WA8801-CS 890828' ' . hcTrini.ty Companies .... AUG 311989 Trinity .Uni.versal Insuranc'eFC~T ....................... Security National InsuranCe CO: .............. Trinity Universal Insurance Co. of Kansas, Inc. August 28, 1989 City Of Coppell P. O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Subject:Our Bond No.421314 McLean Construction CompanyInc. in favor of City Of Coppell for Constructjar of the 24" Crosstown Water Line and miscellaneous water lines. $1,377,797.0( So that we may be advised of the status of the contract, we will appreciate the followlnq Information with the understanding that the ~ntormation col,tal.ed h~re!n i: furnished n~ a matter of courtesy for the confidentall use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion. It Is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correcthess IS made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information Is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer as the agent of the owner. Very truly yours, CONTRACT BOND DEPARTMENT 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: A. Date of completion and acceptance B. Total contract price $1,377,'797.30 aPprPrnher 30, 1 91i9 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: A. Approximate percent or dollar amount completed 100c, 0 B. Date completion expected lJnvP. rnher, 19S9 3. PAID TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE .......... RETAINED PERCENTAGE HELD 4. DO YOU 'KNOW OF ANY PAST DUE BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? No 5. REMARKS (Has work been satisfactory, etc.) YJork '6 Contractor was very satisfactory OWNER: Date (/ctnhf~r 24 19ag BY: T I TLE: f.C,~rqrrinn lnSp~rtnr s The language of this form Is acceptable to the Surety Association of America. !:: AUG 3 11989 Ins t Trinity Universal ur~nce Co. ' ---i~ ~'' Security National Insurance ~o. Trinity Universal Insurance Co. of Kansas, inc. August 28, 1989 City Of CoppeI1 P. O. Box 478 Coppell, TX 75019 Subject:Our Band Na~21314 McLean Construction Company. Inc. in favor of City Of Coppell for of the 24" Crosstown Water Line and miscellaneous water lines. So that we may be advised of the status of the contract, we will appreciate the followinfi information with the understanding that the information contained heroin is furnished ~s a matter of courtesy for the confidentall use of the surety and is merely an expression of opinion. It Is also agreed that in furnishing this information, no guaranty or warranty of accuracy or correcthess is made and no responsibility is assumed as a result of reliance by the surety, whether such information is furnished by the owner or by an architect or engineer as the agent of the owner. ~ Very truly yours, CONTRACT BOND DEPARTMENT 1. IF CONTRACT COMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: A. Dote of completion and acceptance 2. IF CONTRACT UNCOMPLETED, PLEASE STATE: A. Approximate percent or dollar amount completed B. Date completion expected /'//{///¢i4f~t-}'' 3. PAID TO CONTRACTOR TO DATE __ · RETAINED PERCENTAGE HELD 4. DO YOU KNOW OF ANY PAST DUE BILLS FOR LABOR OR MATERIAL? 5. REMARKS (Has work been satisfactory, etc.) S 636 The OWNER: BY: TITLE.' language of this form is acceptable to the Surety Association of America.