WA9301-CS 970731 (2)SENT BY:DWU ADMINISTRATION ;ll:28AM ADMINIST~.~,T~ON' 214 804 3570;# 21 3 City' of Delle: July 31.1997 Mr. Ken Griffin City Engineer City of Copp~ll P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Ken: As we discussed, the construction contract for the new rate oF flow meterins station and con~ection to serve the City of Coppell is s~heduled for award by the City of Dallas on AuSust 27, 1997. The contract vail be awezded to the lowest bidder, BAR Constructors, Inc., in the mount of $1,050,000. l-Iowcv~, to make the contract award, wc must have the City of Coppell's funds for the construction in the Full amount on deposit at the City oF Dallas uot later than Friday morning August 1, 1997. Enclosed is Invoice No. 29696W in the amount of $1,0S0,000.00. Plea,sc forward a check to me in this amount made out to the CiLy orDallas immediat~y. Thc City of Coppell vail be responsible for the actual construction cost. Should additional funds be rexluired, they will be required from the City of Coppell after the necessary change orders ate reviewed and approved. Should funds remain unused after the construction is c~mpleted, they will be refunded to the City of Coppell. I apologize for any inconvenience that the short response time may place on you. Please feel free to call me if you have any questions. Sincerely, ManaBet Wholesale Services pb c: Charles Stringer, City of Dallas Water Utilities Department Water Utllltlel Departmerit Wholesale Servlce~, City Hall, 1500 Made,,, Room 4AN · Datlal, Texas 15201 * 2141670-_ _=-~e~__ * Fix 214/670-3154 A ~ u611ty pcovldlng regional we~.r and waeewaer levi~e~ vital 1o pubic health and safe/. r, r i T The City With A Beautiful Future P.O. Box 478 CoppelI, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 July 31, 1997 Phil Boyd Wholesale Services Division Dallas Water Utilities 1500 Marilla 4AN Dallas, Texas 75201 Re: Rate of Flow Controller (WA 93-01) Dear Mr. Boyd: This letter is written as a follow-up to our telephone conversation on July 31, 1997 concerning payment for the construction cost of the Rate of Flow Controller. It is my understanding that the City of Dallas is seeking payment in full prior to the award of the project. Based on conversations with our Finance Director, Jennifer Armstrong, it will not be possible for the City of Coppell to provide a check in the mount of $1,050,000 by noon on August 1, 1997. Our monies are typically invested and on a CIP investment the monies become available monthly. If there is not an anticipated large expenditure the money is reinvested for an additional thirty days. The next reinvestment that comes due will be on August 28, 1997. Therefore, let this letter serve notice that a check will be processed to the City of Dallas for payment in full for the cost of the Rate of Flow Controller in the amount of $1,050,000 on August 29, 1997. Because of the delay of the check it is now my understanding that the project will not be awarded until September 10, 1997. Thank you and your staff for your hard work on completing the design and expediting the project and I look forward to working with you on this project in the near future. If you should have any questions please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, i nd Public Works J~strong~~ Director of Finance file/kgriffin/wa9301/dallas. 797 SENT BY:DWU ADMINISTRATION ; 7-31-97 ;ll:29AM; DWU ADMINISTRATION-. 214 304 3570;# 3/ 3 TO CITY OF CDPPP. LL crPt OF DALLAS DEPARTMENTAL INVOICE DAI. I. A8 WATER UTIIJTIEI YOUR ORDER NO. DATE ,.VO,CE N2 2 9 6 g 6 3uly 31,19'97 _ ADDRESS REPLY TO . 5AN, Dillas City Hall 1500 MARILLA, DALLAS. TEXAS 75277 UNIT 3uly As deposit lor construction of a ne~ tlow controlledmetering station and connection. rate of water main CREDIT TO: BLUE -- Puretuners Duplicate YILLOW -- DeanmeN Col;y ! '1 PURCHASING USE ONLY Vendor Number Name Address Date Needed UNIT MEAS, ESTIMATED UNIT EXTENDED PRICE PRICE Estimated Total '.',.I,. The Cjt;~h;C~,,~Future Requisition Ordered By / Ship To: Name ,~/2 (?,//[/ d.: ~. X,) ///,/,[/ Department .,/ Address Telephone Number / Extension J ACCOUNT NUMBER 10 DIGITS FUND DEPT ACCOUNT I I I I I i I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I .I I I I I J J J I I I. I I 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I i I I I I I Signature f .Reques o ' Slgna art Budget Review date date date ORIGINATOR'S Departmental Reference Number