WA9301-CS 971001 Coppeil 2 Metering Station - Contract 94-81 Plan Review Comments Plan review comments for Coppell 2 Meterin8 Station are as follows: 6. 7. 8. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Plan sheet 1 - Provide description for the last two plan sheets. Plan sheet 2 - Correct spelling for "MacArthur Boulevard" and also "Coppell." Plan sheet 2 - Add note for contractor to repair all underground utilities and sprinkler systems damaged by this construction. Plan sheet 2 - DWU transmitter between the two reservoirs should read "TANK LEVEL" rather than "PRESSURE." Plan sheets 2 through 17 - Provide sheet numbers in the title blocks. Plan sheets 2 and 3 - Show locatilm of overhead lighting. Plan sheet 3 - Note 5 refer also to DWU Appurtenance detail for fence. Plan sheets 3 and 4 - City of Coppell prefers RCP in lieu of corrugated metal culvert pipes for driveway entrance. Plan sheet 3 - Verify that meter vault drainage flows south into the existing concrete channel and not omo Kimbel Court. Plan sheet 3 - City of Coppell requests that the slope on the back side of the paving for the ROFC should be a minimum of 4 to 1. Plan sheet 4 - City of Coppell requests that sealer used be silicone. Plan sheet 5 - City of Coppell requests that any boring under existing drainage channel be dry bore only. Plan sheet 5 - Detail the location of the sump discharge, head wall, flap-gate, etc. Plan sheet 5 - Add taps for chlorination and blow off. Plan sheet 6 - Chamfer all exposed comers. Plan sheet 7 - Show expansion joint in Detail 701. Plan sheet 7 - Coat handrail post with galvanic inhibitor where in concre{e. PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE 1 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. Plan sheet 8 - Install union in sump pump discharge. Plan sheet 8 - Complete note 3. Plan sheet 8 - Add note to allow at least a one-half to three quarters of an inch gap between pipes on Dresser Couplings. Plan sheet 8 - Operations requested that the sump pump be moved to the southwest comer of the vault so that run-off from the weekly sampling does not have to travel across the entire meter vault. Plan sheet 9 - Provide method for installing hasp type locks. Plan sheet 9 - Coat hatches with black paint. Plan sheet A. B. C. D. E. 10 - TYPICAL WALL PENETRATION DETAll, FOR PIPES Change the reference from "conduit" to "pipe." Correct left note to refer to specification section only once. No specification section 15061 exists. No specification section 03603 exists. Why not use two link seals per pipe as shown on electrical sheet 127 Plan sheet 10 - GENERAL NOTES - Please correct spelling for the word "connecting" on item number 4. Plan sheet 11 - Will the light pole base detail fit on Plan Sheet 127 Plan sheet 12 - Relocate exhaust fan control switch to the top of the entrance hatch next to the meter vault light switch. Plan sheet 12 - Relocate power meter pedestal and base closer to existing TU power pole. Plan sheet 12 - Change wording of roof plan notes from "lighting" to "lights." Plan sheet 12 - On ROOF PLAN - Show ground rod external to vault and penetrating wall to the panel board on roof plan. Plan sheet 12 - On ROOF PLAN - Show 1 ~/~ inch signal conduit penetrating the east wall to the right of the VTU enclosure, then extend conduit to the VTU. Plan sheet 12 - On FLOOR PLAN - Show ground and conductor penetrating to the left of the panel board on the west wall, then extend conductor to panel board. Plan sheet 12 - On FLOOR PLAN - Show 1¼ inch signal conduit to the right of the VTU enclosure. See item 30 above. PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE 2 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. Plan sheet 12 - Add a note stating that "Ground conductor penetrating the wall shall not wick moisture across the wall." Plan sheet 12 - Show conduit drains and supports. Plan sheet 13 - Show conduit supports. Plan sheet 13 - SECTION 1301 - Show the 1¼ inch signal conduit penetrating wall to the right of the VTU enclosure, then extend conduit to VIII. Plan sheet 13 A. B. - SECTION 1302 - Show both grounding conductors. Correlate hose bib location with plan sheet 8 "Floor Plan Detail". Also note that hose bib needs to be on the Dallas side of the ROFC. Place also on bypass. Plan sheet 13 - SECTION 1303 - Show intruder alarm conduit. Plan sheet 13 - SECTION 1304 - Show ¼ inch copper sensing line. Plan sheet 13 - Size or scale VTU base pad to 6 inches thick, see VTU detail on sheet 11. Plan sheet 13 - NOTES - Change notes on right hand side of sheet as explained below then shift revised notes on the left hand side. A. Note 6 - State as: Electrical, telephone and signal entrance or through wall conduits shall enter to the side of enclosures below, in case moisture condenses on incoming conduits, slope external conduits away from vault. B. Note 7 - State as: Provide % inch ball valves (3 required) at each pressure source. C.Delete note 2 on left side of sheet. D. Add Note 8 - all electrical work requires a permit from City of Coppell Building Inspection Department. Plan sheet 14 - PANEL SCHEDULE - Show breaker or circuit number 10 as "VTU (SCADA)." Plan sheet 14 ~ Provide circuit to telephone board. Plan sheet 15 - See attached revisions from Pumping Division. Entire page is modified. Plan sheet 1, on 685W676C - provide consistent plan sheet numbers for all plan sheets - call this Plan sheet 16. A. Show the existing 42 inch valve on the steel main, the reducers on each side of the valve and the 54 inch steel main. B. Show cathodic test station. Note that the anodes and cables can extend 35 PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE [ "; feet in any direction from the test station and must be protected. Destruction of the station, cables or anodes result in no cathodic protection for the steel main. Show the existing 24 inch valve on the main going east from the control house and show where the main connects to the 60 inch main. 47. Plan sheet 2, on 685W676C - provide consistent plan sheet numbers for all plan sheets - call this Plan sheet 17. As B. C. D. E. Add Saf-T-Climb for ladders. Provide sump pits in vaults. Center hatches over PRV valves. Add lights, sump pumps and pressure taps. Add forced air ventilation in PRVs. 48. Include one sheet for SWPPP requirements. 49. All components in contact with potable water must have NSF 61 Certification of Compliance. 50. Specification Table of Contents - Divisioin 3 Concrete, Precast Concrete section 03413 only has two pages not six. 51. Specification Section 01300 A. Page 1, item 1.02A3 - provide three copies of the schedule of values. B. Page 1, item 1.02B - correct spelling replace "card" with "can." C. Page 2, item 1.02C - correct spelling replace "mustl" with "must." D. Page 2, item 1.03B1, lines 8 and 9 contain too many ands. E. Page 2, item 1.03B2 - power factor correction capacitors are not mentioned in Division 16. F. Page 3, item 1.02D - correct spelling replace "mustl" with "must." G. Page 8, item 1.12 - Add another copy of submittal for City of Coppell. H. Page 8, item 1.13 - replace "Construction Engineer" with "Project Manager." I. Page 9, item 1.14 - replace "Engineer" with "Project Manager." 52. Specification Section 01311, page 1, item 1.02B - replace "December" with "November." 53. Add Specification Sections for "Protection of Environment", "Construction Schedule", "Inspection Services", "Contract Closeout" and "Cleaning and Adjustment." 54. Specification Section 01500 A, B. C. D. Page 1, item 1.02D - enlarge minimum floor space to 360 square feet. Page 3, item 2.01 - delete first word "telephone." Page 4, item 3.01A - replace "own" with "contractor." Page 4, item 3.03B - insert comma between "areas" and "equipments" and remove "s" from "equipments." PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE 4 55. Specification Section 01720, page 1, item 1.02 - delete "of' so section reads "MAINTAIN RECORD DOCUMENTS." 56. Specification Section 02200, page 1, item 1.03 - line 3 change notify "the laboratory" to "the inspector." 57. Specification Section 02290 A. Page 5, item 3.02B - Add a provision stating "Any stock piled materials around the existing ground storage tank on Sandy Lake Road shall not create any damming of water above the overflow elevation of the Sandy Lake Pump Station." B. Page 5, item 3.02C - correct spelling of"semicircular." C. Page 5, item 3.02D - correct spelling of"lineal" to "linear." D. Page 1, item 1.02 - also reference NTCOG Best Management Practices Manual. 58. Specification Section 03000 A. Page 3, item 2.06 and also Page 4, item 3.04B - change "Construction Engineer" to "Project Manager." B. Add specifications for "Concrete Curing", "Steel Reinforcement", "Required Strength" and "Testing." 59. Specification Section 03413 A. Page 2, item 2.02B4 - Specification Section 09901 does not exist. B. Page 2, item 3.01A - change "Construction Engineer" to "Project Manager." 60. Specification Section 05500, page 1, item 2.01 - middle of line 4 change the word "with" to "in." 61. Specification Section 09900 A. Page 3, item 3.01E - correct spelling of "maximum." B. Page 3, item 3.02D - clarify this sentence. Suggestion: "Touch up all damaged areas with the same material as applied in the factory to maintain uniform thickness and continuity of appearance." C. Page 3, item 3.03A - add "with City of Coppell Engineer approval" 62. Specification Section 113 18 A. Page 3, item 2.05 - do we really need this for a sump pump? B. Page 3, item 3.01 - replace "each pumping units" with "sump pump." C. Page 3, item 3.03A - section 15061 does not exist. 63. Specification Section 13305 A. Page 1, item 1.03A = correct spelling of "controlled." B. Page 3, item 2.02B - Maximum Differential stated does not agree with Section 13315.1.02. Which is correct? PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. C, Page 3, item 2.02B - Minimum Differential does not agree with Section 13315.102. Which is correct? Specification Section 13315 A. Page 1, item 1.02 - refer above to 63 B and C. B. Page 2, item 2.01A - correct model number for Foxboro is IDP10- D20C21F-M2-H-V-W. C. Page 3, item 2.01.E6 - delete" and transient protector at the transmitter." from the end of that sentence. D. Page 3, item 2.02 - correct model number for Durant Unipulser II is 41237-405-AMP. E. Page 4, item 2.03 - last line change "5 - 20 MGD" to "7 - 28 MGD." F. Page 4, item 2.05A - correct model number for Foxboro is IGP10-D22- D1F-M2-H-W. G. Page 8, item 3.01 - delete third sentence stating, "This equipment will be furnished by the City." Also, delete last part of the last sentence stating "and at the existing storage tank enclosure." H. Page 9, item 3.03F - change "42V" to "36V." ' Specification Section 15010 A. Page 1, item 1.02 - are we sure this work is not included? B. Page 2, item 2.01A - change "coupling" to "couplings." C. Page 2, item 2,03 - last line - change "March" to Marsh." Specification Section 15109 A. Page 3, item 2.02D - seat shall be field replaceable without removing the valve from the system. B. Page 4, item 2.02I - delete reference to DeZurik and replace with Walworth. C. Page 4, item 3.01A - second line - change "rifidly" to "rigidly." D. Page 5, item 3.01C - third line - insert a space in "allnuts" to read "all nuts." Also, delete "s" from the last word so it reads "cost." Specification Section 15114 A. Page 1, item B. Page 1, item C. Page 2, item D. Page 3, item E. 1.01 - last line - delete "elsewhere." 1.03C - add "AutoCad 12 - 3¼ inch disk and on paper." 2.01D - change "contact" to "contacts." 2.01J1 - second line - change "tow" to "two." Page 6, item 3.01H - delete part of the last phrase "...but leave terminations to the responsibility of the City." Specification Section 15121 A. Page 2, item 1.04 - delete parts A and B and insert the following specification for Ames pressure reducing valves. Stainless Steel Valves - The main valve shall be hydraulically operated, diaphragm actuated in globe or angle pattern. The main valve body and cover shall be made from PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE 6 69. 70. 71. B, E, 300 series stainless steel. It shall contain a resilient synthetic rubber disc having a rectangular cross section, contained on three and one half sides by a disc retainer. The seat ring shall be held in place by threads or cap screws and not pressed into the body. The diaphragm assembly shall be guided at both ends by a beating in the valve cover and an integral beating in the valve seat. The diaphragm assembly shall be the only moving part. The diaphragm shall consist of nylon fabric reinforce buna-n rubber and shall not be used as a seating surface. All necessary repairs shall be possible without removing the valve from the line. The valve shall be ~anged on both ends and conform to the provisions of the National Sanitary Foundation Specifications, NSF 61. Page 2, item 1.04C - first line - change "part" to "parts." Page 2, items 2.01 and 2.02 - stainless steel valves see part A above. Page 3, item 3B - last line - change "Construction Engineer" to "Project Manager." Also note that item 3.01 is missing directly under "PART 3." Page 3, item 3.02 - do not paint stainless steel. Specification A. B. Section 16100 Page 1, item 1.02 - add Section 15114 "Rate of Flow Valve Actuator." Page 2, item 2.03 - modify to read "Provide paint as specified in Section 09900." Specification Section 16120 A. Page 1, item 1.02 - add Section 15114 "Rate of Flow Valve Actuator." B. Page 3, item 3.01C - add "The label or identifier shall be the same as the terminal identifier. For those wires that are the' same in color two labels or identifiers are required at each end, one stating the attached terminal and the second identifier stating the other end terminal identifier." Specification Section 16450 A. Page 1, item 1.02 - add Section 15114 "Rate of Flow Valve Actuator." B. Page 2, item 3.01 - add item "F. Ground conductor penetrating vault wall shall not wick water into the vault." PLAN REVIEW NOTES - COPPELL 2 METER VAULT - CONTRACT 94-81 - PAGE 7