FW Trees on TxDOT project CSJ 0364-02-017 SH121 0 549 miles before Tarrant Dallas County line to 0 243 miles after Tarrant Denton County lineGentlemen; Please see below information provided by our Advanced Planning. We are aware that some of the larger trees will have to be removed in order to place not only yours, but other utilities as well. Please base your proposed relocation plans with the below information considered. Call or contact as necessary. Thanks, Gary G. Gilmore TxDOT East Dallas Area Utility / ROW Coordinator 972-225-0465 Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov From: Jan Heady Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 1:36 PM To: Gary Gilmore Cc: Dan Perge; Stan Hall Subject: RE: Trees on TxDOT project CSJ 0364-02-017 SH121 0.549 miles before Tarrant/Dallas County line to 0.243 miles after Tarrant/Denton County line. Gary, The approved CE described the effects to the trees as “approximately 11 acres of wooded areas would be converted to highway ROW by this project”. Tree removal can occur for utility installation and roadway construction within all the ROW areas. Best Management Practices would include: 1. Avoidance measures would be used to avoid impacts to mature trees where possible. 2. Avoid impacts to mature trees that are outside of the safety-clear zone of the roadway. 3. Avoid impacts to mature trees that are outside of a 15 foot border width to from an elevated structure and to preserve access to the elevated structure for future inspections and maintenance. Jan Ms. Jan M. Heady, P.E. Transportation Engineer Dallas District Advance Planning Texas Department of Transportation 4777 East Highway 80 Mesquite, Texas 75150-6643 Office: (214) 320-4463 Fax: (214) 320-4470 From: Stan Hall Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 11:17 AM To: Jan Heady Cc: Dan Perge Subject: FW: Trees on TxDOT project CSJ 0364-02-017 SH121 0.549 miles before Tarrant/Dallas County line to 0.243 miles after Tarrant/Denton County line. Jan, Please have someone review and reply to Gary. Robert and Jay are out today. Cong Li managed the PS&E..Thanks From: Gary Gilmore Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2013 8:33 AM To: Stan Hall Cc: William Fuller; Jason Mashell; Paul.cooper@txdot.gov <mailto:Paul.cooper@txdot.gov> Subject: Trees on TxDOT project CSJ 0364-02-017 SH121 0.549 miles before Tarrant/Dallas County line to 0.243 miles after Tarrant/Denton County line. Stan; Please see attached. The City of Coppell has questions about the trees that are in the direct line of their proposed water line (as shown on the attached). Their question to us was which trees (if any) were planned to be left in place. It is our surmise that due to no existing businesses in the area that may request leaving the trees for aesthetic reasons, we let them remove whatever trees necessary for them to install their proposed line. Can you tell me if there are any specific items/etc. in the plans that show what to do with the trees other than remove? Also, a lot of the trees (not only the ones in conflict with the proposed line, but throughout the area of the project) have yellow ribbons tied around them. Do you have any idea what they are for? Please reply. Thanks, Gary G. Gilmore TxDOT East Dallas Area Office Utility / ROW Coordinator 972-225-0465 Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov <mailto:Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov> Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives. <http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/media-room/news/statewide/028-2013.ht ml>