Tax 2011A-CS150217 FULL AND FINAL RELEASE For and in consideration of the sum of $200.00 in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy, and total sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and confessed, MATHEW HINZ hereby makes the following release of claims (this "Release") for the benefit of RKM Utility Services,Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL. 1. MATHEW HINZ hereby RELEASES and FOREVER DISCHARGES RKM Utility Services, Inc., from any and all Claims (as defined in paragraph 2 below), and agrees to indemnify RKM Utility Services, Inc., and CITY OF COPPELL. And hold it, its successors, affiliates and assigns harmless from any and all claims, losses, causes of action, costs and expenses of every kind or character in connection with the incident which occurred to his BED SPREAD AND DOG located at 482 Sandy Knoll Dr. Coppell, Tx, (the "Incident"), the breach of this Release or any agreement of the parties contained herein. 2. As used in this Release, the term "Claims" means any and all possible claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown, at law or in equity, originating in whole or in part, on or before the execution date of this Release, which MATHEW HINZ may now or hereafter have against RKM Utility Services,Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL., if any, and irrespective of whether any such Claims arise out of contract, tort, violation of laws, or regulations, or otherwise,or which arise out of or relate in any manner to the Incident. 3. This Release shall not be construed as an admission of liability, admission of any fact or admission of any other nature whatsoever. Nothing set forth herein shall be admissible in any legal, administrative,mediation or other proceedings concerning the subject matter hereof. 4. MATHEW HINZ hereby represents and warrants that the Incident to which he and RKM Utility Services,Inc.were involved resulted in property damage to his BED SPREAD AND DOG. MATHEW HINZ and RKM Utility Services, Inc.,and CITY OF COPPELL,have reached this compromise and settlement to fully satisfy any and all claims which MATHEW HINZ may have, or may have in the future,against RKM Utility Services, Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL., as a result of the Incident or otherwise. 5. This Release shall be binding upon MATHEW HINZ and his heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns. 6. This Release reflects the entire release of RKM Utility Services, Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL. 7. This Release includes and shall run in favor of all of the following person: RKM Utility Services, Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL. , its respective contractors, subcontractors, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective successors, assigns, directors, shareholders, officers, agents, servants, employees and attorneys,past and present,FOREVER. FULL AND FINAL RELEASE PAGE 1 OF 2 C:\-RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC\Release-MATHEW HINZ.Word 8. MATHEW HINZ hereby further agrees that neither MATHEW HINZ,nor any of their agents,employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives, successors or assigns will bring,commence, institute,maintain or prosecute any action at law or proceeding in equity,or any legal proceeding whatsoever,or any other claim for damages or relief whatsoever,against RKM Utility Services,Inc.or any of the other parties to whom this Release extends,which is based in whole or in part on any matter released hereunder. MATHEW HINZ additionally hereby agrees that this Release may be pleaded as a full and complete defense to, and may be used as a basis for an injunction against,any action, suit or other proceeding that may be instituted,prosecuted or attempted by MATHEW HINZ or any or all of his agents,employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives, successors or assigns against RKM Utility Services,Inc.,or any other party in whose favor this Release extends,in breach of any of the provisions set forth in this Release. 9. MATHEW HINZ, by execution of this Release, hereby expressly, unconditionally, and irrevocably disclaims any and all claims (including, without limitation, any claims of injury, personal injury,property damage,mental anguish or suffering),which he or she has or may have,arising in whole or in part on or before the date of execution hereof, against any of the parties to whom this Release extends. This disclaimer of interest shall be further evidenced by the acceptance by MATHEW HINZ of monies from RKM Utility Services, Inc., delivered concurrently herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MATHEW HINZ has caused this instrument to be executed to be effective as of the date of the acknowledgment shown below. r A../ MA HE ' HINZ iir WITNESSED This instrument was signed before me on this the 1 / day of J-� ,2015 By71,44.-11...ew gin '7_ iAIJ Witn-ss 1// f Printed: / l 0 l 'J - FULL AND FINAL RELEASE PAGE 2 OF 2 C:\-RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC\Release-MATHEW HINZ.Word FULL AND FINAL RELEASE For and in consideration of the sum of $850.00 in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy, and total sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and confessed, MICHAEL MILLIGAN hereby makes the following release of claims (this "Release") for the benefit of RKM Utility Services,Inc.and CITY OF COPPELL. 1. MICHAEL MILLIGAN hereby RELEASES and FOREVER DISCHARGES RKM Utility Services, Inc., from any and all Claims (as defined in paragraph 2 below), and agrees to indemnify RKM Utility Services, Inc., and CITY OF COPPELL. And hold it, its successors, affiliates and assigns harmless from any and all claims, losses, causes of action, costs and expenses of every kind or character in connection with the incident which occurred to his pine tree located at 441 Sandy Knoll Dr. Coppell, Tx, (the"Incident"),the breach of this Release or any agreement of the parties contained herein. 2. As used in this Release, the term"Claims" means any and all possible claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown, at law or in equity, originating in whole or in part, on or before the execution date of this Release, which MICHAEL MILLIGAN may now or hereafter have against RKM Utility Services, Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL., if any, and irrespective of whether any such Claims arise out of contract, tort, violation of laws, or regulations,or otherwise, or which arise out of or relate in any manner to the Incident. 3. This Release shall not be construed as an admission of liability, admission of any fact or admission of any other nature whatsoever. Nothing set forth herein shall be admissible in any legal, administrative,mediation or other proceedings concerning the subject matter hereof. 4. MICHAEL MILLIGAN hereby represents and warrants that the Incident to which she and RKM Utility Services,Inc.were involved resulted in property damage to his pine tree. MICHAEL MILLIGAN and RKM Utility Services,Inc.,and CITY OF COPPELL,have reached this compromise and settlement to fully satisfy any and all claims which MICHAEL MILLIGAN may have, or may have in the future,against RKM Utility Services, Inc.and CITY OF COPPELL., as a result of the Incident or otherwise. 5. This Release shall be binding upon MICHAEL MILLIGAN and his heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns. 6. This Release reflects the entire release of RKM Utility Services, Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL. 7. This Release includes and shall run in favor of all of the following person: RKM Utility Services, Inc. and CITY OF COPPELL. , its respective contractors, subcontractors, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective successors, assigns, directors, shareholders, officers, agents, servants, employees and attorneys,past and present,FOREVER. FULL AND FINAL RELEASE PAGE 1 OF 2 C:\-RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC\Release-MICHAEL MILLIG N.Word 8. MICHAEL MILLIGAN hereby further agrees that neither MICHAEL MILLIGAN,nor any of their agents,employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives, successors or assigns will bring,commence,institute,maintain or prosecute any action at law or proceeding in equity,or any legal proceeding whatsoever,or any other claim for damages or relief whatsoever,against RKM Utility Services,Inc. or any of the other parties to whom this Release extends,which is based in whole or in part on any matter released hereunder. MICHAEL MILLIGAN additionally hereby agrees that this Release may be pleaded as a full and complete defense to,and may be used as a basis for an injunction against,any action, suit or other proceeding that may be instituted,prosecuted or attempted by MICHAEL MILLIGAN or any or all of his agents,employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives,successors or assigns against RKM Utility Services, Inc.,or any other party in whose favor this Release extends,in breach of any of the provisions set forth in this Release. 9. MICHAEL MILLIGAN,by execution of this Release, hereby expressly, unconditionally, and irrevocably disclaims any and all claims (including, without limitation, any claims of injury, personal injury,property damage,mental anguish or suffering),which he or she has or may have,arising in whole or in part on or before the date of execution hereof, against any of the parties to whom this Release extends. This disclaimer of interest shall be further evidenced by the acceptance by MICHAEL MILLIGAN of monies from RKM Utility Services,Inc.,delivered concurrently herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, MICHAEL MILLIGAN has caused this instrument to be executed to be effective as of the date of the acknowledgment shown below. I j MICHAEL MILLI AN WITNESSED This instrument was signed before me on this the 6j day of k--‘0"7 2015 By /`[ tCh& f / /11igg-077"Z/L. mi1 Witness Printed: / 1O o'S 710i r r FULL AND FINAL RELEASE PAGE 2 OF 2 C:\-RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC\Release-MICHAEL MILLIGAN.Word „, ,u1 , 1 '4 +I mPdup±: 111. ,,�,�II II -'';001li lollI„1„, IIII ,(:1'111 1 Ilu 41 'lil „— _--- 'i,,, 1411 I Il01'h,:. 1 ,ia11, m111dl 61 VIII 61,11111IIIII n, V1llll I'111 Ill Illi!' 4N\I ;' 0IILVII OQI11: l” C q b I„'ie PI'l. 111 I IIII o,. 1.1 1'; II U0 4/6 h1',;3 E 111. 1N 1J:,. 11:<.,111 ,�LII,,:1; L,1 I,IL.,' 1. , I 11'ii Ilu,, I ,1IIp,, 6 :III `,,III Ip 0,11111',111 IQI !p11116 IIII II 7:"�I' III°, 11..,11 j'i�ll6 'h,;, 1'1 IU 11' ,.,,11,. 111 Il[ Illl.,�.. 11'111 li.,1 Ill 1114:1111 111111 11111: II 111i�'1, ,u, I III ._,1111' II , II Ill 1,1,.,:: IIII ull Ill lllill IIII IIII I.-1, II II IIII 4111111111 I;1,11111 ,\ II'; III I II 111 11 IIII �IIII II I � I �:�a 1,.,.III; w,� li,;' II III 1 ' p 1 ,.:;yl, II�.:4f, �llg0� 1111'I I 1 e 1, ,, 1'., I 1a'; 11 il � ,,, II Iu1 III P LIh l:: II ,p'' 111 ,:!I 11141 I,I' „,:,II ?IVIIIO: I „I;. 1 IL, I 1111 I,j'11 I, (�I ,l. I,;:il: 11111 ,�I,,, III II 141,1111 1j::::p:1111 IlI1Vll1::r1 III 0111,,1!11. 1111 ll 1 .:!III;Id;1rl. I 11. 10 111 ,%\ AINIK® IIII 111 IIII 11 ,,g,\'",\\, 11,111 ItI111111 ,IIII :d1 41 I III 1 ql 1p 1VL!I I d I,,. I 1 1 p 1: I 11:I III I„ LI,'' RK I11�1T1 11 SERviges iRp Ip111 Ilia 1111 1 I I'�,11'�u' 0 I ' Al K d OI�ERA""�ING ACCOUNT 111 11 ����� , iii 11u Ills' I' ,,,,'„�'Ihll�ll���° �lilll �III�II�IIIii�IIIV 1805 ROYAL LANE SUITE 107 32-1797-1110 2/5/2015 'j1 '11 O161V 1� 1111 1i11 O�k-NS,TEXAS 75719 III Ill:”I I II'@I 'I rp 3 I I II IIII j:,111J 1�1i 1111111114 VII'1� 1 II 9 2 1241-262'1 111111 I'lll'1'I 1'4,111 111 II I 11ll II Ill i I 111'l'b t 1s IIII III dV P I q 111: Il i,II 1111,I' 111'1 i, II'11 I II I II i III,IIIIIIII1, 11111 al':II II Ill,1, "i III j1 11i1'11 IVII11i0o I;,,o,II 1111,1” 1111'111,1 1 II,0 1 I I,I; it IL11111 '1':111 I 111 1;1'1111 III c �Ii'VA I1IIPIII IIP III , 111,; 11111 II 6I 1 '111, V'yI IIII lI ' �1 I �I , IIII 11 uv /II�.I. 111 'J111111i 1j 111'II41��.' llillllllll I'11111i11�11,111'` ,114','1111111111 iVj1 IIII 1111 1 1111111 1411µ1V 3 P14i 1100 THE 11111111 Inti 1 II 11 11111'llllll 1111 11�111 11I��I11' 'I'„‘' l''' *ir Michael Milligan 1,1 ° $ 850.00 ORDER OF l a 4 *+t+t# +k+4*+k+Iw1'11t+t *+tr*#ir**ir vitt,rr***+t,t *,t ,tt*#*r,t ,*,rw***,t*,t*,r***** **t*,t*,t**,t*+ *,t,r,t*,t*,rar*,r*** EI f H 1 1redllJft ,,, p 00I100w1'111 !r 1*I, Ipp III 1Ii °"411 DOLLARS Oh' 1 \riI� I II 1,11'111 11 I I I, I ''1111 {111 'I IIQJ I I 1!I�IIp 111 111111'1 II'il,�llllil j1II111111h1j''.j111�11IIII III 1''!11 I1I Ill Illil II1 111111' 11j1i111rj1 j;il IIli11 11 11 III. II III'I', � _ l 1 111\11' 0\tl l' ,,w I 101 I1 111,iIV� I Ik Ih11,11111111 111111.: IV 11111 III;$11111 1IIll'i11�I, I,,,,,ij Iy 11 1 I 1 1 1111' I,II I I 1:II 1 161,\'"' I' 1 3 l�11,',I111II 11vl11ii4 1 � �j,, pp� n 111,11111111111 ,,IIl111iI1 111',IIIU 1411111 �11I1�1;1111111 1111161 ,„00, , �P11��, ,,,�1r All 1, ,III li1111101'I 111' 11 GIIIII n' 441 Sandy Knoll Dr. v-tCoppell, Texas 75019 \ -."UI P1 4111 1114 P11 IV:. 11'11111 11'1 1111 I 1 I 111 I I''IP IIV1111 ,i,il '111'' Ill 11 I 1111111111 11°11,1111 11h1111 ai1i, 11111u11111111 .II Il!1,VI111 IIII q1 IIIIu111111,,. II V4,PI ;111'11 (IIII 11, 11.E IIII I�illl III kVI11111111,6 ., - \�--,71111111 11111h,,,,,I Ipllylll111111 Ili11111111110 II VIII'IIIIII 11111 111 IIIIII i; \;',\',16,0„,,' ,,;1111111wo„ nlllliulll111I:1 I u1111,1 11��I,1'.,111111 JI III; n1111VI1111110 .�_ M 1\"17; 911'dllllblll ,11111111 111111111, 0 11111;1,1 ;II ll 11111 !,11111' V1I1 11111 i i11� l0111 o((llnpr 0 AUTHORIZERS F E q I I 1 11 P' 111;,o Il 1 IIII 111 c \'11\II I 1 41110 ° Q• , V1,01. Ind'111111 _ _ lilul 1 glgG III ol.Ill,: 0 1 ° 0 0 0 /. f o " ° 0 ° °°° ,, °° 11'000064 3811' 1: L L LO L79791: L L L L0 74 2 5611' °°° ° RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC 643 E Michael Milligan 2/5/2015 Date Type Reference Original Amt. Balance Due Discount Payment 2/5/2015 Bill 020515 850.00 850.00 850.00 Check Amount 850.00 I I ( Texas Capital Bank 1303 850.00 RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC 643E Michael Milligan 2/5/2015 Date Type Reference Original Amt. 'balance Due Discount Payment 2/5/2015 Bill 020515 850.00 850.00 850.00 Check Amount 850.00 I Texas Capital Bank 1303 850.00 PRODUCT SSLT104 USE WITH 91663 ENVELOPE Deluxe For Business 1-800-225-6380 or www.nebs.com 1tce-_0 FULL AND FINAL RELEASE For and in consideration of the sum of$ 1,000.00 in hand paid, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt, adequacy, and total sufficiency of which are hereby acknowledged and confessed, SRIHARI BHAVIKATI hereby makes the following release of claims (this "Release") for the benefit of RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell. 1. SRIHARI BHAVIKATI hereby RELEASES and FOREVER DISCHARGES RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell, from any and all Claims (as defined in paragraph 2 below), and agrees to indemnify RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell, and hold it, its successors, affiliates and assigns harmless from any and all claims, losses, causes of action, costs and expenses of every kind or character in connection with the incident which occurred to his fence at 120 Rosebriar Ct. Coppell,Tx,(the"Incident"),the breach of this Release or any agreement of the parties contained herein. 2. As used in this Release, the term"Claims" means any and all possible claims, demands, actions, causes of actions, costs, expenses and liabilities whatsoever, known or unknown, at law or in equity, originating in whole or in part, on or before the execution date of this Release, which SRIHARI BHAVIKATI may now or hereafter have against RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell„ if any, and irrespective of whether any such Claims arise out of contract, tort, violation of laws, or regulations, or otherwise,or which arise out of or relate in any manner to the Incident. 3. This Release shall not be construed as an admission of liability, admission of any fact or admission of any other nature whatsoever. Nothing set forth herein shall be admissible in any legal, administrative, mediation or other proceedings concerning the subject matter hereof. 4. SRIHARI BHAVIKATI hereby represents and warrants that the Incident to which she and RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell,were involved resulted in minor property damage to SRIHARI BHAVIKATI's fence. SRIHARI BHAVIKATI and RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell, ,have reached this compromise and settlement to fully satisfy any and all claims which SRIHARI BHAVIKATI may have, or may have in the future,against RKM Utility Services,Inc. and The City of Coppell„as a result of the Incident or otherwise. 5. This Release shall be binding upon SRIHARI BHAVIKATI and his heirs,personal representatives, successors and assigns. 6. This Release reflects the entire release of RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell. 7. This Release includes and shall run in favor of all of the following person: RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell„ its respective contractors, subcontractors, subsidiaries and affiliates, and their respective successors, assigns, directors, shareholders, officers, agents, servants, employees and attorneys,past and present,FOREVER. FULL AND FINAL RELEASE PAGE 1 OF 2 C:\-RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC\Release-SRIHARI BHAVIKATI Word 8. SRIHARI BHAVIKATI hereby further agrees that neither SRIHARI BHAVIKATI, nor any of their agents, employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives, successors or agents,employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives, successors or assigns will bring,commence, institute,maintain or prosecute any action at law or proceeding in equity,or any legal proceeding whatsoever,or any other claim for damages or relief whatsoever,against RKM Utility Services,Inc. and The City of Coppell,or any of the other parties to whom this Release extends,which is based in whole or in part on any matter released hereunder. SRIHARI BHAVIKATI additionally hereby agrees that this Release may be pleaded as a full and complete defense to,and may be used as a basis for an injunction against,any action,suit or other proceeding that may be instituted, prosecuted or attempted by SRIHARI BHAVIKATI or any or all of his agents,employees,partners, independent contractors,heirs,personal representatives,successors or assigns against RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell„or any other party in whose favor this Release extends, in breach of any of the provisions set forth in this Release. 9. SRIHARI BHAVIKATI, by execution of this Release, hereby expressly, unconditionally, and irrevocably disclaims any and all claims (including, without limitation, any claims of injury, personal injury, property damage, mental anguish or suffering), which he or she has or may have, arising in whole or in part on or before the date of execution hereof, against any of the parties to whom this Release extends. This disclaimer of interest shall be further evidenced by the acceptance by SRIHARI BHAVIKATI of monies from RKM Utility Services, Inc. and The City of Coppell, , delivered concurrently herewith. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, SRIHARI BHAVIKATI has caused this instrument to be executed to be effective as of the date of the acknowledgment shown below. .PA SR ARY BHAVIKATI WITNESSED This instrument was signed before me on this the 20 day of IC b ,2015,by fitness 'J l Printed: f // f D • 1111.104i FULL AND FINAL RELEASE PAGE 2 OF 2 C:\-RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC\Release-SRIHARI BHAVIKATIWord ,,V, VIII 11 VIII' 1 11116/ 9 11 f 111 dill ,'Ih 1111'11 11 11111` , 1 1 1 1111 I111,I 'd IIII 11 1� I nlgl 11 8 i I 111 1'�! 1111 1 II 1 1 1 1 dull 1111 \111 0,, iIh111 ,1 dlu 1 'I 1 11 I'. ' III 1 II 1111'11, ' 1 II II X1111' I IIL���/�p�'1 I '� 1 I I lu�� \ 1,j1 1 II I 11111 OPERATING 1 © ,, , X11 111 yl 11M' q I P 11 !114111 1 RCM UTILITY SERVI I 0 b � 1 O 11 L Al,TK® \\ III 1111 I 0v, 111, 1, 111 A'� NG ACCOUNT"111 ► ,Tom' �'1 tt �1111'��IIII , i y1 Ilflu1y11111'i„I111p1 • 1805 ROYAL LANE SUITE 107 ( 32-11797-1110 DALL S TEXAS 75229 2/19/2015,. I! 1111 11 11 11 1 , '111 11 111 T9 2)241 262111 I I1 '111 III 11 � I 1 Illil 1 u!�; 111 1' 1i II 11 1 II, I�1 1 11111 11 IIII I � I 1 V I 1I li � \ a lu 1111j11111 II1 1 II I'. 1�Al 1 I�111 ,�I I' 11 ,I'11 AI \1 11 , j111f S PAY TO"THE 1 1 Pi 1 J qi' o ORDER OF Srihari bIhavikati NIII'1 **1,000.00 0 One Tho san land 00100****1,e*****1******* **********************,********************************************************* )',,�,1 qp 1 IIIIIUIIII 11111 ,i'‘'''1,, oI 11 111 '' '111111 II'1 'I11111' I d11 11 I DOLLARS 1'1111 11 I� I 1 1:11 a I' �I�I1, II 11 I I,1, 1\1 I '11 1111 �' A' 1,K” 11111 1 I( 1111 1 1111' ,11 1 111111 Ili` , 1 1 11 11 IIIc 11 III I � II11,,111i 1 1,,' II SI ihario,Bho vIkati ',1ii111J11�i11111111 IIIPIIIII! ,till 11 1'11 11�1�Ii'��1 1 v II � 1 'a 1 u 116'j 1111 II 11d 1. � Co ' IIIIII,� 111 1 P 1 n I, 11,11111111 'p','i'11111111 I<1 1 I��'''' Coo e�l, lar Ct , 8 ppTexas 75019 1 I I III', 1 IV 11 1111 1 1 1 ',I ';',1 1 - I 1 III 11 4h 111111111111 IIII �'i 1 IIII II -,I u11 11111 __ 1'111'll' Ililu1;;II \111,1 , II,,, Ill 11 11 ���11IN , '11111 Id 111111, I'll 11,1 ,�I\ III I1iI\1111q;(illi II, MEM 011 I\1 1 11' 11111111\' 1 I 11\' ,, UIi1 1111 A\II 111 �IIp14i\\ �II 0 ,,,„,,il,,,, ,M , 1I111111 1' „I U ,i',' ,X�111 11 ,111'11„ 1110'0 tl ° ° AUTHORIZED . a,.• ll 1 OIIF�o$ebrE,a'r l:t'. Fence bI laa 1e1 i10'VAIh1 \I',�'�II1111 I1 uF1o° ° � n RE - - - 1111 g 11 tl 1111i� 111 1111° o _ _ 1.,. °° v00006689111 I: LL LO L79791: LLL107112 560 w° , °°° ° °° RKM UTILITY SERVICES INC 6689 Srihari Bhavikati l 2/19/2015 Date Type Reference Original Amt. Balance Due Discount Payment 2/17/2015 Bill 120 Rosebriar Ct. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Check Amount 1,000.00 N N Texas Capital Bank 120 Rosebriar Ct. Fence Damage 1,000.00 I — 1KM UTILITY SERVICES INC 6689 Srihari Bhavikati 2/19/2015 Date Type Reference Original Amt. Balance Due Discount Payment 2/17/2015 Bill 120 Rosebriar Ct. 1,000.00 1,000.00 1,000.00 Check Amount 1,000.00 j 1 (I Texas Capital Bank 120 Rosebriar Ct. Fence Damage 1,000.00 (DUCT SSLT104 USE WITH 91663 ENVELOPE Deluxe For Business 1-800-225-6380 or www.nebs.com •