WA9301-CS 950612 2149484551 SENT BY: C I TY OF DA[ .[ AS · ;/~12-95 ;ll:8SAM; DWU FACILI~ES--, 214 304 3673;# 1/2 F A C To: Michad Martin Subject: Metering Station Floodplain Permits Please comment on work proposed by Halff Assoc. to obtain approval to build the propose Coppall Metering Station in the Trinity River Floodplain. I would like to sotup a conference call with Halff Assoc. And Coppell to discuss the require work before I finalize a contract with Halft. S Please contact me at voice (214)948,4568 or FAX (214)948,4551 if you have any questions or comments. I Erling Holey, P,E. Manager - Facilities Design Program L Copy Jennifer Cottingham - DWUD Walter Skipwith - Halff Assoc. Er!ing Hotey I~sr Fecilltiw DeeiOn C:\WPWIN60\WPDOCS\FOgMS\FAXFORM. WPD Juno 12, 199~ SENT BY:CITY OF ' HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. ENGINEERS * SCIENTISTS · SURVEYORS DALLAS * FORT WORTH * ARLINGTON * CHICAGO 86"16 NOFITHWE,.qT PLAZA DRIVE., t)ALLA,S, TEXA.,~ 75225 ; 6-12-f)5 ;ll:54AM; D~U FACILITIES-~ 214 304 3673;# 2/2 June 6, 1995 1008.95.7639 Mr. Eding Holey Dallas Water Utilities 320 E..fefferson Dallas, Texas 75203 Dear F. rling: Halff AssoCiates is pleased to submit this proposal for engineering service,~ to aasist with prep .aration of a Corridor Development Certificate application for the proposed Coppell Metering Station on Sandy Lake Road, Preliminary investigations indicate that a Corridor Development Certificate would be necessary for development in the flood plain of this site. A Federal Emergency Management Agency map revision should not be necessary because no ¢.hangc in base floflfl elevation will occnr as a result of the project. In addition, Halff Asso~fiates understands"t~t~'i"DWU has already addressed wedands issues to the satisfaction of the Corps of Engineers, Therefore, neither the FEMA effort or 404 (Wetlands) permitting efforts are included in this scope of work. However, coordination with the City of Coppell is included, which accounts for any City flood plain related permits. A detailed Scope of Work is attacheel. These services can be accomplished for a lump sum fee of $7,300. Thank you for selecting Halff Associates to assist you with the Coppell Metering Station permitting efforts. I am available at your convenience to answer any questions. Sincerely, HALFF ASSOCIATES, INC. Waiter E. Skipwith, P.E. Vice President Attachments TRANSPORTATION · WATER FqEBOURG!=5 * LAND DEVELOPMENT * MUNICIPAL ' ENVIRONMENTAL SUIclVEYING · GLOBAL POBITIO MING .,~YETEM (G.P.B.) * REMOI'~ $EN'~ING AND MAPPING LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURIIE . P~.ANNINIIa 8TRUGTURAL ! 'T