WA9301-CS 980202PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS, INC. NTWBC WBE/HUB CERTII~ED February2,1998 Ted Du~ City ofCoppell 255 Parkway Blvd. Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Partnering Workshop Dear Dutt: Enclosed, please find three post workbooks from the partnering workshop with Bar Constructors, Inc. and Dallas Water Utilities on January 22, 1998. Please keep one copy for yourself and forward the others to: Larry Davis Ken Griffin I hope you enjoyed the workshop and we look forward to working with you again soon. President (972) 255-1393 · FAX (972) 438-3292 4835 N. O'CONNOR #134 · IRVING, TX 75062 Constructors, I Ip~C~ Dai i as Water IJti i ities Partnering for Success, Inc. 5216 Ivlaple Springs BIrd., Dallas, Texas 75235 (972) 255-1393 Fax (972) 438~32-93 PAi~'rNERII~N3 ~VORKSi-10P January 22, 1998 J PARTNERSHIP CHARTER Mission Statement - We, Bar Constructors, Inc., Dallas Water Utilities and City of Coppell are partners in the We Intend to deal with each other in a fair, reasonable, trusting and pro[essional manner which will Include: · CommunIcate and resolve problems within the terms of Complete the project without litigation. the contract. · Decision making at the front line level. · Open, honest communication. · Treat each other with mutual respect and resolve conflicts immediately. · · Finish project on time and within budget. · Promote positive public relations. · Provide safe passage of the public through the project. · Make project enjoyable to work on. Hard Hat R~-v~r-~al (~DWU appreciates when Bar Constructors ..... 1. Gets submittals on time. 2. Stays within the budget (change orders). 3. Schedule. 4. Has qualified personnel. 5. Keeps the public happy. 6. Has good housekeeping. 7. Has a qualified product. ! Hard Hat R~-v~r-~al (~DWU is frustrated when Bar Constructors ....... 1. Submittals aren't on time. 2. Asks for change orders. 3. Falls behind schedule. 4. Has poor craftsmanship - quality. 5. Does not keep a safe clean jobsite. 6. Gets complaint from public. Hard H~t R~,v~-r-~al Q Bar Constructors appreciates it when 1. Pays on time. 2. Responds on time to our RFL' s. 3. Has prompt review of submittals. 4. Doesn't delay the project. 5. Makes timely decisions. 6. Appreciates accurate plans and specs. 7. Is fair in contract administration and inspections. 8. Provides operations assistance. Hard Hat R~-v~-r~al Q Bar Constructors is frustrated when DWU ...... 1. Is slow in process payment. 2. Has slow approval of submittals and RFL' s. 3. Won't allow change orders. 4. When there is red tape with Council approval and award. 5. Is slow to final out contract. 6. Restricts working hours. /ROCKS IN THE ROAD AND ACTION PLANS ROCK: Communication. / Know who to call. / Get contact info. Form. (See Issue Resolution ladder) ROCK: Time frame. / Maintain strict schedule. ROCK: Traffic. / Temporary roadway permits. ROCK: Site conditions. : / Get information from Coppell. ROCK: Pipeline tie in. / Plan for different pipe mat. ROCK: Maintain Coppell water service. / Setup meetin,~ for tie-in schedules. ROCK: Telernetry coordination. / Submittals. : / Coordination with DWU. / Phones lines. ROCK: Submittal Approval RF! - Response. / Get submittals turned in, prioritize submittals, proper procedure on RFI' s. /ROCKS IN THE ROAD AND ACtiON PLANS ROCK: Weather. / Plan excavations. ROCK: Con,~ested work area. / Coordinate with Coppell for storage area. ROCK: Material delivery. / Get submittals approved. / Schedule deliveries. ROCK: Inter city cooperation. / Keep communications open. / Resolve issues promptly, ROCK: Noise ordinance. / Keep track of any complaints. / Address complaints. : ROCK: DWU Bureaucracy. / Keep thin,~s simple. ROCK: Utility Coordination. / Keep utility company phone numbers available. ROCK: Restaurant. / Don't park on roadway. / Avoid debris on roadway. / Control water run-off. Attendee List Bar Constructors and Dallas Water Utilities. January 22, 1998 Nc~ne Stephen L. Hardy Ken Griffin Jennifer Cottingham Sam Arrambide Brad Wesberry John E. Mathis Paul Henning Tonia R, Lichtenberg Company Address & Phone Number Dallas Water Lltilities 320 E. Jefferson B!vd. Rm 204 Dallas, TX 75203 (214) 948-4630 City of Coppell 255 Parkway Bird. Coppe!l, TX 75019 (972) 304-3679 Dallas Water Utilities 2 121 Main St. #300 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 948-4563 Bar Constructors, Inc. 805 Katy St. Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 227-3287 Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main St. #300 Dallas, 'IX 75201 (214) 948-4310 Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main St. #300 Dallas, 'IX 75201 (214) 670-8548 (214) 683o5515 Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main St. #300 Dallas, 'IX 75201 (214) 948-4518 Dallas Water Utilities 1500 Marilia - 4AN Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 670-5886 Attendee List Bar Constructors and Dallas Water Utilities. January 22, 1998 Name Charlotte Humphries Randy Hodges Hector Zamora Ronaid Wagner Larry Davis Ted Dutt gon Brookins Company Address & Phone Number Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 227-3287 Acme Electric Co. 4703 Martin St. Fort Worth, TX 76119 (817) 654-1618 Acme Electric Co. 4703 Martin St. Fort Worth, TX 76119 (817) 654-1618 Bar Constructors, Inc. P.O. Box 10 Lancaster, TX 75146 (972) 227-3287 City of Coppell 255 Parkway BIrd. Coppell, TX (972) 304-3684 City of Coppell 732 Deforest Coppell, TX 75019 (972) 304-3545 Dallas Water Utilities Elm Fort Treatment Plant Carrolton, TX (972) 446°6778 Attendee List Bar Constructors and Dallas Water Utilities. January '22, 1998 NalTle John Fields Dennis Cave Charles Stringer Phillip Boyd Hank Niblo Roger Adams Robert M. Barron John Wilson Company Address & Phone Number Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main St. #300 Dallas, TX 75Z01 (214) 670-8548 Dallas Water Utilities 2900 White Rock Rd. Dallas, TX 75214 (214) 670-8061 Dallas Water Utilities 2900 White Rock Rd. Dallas, TX 75Z 14 (Z 14) 670-8060 Dallas Water Utilities 1500 Marilia St., 4 AN Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 670-5887 Fax (214) 670-3154 Dallas Water Utilities Z 121 Main St. #300 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 948-4639 Dallas Water Utilities 4120 Scottsdale Dallas, TX 75227 (214) 670-8459 Dallas Water Utilities 2121 Main St. #300 Dallas, TX 75201 (214) 446-6778 Dallas Water Utilities 2900 White Rock gd. Dallas, TX 75214 (2 14) 670-8063 PARTNERING FOR SUCCESS, INC. ISSUE RESOLUTION CHART Bar Constructors Ron Wa,~;ner Sam Arrambide Sam Arrambide Sid Arrambide Sid Arrambide DWU Time Ron Brookins ] hour John Mathis 4 hour Jennifer Cottingham Larry Rivers Periodic Review & Renewal Of Partnering Why Review And Renew? Reasons To Follow Up: El Celebrate Progress; You Earned It. "If you aren't celebrating, you aren't partnering." El New Dimensions & Midcourse Corrections Parmering is a Journey, not a Destination Unforeseen Developments Need Attention Bring New Stakeholders into the Team El Slippage ("The Road... Paved By Good Intentions") People don't change quickly... change is lifelong Theory is perfect... people are not Partnering talks easy... works hard El Deterioration...Danger... Trouble Ahead Drift/Slide/Decline into a Semi-Team, Work Group... Crisis Real Problem? PEOPLE The Enemies Of Successful Team Partnering The Eternal Warrior Sgt. Chauvin, A French soldier in World War I, set a remarkable standard for tenacity in combat. Four times he was seriously wounded, evacuated and hospitalized. He recovered on each occasion. Four times he was told that, due to his heroic and sacrificial conduct, he was not required to return to combat. Four times he insisted on returning, and did. History tells us Sgt. Chauvin survived the war, as he surely deserved. History does not reveal the curious and unfair events that caused this hero's name to become a derogatory title for aggressive single mindedness: chauvinist, as in "chauvinist pig." In any event, he gave us a near perfect example of the etemal warrior.. . a fighter who will not quit. Construction has its share of Eternal Warriors. They are the pit bulls of our industry. They are fundamentally opposed to partnering which they feel is consorting with the enemy. They '-'~ will destroy a partnering team. To~,' ) prevent that they must be retrained, redirected or restrained. The Underachiever N"ot everyone is equally accomplished in such wide ranging fields as singing, golfing, or gardening. In fact some of us perform poorly in these areas. Similarly, some people rank low in dependability, responsibility and self discipline (e.g. someone who dumps an auto ash tray onto the pavement at a traffic light or on a parking lot). These people become Underachievers on a partnering team. They may behave agreeably and pretend to be part of the team. But they don't hold up their end of the bargain. They don't carry their weight. They don't follow through. They lower the common denominator of a group that is striving to excel. These individuals usually improve in response example and exhortation by other team members. need to do is improve their performance enough to join the rest of the team. Occasionally they require stronger motivation, intervention (by colleague, or two members) to bring about an attitude such as dramatic their boss, a or three team adjustment. Otherwise, they must be demoted or dispatched by members of their own subgroup; then they are either off the team, or everyone knows they are only token members. to good All they Been There, one That Some older hands approach partnering with an overwhelming sense of deja-vu. They say "I've been partnering jobs all my life." They feel they have Been There/Done That. They assume they are automatically part of the team. They are not. They think they are qualified when, in fact, they are complacent. Their concept of partnering is positive, but very shallow and out-of-date. In the past few years the construction partnering process has made quantum advances, and the new concepts have been refined to even higher levels of effectiveness. Successful partnering teams use all available process tools, and this can not happen if some members are not pen to growth. Growth never stops and all team members must subscribe to that fact. Been There/Done That people usually have the right basic attitude. They frequently come up to speed, and even become outstanding contributors, with encouragement and challenge offered under the right circumstances. However, a few Been There/Don That people are closet recalcitrant. Dealing with them requires different strategies. See suggestions for the UnderaChiever. The Blatant Cynic ABlatant Cynic is o~en similar to a Been There/Done That, but the cynic is far more destructive. These characters are malignant non- participants. They constantly broadcast bad vibrations and they undermine the team. They first indicate their attitude by consistently avoiding the formation of the team, by not taking part in initial activities. Later, they are present only in body, not in spirit. They do not believe in partnering. They are cynical. Sometimes their attitude is abundantly clear. At other times they settle into sullen silence but continue to project a negative aura. In either case their presence has a chilling effect on the rest of the team. Blatant Cynics must be won over. bright star converts. Others won't budge. individuals from this latter group politely but firmly. Be sure to deal ~: with cynics in private; their basic behavior is a challenge to the team, and they strongly resist group confrontations. Some have become Deal with My Dad Can Whip Your Dad scalalion is a dirty word in partnering. It smacks of the bad old days when problems were ignored and E when disagreements festered until they became disputes. These ugly overripe situations were then pushed up into ever higher echelons, up to management levels too far removed from project activities, up to levels where it is too convenient to hand them over to in-house "enforcers" or to lawyers who are expected to act as hired guns. This process is obviously devastating to partnering. However, the problem has a simple cure. Top management must prohibit escalation of disputes, and solve problems before they become complex. When that happens issues will be examined and settled where they begin. There will be no need or basis for saying My Dad Can Whip Your Dad. What Am I Gettin Out Of Partnerine? It is natural to feel dedicated performance should be rewarded. Beyond simple recognition, team members want something tangible in return for devoted efforts. We all want to be rewarded for achieving goals. And we deserve to enjoy the fruits of our labors. But keepingscore can become a self-serving preoccupation.Team goals will be forgotten and individual contributions will wither. And, if team members become obsessed by score keeping, erosion of trust will follow. Since trust is the glue that holds partnering together, the team will disintegrate. This problem can be prevented or cured, during an open group meeting, by firm candid insistence that the team get back to where it began: Focused on their mission statement (charter, agreement, or whatever it is called). If the team had a sense of partnering in the beginning, it should be able to return to that original commitment. A Surprising Realization And A Conclusion As we consider these caricatures we may find a ring of truth or validity to them. If we recognize and relate to these characters there is a.reason: There is a little bit of them in each of us. This gives deeper meaning to Pogo's observation that "We have met the enemy and he is us." Review & Renewal: How And How Often On Scheduled Basis At Job Site Meetings (Be Sure Partnering Is On The Agenda) Weekly Meetings (5 Minutes, Maximum, On Partnering) Usually Involves Only Job Site Team Members Monthly Or Similar Intervals ( 10 Minutes) Involve Off-Site Team Members Too Often Combined With Other Monthly Meeting Items (E.G. Monthly Estimate) The "Report Card" ! Put Results On Paper... Periodically Two Approaches' · Individuals Fill Out Forms Before/At Meeting. Then Group Reviews Them · Group Discussion At Meeting... Fill Out One Master Report Card Examples Of Evaluation Forms Should This Paperwork Be Forwarded? e~ · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · i · · · · · Monthly Partnering Evaluation Work Quality Work Progress Productivity Changes Safety Public Relations Issue Resolution Reliability Communications Partnering Goal Or Objectives Comply with Plans & Specs; Do it right the first time/every time Meet or beat Project Schedule; keep Schedule current and understandable Effective use of resources ($ and MH Budgets); make or save money & time Find changes early; make prompt and fair written agreements No accidents on site, or caused by traffic or other job activities Few inconveniences; no complaints or bad press Find problems early and solve them; no disputes; no claims; no lawsuits Keep Promises; Be Dependable; Meet Commitments Understandable correspondence; honest candid talk; good meetings; know who will do what/when TEAM feeling; have fun; pride in project; feel presence of Mission Statement; vertical empowerment; effective evaluations Rating Out of a possible 100 points TOTAL ! Monthly Partnering Evaluation GOAL FROM MISSION STATEMENT RATING Resolve Disputes - No Litigation, No Lawyers Speak Up; Speak Candidly; Speak Friendly Maintain Positive Attitudes Meet Response Time Goals Finish on Schedule or Before Safety - No Accidents : No Permit Violations Construct Quality Project - Short Punch List Exceed Anticipated Profits While Staying Within Project Budget Enjoy Work - Be Happy Out of a Possible 100 Points TOTAL