RE City of Coppell water line relocationGentlemen; Can you please give us a date/time of the preconstruction meeting/ beginning for the proposed City of Coppell relocations? We appreciate any information and anxiously anticipate this relocation. Gary G. Gilmore TxDOT East Dallas Area Utility / ROW Coordinator 972-225-0465 Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov <mailto:Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov> From: Michael Garza [mailto:MGarza@coppelltx.gov] Sent: Friday, November 22, 2013 9:50 AM To: Gary Gilmore Subject: Re: City of Coppell water line relocation. Gary, We will not be able to make the meeting this morning. Just to give you an update, we awarded the contract to barsons utilities and anticipate construction to begin ahead of the January 2 date as previously stated. We will update you on a better timeframe when we receive the schedule from the contractor. Thanks Michael Garza, P.E. Assistant Director of Engineering City of Coppell 972-304-7019 On Nov 6, 2013, at 10:00 AM, "Gary Gilmore" <Gary.Gilmore@txdot.gov <mailto:Gary.Gilmore@txdot.gov> > wrote: Gentlemen; We appreciate your extreme efforts of coordination with TxDOT in getting your approved water line relocations. In an effort to provide our contractor with adequate workspace as soon as possible, we are respectfully asking the City of Coppell to begin their proposed water line construction if there is any way possible prior to the proposed begin date of January 2, 2014. Any effort to expedite the planned start of 1/2/14 would be extremely appreciated. We (TxDOT) and our contractor are very anxious to get this project started. If there is anything that we can do to help with this, please let us know. Thanks, Gary G. Gilmore TxDOT East Dallas Area Utility / ROW Coordinator 972-225-0465 Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov <mailto:Gary.gilmore@txdot.gov> Drunk drivers wreck cars. And lives. <http://www.txdot.gov/inside-txdot/media-room/news/statewide/028-2013.ht ml> Texas Transportation Forum: Jan. 6-8, 2014 <http://www.dot.state.tx.us/ttf/>