All concrete in which initial set has begun shall not be used in the work and no concrete shall be retempered. The maximum elapsed time between the introduction of the mixing water and the discharge of the concrete shall be 11/2 hours if the temperature of the concrete is below 80F (27C). If the temperature of the concrete is between 80F and 90F (27 and 32C) the maximum elapsed time shall not exceed one (1) hour. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CABT-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-6 Concrete improperly mixed shall not be placed in any structure. The rate of delivery of mixed concrete shall be so arranged that a cold joint is not allowed for form between loads, and shall be placed within the time limits stipulated-above. Concrete that is transported shall be constantly agitated and mixed until placement. Whenever a concrete mixer of any kind is not adequate or suitable for the work, it shall be removed from the site upon order from the Engineer, and a suitable mixer shall be provided by the Contractor. The transit mixer shall be of an approved revolving drum or revolving blade type so constructed as to produce a thoroughly mixed concrete with a uniform distribution of the materials throughout the mass. It shall be equipped with a discharge mechanism which will insure the discharging of the mixed concrete without segregation. The mixer drum shall be water-tight when closed and shall be equipped with a locking device which will automatically prevent the discharging of the mixer prior to receiving the required number of revolutions. The entire quantity of mixing water shall be accurately measured and controlled. Any additional mixing shall be done at a lower speed specified by the manufacturer for agitation and shall be continuous until the batch is discharged. C. Central Mixing Plant A central mixing plant will be allowed provided the method of mixing and handling has first been approved by the Engineer, and concrete produced is in conformity with the specification requirements. The batch mixer shall conform to the requirements of the Mixer Manufacturer Bureau of the A.G.C. The mixer shall have a manufacturers rating plate showing the capacity and recommended RPM. It shall be equipped with a suitable charging hopper, water storage tank and measuring device, and shall be capable of thorough mixing of aggregates, cement, and water to provide a uniform mass within the specified time and capable of discharging the concrete without segregation. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE PAGE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300-7 The batch shall be so charged into the mixer that some water will enter in advance of the cement and aggregates. Water shall continue to flow for a period which may extend to the end of the first 25% of the specified mixing time. Controls shall be provided to insure that the batch cannot be discharged until the required mixing time has elapsed; and to insure that no additional water may be added during mixing. Controls shall be provided to prevent batched ingredients from entering the mixer before the previous batch has been completely discharged. Each batch of one (1) cubic yard or less shall be mixed for not less than one (1) minute. The mixing time shall be increased 15 seconds for each additional cubic yard or fraction thereof. At least three-quarters of the required mixing time shall take place after the last of the mixing water has been added. The mixer shall be clean and the pick-up and throw- over blades in the drum shall be replaced when they have lost 10 percent of their original depth. D. Weather Conditions: 1. General: Detailed recommendations for placing concrete during extreme weather conditions are given in ACI 306, "Cold Weather Concreting" and ACI 305, "Hot Weather Concreting". The Contractor shall, on request, furnish a thermometer for measuring the ambient temperature and a thermometer for measuring the temperature of the concrete. Concrete shall not be placed during rain, fog, sleet, or snow. Rainwater shall not be allowed to increase the mixing water nor damage the surface finish. 2. cold Weather: In cold weather, the temperature of the concrete when delivered at the site of the work shall conform to the following temperature limitation: GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-8 Air Temperature Deg. F. Minimum Concrete Temperature, Deg. F. For Sections With For Sections With Least Dimension Least Dimension Less Than 12 in. 12 in. or Greater 30 to 45 60 50 0 to 30 65 55 Below 0 70 60 If water or aggregate has been heated, the water shall be combined with the aggregate in the mixer before cement is added. Cement shall not be added to mixtures of water and aggregate when the temperature of the mixture is greater than 100 degrees Fahrenheit. 3. Hot Weather: The ingredients may be cooled before mixing if necessary to maintain the temperature of the concrete below the maximum placing temperature of 90 degrees F (32C). 2.4 RELATED MATERIALS: Expansion Bolts: Phillips "Red-Heads", Anchors" by Molly or Hilti, or equivalent. indicated on Drawings. "Capsule Size as Sealers and Hardeners: "Floorcron" non-metallic hardener by Gifford-Hill or "Non-Metallic Hardener" by The Burke Company. C. Embedded Items: All sleeves, inserts, frames, anchors and other embedded items required shall be placed prior to placing concrete. Blocking out instead of placing embedded items will require the approval of the Engineer. 2. All embedded items, including expansion joint material, waterstop, etc., shall be accurately positioned and supported against displacement. Voids in sleeves, anchor slots, etc., shall be protected to prevent the intrusion of concrete during the pour. D. Construction Joints: Construction joints shall be placed as shown on the plans unless otherwise specifically authorized by the Engineer, in which case the joints shall be so GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-9 placed and formed as to least impair the strength and appearance of the structure. All construction joints shall be made on horizontal and vertical planes. Sufficient section shall be provided in horizontal and vertical keys to resist shear. All reinforcing steel and wire fabric shall be continued across joints. The surface of the old concrete at all joints shall be thoroughly cleaned and all laitance removed, by sand blasting, and prior to the new pour, wetted with water and slushed with a grout mix. E. Expansion Joints: Expansion joints shall be placed where shown on the plans and according to the detailed drawings. All reinforcing steel of other embedded items bonded to the concrete (except expansion dowels bonded on one side only of a joint), shall not be permitted to extend continuously through any expansion joint. The concrete surface of the finished concrete at the joint shall be thoroughly cleaned by sandblasting prior to the installation of expansion joint filler and sealer. Expansion Joint Filler. Use preformed bituminous type conforming to ASTM D994 or cane fiber asphalt impregnated type conforming to ASTM D1751. Provide 3/4-inch-thick filler unless otherwise shown. PART 3 - EXECUTION 3.1 PREPARATION PRIOR TO PLACING CONCRETE: The Contractor shall give the Engineer at least 24 hours advance notice that he intends to pour concrete in any structure to permit the inspection of forms, of the placement of reinforcing steel and of the preparations for the mixing and placing of the concrete. The Contractor shall arrange for inspection of the reinforcing steel by the Engineer prior to closing the forms. All hardened concrete and foreign materials shall be removed from the inner surface of concrete pumps, hoppers, buckets, and other conveying equipment, all vibrators, handling and finishing tools. Semiporous subgrades shall be sprinkled sufficiently to eliminate suction and extremely porous subgrades shall be sealed in an approved manner. Formwork shall have been completed and cleaned; excess water shall have been removed; reinforcement shall have been secured in place; expansion joint material, GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-10 anchors, and other embedded items shall have been positioned. In the event concrete is anticipated to be placed after daylight hours, the Contractor shall demonstrate that he has sufficient lighting, power generators, etc., to accomplish the work in a satisfactory manner. The Contractor shall ensure that adequate facilities are provided for concrete testing and control. 3.2 PLACING CONCRETE, GENERAL: The sequence of placing concrete shall be the contractor's option. The operation of depositing and compacting the concrete shall be conducted so as to form a compact, dense, impervious mass of uniform texture which shall show smooth faces on all surfaces. The placing shall be so regulated that the pressures caused by the plastic concrete shall not exceed the loads used in the design of forms. No concrete shall be placed in any structure prior to completion of the form work and the placement of the reinforcing and other steel. The method and manner of placing shall be such as to avoid the possibility of segregation or separation of the aggregate or the displacement of the reinforcement. Concrete shall not have a free fall sufficient to cause segregation of materials. Tremies shall be used in order that the free fall of mix shall be held to a maximum of three (3) feet, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Each part of the forms shall be filled by depositing concrete as near its final position as possible. The coarse aggregate shall be worked back from the face of the forms and the concrete shall be forced under and around the reinforcement bars without displacing them. Depositing large quantities at one point in the forms and running or working it along the forms will not be allowed. After the concrete has taken initial set, the forms or the reinforcing steel shall not be jarred or any strain placed on projecting reinforcement. Chutes, troughs, or pipes used as aids in placing concrete shall be arranged and used so that the ingredients of the concrete will not be separated. When steep slopes are necessary the chutes shall be equipped with baffle boards or be made in short lengths that reverse the direction of movement. Open troughs and chutes shall extend, if necessary, down inside the forms or through holes left in the forms, or the ends of such chutes shall terminate in vertical downspouts. All chutes, troughs, and pipe shall be kept clean and GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-11 free from coating of hardened concrete by a thorough flushing with water before and after each placement. Water used for flushing shall be discharged clear of the concrete in place. The use of chutes in excess of thirty-five (35) feet total length for conveying concrete will not be permitted except by specific authorization from the Engineer. F e Where the Contractor's operations involve the placing of concrete from above, that is, directly into an excavated area or through the completed forms, particularly in the cast of columns, walls, floors, slabs and footings, all concrete so placed shall be deposited through a vertical sheet metal or other approved pipe no less than six (6) inches nor more than ten (10) inches in diameter. The pipe shall be made in sections so that the outlet may be adjusted to proper heights during placing operations. Concrete shall be placed in continuous horizontal layers approximately 12 inches in thickness. The rate of delivery shall be so arranged that a cold joint is not allowed to form between loads. The Contractor shall avoid unauthorized construction joints by placing required portions of abutments, piers, walls, floors, slabs, columns, or superstructures in one continuous operation. Openings in the forms shall be provided for the removal of laitance and other foreign material. All concrete shall be well compacted and the mortar slushed to the surface of the forms by continuous working with concrete spading implements and mechanical vibrators of an approved type. Vibrators of the type which operate by attachment to reinforcement will not be permitted. Vibrators of a type for the attachment to the outside of forms may be used after written permission is given by the Engineer and if forms are so designed to permit such use without damage thereto. The vibrators shall be applied to the concrete immediately after deposit and shall be moved throughout the mass, thoroughly working the concrete around the reinforcement, embedded fixtures, and into the corners and angles of the forms until it has been reduced to a plastic mass. The mechanical vibrator shall not be operated so that it will penetrate or disturb layers placed previously which have become partially set or hardened. The vibration shall be of sufficient duration to accomplish thorough compaction and complete embedment of reinforcement and fixtures but shall not be done to an extent that will cause segregation. Vibration shall be supplemented by hand spading to insure the flushing of mortar to the surface of all forms. Vibrators shall not be moved horizontally. Vibrators shall be of the high frequency and high GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE PAGE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE 03300-12 amplitude type and a standby vibrator shall be provided for use at all times, at each location of concrete placement. 3.3 PLACING JOINTS AND EMBEDDED ITEMS: A. Construction Joints: Make and locate to least impair strength of structure. Locate horizontal joints in concrete only where they normally occur or where indicated. 3. Make joints perpendicular to main reinforcement. 4. Continue reinforcing steel and mesh across joints. Thoroughly clean surface of concrete at joints and remove laitance. 6. Obtain bond by one of the following methods: a. Chemical retarder: Comply with ASTM C494, which delays but does not prevent setting of surface mortar. Remove retarded mortar within four (4) hours after placing to produce exposed aggregate bonding surface. Roughen surface of concrete in a manner which will expose aggregate uniformly and leave contact surface clean, free of laitance, loosened particles of aggregate or damaged concrete. Intentionally roughen surface to a full amplitude of approximately 1/4". Joints shall be thoroughly wet before placing new concrete. B. Other Embedded Items: Place sleeves, inserts, anchors, and embedded items required for adjoining work or for support prior to concreting. Give ample notice and opportunity to introduce or furnish embedded items and work related to concrete or support before concrete is placed. Position expansion joint material, waterstops, and embedded items accurately and support against displacement. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-13 Fill voids in sleeves, inserts, and anchor slots temporarily with removable material to prevent entry of concrete into voids. Horizontal sleeves through walls and vertical sleeves through slabs less than 12" may be placed as required provided no conflict with scheduled or detailed reinforcement occurs. Conduit to be embedded in slabs which are not indicated on Drawings may be placed in concrete within the following limitations: Conduit shall not be larger in outside dimensions than one third of the overall thickness of slab in which they are embedded and not spaced less than 3 diameters or widths on center. Place conduit in slabs between top and bottom reinforcement. In slabs with only one mat of reinforcement, provide the following concrete cover to conduit, including fittings: Concrete exposed to earth or weather, 1- 1/2". Concrete not exposed to weather or in contact with ground, 3/4" Notify Engineer of any conduit to be embedded which cannot meet the herein stated limitations. Position embedded items to avoid conflicts with reinforcement. Provide 1" clear cover between reinforcement and inserts, anchors and embedded items, and 1-1/2" clear cover between sleeves and reinforcement. Notify Engineer of conflicts between embedded items and reinforcement prior to correction. No embedded items made of aluminum shall be permitted unless coated effectively or covered to prevent aluminum-concrete reaction or electrolytic action between aluminum and steel. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-14 3.4 REPAIR OF SURFACE DEFECTS: Removal: After forms have been removed, remove concrete which is not formed as required, which is out of alignment or level beyond specified tolerances or which shows defective surface that cannot be properly repaired or patched. B. Repairing and Patching: 1. Patch tie holes and repair defective areas immediately after form removal. 2. Defective Areas: Remove honeycombed and other defective concrete to sound concrete, but in no case to depth of less than 1". Dampen area to be patched and area at least 6" wide surrounding to prevent absorption of water from patching mortar. Mix bond coat of approximately 1 part neat portland cement to 1 part fine sand passing No. 30 mesh sieve and water to consistency of thick cream. Brush mix into surface. Make patching mixture of same material and of approximately same proportions as used for concrete, except omit coarse aggregate and use mortar that consists of not more than 1 part cement to 2-1/2 parts sand by damp loose volume. Substitute white Portland Cement for part of gray Portland Cement on exposed concrete in order to produce color matching color of surrounding concrete, as determined by trial patch. Add only quantity of mixing water necessary for handling and placing. Mix patching mortar in advance and allow to stand with frequent manipulation with trowel, without addition of water, until mortar has reached stiffest consistency to permit placing. After surface water has evaporated from area to be patched, brush bond coat into surface. When bond coat begins to lose water sheen, apply premixed patching mortar. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-15 Thoroughly consolidated mortar into place and strike off to leave patch slightly higher than surrounding surface. ke To permit initial shrinkage, lea~e mortar undisturbed for at least 1 hour before being finally finished. 1. Keep patched area damp for seven (7) days. Do not use metal tools in finishing patch in formed surface which will be exposed. Tie Holes: After cleaning and thoroughly dampening, fill tie holes solid with patching mortar. 4. Proprietary Patches: Proprietary compounds for adhesion or as patching ingredients may be used in lieu of or in addition to specified patching procedures. Use compounds in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. 3.5 FINISHING OF FORMED SURFACES: Ae General: Finishes are an integral part of concrete placing and the following schedule of types of finish shall be used unless otherwise shown on the plans or directed by the Engineer. Steel Trowel Finish: Interior floor slabs, wall tops. Brush or Broomed Finish: Sidewalks, curb and gutter, exterior slabs. Rubbed Surface Finish: Interior work areas. Smooth Form Finish: Exposed exterior walls 12" below grade and above; exposed interior walls of liquid containers to 12" below water level; exposed undersides of slabs. Sealers and Hardeners: Non-metallic floor hardener surface treatments shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations or as directed by the Engineer. Surface treatments shall be applied to all interior concrete floor surfaces that do not receive tile or other toppings. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSBTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-16 3.6 FLATWORK: A. Edge Forms and Screeds: Set edge forms and intermediate screed strips accurately to produce designated elevations and contours in finished surface and still be sufficiently strong to support vibrating bridge screeds or roller pipe screeds if nature of finish specified requires use. Align concrete surface to contours of screed strips by use of strike off templates or appropriate compacting type screeds. When formwork is cambered, set screeds to same camber to maintain proper concrete thicknesses. B. Consolidation: 1. Thoroughly consolidate concrete in slabs. Use internal vibration in beams and girders of framed slabs and along bulkheads of slab on grade· Obtain consolidation of slabs and floors with vibrating bridge screeds, roller pipe screeds, or other appropriate means. Concrete to be consolidated shall be as dry as practicable and surfaces shall not be manipulated prior to finishing operations. C. Jointing: 1. Locate joints in slabs on grade as indicated· 2. Time cutting of saw cut joints properly with set of concrete. 3. Start cutting as soon as concrete has hardened sufficiently to prevent aggregates from being dislodged by saw. 4. Complete before shrinkage stresses have developed sufficiently to induce cracking. 5. Install control joint form in accordance with manufacturer's recommendations. D. Finishes: 1. Floated Finish: After concrete has been placed, struck off, consolidated and leveled, do not work concrete further until ready for floating. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-17 Begin floating when water sheen has disappeared or when mix has stiffened sufficiently to permit proper operation of power driven float. Consolidate surface with power driven floats of impact type except in thin sections such as pan slabs. Use hand floating with wood or cork faced floats in locations inaccessible to power driven machine. Recheck trueness of surface at this stage with 10' straightedge applied at not less than two different angles. Cut down high spots and fill low spots to produce planes checking true under straight edge in any direction, with tolerances not exceeding 1/8" in 10'. Refloat slab immediately to uniform smooth, granular texture. 2. Troweled Finish: Finish surface first with impact power floats, where applicable, then with power trowels, and finally with hand trowels. Perform first troweling after power floating with power trowel to produce smooth surface which is relatively free of defects but which may still contain some trowel marks. Perform additional trowelings by hand after surface has hardened sufficiently. Final troweling shall be done when ringing sound is produced as trowel is moved over surface. Thoroughly consolidate troweling operations. surface by hand Finished surface shall be free of trowel marks and uniform in texture and appearance. Remove defects of sufficient magnitude by grinding. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE 8ECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-18 3. Brush Finish or Broom Finish: Following the steel trowel finish, surface of the concrete shall be brushed lightly with a soft- bristled brush, or broom. The brush shall be kept clean and shall be dipped in water frequently so that it will be clean and wet at all times. Brushing shall be limited to that necessary to remove the glaze and produce a non-slip surface. 4. Rubbed Surface Finish: Surfaces to receive a rubbed finish shall be rubbed with carborundum fluted surface stones providing an abrasive which, when applied in surface rubbing at the proper time in the concrete aging process, will remove form marks, surface imperfections, and otherwise smooth, shape or finish the surface. Surface rubbings shall proceed as soon as forms are removed. On removal of forms all necessary pointing shall be done. When the pointing has set sufficiently to permit rubbing, all surfaces requiring surface finish shall be wet and given a surface rubbing with a No. 16 Carborundum Stone or an abrasive of equal quality. The rubbing shall be continued sufficiently to bring the surface to a paste, to remove all form marks, and projections, and to produce a smooth dense surface without pits or irregularities. The material that has been ground into a paste shall be carefully spread or brushed uniformly over the surface and allowed to take a reset. The use of cement to form a surface will not be permitted. In general, chamfered corners shall not be rubbed in the first surface rubbing. The surface of the entire structure requiring finish shall then be cleaned of all drip marks, dirt and discolorations and shall be given a final finish rubbing with a No. 30 Carborundum Stone or an abrasive of equal quality. On completion of this rubbing, the finished surfaces shall be allowed to take a reset. After the mortar has taken a reset, the surface shall be washed down with clean water. The entire structure shall be left with a clean, neat, and uniform appearing finish and shall be uniform in color. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24sm CROS8TOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-19 If necessary to obtain bond between a rubbed surface and concrete wall, use of an admixture or epoxy bonding compound with rubbing will be allowed; however, plastering in lieu of rubbing will not be permitted. 5. Smooth Form Finish: On formed surfaces, where rubbing or special surface treatment is not required, the Contractor, immediately after removing forms, shall point up all honey-comb and other defects, and remove all fins, areas where there has been concrete leakage at joints, etc., examine the surface for "form air pockets," particularly but not limited to cement laitance that may cover or conceal defective areas, and point up such defective areas by use of retempered cement from the concrete areas. Simple "plastering" will not be permitted. Contractor shall use whatever means required to expose such areas, if necessary with a light sandblasting. Repairs shall be to the Engineer's complete satisfaction. 3.7 CURING AND PROTECTION: A. Curing: 1. Comply with recommendations of ACI 308-81. 2. General: Protect freshly deposited concrete from premature drying and excessively hot or cold temperatures. b. maintain without drying at relatively constant temperature or period of time necessary for hydration of cement and proper hardening of concrete. 3. Initial Curing: a. Immediately follow finish operations. Keep concrete continuously moist at least overnight. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-20 c. Use one of the following materials or methods: 1. Ponding or continuous sprinkling. Absorptive mat or fabric kept continuously wet. 3. Sand or other covering kept continuously wet. Continuous steam not exceeding 150 degrees F or vapor mist bath. 5. Curing compounds: a. Apply in accordance with recom- mendations of manufacturer· Do not use on surfaces against which additional concrete or other cementitious finishing materials are to be bonded, over surfaces to receive waterproofing, or on surfaces on which curing is prohibited by Specifications. Final Curing: Immediately following initial curing and before concrete has dried, accomplish additional curing one of the following materials or methods. a. Continuing method used in initial curing. b. Waterproof paper complying with ASTM C171. 5. Duration of Curing: Final curing shall continue until cumulative number of days or fractions, not necessarily consecutive, during which temperature of air in contact with concrete is above 50 degrees F has totaled seven (7) days. If high early strength concrete has been used, final curing shall continue for total of three (3) days. Rapid drying at end of curing shall not interfere with subsequent finish. 6. Formed Surfaces: Keep steel forms heated by sun and wood forms in contact with concrete during final curing period wet. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-21 If forms are to be removed during curing period, employ one of the above curing materials or methods immediately. c. Continue curing for remainder of curing period. B. Curing Temperature: 1. Cold Weather: a. Comply with recommendations of ACI 306R-78. When mean daily temperature of atmosphere is less than 40 degrees F, maintain temperature of concrete as placed for the length of time indicated in Table 1.4.2,ACI 306R. When necessary, make arrangements in advance of placement to maintain required temperature and moisture conditions without injury to concrete. 2. Hot Weather: a. Comply with recommendations of ACI 305R-77. When necessary, make arrangements in advance of placement, and take protective measures as quickly as concrete hardening and finishing operations will permit. Excessive Temperature Changes: Changes in temperature of concrete shall be as uniform as possible and shall not exceed 5 degrees F in any one (1) hour or 50 degrees F in any 24 hour period. Protection: Protect freshly placed concrete from rain, flowing water, hail, sleet, etc., until concrete has hardened. 3.8 FIELD QUALITY CONTROL: Testing laboratory will conduct strength tests of concrete in accordance with following procedures. Secure composite samples in accordance with ASTM C172. Obtain each strength test from different batch of concrete on representative, truly random basis, avoiding selection of test batch other than by number selected at random before commencement of concrete placement. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-22 When pumping or pneumatic equipment is used, samples shall be taken at discharge end. Mold three specimens from each sample in accordance with ASTM C31 and cure under standard moisture and temperature conditions in accordance with ASTM C31, Section 7(a). Test two specimens at 28 days in accordance with ASTM C39, and one specimen at 7 days. 28 day test result shall be average of strengths of two (2) specimens. When high early strength is required, specimens shall be tested at seven (7) days. Make one (1) strength test for each 100 cubic yards or fraction thereof for each mix design of concrete placed in one (1) day. B. Additional Testing That May Be Required: Determine air content of normal weight concrete on regular and frequent basis in accordance with either ASTM C231 for air content and with ASTM C567 for unit weight. 2. Report temperature of concrete at time of placing. Report total water quantity added to concrete batches, including that added after departure of concrete trucks from batch plant. Check slump consistency and uniformity of concrete to the extent deemed necessary to assure compliance with Specifications. 5. Inspect reinforcement as follows: Visual inspection prior to placement for size, type quantity and quality of materials. Make continuous inspections of placement of reinforcement immediately prior to concreting. C. Evaluations: Strength level of concrete will be considered satisfactory provided averages of all sets of three consecutive strength test results equal or exceed specified 28 day strength, and no individual strength test result falls below specified 28 day strength by more than 500 psi. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE SECTION 03300 - CAST-IN-PLACE CONCRETE PAGE 03300-23 If strength tests fail to meet minimum requirements, concrete represented by such tests shall be considered questionable and shall be subject to further testing at expense of Contractor. Take at least three representative cores from each member or area of concrete in place that is considered potentially deficient. Location of cores shall be determined by Engineer so as least to impair strength of structure. Conduct additional tests of questionable concrete at expense of Contractor in accordance with ASTM C42. Concrete in area represented by a core test will be considered adequate if average strength of cores is equal to at least 95% of and if no single core is less than 85% of specified 28 day strength. 6. Fill core holes with low slump concrete or mortar. If core tests are inconclusive or impractical to obtain and structural analysis does not confirm the safety of the structure, load test may be required at no additional cost to the Owner. The results shall be evaluated in accordance with ACI 318, Chapter 20. Concrete work judged inadequate by structural analysis or by load test shall be reinforced with additional construction or replaced at no additional cost to the Owner. Any additional construction shall be approved by the Engineer prior to the start of the work. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 MECHANICAL GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15100 - MISCELLANEOUS PIPING PAGE 15100-1 1.0 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE This section covers drainage piping, and other miscellaneous piping. See other specification sections for fabricated steel pipe, concrete pipe, PVC sewer'pipe, and prestressed concrete cylinder pipe. Miscellaneous piping shall be furnished and installed complete with all fittings, jointing materials, hangers and supports, anchors, and other necessary appurtenances. Pipe supports, anchors, and spacing of expansion joints are covered in the pipe supports section. e0 2.01 PRODUCTS MATERIALS A. Steel Pipe 1. Standard Weight Pipe 2. Fittings Flanged Welding 3. Flanges Flange Bolts & Nuts Flange Gaskets Copper Tubing 1. Water Tubing ASTM A120, standard weight (Schedule 40) or Fed Spec WW-P-406, Weight A. Cast iron, 125 lb., ANSI B16.1. ANSI B16.9. ANSI B16.1, 125 lb. or ANSI B16.5, 150 lb. ASTM A307, length such that after installation bolts will project 1/8 to 3/8 inch beyond outer face of nut. ASTM D1330, Grade I; red rubber, ring type, 1/8 inch thick. ASTM B88 or Fed Spec WW-T-799, Type K; cadmium plated where used for chlorine service. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15100 - MISCELLANEOUS PIPING PAGE 15100-2 2. Fittings Flared Solder 3. Solder 4. Soldering Flux 5. Brazing Filler Metal 6. Brazing Flux PVC Pipe 1. Irrigation Service Watertight/Dusttight Pipe Sleeves Protective Coatings Tape Wrap Coal Tar Coating ANSI B16.26. ANSI B16.18 or B16.22. Solid wire, ASTM B32, Alloy Grade 50A (50-50). Paste type, Fed Spec O-F-506, Type I, Form A. AWS A5.8, Bcup-5; Engelhard "Silvaloy 15," Goldsmith "GB-15," or Handy & Harma'n "Sil-Fos." Paste type, Fed Spec O-F-499, Type B. ASTM D1785, Schedule 80, PVC 1120, bearing nSf seal. O-Z Electrical Manufac- turing Company, Inc., "Thruwall" and "Floor Seals," Thunderline Corp., "Link-Seal," modular rubber sealing elements with galvanized bolts. AWWA C209; Protecto Wrap "200" or Tapecoat "CT." MIL-C-18480; Koppers "50 Bitumastic," Porter "Tarmastic 101," or Tnemec "476 Super Tnemecol." GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24,, CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL PAGE SECTION 15100 - MISCELLANEOUS PIPING 15100-3 e0 3.01 EXECUTION SERVICE AND TYPE REQUIREMENTS Except as otherwise specified or authorized, pipe and tubing shall conform to the general requirements which follow. Kinds of pipe for service conditions not listed shall be as specified in other sections, as indicated on the drawings or, in the absence of any definite requirement, as determined by the Engineer. Copper Water Tubing 1. Soft Annealed with Flared Fittings. To be used for piping in contact with earth or submerged. 1-1/4 inch or smaller cold water supply piping. Hard Drawn with Solder Fittings. To be used for 3" or smaller piping inside structures. Cold water supply piping. 3.02 PVC Pipe 1. PVC Water Service Pipe With Push-on Solvent Welded Joints. Irrigation piping. PIPE JOINTS. Pipe joints shall be carefully and neatly made accordance with the requirements which follow. in Threaded. Pipe threads shall conform to ANSI B2.1, NPT, and shall be full and cleanly cut with sharp dies. Not more than three threads at each pipe connection shall remain exposed after installation. Ends of pipe shall be reamed, after threading and before assembly, to remove all burrs. Flared. Ends of annealed copper tubing shall be cut square and all burrs shall be removed. Flared ends shall be uniform without scratches or grooves. Solder and Brazed. Joints in 2 inch and larger copper tubing shall be brazed. Where solder fittings are specified for lines smaller than 2 inch, joints may be GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15100 - MISCELLANEOUS PIPING PAGE 15100-4 3.03 soldered or brazed at the option of the Contractor. Joints in copper chlorine tubing (if needed) shall be brazed; solder will not be acceptable. Surfaces to be joined shall be thoroughly cleaned with flint paper and coated with a thin film of flux. At each joint, tubing shall enter to the full depth of the fitting socket. Care shall be taken to avoid overheating the metal or flux. Each joint shall be uniformly heated to the extent that filler metal will melt on contact. While the joint is still hot, surplus filler metal and flux shall be removed with a rag or brush. Solvent Welded. The ends of PVC pipe shall be cut square and smooth and shall be wiped clean. Solvent cement shall be applied to the outside of the pipe and the inside of the fitting socket with a small paint brush. The coated surfaces shall be immediately pushed snugly together and the pipe rotated approximately 1/2 turn to insure uniform distribution of the cement. Excess cement shall be removed by wiping. Flanged. Flange bolts shall be tightened sufficiently to slightly compress the gasket and effect a seal, but not so tight as to distort the flanges. Welded. Welding shall conform to and recommendations contained in Pressure Piping," ANSI B31.1. the specifications the "Code for Push-on. Gasket installation and other jointing operations shall be in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. Each spigot end shall be suitably beveled to facilitate assembly. All joint surfaces shall be lubricated with a heavy vegetable soap solution immediately before the joint is completed. Lubricant shall be suitable for use in potable water, shall be stored in closed containers, and shall be kept clean. PIPE SLEEVES Piping passing through concrete or masonry shall be installed through sleeves installed before the concrete is placed. Unless otherwise indicated on the drawings, all pipes passing through walls or slabs which have one side in contact with earth or exposed to the weather shall be sealed watertight with special rubber gasketed sleeve and joint assemblies or with sleeves and modular rubber sealing elements. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15100 - MISCELLANEOUS PIPING PAGE 15100-5 3.04 3.O5 3.06 3.07 PIPE INSTALLATION Pipe shall be installed as specified, as indicated on the drawings or, in the absence of detail piping arrangement, in a manner acceptable to the Engineer. In all piping, insulating fittings shall be provided to prevent contact of dissimilar metals wherever copper tubing or fittings are connected to iron or steel pipe or fittings. Buried PVC piping shall be "snaked" in the trench and shall be kept as cool as possible during installation. PVC pipe shall be kept shaded and shall be covered with backfill immediately after installation. PROTECTIVE COATING Black steel pipe in buried locations shall have exterior surfaces protected with a shop applied AWWA C209 approved coating. All fittings, couplings, specials, and other exterior surfaces of buried piping not shop coated shall be tape wrapped in the field. All surfaces to be tape wrapped shall be thoroughly cleaned immediately before wrapping. Tape wrapping shall be two ply (half lap) application. CLEANING The inside of all pipe, valves, and fittings shall be smooth, clean, and free from blisters, loose mill scale, sand, and dirt when erected. All lines shall be thoroughly blown before placing in service. TESTS All specified tests shall be made by and at the expense of the Contractor in the presence, and to the satisfaction of, the Engineer or his representative. Piping shall be tested at the following pressures: Service Test Pressure Test Medium Water supply 150 psi water Other piping 1-1/2 times working pressure but not less than 100 psi suitable fluid or gas GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15100 - MISCELLANEOUS PIPING PAGE 15100-6 Leakage may be determined by loss of pressure, soap solution, chemical indicator, or other positive and accurate method acceptable to the Engineer or his representative. All fixtures, devices, or other accessories which are to be connected to the lines and which would be damaged if subjected to the specified test pressure shall be disconnected and ends of the branch lines plugged or capped as required during the testing procedures. All necessary testing equipment and materials, including tools, appliances, and devices shall be furnished and all tests shall be made by and at the expense of the Contractor and at such time as directed by the Engineer. All joints in piping shall be tight. All joints which are found to leak by observation or during any specified test shall be repaired and tests repeated. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15220 - BUTTERFLY VALVES PAGE 15220-1 1 · 0 GENERAL 1.01 SCOPE This section covers rubber-seated butterfly valves. Butterfly valves shall be furnished complete with operators and accessories as specified herein. 1.02 1.03 1.04 1.05 GENERAL Except as modified or supplemented herein, all butterfly valves, including operators, shall conform to the applicable requirements of AWWA C504. Valves shall be short-body type. RELATED WORK A. Division 1 - General Requirements 1. Submittals 2. Shop Drawing, Product Data and Samples BUTTERFLY VALVE SCHEDULE Size Type of AWWA Type of Inches Service Installation Class (1) Operator 16 Piping Buried 150B Nut 24 Piping Manhole (typ.) 150B Nut or Buried SUBMITTALS Furnish shop drawings, product data, design calculations and data described below in accordance with the requirements of Section 01340. Furnish a general assembly shop drawing for each valve or groups of valves having same operators and control elements clearly showing valve, operating mechanisms, control element and related items. Drawings shall show dimensions, weights, and control accessories for the valve and components. Furnish product data for each item to with requirements of this Section. materials of construction clearly. show compliance Indicate all Furnish certified copy of test reports for factory tests regarding performance, leakage and hydrostatic test. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWNWATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15220 - BUTTERFLY VALVES PAGE 15220-2 PART 2.0 PRODUCT 2.01 BUTTERFLY VALVES General. Butterfly valves shall be of the rubber- seated, tight closing type complying with AWWA C504 and the standards listed below. Valves shall be bubble- tight at a rated pressure of 150 psi with flow in either direction, and shall be suitable for applications involving frequent operation. B. Valve Body. General Requirements. Butterfly valves shall be of the short body type with integral flanged end. Cast Valve Body. Valve bodies shall be cast from ductile iron ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Valve bodies shall have two integral hubs for housing shaft bearings and seals. The body end connections shall comply with one of the following: Flanged with facing and drilling in accordance with ANSI B16.1, Class 125 or 250 if cast iron; AWWA C207, Class D or E, or ANSI B16.5, Class 150 or 300, if steel, depending on the operating pressure, piping materials and mating flanges. Flanges shall be finished to true plane surfaces within a tolerance limit of 0,005 inch; the finished face shall be normal to the longitudinal valve axis within a maximum angular variation tolerance of 0.002 inch per foot of flange diameter. Seating Surfaces. Valves designed with the rubber seats applied to the valve disc shall have a mating surface integral with the valve body of 18-8 stainless steel. Sprayed or plated mating surfaces will not be acceptable. C. Valve Shafts. Operating Pressure 150 psi or less. Constructed of stainless steel per ASTM A276, Type 304 or 316, or ASTM A479, Type 304; or ASTM A 564, Type 630 (17-4pH). Valve shafts shall comply with the requirements of AWWA C504 with respect to shaft diameter and design. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15220 - BUTTERFLY VALVE8 PAGE 15220-3 D. Valve Discs· Cast of the following materials suitable for the operating conditions listed in the Job Conditions paragraph and Valve Schedule. Ductile Iron ASTM A 536, Grade 65-45-12. Valve discs shall be of the "off-set" design in order to provide a full 360 degree seating surface uninterrupted by the shaft holes. The valve discs shall rotate 90 degrees from the full open to the tight-shut position. Valves designed with the rubber seats applied to the valve body, having discs constructed of ductile iron shall have a 18-8 stainless steel mating seating edge. E. Valve Seats. Provide bubble-tight shut-off and the valve body or disc edge. mount either on Construct of synthetic rubber, such as Buna N, EPDM or Hycar suitable for the operating conditions. May be strengthened by a reinforcing insert molded into the rubber seat. Rubber seats mounted in the valve body shall be cemented and clamped, bonded or vulcanized to the valve body. The method used for bonding or vulcanizing valve seats shall be tested in accordance with ASTM D 429. Rubber seats mounted on the discs shall be clamped thereon. All clamps, retainer rings and fasteners used for securing rubber seats shall be of 18-8 stainless steel construction. Mating seating surfaces to the rubber seat shall be as described elsewhere in this section. F. Valve Shaft Housing and Bearing. Valve shall be fitted with sleeve type bearings contained within the hubs of the body. Bearings shall be of the "self-lubricating" type constructed either of bronze, nylon or stainless steel - graphite coated. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROBBTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15220 - BUTTERFLY VALVES PAGE 15220-4 2.02 Provide a factory set, two-way thrust bearing on all valves 24-inches diameter and larger, designed to center the valve disc on the valve seat. Valve Shaft Seals. Valve shaft seals shall be of the standard double O-ring seals, or for Chevron seals complying with AWWA C504, Section 3.7. VALVE OPERATORS A. General. The valve operators shall be of the type as indicated in the Valve Schedule and shown on the Drawings. Unless otherwise indicated in the Valve Schedule or shown on the Drawings, all valves shall be furnished with manual operators. Design valve operators for the operating pressures listed in the Valve Schedule. The valve operator shall be capable of holding the valve in any intermediate position between fully open and tight shut-off without creeping or fluttering. Operator mounting arrangements shall be as indicated on the drawings or as directed by the Engineer. Each valve operator, except operators that are located in manholes, buried, or submerged, shall have a valve disc position indicator mounted on the end of the valve shaft. B. Torque Requirements. Design and size valve operator to produce an out- put torque equivalent to the maximum valve shaft torque generated by the actual line pressures and velocities for each valve specified. The greater of the following combinations will be maximum valve operator torque required: a. Seating torque plus bearing torque plus hydrostatic torque, or b. bearing torque plus hydrodynamic torque. The manufacturer shall be responsible for the computation and determination of the torque requirements for all valves to be installed. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL SECTION 15220 - BUTTERFLY VALVES PAGE 15220-5 2.03 2.04 Manual Operators. Unless otherwise required by the Owner, the direction of rotation of the wheel or wrench nut to open each valve shall be to the left (counterclockwise). Each valve body or operator shall have cast thereon the word OPEN and an arrow indicating the direction to open. Handwheel diameter shall be at least 8 inches but not more than 24 inches for 30 inch or smaller valves. Wrench nuts shall be standard AWWA wrench nuts as described in Section 3.16 of AWWA C500. EXTENSION STEMS AND STEM GUIDES Extension stems and stem guides shall be furnished and installed where shown, specified, or required. Extension stems shall be of solid steel, not smaller in diameter than the stem of the valve operator shaft. Extension stems shall be connected to the valve operator with a flexible socket type coupling. All stem connec- tions shall be pinned. Bronze bushed, cast iron stem guides, adjustable in two directions, shall be provided at the locations indicated on the drawings. Where the length of an extension stem exceeds 8 feet, the extension stem shall have a collar to bear against the stem thrust guide and support the stem. Extension stems shall be provided for buried valves when the valve operator is 8 feet or more below finished grade. Each extension stem for a buried valve shall extend to within 6 inches of the ground surface, shall be provided with spacers which will center the stem in the valve box, and shall be equipped with a wrench nut. VALVE BOXES All buried valves shall be provided with valve boxes. Valve boxes shall be cast iron, extension sleeve type, suitable for the depth of cover required by the drawings. Valve boxes shall be not less than 5 inches in diameter, shall have a minimum thickness at any point of 3/16 inch, and shall be provided with suitable cast iron bases and covers. Covers shall have cast thereon designation of the service for which the valve is used. All parts of valve boxes, bases, and covers shall be coated by dipping in hot asphalt varnish. Top sections and covers for valve boxes for valves which are to be provided with position indicators shall be designed for proper installation of the position indicator and accessories. GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL PAGE SECTION 15220 - BUTTERFLY VALVES 15220-6 PART 3.0 EXECUTION 3.01 INSTALLATION Ae Valves, operators and accessories and checked out in accordance recommendations. shall be installed with manufacturer's Valves, operators and accessories shall be checked, adjusted and cycled to assure smooth operation and control characteristics can be obtained. 3.02 DRAWINGS AND DATA Complete drawings, details, and specifications covering the valves and their appurtenances shall be submitted in accordance with the submittals section. Certified copies of the results of all tests as required by Section 5 of AWWA C504 shall be furnished to the Engineer before the valves are shipped. END OF SECTION GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS APPENDIX A TRENCH SAFETY STUDY CROSSTOWN WATER LINE AND MISCELLANEOUS WATER LINES COPPELL, TEXAS GINN, INC. - CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TEXAS PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATER LINE CITY OF COPPELL, TEXAS TRENCH SAFETY STUDY CROSSTOWN WATER LINE LINES A, B AND C COPPELL, TEXAS JOB NO. 3398 JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, ~NCORPORATED Geotechnical Engineers September 30, 1988 Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road Suite 100, LB 118 Dallas, Texas 75248 Attention: Mr. Kevin Peiffer, P.E. Re: Trench Safety Study Crosstown Water Line Lines A, B and C Coppell, Texas Job No. 3398 Gentlemen: Transmitted herewith are three copies of the referenced report. Should you have any questions concerning our findings or if you desire additional information, please do not hesitate to call. Yours very truly, JOHN t!. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, INC. JEll/jeh (3 copies submitted) -- 2424 $tutz Drive · P.0. Box 35481 · Dallas. Texas 75235 · (214) 350-5600 TRENCH SAFETY STUDY CROSSTOWN WATER LINE LINES A, B AND C COPPELL, TEXAS INTRODUCTION As authorized on July 14, 1988, a Trench Safety Study has been conducted to evaluate the soil conditions and determine lhe lateral earth pressure parameters required for the design of trench shoring systems for utility line construction for this project. In addition, studies were conducted to evaluate maximum allowable backslopes to use for open cut conslruction. This report was used to prepare Trench Safety Plans and Specifications which are being transmitted under separate cover. FIELD EXPLORATION A total of 49 test borings were drilled for these 3 lines. 32 Borings were drilled along the right-of-way for Line "A", 11 Borings were drilled for Line "B" and 6 Borings were drilled for Line "C". The location of the borings drilled on Line "A" are shown on Plate Nos. I and 2. The location of borings drilled on Line "B" are shown on Plate No. 3 and those drilled on Line "C" are shown on Plate No. 4. These borings were drilled on approximately 500 foot centers along the project alignments. The results of these borings are shown on the attached Boring Logs together with the station number and offset from pipe centerline at which Ihe borings were drilled. JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIA'iES. eNC Geotechnical Engineers -2- Shelby tube soil samples were obtained in the cohesive soil strata and split- spoon samples were obtained in the sand strata. Together with this sampling, Standard Penetration Tests were performed at selected sa~npling depths. Ground water observations were made at each boring location. These data are shown on the respective Boring Logs. LABORAI'ORY TESTING A number of Alterberg Limit and moisture content tests were performed on sclcclcd soil samples of the clay, sandy clay and weathered shale samplers and these results are shown on Plate Nos. 5 and 6. Unconfined compressive strength lests were performed on samples of the various clay, sandy clay and shale strata and these results are shown on Plate Nos. 7 and 8. SITE CONDITIONS LINE "A" This alignment is generally underlain by deep slickensided Cll and CL clays and sandy clays. These clays were generally found to be stiff to very stiff. The clays are highly plastic and the sandy clays possess medium plasticity. These cohesive soils are generally underlain by layers of fine sand which were found io be loose to medium dense. Where deeper borings were drilled, lhe sand was found to be underlain by a geologic shale formation. The upper layers of shale are severely weathered, contain numerous slickensided fracture planes and have a high plasticity index. In a few locations, firm dark gray unweathered shale was cncountercd beneath the weathered shale sediments. JOHN H. HAYNES &. ASSOCIA]ES, Geotechnical Eng,r'~eers Ground watcr is present in some areas along the alignment. This water is generally present in the sand layers; however, some ground water was also noted in the deeper clay zones. At time of drilling (dry summer conditions), the water table was encountered in some borings at depths ranging from about 6' to 15'. LINE "B" Clay, gravel, shale and limestone fill material was encountered in most of the borings drilled along this alignment. This fill was encountered Io depths of about 3' to 8'. Where drilled, the fill appeared to be fairly well compacted but soft, low strength zones should be anlicipated. This fill is underlain by medium stiff to stiff, slickensidcd Ctt and CL clay soils to depths of 15' to 20'. In some areas, the clay is underlain by loose to dense sand and gravel generally to depths in excess of about 10' to 15'. Ground water was encountered in some borings in this area at depths ranging from about 8' to 15'. LINE "C" This line is also underlain by clay and sand fill to deplhs of about 3' to 5'. This fill also appears to be fairly well consolidated; however, some soft, low strength zones of fill material will probably be encountered in cuts made for this pipeline. This fill is generally underlain by medimn stiff to very stiff clay soils to depths of about 5' to 10'. Sand and gravel was encountered below the clay strata and weathered shale underlies the sand deposits generally at depths of about 12' to 15'. Ground water was found in all lhese borings at depths ranging from about 8' to 12'. TIle ground water table for all three pipelines will fluctuate with tile seasons and, at time of construction, it could vary several feet from the depths shown on the Boring Logs. JOHN N. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. Geotechnica~ Engine~-rs -4- RECOMMENDATIONS Based on the results of the test borings and laboratory tests, studies were made of the various methods available for bracing of vertical excavated cuts or backsloping of opQn cuts for use in construction of utility lines for these projects. Braced Vertical Cuts The lateral pressure developed behind shoring will depend on the method of construction. This is illustrated on Plate No. 9. If driven steel sheetpiles are used and the soil is removed after the sheetpiles are in place or if trench boxes are used in lieu of trench bracing, then the pressure diagram shown at the bottom of the sheet (Condition B) should be followed using an active and passive design fluid pressure of 40 pcf and 150 pcf, respectively. The recommended passive fluid pressure figure of 150 pcf includes a factor of safety of at least 2.0. On the other hand, if the trench is excavated and the shoring is then installed and the banks are braced after excavation, then the upper pressure diagrams should be followed (Condition A). As most of the utilily lines will be installed at depths between 5' and 20', it is recommended that the designs be based on three depth ranges (5' to 10', 10' to 15' and 15' to 20'). If any cuts will exceed 20', the ground around this area should be cut and lowered so that the actual trench" does not have to exceed 20'. For these three depth ranges, it is recommended that uniform lateral pressures of 240 psf, 360 psf and 480 psf, respectively, be used in the design of the trench shoring system as shown on Plate No. 9. JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. Geotechnical Engineers Unbraccd Sloped Cuts If open cuts are used in lieu of vertical trench culs, it is recommended that a n~aximum backslope angle of I to 1 be used for all cuts in clays, sandy clays and shale sediments. If sand or gravel is encountered in any open cut excavation, then that portion of the cut through the sand and gravel should be laid back on a n~aximum backslope of 2 horizontal to 1 vertical. A combination of open cut and braced vcrlical cut can be used provided the braced portion is designed for the full height of cut. These open cut slopes and combined open cut and braced vertical cut configurations are illustrated on Plate No. 10. Ground Water Control Water will be encountered in some areas where the excavations exceed about 6' to 8'. Where this occurs and the bottom of the trench is in clay, the seepage can probably be controlled by uso of sump pumps in open trenches. However, where sand or gravel is present, these trenches should be dewatercd prior to excavation below the ground water table by means of well points or deep wells installed in the sand and gravel strata. Surface pumping from sump pits should not be performed as the sand would be loosened due to the upward flow of ground water. All water should be continuously removed from the excavations to prevent softcning and weakening of Ihe banks. JOHN H. |IAYNES & ASSOCIAI ES. tNC Geotechnicel Engineers Location of Borings Crosstown Water Line Line "A" City of Coppell Coppell, Texas '-,,L~.2J ,-\ ~- ....-7. ~-~ --~ .-, k-Belt Line' Road NORTH Scale: 1": 1000' t~ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I i I \ Location of Borings NORTH Scale: 1"= 1000' Crosstown Water Line City of Coppel 1 Coppel 1, Texas ~M ' JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, ~Nc. B o r in g No. A-I A-2 A-3 A-4 A-6 A-7 A-8 A-9 A-10 A-12 A-13 A-15 A-16 A-17 A-19 A-20 A-23 A-24 A-25 A-25 A-27 A-27 A-28 A-29 A-30 A-31 A-32 A-32 A-32 B-I B-3 B-4 B-5 B-6 B-7 B-8 Attcrbcrg Crosstown Water Line Lines A, B and C Coppeil, Texas Limit and Moisturc Content Tcsts Depth Liquid Plastic ( ft ) Limit(%~ Limit(%~ 5.0-6.0 63.5 23.4 9.0- ! 0.0 54.9 20.6 9.0-10.0 50.0 17.7 4.5-6.0 58.3 23.0 9.0-10.0 24.3 11.4 5.0-6.0 62.3 21.7 9.0-10.0 46.9 17.9 24.0-25.0 51.4 22.3 9.0-10.0 30.1 11.5 5.0-6.0 69.4 23.4 14.0-15.0 62.0 24.8 5.0-6.0 37.6 14.5 9.0-10.0 45.3 17.1 9.0-10.0 26.5 12.3 4.0-5.0 55.3 21.6 4.0-5.0 65.4 27.7 9.0-10.0 52.2 21.5 4.0-5.0 78.2 28.9 9.0-10.0 48.1 19.0 14.0-15.0 33.2 12.0 5.0-6.0 33.7 13.4 14.0-14.8 53.7 19.0 9.0-9.5 52.5 25.4 9.0-10.0 60.0 22.6 9.0-10.0 64.1 23.7 14.0-15.0 57.8 20.8 5.0-6.0 40.3 16.2 9.0-10.0 59.0 24.1 14.0-15.0 65.3 24.7 6.0-7.5 50.1 20.1 9.0-10.0 42.1 17.1 4.5-6.0 51.5 18.3 19.0-20.0 27.0 11.9 9.0-10.0 61.7 22.6 14.0-15.0 26.9 13.1 9.0-10.0 35.5 14.1 Plasticity Moisture Index(Pl}, Conicnil%} 40.1 28.2 34.3 25.4 32.3 21.3 34.4 21.6 12.9 12.2 40.6 24.8 29.0 20.7 29.1 30.2 18.6 14.1 46.0 21.6 37.2 22.8 23.1 15.4 28.2 20.1 14.2 12.6 33.7 23.9 37.7 29.4 30.7 20.0 49.3 23.7 29.1 22.2 21.2 16.0 20.3 21.4 34.7 21.4 27.1 17.2 37.4 19.9 40.4 27.7 37.0 26.8 24.1 16.9 34.9 29.0 40.6 34.3 30.0 24.4 25.0 24.4 33.2 20.4 15.1 19.4 39.1 24.7 13.8 21.2 21.4 19.0 P]ate No. Geotechnicaf Engineers "JOt4N H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. ~NC Crosstown Water Linc Lines A, B and C Coppell, Texas Alterberg Limit and Moisture Content Tests B ori n g Depth Liquid PI asti c N o. ( ft ~ Limit(%~ Limit(%) B-8 14.0-15.0 38.6 14.8 B-9 14.0-15.0 24.3 13.3 B-i I 9.0-10.0 30.1 14.3 C-2 4.5-6.0 47.9 19.8 C-2 9.0-10.0 26.4 13.3 C-5 4.5-6.0 39.3 17.7 C-5 9.0-9.4 23.3 13.9 C-6 9.0-10.0 32.5 14.8 Plasticity lndex(Pl) 23.8 11.0 15.8 28.1 13.1 21.6 9.4 17.7 Moisture Content(%) 24.5 18.0 18.3 21.9 14.1 17.8 16.1 19.1 Plate No. 6 Geotechnical Engineers ' JOt IN H. HAYNES S,. ASSOCIATES, Boring Dcplh N0, (fl) A- ! 5.0-6.0 A -2 9.0-10.0 A-3 9.0-10.0 A -4 4.5-6.0 A -6 9.0-10.0 A -7 5.0-6.0 A-8 9.0-10.0 A -9 24.0-25.0 A-10 9.0-10.0 A-11 9.0-10.0 A-12 5.0-6.0 A-12 14.0-15.0 A-13 14.0-15.0 A-15 5.0-6.0 A-16 9.0-10.0 A-19 4.0-5.0 A-19 9.0-10.0 A-20 4.0-5.0 A-23 9.0-10.0 A-24 4.0-5.0 A-25 9.0-10.0 A-25 14.0-15.0 A-27 5.0-6.0 A-27 14.0-14.8 A-28 9.0-9.5 A-29 9.0-10.0 A-30 9.0-10.0 A-30 14.0-15.0 A-31 9.0-10.0 A-31 14.0-15.0 A-32 5.0-6.(:) A-32 9.0-10,0 A-32 14.0-15.0 A-32 19.0-20.0 B-1 6.0-?.5 B-I 14.0-15.0 B-3 9.0-10.0 B -4 4.5-6.0 B-5 14.0-15.0 B-5 19.0-20.0 B-6 9.0-10.0 B-7 9.3-10.0 B-7 14.0-15.0 B-8 9.0-10.0 B-8 14.0-15.0 B-9 14.0-15.0 B-I I 9.0-10.0 C-2 4.5-6.0 C-2 9.0-10.0 Crosstown Water Line Lines A, B and C Coppell, Texas Unconfined Compressive Strength Tests Max. Comprcssive Failure Unit Dry Moislure Strength(tsf) Strain(%) Wt.{pcf) Content{%) 2310(1) 0.7 93.9 28.2 2730(1) 1.0 98.2 25.4 5485(1) 1.7 104.8 21.3 15720(1) 4.5 102.5 21.6 7615 3.3 121.8 12.2 5090(1) 3.0 98.9 24.8 2850(1) 0.9 106.7 20.7 5825 3.4 91.2 30.2 4540( 1 ) 1.9 116.6 14. I 7640(1) 1.1 107.2 19.9 7510(1) 1.5 106.2 21.6 9470( I ) 6.4 105.3 21.9 4615(1) 1.9 105.4 22.8 13565 3.5 116.2 15.4 8570(1) 2.0 107.2 20.1 6275(1) 4.8 100.8 23.9 4815(1) 1.7 94.2 28.6 6655(1) 3.4 94.0 29.4 7920(1) 2.9 107.5 20.0 12735(!) 2.2 99.6 23.7 5365(1) 4.3 104.0 22.2 4940 8.3 115.3 16.0 1990 5.1 102.7 21.4 3685 3.4 106.8 21.4 13420 8.3 94.7 17.2 5220 2.9 108.4 19.9 2095(1) 0.7 95.4 27.7 2745(1) 1.5 91.9 29.9 2275(1) 1.8 90.6 29.9 3225(1) 3.0 97.4 26.8 13440 4.2 l I 1.9 16.9 2685 3.8 92.5 29.0 1680(1) 4.4 86.1 34.3 2760( 1 ) 1.4 97.5 26.1 4050 3.1 99.6 24.2 2705(1) 1.9 95.6 27.0 1990 3.9 100.1 24.4 5735(1) 5.6 106.9 20.4 4900 2.7 114.3 15.3 755 5.3 112.4 19.4 3340(1) 1.1 100.7 24.7 4050(1) 2.8 102.6 22.4 1050 8.1 108.4 21.2 3055 4.1 104.3 19.0 1520 1.9 96.9 24.5 1060 4.6 111.3 18.0 4495(1) 3.3 106.8 18.3 6275 3.1 105.3 21.9 3635 5.2 118.0 14.1 Geotechnicel Engineers Plate No. 7 JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. ~NC Crosstown Water Line Lines A, B and C Coppe!!, Texas Unconfined Compressive Strength Boring Depth Max. Compressive Failure No. f ft ) SIren gthftsf) Strainf%) C-5 4.5-6.0 11900 7.3 C-5 9.0-9.4 1020 2.9 C-6 9.0-10.0 2350 3.7 Tests Unit Dry Wt.fpcf) 109.1 113.7 109.1 Moisture Content(%} 17.8 16.1 19.1 Footnole: (1) Sample failed on slickcnsided fracture plane. Plate No. 8 Geotechnicel Engineers ' JDi tN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. fNC. CASE I DESIGN LATERAJ EARTH PRESSURES FOR TRENCH SUPFORTS CASE II C()NDITiON A BRACING INSTALl FD AFTFR TRFNCH FXCAVAT1ON P. 480 PSF CASE I11 ACTIVE FLUID PRESSURE , 40 PCF PASSIVE FLUID PRESSURE . 150 PCF PIVOT POINT J~ON[:XTION B SHEET Pll FS DRIVEN PRIOR TO TRENCH EXCAVATION ~ TRF m, IGH BOX DESIGN Lateral Earth Pressure Recommendations For Trench Supports Crosstown Water Line Lines "A". "B" & "C" Coppell, Texas Plate No. 9 GeoLechnicl91 Engineers ' JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, ~NC, .....:"' 1 MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IN CLAY OWABLE SLOPE IN SAND ' SIMPLE SLOPED CUT C I ' MAXIMUM ALLOWABLE SLOPE IN CLAY III CLAY 9~ORING O~ SHIED SYSTBM DESIGNED FOR LA'I'EI:~ EAR'IH PRESSURES FOR FULL HEIGHT OF CUT 'l-r IF cUr 19 NOT SLOPED. SHORING SHALL BE FULL HEIGHT OF VER'I'ICAL CUT COMPOUND SLOPED CUT W1TH SHORING Maximum Allowable Slopes For Open Cuts Crosstown Water Line Lines "A", "B" & "C' Coppell, Texas Plate No. 10 Geolcechnicd Engineers Jnb No Dart, __ J()I4N F! I IAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" Coppell, Texas 7/19/88 ,,, CORE iF F'OLU n F-UJ O_ ILl rr 0-"' ":, 2 --, "' LLIE (.9>.. _.1 ~ ~ E' 0 rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray, gray and tan clay with l_t_race fine sand-stiff(CH)(fill) Dark gray clay-stiff(CH) Gray clay with trace fine sand- stiff(CH) Yellowish tan and light gray clay with trace sand-stiff Lo very stiff(CH) Total Depth = 15.0 fe~t Upon completion, hole dry and backfilled. Boring No. A- LocanonSta. 0+00,8' Rt. CL FIELD TESTS Z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings, ~-- I-- Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Shandard ~enetr~qtion Te~ts. ~l: ILl ), tU Blows per Foot (BPF) . 45 45 X' Geotechnical Engineers __ J()l IN H, HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line J~b~o 3398 Line "A" 7/19/88 Coppell, Texas CORE ~.~- ~ ,,, FLU G. UJ °-w rr~E uJii rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray clay with trace fin~ sand-stiff(CH) Gray and olive brown clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Yellowish tan and light gray clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Yellowish tan and light gray fine clayey sand with some sandy clay - 15 - bands-medium dense(SO) Total Depth = Upon completion, hole backfilled. 15.0 feet dry and Boring No A - 2 tocaflonSta- 5+00,5' Rt. CL FIELD TESTS Z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings ~-- I-- Tons er Sol. FI. - X Slandard ~enetratlon Tn,~t,~, Blows per Fool (BPF) - 4r, 45 , ~o ~o ,o I f x \ \ ! I t I I I X Geotechnict, i Engineers JO| IN H t tAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo 3398 Line "A" D.~. 7/19/88 Coppel], Texas /. DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Gray, dark gray and tan clay-stiff icH)(fi l) Olive gray and dark gray clay- rti,'f(cH) Gray and tan clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Tan and light gray clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Tan fine sand with some clay bands(SP) Light tan fine sand-dense(SP) Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry and backfilled. Boring No. A-3 Loc.uo. Sta. 10+00, FIELD TESTS PockM Penetrometer Readings. Tons er SO. Ft. · X Stun(lard ~enet~allon '[Psts. Blows per Fool (BPF). (~) as 2 3 4 20 3o 40 ~0 / 45 3c~ EPF~ Z 0 Geotechnical Engsneers JOHN FI HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" 7/20/88 Coppall, Texas Boring No. Locatlo&ta. 15+00,15' Lt. uj - __ ,/ - 20 Z_Z ,[ CORE FIELD TESTS Pockel Penelrometel Readings. Tons er Sol, Ft. - X Standard ~enetrallon Tests. DESCRIPTION OF STRATA B~ows per Foot (BPF)- ~) · I 20 30 40 ~0 Light brown fine sandy clayey gravel with crushed stone and shale fragments(GC)'~fi11; 45 ~L 2.0'-8" brownish gray clay layer X Dark gray clay-hard(CH) Yellowish tan and light gray sandy clay with numerous calcareous deposits-hard(CL) X Z Tan fine sand-medium dense(SP) "~hale, tan, weatl~ered, calcareous, Imoderately firm 61 Bows for X Shale, dark gray, firm Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 48 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 12.9 feet. Geotechnicel Enginners JOHN H, I-tAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown ~4ater Line JobNo 3398 Line "A" oal,. 7/19/88 Coppel 1, Texas Boring No. A - 5 Locatio~ta. 2 1400,10' Rt. C~ CORE LU ~: DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray clay w~th trace fine sane- medium stiff(CL)(possibly fill) _ (SM) Light gray and tan clay with trace fine sand and some calcareous deposits-very stiff to hard(CL) Yellowish tan and light gray clay with some fine sand and calcareous deposits-hard(CL) Tan fine sand with some clayey san~ bands-medium dense(SP) Total Depth: 15':6'~et upon completion, hole dry and backfi 1 led. FIELD-TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings. Tons er Sq. Ft. · X ' ~-- I-'- Slandard ~:netralton Tests. <~ uJ ) uJ Blows per Foot (BPF) · ~) UJ U- _J 2 3 4 45 4 5 t,u 20 30 40 ,40 ~ 24 B~F -- Geotechnicel Engineers -- J[)I-tN I-I. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo 3398 Line "A" D.,~ 7/19/88 Coppell, Texas Boring No. A-6 Locatio~ta. 25+00,5' Rt. CORE D ut rr _j u~ rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Gray clay with so~ne fine sand- Istiff(CL) Gray and reddish brown sandy clay- stiff(CL) Olive and tan clay with some fine sand-hard(CL) Yellowish tan and light gray sandy clay-very stiff(CL) Tan fine clayey sand-medium Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion hole dry and backfilled. dense(SO) FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetromeler Readings. Tons er Sq. Ft. · X Slandard ~enetratlon Tests, Blows per Fool (BPF) - 2 3 Geotechrlicd Engineers Jnb No .__ J()l tN H. I tAYNES & ASSOCIATES, ~r~c BORING LOG CrOSStOWh ;Jater Line 3398 Lira: "A" 7/25/88 Coppel 1, Texas w CORE F,,Ow o, rn--J O a_ w rr rr:~ ,j o>- _j D a L DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Olive gray clay-stiff(CH) Gray and light brown clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Light gray and yellowish brown clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CL) Yellowish brown and light gray cla) with trace fine sand-stiff(CL) Total Depth: l~T6'~eet Upon completion, hole dry. 10 days later, hole dry and blocked at 15.[ feet. Boring No. A - 7 LocattonSta. 30+00,5' Rt. { FIELD TESTS Z 0 Pocket Penetrometer Readinas ~ I-- Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enetrallon Tests. ~I[ LU Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) > UJ uJ 4.5 4 5 · 1 ;~0 30 40 50 60 x I I __ Geotechnical Engineers __ J0t IN H. t tAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line aobNo 3398 Line "A" 7/25/88 Coppell, Texas Boring No. Loca,o.Sta.34+OO,5'Rt. CORE n u~ - - 10 -//- 1' -15 - --'-- · DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penelromeler Readings, Tons er Sa. Ft.- X F- I-- Standard genetrallon Tests, ~ LU ), LU Blows per Fool (BPF) - ~) tl.I I~. 4.5 4 5 · 1 2o 30 40 ~o Dark gray clay with trace fine san(- stiff(CH) Brown clay with trace fine sand- stiff(Ctt) Yellowish brown and light gray clay with trace finesand(CL) Yellowish tan and light gray very sandy clay-medium stiff(CL) lotal Depth = lgTO'f"~[ ........... Upon completion, trace water. 10 days later, water measured at 14.1 feet and hole blocked at 14.7 feet. × ~IF /Water Level .... 7 "'3/'4} 138 ....... Geotechnic81 Engineers __ JOI tN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Line "A" J.h.o 3398 Coppell, Texas 1125/88 Boring No. A-9 LocationSta. 39+00, CORE F,C) iu F-UJ O, LLI 112 ~,,, ~ ~ - ,,, LLIIL (,)>. <~ J [S'1 ~u m E o 0 C) ~UJ rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray clay with numerous 'l ' ._asphalt fragments-medium stiff(CL)('i' 1) Dark gray clay-stiff(CH) Gray c'ldy-stiff(Ctt) Light gray, dark gray and yellowisk. brown clay with trace fine sand- sLiff(CH), Yellowish brown and light gray cla) with trace fine sand-stiff(CL) Pocket Penetrometer Readings, ~-- I-- Tons er Sq. Ft. - X UJ Standard ~ene ration t Tests, Blows per Fool (BPF) - (~) LU 3 4 30 40 60 Yellowish brown and light gray fine clayey sand-loose(SO) _qr ._.,4a ter_ Le~2l 8/4/88 ~8 B~F Shale, tan, yellowish brown and gray, severely weathered, soft Shale, light brown and tan, weathered with dark gray bands, moderately to firm Shale, dark gray, slightly weathered, firm eet Upon completion, water measured at 15.2 feet. 10 days later, water at 13.0 feet and hole blocked at 15.3 feet. (< 18 BPF Geetechnical Engineers __ JOt-IN H ItAYNES & ASSOCIATES, fNc _ BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo. 3398 Line "A" oa,~ 7/21/88 Coppell, Texas DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Grayish brown clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Gray, light gray and yellowish brown clay with trace fine sand-very sti'f (CL) Yellowish brown and light gray sandy clay-hard to very stiff(CL) Light gray and tan fine clayey sane with trace sandy clay bands (SC) Shale, yellowish brown and light gray, severely weathered, soft Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 15.3 feet. 24 hours later, water at 14.7 feet and hole blocked at 16.7 feet. Boring No. A- 10 Locauo.Sta.43+OO,5'Rt. FIELD TESTS Z 0 Pocket Penel~omete~ Readings. ~-- I-- Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enelralton Tests. ,~ LU )' U, Blows per Foot (BPF) · I I I I I ,~. / / / / / <:V,3~a':e:_ _evel ...... x 7/'22/88 Geotechnicd Engineers -- JOttN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Jo~,.- 3198 Line "A" 7/20/88 Coppell, Texas Boring No, A- 11 Loc.uonSta. 48+00, lu CORE lu I--IAI ~-~ ~ ~ ~ ... lULL U,I (,,.) rr 10-L// / / 15 - ..z2 . DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Gray clay with trace fine sand- 'L~j~dium stiff(CH)(fill) Dark gray and dark olive clay with ~trace fine sand-hard(CH) FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetrometer Readings. Tons er Sq. Ft, - X Standard ~enetratlon TesB. Blows per Foot (BPF) · ~) - 1 20 30 40 ~0 45 Tan and light gray clay with trace fine sand and trace fine gravel- hard to stiff(CL) 'Total Depth = 1~.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 13.8 feet. X / / / / Z 0 Geotechnicsl Engineers Job No. Date JOHN H, HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" 7/20/88 Coppel 1, Texas ,,, CORE · _>.ju~ r-, ,,, ~ E- o tr -15-: - DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark olive brown clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) Shale, yellowish brown, tan and light gray, severely weathered, soft to moderately firm Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 14.2 feet. Bo..g No. A- 12 Locauo~ta. 53+00, FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er SO. Ft. · X ~--- I-- Standard ~enetratlon Tests, ) tU Blows per Foot (BPF) · (~) ILl 4 ._1 2 3 4 45 45 20 30 40 ~ ~0 x Geotechnicel Engineers ' JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, ~Nc; - BORING LOG Crosstown Nater Line 3398 Line "A" 7/20/88 Coppel 1, Texas ,,, CORE >..ju') Q- LLI tr D ~cr}<C w m E o rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark brownish gray clay with trace fine sand-very stiff(CH) Yellowish tan and light gray clay ~ith trace fine sand-very stiff(CL) Yellowish tan and li6ht gray sandy clay-hardkCL) Tan fine sand-medium dense(SP) eo, l.g No. A - 13 Locat,onSta. 58+00,30' Lt. ~: Shale, yellowish brown, tan and light gray, severely weathered, soft to moderately firm Shale, yellowish brown and light gray, weathered, moderately firm Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 19.0 feet and hole blocked at 19.9 feet. FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er Scl. Ft.. X ~-- I-- Standard ~enelratlon Tests, ~: U.I )' U, Blows per Foot (BPF). ~) I.u ,,J 2 3 4 45 45 LU 20 30 40 50 60 d~19 BFF × \ \ \ Geot. echnicel Engineers JOHN FI. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown ~later Line JOb NO. 3398 Line "A" c~.,e 7/20/88 Coppel 1, Texas Boring No. A - 14 Loca,onSta. 63+00,13' Rt. ~ LL] - -./ / ~~. - lo- -15 CORE .J uJ _J o uJ rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Reddish brown sandy clay-very L stiff(CL) Light olive brown and reddish browr Yellowish tan and li.ght gray clay with trace fine sand and some cal- careous nodules-very stiff(CL) Shale, tan, yellowish brown and light gray, severely weathered, moderately Firm FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings. ~ F- Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enelratlon Tests. ,( UJ Blows per Foot (BPF) - (~) > UJ U.I u. 2 3 4 =5 a5 LU 20 30 40 50 60 I Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 15.( feet. Geotechnicei Engineers JOHN N. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. ,'dc BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JObNO, 3398 Line "A" D.t~ 7/20/88 Coppell, Texas BoringNo. A-15 Loca,o. Sta.69+00,10'Rt.~ CORE tU tr tu > O (..) DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS Z O Pocket Penelrometer Readings, ~-- I-- Tons er SO. Ft. · X Standard ~enetrR Ion Tests, 4: UJ t ), tu Blows per Foot (BPF). ~:) LLI u 45 45 1 20 30 40 50 ~:>0'~ Dark gray clay with trace fine sanc- stiff(CH) Yellowish brown, tan and light gra) clay with some fine sand-hard(CL) Yellowish tan and light gray sandy clay-very stiff(CL} l t I I Yellowish tan fine clayey sand- medium dense(SC) Yellowish tan and light gray fine sand with numerous clayey sand bands-medium dense(SP) T o taTD~p th'~ 5 :O'T~ t Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 15.0 feet. ~b Z5 BPF Geetechnical Engineers __ JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JObNo 3398 Line "A" Da,. 7/Z0/88 Coppel], Texas ,,, CORE _)..ju') I--uj n uJ nuJ rr~ ~ .j uJ n- DESCRIPTION OF STRATA BorlnO NO. A-16 Loca.o. Sta. 73+00,10' Lt. C~ FIELD TESTS z 0 Pockel Penetromeler fleadl ngs, r--' F- Tons er SO. FI. - X Slandard ~enetra Ion Tests. 4: uJ t ), UJ Blows per Foot (BPF) - (~) UJ I.I- 4.5 4 5 - 20 30 40 ~o ~o" - lo '[/, . Dark gray clay with trace fine sane- very stiff(CH) Gray clay with trace fine very stiff(Ctt) sand- Light gray and yellowish brown with trace fine sand-very stiff(CL; Yellowish brown and light gray sandy clay-stiff(CL) Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hour~ later, hole dry and blocked at 15.0 feet. / X I I I I × I I I I t × / Gecrcechnicel Engineers -- JOI 'IN H. I' IAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" 7/~(J/88 Coppel 1, Texas Bod.O No. A - 17 Loca,o, Sta. 78+00,5'Lt. CE CO O3 tf) uJ D CORE DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown and dark gray clay with some fine sand-hard(CH) FIELD-TESTS z O Pockel Penetrometer Readings, ~_ I-- Tons er Sq. Ft - X StandArd ~enetr~llon Tests, Blows per Foot (BPF) - (~) LIJ M,- ,_1 4.5 4 5 '0 2 3 . ... Yellowish brown and light gray clay with trace fine sand-hard(CL) Yellowish brown and light gray sandy clay-hardtCL) Tan firre sand with some clayey sanc bands-medium dense(SP) Total Depth = i5.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 15.( feet. Geotechnicd Engineers -- J(3t tN H, HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown ~later Line 3398 Line "A" Bon.g~o. A-18 7/20/88 Coppell, Texas Locat~o.Sta.84+OO,5'Lt. ~ LU CORE FIELD TESTS Z O n Pocket Penelrorneter Readings, ~ I-- uJ Tons er Sq. Ft. · X nr Standard J~enelrallon Tesls. u~ DESCRIPTION OF STRATA > > Blows per Foot (BPF). O ,,j O 15 45 tJJ (~- 1 2 3 4 fine clayey sandy gravel with crushed stone-medium dense Brown trace (GP) Brown fine sand with clayey sand bands-loose(SP) (~a 3 BFF Shale, tan, yellowish tan and x\ light gray, severely weatherd, \7 soft to moderately firm \ ~hale, dark gray an~ 'tah'7"~6a~:herec, moderately firm to firm Shale, dark gray, firm l o ta F~F~0.'0' T~ t Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 14.9 feet and hole blocked at 18.5 feet. Geotechnicai Engineers -- JOt~N I-t. ~IAYNES & ASSOCIA'~ES. INc BORING LOG Crosstown ~ater Line J~.r~o. 3398 Line "A" Coppell, Texas 7/20/88 BoringNo. A-19 L~a,o.Sta.88+O0,5'Lt. ~ uJ ~'~3 ~_~n ..... '~¢- --.t_-I -10-.~ -]5 -Y -20 CORE u) LLI t'~ _J r'~ ILl n U.J rr _J LLI .J ~: o C) LU DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Br0wnsandy clay with trace fine 9rav'_.l and crushed sLone-hard(CL)(fi11) frown fine sandy clay-hard(CL) Shale, tan and light gray, severely weathered, soft Shale, broun and tan, severely weathered to weathered, moderately f i rm FIELD TESTS Z O Pocket Penetromeler RPadingS, ~ I--' Tons er Scl. FI. - X Standard I~)Pnetratlon Te~ts. ~: uJ )' U, Blows per Foot (BPF) - ,_1 2 3 4 Shale, dark gray, firm Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 18.7 feet and hole blocked at 18.9 feet. -- Geotechnical Engineers JOHN H HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Uater Line Line "A" JobNo 3398 Coppell, Texas D.,. 7/21/88 t4J CORE tu UJ > 0 u3 DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray and brown sandy clay witk l trace fine gravel-hard(CL)(fill) Olive clay with trace fine sand land fine gr~,vel-very stiff(CH) Shale, tan, light brown and gray, severely weathered to weathered, moderately firm light .[-14.2-high angle slickensided fracture ~1'14.8'-2" dark 9ra~_Jhale band Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 13.2 feet and hole blocked at 14.5 feet. Boring No. A-20 Lo~a,~o. Sta. 96+00,5' Lt. CE FIELD TESTS z O Pockel Penetromeler Readings. Tons er Sq. Ft · X Standard ~enetratton Tests. ~I~ ILl · tU Blow9 per Foot (BPF) · (~) uJ" ,.,J 2 3 4 45 45 u.J 20 30 40 50 60 1 / I I t Geotechnical Er~:jineers -- JOHN F-I, HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Line "A" JobNo 3398 Coppell, Texas D.,e 7121/88 BormgNo. A-21 Loca.onSta.102+00.5'Lt.~ w CORE t.U ZF- ~0 .~ a w I--I~ r'na- ILl a-w E;~ :~ , w UJU.- L)>.. ,~ _1 O ~oco~ E 0 I,U o o rr --. EL,L, - 20 DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown sandy clay with trace fine '[gravel -stiff (CL)(fi 11 ) Dark brown very sandy clay-hard(CL; FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetromeler Readings, Tons er Sq. Ft.- X Standard ~enelratlon Tests, Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) 45 45 x, Yellowish brown very sandy clay- hard(CL) Tan coarse to fine sand-dense(SP) Shale, tan, yellowish tan and light gray, severely weathered, moderate'y firm Shale, light brown and tan, weathered with dark gray bands, moderately firm to firm Shale, dark gray, slightly weathered, · [~_ith tan bands, moderately firm tc . rm 28 BPF~ Shale, dark gray, firm Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 18.1 feet and hole blocked at 19.5 feet. Geotechnical Engineers -- JOIqN H HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown ~'ater Line J~bNo 3398 Line "A" 7/2i/88 Coppell, Texas Bo.nO No. A-22 to~..tlo.Sta. 107+00.15'RtCI_ DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Tam, clay with trace fine sand and fine gravel-very stiff(CL) Shale, tan, yel]owish tan and lighs gray, severely weathered, soft to moderately firm Shale, light brown and tan, weathe'ed, moderately firm FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetrometer Readings. Tons er S(3. Ft - X Standard ~enetratlon Tests. Blows per Foot (BPF} - ~) 45 2 3 4 20 30 40 ~0 45 x Shal~, dark gray, slightly weathered, with trace tan bands, moderately fr~ ~o firm Shale, dark gray, firm Total Depth = i5.0 feet Z O ). t3J tI, J tA. .J Upon completion, water measured at 3.0 feet. 24 hours later, water at 4.4 feet and hole blocked at 13.0 feet. Geotechnical Engineers -- JOI IN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" 7/21/88 Coppel 1, Texas Boring No, A - 2 3 Locauo.Sta. 112+00, CORE -15 -'_' DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er Sq, Ft, * X Standard ~enetratlon Te,~ts. Blows per Foot {BPf), ~) a.s · 5 (~* 1 2 3 4 ~21 BP: . h sand bands-stiff(CL)(fill) Tan and light gray sandy clay witk _~om.~__f~n~_gE~!-__s_tiff(C_L_)l[ilL)__ Tan coarse to fine clayey gravelly sen~ with clay bands-medium dense{SP)(possibly fil') Shale, tan, olive and light gray, severely weathered, soft to moder- a_tejy_firm *. Shale, tam}, olive, dark gray and light gray, weathered, moderately f i rm Shale, dark gray, firm - 20 Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 15.0 feet and hole blocked at 18.5 feet. Z 0 Geotechnical Engineers -- JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Jo. No 3398 Line "A" 7/21/88 Coppel 1, Texas Bo,.0 No, A-24 Loca,o. Sta. 117+00,5' Lt. CL CORE uJ ._1 E-' O LU DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown and olive brown sandy clay with some fine gravel and trace asphalt fragments-hard(CL)(fill) FIELD TESTS Z O Pockel Penetrometer Readings, ~ I-- Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enetratlon Tests. ,~: tJJ )' u., Blows per Foot (BPF) - (~) LIJ _J a5 '5 Shale, tan, yellowish brown and light gray, severely weathered, moderately firm Shale, tar, and light brown weathered, with dark gray shale bands and sl ickensided fractures, moderately firm ['~ale, dark gray, slightly weat~Fed, with trace tan bands, moderately _.~o firm .......... Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 13.5 feet and hole blocked at 15.0 feet. Geotechnicd Engineers -- JL)ItN H t~AYNES & ASSOCI/~TES. If,~c BORING LOG Crosstown Dater Line 3398 Line "A" 7/21/88 Coppel 1, Texas Bo,,.g No. A-25 Loca,o. Sta. 124+00,5' Lt. ~ LU CORE rr Ud > 0 U~ rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS z 0 Pocket Penelrometer Readings. p. t-- Tons er SO. Ft. - X Standard ~enetratlon Tesl.~. ,~ tU ) u. Blows per Fool (BPF) - (~) tU 4,5 4 5 · I 20 30 40 f~O ~; Dark brown sandy clay-very stiff(CL) (fill) Brown and light gray clay-stiff(CL) (fill) Brown, light gray and tan very sanc.y ~jay-sti ff( CL )(fill) Dark brownish gray clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CL) Yellowish tan and light gray sandy clay-stiff(eL) × x I I .~'__.l~ate- _evel , 7t22/88 t Shale, tan, yellowish tan and light [ray, severely weathered, soft to moderate'y firn Shale, tan and light brown, weathered, soft to moderate]y firm Shale, dark gray, firm Totdal Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 13.2 feet and hole blocked at 19.0 feet. Geotechnicel Engineers -- JOttN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, :r4r, BORING LOG Crosstown kater Line JohNo 3398 Line "A" 7/21/88 Coppell, Texas BormgNo. A-26 Lo~a,&ta.129+00,10'Rt.Ck lu CORE _~.,jr~) o.m- ,3 .., rt LU rr nLU rr~ ~ ,j LU UJLL (j>, ~ .j > n rj)o3 Lu ~n ~: O rr - iO-T-S' DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Olive brown and brown clay withsome fine sand-stiff to very stiff(CL) ~fill) Olive brown clay-stiff(CH) ~an clay with trace fine sand-stif~ Shale, tan and yellowish brown, severely weathered, soft .~.1'-3" bentonitic shale band FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetromeler Readings. Tons er SO, Ft.- X Standard ~enetra ion Tests, t Blows per Foot {BPF) - 4.5 2 3 4 20 30 40 y, // / t I X ~'~ 9.4'-clay filled shrinkage crackxVe'~/sef'- Shale, brown, weathered, moderately f i rm 45 Shale, dark gray with brown and tar bands, slightly weathered, moderately f i rm to f i rm Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 5.4 feet and hole blocked at 12.0 feet. Z 0 Geotechnical Engineers -- JOt IN N, HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo. 3398 Line "A" D.t. 7/21/88 Coppell, Texas Bo,,.O No. A-27 Loca,o-Sta. 134+00,15' Rt Ct CORE C) rt mmm tLI .,I LLI .J ~ o n 0 DESCRIPTION OF STRATA ~:,~ Dark olive brown sandy clay with some fine gravel-very stiff(CL)(fi'l Dark grayish brown sandy clay with clayey sand bands-stiff(CL) Dark olive gray very sandy clay with clayey sand bands-soft(CL) FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readin(s, ~--- t-'- Tons er Sq. Ft.- X Standard/~enetratlon Tests. 4: ILl Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) U.I 1,1. 2 3 4 4.5 4 5 mJ,I 20 3o 40 5o x~ __~___. Wa:e ~ _eve x 7/2218B Tan clay with trace fine to medium sand-medium stiff(CL) ~5 3FF JTan coarse to fiTme sandy clayey gravel(GC) Total Depth = i5.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 5.4 feet and hole blocked at 12.0 feet. ,× Geotechnical Engineers -- JO~tN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" Coppell, Texas 7/21/88 eon.g No. A-28 Loca,,o~ta. 139+00,15'Rt .~ UJ _O-C[)'-J n r CORE ..j uJ ..J n DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Olive brown clay with trace fine 'lsand and gravel-hard(CH) Shale, tan and yellowish brown, severely weathered, moderately firm Shale, tan and light brown with trace dark gray bands, weathered, moderately firm to firm Shale, dark gray with trace tan bands, slightly weathered, firm FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er Scl. Ft.. X ~-- l-- Standard ~enelrallon Tesls. q: UJ ), I.U Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) tlJ u- 4.5 4 5 ,X Shale, dark gray, firm Total Depth = 15.0 fe~ Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 5.0 feet and hole blocked at 13.8 feet. Geotechnicd Engineers __ JDt tN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown ~ater Line JobNo 3398 Line "A" D.,e 7/21/88 Coppel 1, Texas ao..g No. A-29 Lo~au~ta. 144+00,15'Rt. ~ Q._rn.-J G-ILl rr~; n UJ t.tU. ,r.J), ~ U)U') UJ U') ',,/_ ',':; T --t L is CORE C) uJ rr _.1 uJ o C) lu r~ DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark olive brown clay with trace fine Tan coarse to fine sand with some fine gravel-medium dense{SP) .Iotive brown clay wi~h trace fine '7 BPF sand-medium stiff(CL) Gray coarse to fine clayey gravel(GC~ 1. FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er Sq. FI. - X Standard ~enetrafion Tests, Blows per Foot (BPF) - 45 45 2 3 4 20 30 40 X. / X / / / ,/ # X' Yellowish tan clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CH) l~i~ale, tan and light gray, severe'y weattlered, soft l'otal Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 5.6 feet and hole blocked at 12.4 feet. I t Z Geotechnical Engineers ,Int) NO __ J()ItN H llAYNES &ASSOCIA]ES. BORING LOG Crcsstown ~'ater Line 3398 Line "A" 7121/88 Coppell, Texas uJ CORE T'F FLU Q'm 'J G-I.U L"12,~ n tU rr tUU. ~E -J LU ~ u~ rr 0 uJ DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark brown clay with trace fine gravel-very stiff(CL)(fill) Olive brown clay-stiff(CL)(fill) thin tan sand seams-stiff(CL)~fi]l) Tan. fjP~..__~nd~PLC~j~_].} ................ Olive brown sandy clay-medium stiff(CL)(fill) Dark gray clay-stiff(CH) Dark brownish gray clay-stiff(CH) Brown clay with trace fine sand- stiff(CH) Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, trace water noted. 24 hours later, water measured at 6.9 feet and hole blocked at 15.1 f~-Et. Bon.g .o. A-30 Loca,~ta. 149~00, FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetromeler Readings ~-- Tons er Sq. FI. - X Standard ~ ~ "' enelratlon Tests ' tl, Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) _.J · 2 3 4 LIJ sar'd ar d /)' ~J 5 BPF ~ 7/22/8& \ X I I × Geotechnical Engineers Jnh __ ,IOI IN It HAYNES & ASSOCIA"I'ES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "A" Coppell, Texas 7/~1/88 Bod.O No. A-31 co~.a,io~ta. 154+00,20' Rt. ~ cone DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS Z O Pocket Penehometer Readin(Is Tons er S(I. Ft. , X <I: U.J Standard (Denelratlon TPSI,~. Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) t~ u ,.,I 45 · ~ 20 30 40 50 3rown coarse to fin~; clayey sand ~ith gravel(Road Base) 3rown sandy clay ,.,ith trace fine gravel -hard( CL ) ( fi 11 ) _ight brown and light gray clay witl , .- s' me~thin ine seahis-medium st ff ~' I~.CL ~ I-fjJ-LI sand ' ~, _ight brown and gray clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CL)(fill) )ark gray clay with trace fine sand- stiff(CH) ~ t ~ater Level ' I I 'h'own clay with trace fine sand- stiff(CH) Ipon completion, water measured at [9.2 feet. 24 hours later, water at 5.8 feet and hole blocked at 13.8 feet. __ Geotechnic91 EnllinPPr-s __ JOHN H, HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, mNc BORING LOG Cros,stown Water Line Job.o. 3398 Line "A" 8/10/88 Coppel I, Texas So..g No, A - 32 to~a,mo~;ta. 159+00, w CORE -10 -15 DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown clay with tan silt seams and trace asphalt fragments-hard(CL) (fill) Light brown and olive clay-soft (CH)(possibly fill} Dark brownish gray clay-soft(CH) FIELD TESTS Z 0 Pocket Penetrometer Readings. Tons er Sq. Ft. - X ~-. I-- Standard ~enetretlon Tests. ~:( UJ > tu Blows per Foot (9PF)- 45 45 X X Y__~_W~er _Le~ 1 8/11/88 / Brownish gray and tan clay-stiff(Ch) Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 19.8 feet. 24 hours later, water. at 11.8 feet and hole blocked at 18.1 feet. GeotePJ-tnicel Engineers __ JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCI,~T ES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo 3398 Line "B" 8/9/88 Coppel 1, Texas uJ ~.rn -J a. LIJ / CORE n uJ rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown and tan sandy clay with some light gray limestone fragments- stiff(CL)(fill) Light gray fine silty gravel(GM) (fill) -10 -15 -20 Dark grayish brown clay-stiff(CH) Boring NO. B - 1 Loca,o. Sta. 11+00,15' Rt. rE FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penelrometer ReadingS. ~-- I-- Tons er S(I. Ft. - X Standard ~enelratlon Tests. ~: uJ ), LU Blows pe~ Foot (BPF) - _1 45 4 5 t. lJ 20 30 40 50 X .X Tan and yellowish brown clay- stiff(CH) Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 17.0 feet. 24 hours later, wate" at 5.0 feet and hole blocked at 14.7 feet (sprinkiers on over nighs- water filled test hole). Geotschnicsl Engineers __ JEIttN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "B" 8/9/88 Coppel 1, Texas DESCRIPTION OF STRATA /. Dark grdyish brown and brown clay with trace fine sand and gravel- hard(CL)(fill) Boring No. B - 2 LocationSta. 16+00, FIELD TESTS Pocket penetrometer Readings, Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enetra Ion Tesls. t Blows per Foot (BPF) - (~- 2 3 X Gray and tan 1 imestone fragments and boulders(fill) Dark grayish brown sandy clay- Dark gray and l iaht brown clay with trace fine sand-stiff(CL) ...... Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 8.0 feet and hole blocked at 12.5 feet. , '8/'0./8'~ Geotechnical Engineers -- JOI-IN H tIAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JnhNo 3398 Line "B" o.,- 8/10/88 Coppell, Texas Boring No. B-3 L~a.o. Sta.21+O0, ~ --/ -lO-/ / :% _-<';.. CORE Q I.u ILl nr- j LLI _1 DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS Z O Pocket Penetromete~ RPadinqs. ~ I-- Tons er Sq. Ft - X Standard ~enetratlon Tests. )~ LU Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) uJ u- 45 45 ~o ~o ,o ~o Tan clay with trace fine sand and sandy clay bands-hard(CL)(fill) Dark brown and tan sandy clay- stiff(CL)(fill) Dark grayish brown clay with trace fine sand-medium stiff[CL) Tan and olive clay with trace sand- stiff(CL) Total Depth = i5.0 feet' Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 7.0 feet and hole blocked at 12.8 feet. '8.,iT2 / ! / y, Geotachnical Engineers __ JOttN I-t. t IAYNES & ASSOCIATES. ~r,~c BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Jo. No 3398 Line "B" 8/10/88 Coppell, Texas lu CORE f~ ~oua ~ ~ ~ o DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Tan sandy clay with trace fine gravel and crushed stone bands- hard(CL)(fill) -10 Tan clay-very stiff(CH) Boring No. B-4 L~a,,o. Sta.26+O0. ~ FIELD TESTS z 0 Pocket Penetromeler Readings, Tons er Sq. FI.- X ~ t-- Standard ~enetratlon Tests. > LU Blows per Foot (8PF) - ~) U,I LL 4.5 · 5 Light brown and gray clay-hard(CH) Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon ceml}letion, hole dry. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 15.( feet. Geotechnical Engir'eeers J~b No D~te ~ Jt]HN H. HAYNES ~. ASSOCIATES, ruNE: _ BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "B" 8/10/88 Coppell, Texas Boring NO. B - 5 LocaUo. Sta. 30+80, w CORE _>..~n _o:rnJ o n U.I rr a-w rr~ ~ j w wu. L)>, ~ J D {net~ w m ~' O D D rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Tan and dark gray sandy clay with trace fine gravel and crushed stone- hard(CL)(fi]l) Dark grayish brown clay with trace fine sand-very stiff(CL) Light brown clay with trace fine sand-very stiff(CL) Tan clay with some fine sand- stiff(CL) Tan very sandy clay-medium stiff(CL) Total Depth = ~0.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 17.8 feet. 24 hours later, hole dry and blocked at 8.0 feet. / FIELD TESTS Pocket Penelromete; Readings. TOnS er Sq. Ft · X Standard i~enetrafion TPsIs. Blows per Fool {BPF) - ~) 2 3 4 20 30 40 ,~0 / I I I I I Y, t X / / / / / t5 / Z -- Geotachnical Engineers -- JC)HN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crpsstown Water Line JnhNO 3398 Line "B" Coppel 1, Texas 8/10/88 CORE n 0 ~j DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Light brown sandy clay with trace fine clayey sand and gravel bands- hard(CL)(fi]l) Tan clay with trace fine sand and gravei-hard(CL)(fi]|) Tan fine sand(SP)(fi]]) - 10 Tan and light gray clay-stiff(CH) Gray .snd tai~ c]ay-stiff(CH) Boring No B-6 Locatio. Sta. 36+00, FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetromete~ Readings. l'onS er Sol. Ft. · X Standard ~enelr~tlon Tests, Blows per Fool (BPF) - (~ 4.5 · 1 ~0 30 40 ~ Z O Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later. hole dry arid blaocked at 15.0 feet. Geotechnicd Engineers -- JOt tN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JnbNo 3398 Line "B" Dine 8/19/88 Coppel 1, Texas Boring No. B - 7 Loca,o- 5ta.41+45, ~ FILl rn n UJ ,. ' / / / / / , -- / · -15- '~' CORE r'-, tu rr ..j UJ .J ~ O r'~ u.I rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown coarse to fine sand with some | fine gravel-very dense(SP)(fill) Brown and dark gray sandy clay wit~ trace fine gravel-hard(CL) Light brown clay with trace fine sand-very stiff to stiff(CL) Tan and light gray clay-stiff(CL) Yellowish brown very sandy clay- medium stiff(CL) Total Depth: 15.0'~eet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 13.2 feet and hole blocked at 13.8 feet. FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer RPadlngs, ~-- I-- TOnS er S(I. Ft- X Standard ~ene~ra Ion ,( tJJ Tests, Blows per Foot (BPF) - .J 45 45 / / X I I I X ! / / I '~7 8/:10~ 88 / / × Geotechnical Engineers -- JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo 3398 Line "B" Pal._ 8/9/88 Coppell, Texas Boring No. Locatio. Sta. 47+50, tu CORE o_®- c~ ,,, FUj n LU rr LULL (,>>. LU ~ E 0 n O LU rr / L .... DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS z 0 Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enetration Tesls, Blows per Fool (BPF) - 1~) uJ u- 4.5 4 · 1 20 30 40 ~0 Brown, tan and olive sandy clay with tan fine sand bands, trace fine gravel and crushed stone- hard(CL)(fi11) Yellowish brown sandy clay-stiff(CL) Light gra,y and brown sandy clay- medium stiff(CL) · v-i W~ter Level Tan fine sandy gravel(GP) Upon completion, water measured at 15.4 feet. 24 hours later, water at 15.0 feet and hole blocked at 16.7 feet. Geotechnical Engineers -- JOttN R HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. ~f~ Jnh No. h~le BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "B" 8/9/88 Coppel], Texas LU CORE I-u; Q-m Q-UJ rr~ O_ U.I ~UU_ ~ -J (/)of) LU 0 / / .... -5-.~ /. / -10~/ __. . ... -15- - -/ / - 20 ~ -:"' - _. uJ rr > 0 (D DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown sandy clay with trace fine gravel and crushed stone-hard(CL) (fill) Dark grayish brown sandy clay- hard(CL) Yellowish brown and light gray very sandy clay-stiff(CL) Light gray very sandy stiff(Cl_) and yellowish brown clay-medium stiff to Shale, tan and light gray, severely eathered, soft to moderately firm Shale, dark gray, weathered, with itan bands, moderately firnl Shale, dark gray, firm lota 1 Dupth = 25.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 11.0 feet. 24 hours later, water as 9.8 feet and hole blocked at 14.5 feet. Boring No. B - 9 Lo~a,lo. Sta. 51+00, FIELD :rESTS z O Pocket Penetromete~ Readings, Tons er Sq. Ft. * X ~ I'- Standard ~enetratlon {( LU Tesl9. UJ > Blows per Foot (BPF) · (~) tu 2 3 4 45 4 5 t,U 20 3O 40 .~) / / / / ~ ,," I~ate' _evel X - X 'X Geotechnicel Engineers __ JOHN H FIAYNES & ASSOCIATES. BORING LOG Crosstown ~ater Line Jo. No 3398 Line "B" 8/9/8[) Coppel 1, Texas LU CORE __.nn-I a ~ F-U,I CL I.U rr o-w rr~ :~ , w tuu- L)>. <( J > tr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown, tan and dark gray sandy clay-hard(CL)(fill) Reddish brown sandy clay-stiff(CL) !ight brown fine clayey sand(SC) Tan fine to medium sand with trace fine gravel-loose(SP) Tan coarse to fine sand with some fine gravel-very dense(SP) Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 11.2 feet. 24 hours later, water at 10.9 feet and hole blocked at 11.3 feet. So,,.g No. B-IO LocafonSta. 55+80,12'Lt rk FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetrometer Readings, Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enetratlon Tesls, Blows per Fool (BPF)- 2 3 4 20 3(2) 40 50 / I X Z 0 (x~9 B>F _~l~_...Wat~r Leve 8/lC/~8 LU ~ owS fur ;" Geotechnice~ Engineers ' JOHN tt. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line JobNo 3398 Line "B" D.I, 8/9/88 Coppell, Texas Boring NO. B- 11 Local|o~ta.61+00,2'Lt. ~ ,,., "- luLL / _ _/_ ? / / CORE n r~ uJ u.I rr ..j t.u n (,.) DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer R~adlngs, Tons er Sq. Ft.. X Standard ~enetrallon Tests, Blows per Fool (BPF) · ~) ), uJ ,J 4,5 4 5 · 1 20 30 40 ,~O Tan and dark gray clay with numerots calcareous particles-hard(CL)(fi11) Dark gray shale(fill) Dark grayish brown silty sandy clay-medium stiff(eL) Light gray and yellowish brown sand~ clay-stiff(CL) 'Total Depth = 15.0 feet Lipon completlon, water measured at 12.8 feet. 24 hours later, water a~ 12.2 feet and hole blocked at 13.4 feet. X / v W~ ter. L ave 1 ---t-~/,..0,/83, - Geotechnical Engineers -- J()ttN H t IAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3obNo 3398 Line "C" D.,e 7/18/88 Coppell, Texas BoringNo C-1 Loc.'io. Sta.5~OO,6'Lt. ~ w CORE > co O, n w I-Lu n rn n UJ rr ~-w ~:~ :~ ,j w u~l~ L~. ~: / o cn~n~ r7 0 uj rr 'l/\ -15 - - DESCRIPTION OF STRATA FIELD TESTS Z 0 Pocket Penetromeler Readings, ~-- I-- Ions er Sq. Ft. · X Standard ~enelfalion ~I: tU Tests, LIJ Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) W _1 4.5 4 5 Dark gray and brown clay-hard(CL)(fi11) Brown fine silty sand(SM)(fill) 0live brown clay-stiff(CL)(fill) Dark gray and brown clay with trace sand bands-medium stiff to hard(CL)(fi'l. Dark brown silty sand(SM) Yellowish tan fine silty gravelly sand(SP) ~' Wct;r 7/19/88 Brown fine sandy clayey gravel(GC) Total D~pth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 10.9 feet. 24 hours later, water at 10.7 feet and hole blocked at 11.2 feet. (>~7 B~F Geotechnicel Engineers Jr, b No D~t~ -- JOHN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES. mrac BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "C" 7/I8/88 Coppell, Texas lu CORE I'l_ I--O tl.I rt Q- LLI rr t~ Cr)Ct)~ rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown sandy clay-hard(CL)(fil]) Dark brown and dark gray clay with trace sand bands-hard(CL)(fill) Dark gray clay-stiff to very stiff (CL) Tan and ]ight gray sandy clay with trace calcareous nodules-stiff(CL) Tan fine silty sand(SM) ITan fine sandy clayey gravel-mediun dense(GO) Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 11.8 feet. 24 hours later, water at 10.6 feet and hole blocked at 12.8 feet. Boring NQ C-2 Location Sta. 10+00,5' Lt. O_ FIELD TESTS Pocke! Penetrornelef Readings. Tons er ,S~I. Ft. - X Standard ~enelrallon Tests, Blows per Foot (BPF). ~) ,'.5 2 3 20 30 40 >( 7 'i')/B~ Z 0 ~ 1~ BFF Geotechnicd Engineers -- JOt tN H. t IAYNES & ASSOCIATES, I~jc , BORING LOG Crcsstown Water Line ,,~hr~- 3398 Line "C" 7/18/88 Coppell, Texas :ft--- F-C) uJ C~_rrl-J t-tU Q. tu~ uJ . / "/, / CORE o tU rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Brown and dark gray clay with trace fine sand-stiff to hard(CL)(fill) Dark gray clay with trace fine sane and some sand bands-stiff(CL)(fill) Grayish brow,, fine silty sand(SM) JLight gray and yellowish tan fine silty sandy gravel(GP) Yellowish t,~n and light gray fine ] s i 3,_tL_sa n d Yellowish tan and light gray fine sand(G_P) ...................................... Tan fine sandy clayey gravel-dense .(sc) ................................... iShale, dark gray, slightly weathere~t, moderately firm to firm Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, hole dry. 24 hours later, water measured at 9.7 feet and hole blocked at 11.3 feet. Boring No. C - 3 toc..o. Sta. 15+00,3' Lt. ~ FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penelrometer Readings, ~ I-- Tons er Sq. Ft. . X Standard ~enetretlon Tesls. {l: uJ )' Blows per Foot (BPF). {~) I,IJ ,_1 2 3 4 45 45 U,I 20 30 40 .~0 ~(~ X 'w_~eu.L~ve' 7/19/88 ~15 I!PF -- Geotechnicd Er'~gineers -- JO~!N H HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, tNc BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Job No. 3398 Line "C" D.,e 7/18/88 Coppell, Texas UJ O (/)(/)(/) I .- / ,. , -. ,/ , ........ .... · · · ' .... · - 10 LL"i5 L _z; .[ CORE DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark grayish brown, brown and tan clay with some fine sand-hard(CL) Dark brown silty sand-medium dense (SM). Tan fine sand-medium dense(SP) Shale, brown and gray, severely weathered, moderately firm Total Depth = 15.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 10.9 feet. 24 hours later, water a: 8.5 feet and hole blocked at 10.4 feet. Boring No. C - 4 Loca,o. Sta. 20+00,3' L t. q. FIELD TESTS z ' O Pocket Penetromeler Readings, ~-- t-- Tons r Sg. Ft. - X St~qndard ~enetr~qtlon q: uJ Tests, ), UJ Blows per Foot (BPF) - {~) LU I,L 4,5 4 5 x ~27 BP: ~ 7/lc-/88 :6 B~F Geotechnicel Engineers Job No Dale -- JOttN H. HAYNES & ASSOCIATES, BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line 3398 Line "C" 7/18/88 Coppell, Texas lu CORE > ... U.JLL ~E J LU ,,,,,-,,,., ~: o rr DESCRIPTION OF STRATA Dark gray and dark brown clay with trace fine sand and tan sandy clay seams-hard(CL) Olive brown clay-hard(CL) Brown very sandy clay-medium stiff(CL) Yellowish tan fine clayey sand(SC) Brown sandy gravel(GP) Boring No. C - 5 Loca.o. Sta25+O0,3' Lt. C~ Shale, tan and light gray, severely weathered, soft to moderately firm Total Depth = 20.0 feet UPon completion, water measured at 10.7 feet. 24 hours later, water at 10.5 feet and hole blocked at 12.2 feet. FIELD TESTS Pocket Penetromeler Readings, Tons er Sq. Ft. - X Standard ~enetratlon Tests, Blows per Foot (BPF) - ~) 45 2 3 4 20 30 40 ~0 X.'?'.,, Z / ~F Watar Leve 7/19/88 \ \ __ Geotechnical Engineers JOHN H. FAYNES & ASSOCIATES, fNn BORING LOG Crosstown Water Line Job NO. 3398 Line "C" Da,e 7/18/88 Coppell, Texas CORE -lO~ ,..'~, _ , ~,,~/. ., ... _.~.:~ -~5 --j~ , , . -20 DESCRIPTION OF STRATA !Brown sandy clay(CL)(fill) Brown and dark gray clay with trace fine sand-hard(CL)(fill) Brown and yellowish t~n sandy clay- hard to stiff(CL)(fill) Dark gray clay-stiff(CL) Dark gray sandy clay-stiff(CL) Tan and yellowish brown sandy clay- stiff(CL) Tan fine sand(SP) Shale, yellowish tan and light gray, severely weathered. soft to moder- ately firIn Shale, dark gray, weathered, with tan bands, moderately firm Total Depth = 20.0 feet Upon completion, water measured at 10.4 feet. 24 hours later. water a: 10.2 feet and hole blocked at 12.6 feet. Boring NO. Loca,o. Sta. 29+00,6'Lt. FIELD TESTS z O Pocket Penetrometer Readings, ~-- I-- Tons er Scl. Ft. - X Standard ~enetrstlon Tests, ,( u.~ > "' Blows per Foot (BPF) - (~ I~l" ,,J 2 3 4 45 ,s 5 , 7119188 ~ 2L \ Geotechnical Engineers APPENDIX B PREVAILING WAGE RATE SCALE COPPELL# TX GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS DALLAS, TX - PROJECT NO. 274 24" CROSSTOWN WATERLINE CITY OF COPPELL, TX AGC Or TIIA8 HIGHWAY, HgAVT, UTILZTZB5 & INDUSTRIAl,, BaCH WAGS RATES PAID FOR HIGMWAT-HBAVY CONSTRUCTION AID PAVIIG RaID UTILITINS IHCIDSIIT/~L TO GBHIRAL BUILDIIG CONSTRUCTION, ZONE 36, WHICH IICLUDIH, DALLAS COUNTY TEXAS Classification Hourly Rate Classification Hourly Rate Air Tool Operator Asphalt Heater Operator Asphalt Raker Asphalt Shoveler BatchinE Plant 5calm Operator Batterboard Setter Carpenter, Rough Carpenter Helper, Rough Concrete Finisher (Pay) Concrete Flnisher Hlpr. (Pay) Concrete Finisher (Strs) 8 Concrete Finisher H1pr. (Sirs) 6 Concrete Rubber 7 Electrician 12 Electrician Helper (mr.) Electrician Helper (Jr.) Form Builder (Sirs) Fore Builder Helper (Strs) Form Liner (Pay & Curb) Form Setter (Pay & Curb) 7.50 8. ee 9.me 8.25 8.50 8.45 9.10 7.10 9 29 90 90 00 25 20 8 75 8 20 6 90 8.50 8.55 Form Setter Hlpr. (Pay & Curb) 7.50 Form Setter (Strs) 8.10 Porm Setter Helper (Strs) 6.80 Laborer, Common 6.10 Laborer, Utility 7.05 Hechanlc le.ee Mechanic Helper 8.99 Oller 8.50 Servtcer 7.55 Painter (Strs} 10.99 Pipelayer 7.45 Pipelayer Helper 6.50 Pneumatic Mortar Operator 6.80 PO.W~R EOUIPH~NT OPERATORS, Asphalt Distributor 7.88 Asphalt Paving Machine 8.95 Broom or Sweeper Oper 8.75 Bulldozer, 150 HP & less 8.95 Bulldozer, Over 150 HP 9.95 Concrete Yav. Curlnq Machine 8.49 Concrete Pay. Finishing Hath. 9.05 Concrete Pay. Form Grader 9,75 Concrete Pay. Joint Hachine 8.oe qoncrete Paving Saw 8.30 Concrete Paving Spreader 8.69 Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, 9.10 Derrick, Dragline, Shovel (less than 11/2 CY) Crane, Clamshell, Backhoe, 9.60 Derrick, Dragline, Shovel (11/2 CY & over) Crusher.or Scrn'g Plant Oper. 6.ee Form Loader 6.40 Foundation Drill Operator is,e5 (Truck Hounted) Front Sad Loader 6.3e (2 1/2 CY & less) Front End Loader 8.95 (Over 2 1/2 CY) Mixer (16 CF & Less) 6.60 Honor Grade OpeEaror, Fine 9.75 Motor Grade Operator 9.ee Roller, Steel Wheel (Plant- 8.10 Mix Pavements) POWER EQUIPMENT OPBRATOR8, ~OIT. Roller, Steel Wheel (Other 8.95 Flat Wheel or Tamping) Roller, Pneumatic (Self 7.10 Propelled) Scrapers (17 CY a Less) 7.90 Scrapers (Over 17 CY) 8.30 SelZ-Propelled Hammer 6.00 Side Boom 6.me Tractor (Crawlet) 159MP & . 8.00 Less Tractor (Crawlet) Over 15eHP 8.30 Tractor (Pneumatic) 89HP a 7.35 Less Tractor (Pneumatic) Over 7.40 80 HP Traveling Mixer 7.25 Trenching Machine, Llght 7.80 Trenching Machine, Heavy 8.00 Reinforcing Steel Setter 7.00 (Paving) Reinforcing Steel Setter 9.69 (Sirs) Reinforcing Steel Setter 7.20 Helper Sign Erector 8.30 Sign Erector Helper 7.10 Spreader Box Operator 7.30 TRUCK DRIVBRS, Slngle Axle, Light 7,15 Single Axle, Heavy 7.40 Tandem Axle or Semitrailer 7.15 Lowboy-FlOat 7.90 Transit Nix 7.20 Winch 7.me welder 9.85 Flagget 5.75 Milllag Machine Operator 8.05