WA9301-CS 970219City of Dallas February 19, 1997 Mr. Ken Griffin, P.E. City of Coppell P.O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 RE: Coppell 2 Meter Vault and Facilities Dear Mr. Griffin; Please review the attached 90% plans and specifications for the new Coppell 2 Meter Vault and Facilities. R~mn'n comments to me by Friday, F~bruary 28, 1997. AIm, please designate a contact person to arrange pre-bid inspections of the site. During construction of the pipe modifications and tie in near the old me~ering facility, the old sixteen inch pipeline must be used for delivery of water. Since that restricts flow, this work must be scheduled during a low demand time (between October 1 and April 30) and limited to a specific time duration. This will be covered by special provision in the specifications and emphasized at the pre-bid meeting. Please contact me at 214-948-4563 should you have questions. Sincerely, Project Manager Water Facilities Capital Improvements c: Larry Rivers file 94-81 Wmter Utllitlee Department Project Management, 2121 Main, Suite 300, Dallas, Texas 75201,2141 948-4560e FAX 214 1 9484551 A city utility providing regional water and Wastimmter services vital to public health and safety. MEMORANDUM FROM TMY~ DEPARTMENT OF ENGINEERING To: From: Larry Davis, Construction Inspector Ted Dutt, Utilities Senior Crew Leader RATE OF FLOW meeting Date: January 13, 1997 Please plan on attending a Rate of Flow mee~jng in Dallas on Thursday, January 22. need to leave Town Center at 6:30 a.m. and will return after 6:00 p.m. If you have any questions, please give me a call. We will CITY OF DALLAS WATER UTILITIES DEPARTMENT WHOLESALE PLANNING UPDATE Customer Name: City of Coppell MFTFRING RTATION hi=MANn PROJFCTInN.~ F'X'ISTING M;TFRING STA TK NS Facility Description Name I ocation 1. Sandy Lab 2. 3. 4. PROPOSFn M;TFRING S TA T!ONS '1. 2. 3. 4. Facility Description Name location Village Parb~ Village Parbay Southside TOTAL Station Nej_r'Ha~Arthur/Beltline *Replaces Sandy Lake in 1997 Projected ROFC Setting (MGD) 0 0 0 0 Projected ROFC Setting (MGD) 20 20 22 2~ 0 ll 13 13 TOTAL 20 31 35 35 RYRTI::M nFMANn PRnJF:CTInNR Projected Demand (MGD) Average Day Demand ................................................................ Maximum (Peak) Day Demand .................................................. 2000 2010 2020 2030 7.8 11.8 13 14 24.0 35.0 39 42 NOTE: December 1994 (date) PREPARED BY: Please ~ttach copies of relevant pages from engineering studies, if available, and include the date and title in the space below. Mater D ribution System Master Plan 7/15/96 (date) ' 1" T ! "!' SII~T BY:CITY D~..I FACIL~,I,,,ES~ 214 B04 8673;# 1/1 Date: August 9, lg95 Please deliver this to: FAX From: Jennifer J. CottinBham, P.E. DALLAS WATER UTILITIES FACILrliES SUPPORT GROUP Oak Cliff Municipal Center 320 E. Jefferson Boulevard, Room 204 Dallas, TX 7S203 Fax: Telephone: 9484563 Name: Mr. Km Griffin Company: City of Copper Fax: 3(M-3673 Number of pages: 1 As requested, the cost estimate for the comtruc~on of Coppoll 2 rvktering Station is actual cost for !talff Associates to mist with obtaining the CDC is $9,600.00.