WA8801-CS 890925 (2) (INN; mimIC. ConsUltlnl,,Engineers .17103' Preston Road SUite:lO0. LB-118 DALLAS~ TEXAS 75248 (214) 2~900 1' /~ 7 ~',~. WE ' ARE. . SENDING YOU :~A~ached [] Under separate cover via /~/ [] Copy of letter" [] Change order COPIES / DATE NO. DESCRIPTION the following items: [] Specifications :, ';': T.ESE!,A.E T.A.S.,~ED . .': ,.Z REMARKS :; [] For approval ~or your' use I"l As requested '[] For.review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE as checked below: ~ved as submitted [] Appmved as noted [] Returned for corrections [] 19 [] Resubmit copies for approval [] Submit'copies for distribution [] Return__corrected prints: [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US b~'~/-,~ ' ~ ~ ~, ~J' If enc/olurll/re not el kindly notify us el once. REPORT OF FIELD CHANGE SPECIAL REP R ~ ' PAGE dOF O/~TZ(~ES CROSS REFERENCE TO . -.. 'I~NS ': F,2j'The Solution: D~ri~','In detail, ~e ~ommended chan~ ~r chan~ that ~re m~e, as sppl;cable. ' IndiCaTe whether This is a~ isolaTe~ ca. or a ~neral condiTion'which could ~ improved ~y changing ruT.re specifi~tions or drawing. SUbmiT sketch.. n~. ;REFERENCE'OATA "- DESCRIPTIO.~:~[,, 1OENTIFICATIO" OF THE PROBLEM (Attach extra sheets is necest~rY) MCLEAN CONSTRUCTION Utility Construction September 22, 1989 Mr. Gabe Faver Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Rd. Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248 Re: City of Coppell 24" CrosstownWaterline Dear Mr. Favre: Enclosed is the bill to the City for the repairs to their 12" water line at the beginning of Line 'A'. The labor consists of the hourly rate, insurance and taxes'plus 20% for Jimmy and three hands, ie $33.62, $7.66, $6.96 and $6.56 per hour. The equipment is the hourly rate for the Hoe/Loader and Tool Truck plus 20%, ie $39.60 and $24.00. Mileage is the. standard rate of .25 per mile. The 20% is 16% profit and 4% for overhead. Should you or the City should need more info please let us know. Sincerly, J. A. Watts P.O. Box 107.~- Killeen, Texas 7t,~q7' 817/634-5204 'i 11 i I 1 T r~ SEP' 2 3 ~989 ' P..o. Box ~ 10759 r'--"' ,,KILLEEN. TEXAS ~ 76547-0759 ': . . (817) 634-4514 ~, , ' DATE: City of Coppell -:'~":"'P~O;'Box"468 .............. : .................................... , Coppell, TX 75019 CUSL ORDER NO. DATE SHIPPED SHIPPED, VIA TERMS · ' 9-7-89 ~ Net September 14, 1989 I r:', -' '1' ! I' I ., :Repair leak on.-City's 12,Lwater line ........................ i .....~ ..................................:~ I' I I ' I .................................................................... I ............................ FI= 'Labor: 3 men and 1 foreman ' I r : ........................................................................................................................... I ...............................I: ....... I I . 8 hours regular time and 10 hours over~ime ............ 1.5~2 .... ':48_._ ; ' ' !Equipment: 12 hours - 580 Case Hoe/Loader . ! 475' ! 20: ~'*-' ................T ...........' ....................................................... ' ........ I: '. .... i ~ ~ 432 ,b0 18 hours - Pick-up with hand tools . ....................... % ........................... i; ....... ' ' " ............ ', '.. . =._.. , ..~: ~.[ileage: 340 miles .............................. ,..;. .........85' 00; ....:,.. ..................... ~ .... Total Due s ,- 2504' ~8 I~ · I' . . , ~ : ~ I I ' ~ , ~ , :~::.:: ~ I ................................. I 'T .................... I ......... :f. ~"' ....... I ~ ~ I ~ I ~ ; I ~;,' . , I ~ I , I: ' I :. ,.