Tax 2011A-LR141211Houston 8701 John W. Carpenter Freeway Suite 250 Austin Dallas, TX 75247 Dallas 214.678.0227 214.678.0228 "ASSOCIAWS San Antonio vwvw.hvj.com CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST REPORT CLIENT: City of Coppell PROJECT NO.: DC1313940 816 South Coppell Road REPORT NO: C39 Coppell, Texas 75019 INSPECTION DATE: 12-11-14 REPORT DATE: 1-8-15 PROJECT: Sandy Knoll Drive/Shadowcrest Lane Improvements LOCATION: Roadway Paving, Sandy Knoll Drive, SB Lane, STA 15+00 Page I of I PROPERTIES OF FRESH CONCRETE Results SAMPLING DATA Date Specification Diameter Field Date Sampled 12-11-14 Type of Requirement No. No. Measure Time Sampled 11:00 AM (in .2) Load (Ibs) Strength (psi) Fracture Yards Batched 10 Air Temp. (F') > 50 Air Temp. (F") 57 Time Batched 10:10 AM Concrete Temp. (F°) < 95 Concrete Temp. (F°) 65 Truck No. $256 Slump (in.) < 5 Slump (in.) 5 Ticket No. 25991507 Air Content by Vol. (%) 3 - 6 Air Content by Vol. (%) 2.8* Yards Placed 10 Water/Cement Ratio - Water/Cement Ratio - Cylinders Molded 4 Supplier: RediMix1259 5540 3 Specified Strength @ 28 days: 3600 psi Mix ID: I OLI 1504 Nominal Cylinder Size (in.): 6x 12 Mix Data Sup. By: Supplier Applicable ASTM Test Standards: C31, C39, C138, C143, Cylinders Made By: HVJ Associates, Inc. C172. C173, C1064. C232 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS LOCATION: Roadway Paving, Sandy Knoll Drive, SB Lane, STA 15+00 * Test results meet project specifications, except those marked. Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell. Ir. Aaron Pulpaneck, Laboratory! airy Mer Texas Firm Registration Scott M. PettigE, S6nior Project Manager Texas Firm Registration Number F-000646 Our letters and reports arc for the exclusive use of the chent The use of our name must recavo_ our prior written approval. Our Icners and reports apply only to the maiertal',�j tested and/or inspected and are not necessarily indicative or the yuahties of apparently tdcnncal or similar material. p ' llus report may not be reproduced, except in full, wtihout the ronwrtf nr i n1i Atv,reatr--5 inr Results Set Cyl. Date Age Diameter Area Maximum Compressive Type of Meet No. No. Tested (Days) (in.) (in .2) Load (Ibs) Strength (psi) Fracture Spec. 1 2314 12-14-14 3 6.00 28.27 127,270 4500 3 NIA 1 2315 12-18-14 7 6.00 28.27 126,400 4470 3 NIA 1 2316 1-8-15 28 6.00 28.27 159,130 5630 3 Y 1 2317 1-8-15 28 6.00 28.27 156,610 5540 3 Y * Test results meet project specifications, except those marked. Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell. Ir. Aaron Pulpaneck, Laboratory! airy Mer Texas Firm Registration Scott M. PettigE, S6nior Project Manager Texas Firm Registration Number F-000646 Our letters and reports arc for the exclusive use of the chent The use of our name must recavo_ our prior written approval. Our Icners and reports apply only to the maiertal',�j tested and/or inspected and are not necessarily indicative or the yuahties of apparently tdcnncal or similar material. p ' llus report may not be reproduced, except in full, wtihout the ronwrtf nr i n1i Atv,reatr--5 inr ASSO.IATr Houston 8701 John W. Carpenter Freeway Suite 250 Austin Dallas, TX 75247 Dallas 214,678.0227 Results 214.678.0228 San Antonio www.hvi.com CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST REPORT CLIENT: City of Coppell PROJECT NO.: DC1313940 816 South Coppell Road REPORT NO: C40 Coppell, Texas 75019 INSPECTION DATE: 12-11-14 REPORT DATE: 1-8-15 PROJECT: Sandy Knoll Drive/Shadowerest Lane Improvements LOCATION: Roadway Paving, Sandy Knoll Drive, SB Lane, STA 17+6S Page I of I PROPERTIES OF FRESH CONCRETE Results SAMPLING DATA Date Specification Diameter Feld Date Sampled 12-11-14 Type of Requirement No. No. Measure Time Sampled 4:17 PM (in?) Load (lbs) Strength (psi) Fracture Yards Batched 10 Air Temp. (F°) > 50 Air Temp (F°) 65 Time Batched 3:19 PM Concrete Temp. (F°) < 95 Concrete Temp- (F') 73 Truck No. 1264 Slump (in.) c 5 Slump (in.) 5 112* Ticket No. 25991958 Air Content by Vol, (X) 3 - 6 Air Content by Vol. (%) 3.6 Yards Placed 10 Water/Cement Ratio - Water -'Cement Ratio - Cylinders Molded 4 Supplier: RediMix/259 5460 3 Specified Strength @ 28 days: 3600 psi Mix ID: IOL1 1504 Nominal Cylinder Size (in.): 6 x 12 Mix Data Sup. By: Supplier Applicable ASTM Test Standards: C31. C39, C138, C143, Cylinders Made By: HVJ Associates, Inc. C 17 C173, C1064, C232 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS LOCATION: Roadway Paving, Sandy Knoll Drive, SB Lane, STA 17+6S * Test results meet project specifications, except those marked. Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell. Ir. Aaron Pulpaneck, Laboratory/ aity Map r Texas Firm Scott M. PetK PE, Texas Firm Registration Number Out letters and reports are for the exclumve use or the client The use of our name must rcectt•c nor prior written approval. Our luters and report, apply only uo the matt.nal,sj tested and/or inspected and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently tdenucal ur stnnlar matcnalrs', "ihi5 npurt may nut be rcprodueetl, excret in full, without the remcent of I t%'I AGCBirmte'C Inr Results Set Cyl. Date Age Diameter Area Maximum Compressive Type of Meet No. No. Tested (Days) (in.) (in?) Load (lbs) Strength (psi) Fracture Spec. 1 2318 12-14-14 3 6.00 28.27 114,540 4050 5 N/A 1 2319 12-18-14 7 6.00 28.27 138,120 4890 3 N/A 1 2320 1-8-15 28 6.00 28,27 155,210 5490 3 Y 1 2321 1-8-15 28 6.00 28.27 154,400 5460 3 Y * Test results meet project specifications, except those marked. Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell. Ir. Aaron Pulpaneck, Laboratory/ aity Map r Texas Firm Scott M. PetK PE, Texas Firm Registration Number Out letters and reports are for the exclumve use or the client The use of our name must rcectt•c nor prior written approval. Our luters and report, apply only uo the matt.nal,sj tested and/or inspected and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparently tdenucal ur stnnlar matcnalrs', "ihi5 npurt may nut be rcprodueetl, excret in full, without the remcent of I t%'I AGCBirmte'C Inr Houston 8701 John W. Carpenter Freeway Suite 250 Austin Dallas, TX 75247 Dallas 214 678.0227 214.678.0228 A S S O iCl HAS San Antonio www.hvi.com CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST REPORT CLIENT: City of Coppell PROJECT NO.: DC 1313940 816 South Coppell Road REPORT NO: C41 Coppell, Texas 75019 INSPECTION DATE: 12-12-14 REPORT DATE: 1-9-15 PROJECT: Sandy Knoll Drive/Shadowcrest Lane improvements LOCATION: 450 Sandy Knoll, South bound lane, street paving Page I of I PROPERTIES OF FRESH CONCRETE Results SAMPLING DATA Date Specification Diameter Field Date Sampled 12-12-14 Type of Requirement No. No. Measure Time Sampled 1120 AM ( in,') Load (lbs) Strength (psi) Fracture Yards Batched 10 Air Temp. (F) > 50 Air Temp. (F°) 61 Time Batched 10 13 AM Concrete Temp. (F°) < 95 Concrete Temp. (F) 67 Truck No. 1423 Slump (in.) < 5 Slump (in.) 5 112• Ticket No. 25992442 Air Content by Vol. (%) 3 - 6 Air Content by Vol. (%) 3.9 Yards Placed 10 Water/Cement Ratio Y Water/Cement Ratio - Cylinders Molded 4 Supplier: RediMx/236 5670 3 Specified Strength @ 28 days: 3600 psi Mix ID: IOLI 1504 Nominal Cylinder Size (in.): 6 x 12 Mix Data Sup. By: Supplier Applicable ASTM Test Standards: C31, C39. C138. 0143. Cylinders Made By: HVJ Associates, Inc. C172, C173. C1064. C232 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS LOCATION: 450 Sandy Knoll, South bound lane, street paving x Test results meet project specificadons, except those marked Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell,Lr Aaron Pulpaneck, Laborato uality P' aftger Texas Firm Registration Scott M. PettW PE, genior Project Mdnager Texas Firm Registration Number F-000646 Our letters ,nd reports are for the exclusive use of the then The use orour name must receive our Prior %rnuen approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the nuterial(s) wswd andfor to pretcd and are not necessarily indicative or the qualities of apparently identical or similar matcroal(s) This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without ehe rnname of I FVI Aea,rmri% rnr Results Set Cyl. Date Age Diameter Area Maximum Compressive Type of Meet No. No. Tested (Days) (in.) ( in,') Load (lbs) Strength (psi) Fracture Spec. 1 2322 12-15-14 3 6.00 28.27 108,040 3820 2 NIA 1 2323 12-19-14 7 6.00 28.27 127,740 4520 2 NIA 1 2324 1-9-15 28 6.00 28.27 159,410 5640 2 Y 1 2325 1-9-15 28 6.00 28.27 160,290 5670 3 Y x Test results meet project specificadons, except those marked Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell,Lr Aaron Pulpaneck, Laborato uality P' aftger Texas Firm Registration Scott M. PettW PE, genior Project Mdnager Texas Firm Registration Number F-000646 Our letters ,nd reports are for the exclusive use of the then The use orour name must receive our Prior %rnuen approval. Our letters and reports apply only to the nuterial(s) wswd andfor to pretcd and are not necessarily indicative or the qualities of apparently identical or similar matcroal(s) This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without ehe rnname of I FVI Aea,rmri% rnr Houston 8701 John W. Carpenter Freeway Suite 250 Austin Dallas, TX 75247 Dallas 214.678.0227 214.678.0228 A S SOC I AT C S San Antonio www.hvi.com CONCRETE COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST REPORT CLIENT: City of Coppell PROJECT NO.: DC1313940 816 South Coppell Road REPORT NO: C42 Coppell, Texas 75019 INSPECTION DATE: 12-30-14 REPORT DATE: 1-6-I5 PROJECT: Sandy Knoll DrivelShadowcrest Lane Improvements LOCATION: 456 Shadowcrest Lane, South bound lane Page 1 of 1 PROPERTIES OF FRESH CONCRETE SAMPLING DATA Specification Set Cyl. Field Date Sampled 12-30-14 Requirement Maximum Measure Time Sampled 11:45 AM No. No. Tested (Days) Yards Batched 10 Air Temp. (F°) > 50 Air Temp. (F°) NIA Time Batched 1 1:19 AM Concrete Temp. (F°) c 95 Concrete Temp. (F°) 47 Truck No. 1287 Slump (in.) c 5 Slump (in.) 4 314 Ticket No. 25998762 Air Content by Vol. (%) 3 - 6 Air Content by Vol. (%) 4.3 Yards Placed 10 Water/Cement Ratio - Water/Cement Ratio - Cylinders Molded 4 Supplier. RediMix1259 28.27 Specified Strength @ 28 days: 3600 psi Mix ID: I OLI 1504 1 2427 1-27-15 Nominal Cylinder Size (in.): 6x 12 Mix Data Sup. By: Supplier Applicable ASTM Test Standards: C31, C39, C138, C143, Cylinders Made By: HVJ Associates, Inc. C172. C173. C1064, C232 COMPRESSIVE STRENGTH TEST RESULTS LOCATION: 456 Shadowcrest Lane, South bound lane * Test results meet project specifications, except those marked Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell. Ir. - Aaron Pulpaneck, Laboratory/ a ity Mana e Texas Firm Registration Nu yber F-000 6 /7 Scott M. Pettitt' , Seafor Project MapSger Texas Firm Registration Number F-000646 Our letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the client. The use of our name must reectvc our pnur wntten appnn al Our titters and reports apply only to the material':,; tested and/or inspected and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparcndy tdcntteal or :milar material(s). 'I7us report may not be reproduced, except in full, Without the rims-nr of I ri't Aeuirtarec Inc Results Set Cyl. Date Age Diameter Area Maximum Compressive Type of Meet No. No. Tested (Days) (in.) ( in?) Load (Ibs) Strength (psi) Fracture Spec. 1 2424 1-2-15 3 6.00 28.27 123,490 4370 2 NIA 1 2425 1-6-15 7 6.00 28.27 150,090 5310 5 NIA 1 2426 1-27-15 28 6.00 28.27 1 2427 1-27-15 28 6.00 28.27 * Test results meet project specifications, except those marked Remarks: compression machine HVJ-08030000048 Technician: Thomas Powell. Ir. - Aaron Pulpaneck, Laboratory/ a ity Mana e Texas Firm Registration Nu yber F-000 6 /7 Scott M. Pettitt' , Seafor Project MapSger Texas Firm Registration Number F-000646 Our letters and reports are for the exclusive use of the client. The use of our name must reectvc our pnur wntten appnn al Our titters and reports apply only to the material':,; tested and/or inspected and are not necessarily indicative of the qualities of apparcndy tdcntteal or :milar material(s). 'I7us report may not be reproduced, except in full, Without the rims-nr of I ri't Aeuirtarec Inc