2013_0514T Fi M - C t T Y o F Account Number. � e j,E T ER ISSUANCE / WORK ORDER Date: 5 1 7�1 Comgany/Representative: CQ A-M h�Afl= S' A&CF- d u�14--r, Proje.�t 1�larire: V I Ll,� -S � L�(CE V /S'Tfi' - Location of Meter: Billing AcCDunt Name: Billing Address: 28oS b L ( S f KK Phone g: (�/� 1 A3 - 1l1II I� ,' D.L. 41: Printed Nlame: _ [CF, k4M 6 -E s Signature: �S3 I fh / l to h G(-) Domestic Mfr. t- % �0" Domestic Mtr. # 15 y S'</ S y ( 6uu t PF), xk1j- Irrigation Mtr. 4 Irrigation Mtr. # Fire Line Mtr. Fire Line Mtr. 4 Temporary Mtr.9 State: TX Zip Code: 77 Size: / u Reading JJ Size: l Reading Size: Reading SLze: Reading Size: Reading Size: Reading Beginning Reading Deposit Amt Deposit Amt 3 Deposit Amt Deposit Amt Deposit Amt Deposit Amt Deposit Amt TEMPORARY METERS• $1 000 DEPOSIT REQUIRED Applicant shall retain the meter to 816 S. Coppell Road when completed with project Cost of any repairs or replacements necessary shall be billed on the final statement or deducted from the deposit_ Applicant is responsible for winteriziag all temporary construction meters and compontuts to protect them against any damage due to fi-eezing temperatures. Customer is not allowed to move .or relocate a meter to different jobs /projects. Only yellow City Fire Hydrants may be used. Customer must call 972 - 462 -5150 to report a reading. The City is not responsible for any stolen property under any conditions. The City will deposit the $1,000 upon receipt The current, minimum monthly water bill shall be $48.40, which includes the first 1,0D0 gallons used. All water in excess of 1,000 gallons will be $2.60 per 1;000 gallons. (Minimum charges are subject to change.) Monthly payment is dae by the 56 of each month. If payment is not received by this elate, there will be a penalty of 10% acce -, e to the total balance. Water Tap $ Sewer Tap $ Meter $ Final Inspection $