WA9301-CS 970715City of Dallas July 15, 1997 Mr. Ken Griffin City Engineer City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 Dear Ken: I am pleased to advise you that Dallas' City Council approval of the construction contract for the new rate of flow controlled metering station and water transmission main connection is scheduled for August 27, 1997. As previously discussed, the low bid for the construction was submitted by BAR Constructors, Inc. in the amount of $1 050,000.00 ....A copy. of the bid tabulation is -enclosed ~or' your reference. Funds for this construction in this amount will be required after Re City Council approves the construction 'contract. As detailed in the wholesale water contract, Coppell is required to fund the actual cost of construction. Any additional costs that may be required during construction will be forwarded to you for approval and funding. In the same respect, any unused construction funds will be refunded. I will forward a letter to you requesting the City of Coppell's funding after approval by the City Council. Please feel free to call me at 214-670-5887 if you have any questions. 8~ncerely, Manager Wholesale Services Division pb enclosure C: Jennifer Cottingham, City of Dallas.Water Utilities Department :' :. ', Charles Stringer, City of Dallas Water Utilities Department -," ' * .. - Water Utilities Department Wholesale Services · City Hall, 1500 Madlla. Room 4AN * Dallas, Texas 75201,214/670-5888 · Fax 21 4/670-3154 A city utility providing regional water and wastewater services vital to public health and safety. T GOPPELt 2 METERING 8TATION ~ t g441 Bide Racad M-0847 Gon~. Awq~Mcl Sun4~: ~o~t. Tkne: ~tlst. ETED BY MAY I, tgg8 n'EIdQUANI'ITYI, m~ I t L8 Fu~nMhMI dl ibor, mabrids amlrddmd!Wmsmsrequirmd ImfftePllrm&ipeclfd, rk Copl~21kMd.gkUo. OTHER BaD5 ' Aeronomic ~L C3rc~p Architectam; UltriUee, Ino. cMg/~/A.U.I. General CITY ESTIIATE tJilT TOTAL $1,31T.000.00 $t ,330J00.00 Inc, UWff 11161)00tl TOT~: 'COm'K,,CT NC). N-a1 PAGEI(:X:2 co,. Inc. UNff TOT& lW 101811)1' $1~OO~OO COFPELL 2 METERINQ ,$T4T/ON "'- ~1 i,¢..81 8i¢Im ReG'(I 0G-(II-f~ Cone. Awarded ~. Cofima.'rln~ CX~II/q. ETED BY MAy i, f~ _ 'ro'r.,:i.: ......u,n'_ -- -- ...... TOTAL ll~m),ooo.oo ' H.311,~oo. oo IJNn' TOTAL l'1,330,Q0¢1.¢10; COlfrRACrNO. N41 · PAGE 2 OF 2