Enclaves-ES 951113 01/29/96 09:34 ~2144790397 WILB0W-DALLAS ~002 THE STATE OF TEXAS }. ~ ~ KNOW ALL M~ BY ~SE P~S: CO~TY OF ~ c~ THAT ~ - p~ D~P~ ~I~ ~ P~/~ P~ ~~ :':~ of Dall~ ~, T~ ~ comidmfion of the mm of :.:~ One ~11 ~ ($~.00) and oth~ good and val~ble c~tion .::~q in h~d oaid by ~e ~l~s on ~ P~y re.pt of w~ ~ h~eby acknowledged, do by :.:~ these pre~n~ ~nt, b~a~, ~ ~d convey unto to ~~-~.~~'~'--~_ , the [r~e /~ ~z~c.~ and u~te~pted u~, hbe~ ~d ph~cgc of the p~age ~, ~o~, upon ~d a~o~ t~Ho~ng ::~ 1990 0¢O000O 092~ I: ~ ~-~ ~:~ des~bed prepay, ~:~ / :.:~ o~ed by ~ , Situated in ~1~ CounW, Text, ~ thc ~ Ci~ ~s Su~ey, Ab,~ct No. 1327 ,~;~ ,~ BO~Y DESCRIPTIO~ ~ S' ~ILITY ~SE~NT ~:~ BEING a 5.00 foot wide strip of land situated in the clarin~ S~ires Su~ey, ~strac~ No. 1327 in Della, COunty, T~as and being ~'~ ~:~ part of Lot 13 in Block "A" of The Enclaves on The Parkway, an ~:~ addition to the City of Coppell as recorded n Volume 95093, Page ~;~ 4036 of the Deed Records of Dallas County, Texas and being more :.:~:'~ particularly described as follows: ,~<'.,.. r~ BEGI~ING at a point on the east line of Enclaves Court (a ~;~::~ variable width right-of-way) , said point being the most westerly ~".: ~ southwest co~er of said Lot 13 and the northeaflt ~omer of Log 12, ~:..: :.z~ said poin~ also being in a cu~e ~o ~he left ~ing in a ~:~' northeasterly direction and having a central angle of 05'44'21" a ~': :.~:~ cadius o~ 50.00 :ee~ and a cho:d be~rin~ o: N. 42'58'$:" ~.; ~,:~: ' ~ ~CE along ~aid cu~e, and the ~aid east line of Enclaves :f~ Court 5.01 feet to the end of said cu~e a point for co,er; ~:~ ~NCE S 44'09'38" E 153.17 feet leaving the said east line :'~ of Enclaves Court to a point for corner; ~'~ ~:~ T~CE S. 19'59'26" W 5 56 feet to a point for corner, said ~" point being the most southerly southeas~ co,er 0f said Lot 13; }r~ T~N~ N. 44'09'38" W., 155.34 fee~ ~o the Point of Begi~in~ :.:,~::- and containin~ 77~ s~are feeg of l~d. ~:~ And it ~ fu~h~ ~ced that the said ~r , :'2~ ~2.' :,:~ in conside~tion of the benefits above set ou% ~ ~move from ~e prepay abo~ de.bed, suc~ fenc:s, ?E~ ~., } ~ bufld~ and other obsbuctions as may now be found upon mid prepay. ~:~ For the pu~o~ of ~g ~ ~~ a u~li~ ~t ge~g m, along, upon and ~ acro~ ~id pz~es, ~th the ~ht ~d pfidlege at all t~ of the ~tee ~min, ~s or its agents, ~ ~p~yees, worsen and ~resenta~v~ ha~ng ~, e~, and ~ ~, along upon and acro~ ~d :z~ pmm~ fo~ th, pu~ose of ma~g ad~tio~, to, ~prov~ts on ~d rep~ to th~ ~d ~ or ~? any p~ th~eof. ~:~'~;.:~ TO HA~ AND TO HOLD unto the ~id ~ ~afo~idfor ~:~ the pu~oses afommid the prem~es above de~fibed. 3'AN 29 '96 09:38 214479~39? ~.02 01/29/95 09: 35 ~[~'2144790397 WlLBOW-I)ALLA$ ~ 003 AC~OWLEDGMENT THE ~ATE OF TEXAS, COUNTY OF ................................... f BEFORE ME, th* und~rxign,d a~thohty, on ~hi~ day per~nally agpeared ............................................................................................................. k~o~ ~ me ~ be the ~erson . whose name ~bscribed to the foregoin~ ins~m~t, and sc~owled~d h~ ..... c~ted the ~me for thc ~u~ose~ and conzidcra~on ~erein ~xpressed. G~ U~ER MY HA~ AHD ~EAL OF OFFICE~ This ................. day of ................... A.D. 19 ....... (L.S.) No~ ~ub~ ~ ~d for ~ 5~ of My Commission Explws ........................................................... AC~OW~DG~NT STATE OF TE~, ~ BE~ ME. ~e undersi~ auth~*it~, on ~ day personally appa~t~ .................................................................................................. ~o~ to ~ to be ~ pc~ ...... whoee name ........... ~bscgbsd to ~e fore~*in~ inst~ment, an~ acknowleg6~ ~ me that he ....... ~d the same for ~e pu~oses and consideration thtreln exp~ssed. GI~N U~R MY ~HD IN3 SEAL OF OFFICE, Th[~ ........... day of ................................... A.D. 19 ........... My Commission Expir~ .......................................................... CO~ORATIOH AC~OWLEDG~NT COUNTY 0F..,~ .......... ; -- ............. ~ ~ me to ~ ~ pe~on and officez a ~ra~, and ~t h~ ~e a~e as ~ s~ ol such corpora~n Sor the ~ and ~nei4era~ COUNTY 0F .................................................... Clerk of the County Cou~ of s~d Cowry, do h~eby ce~ffy that ~e [o~oln~ ~t of ~ dasd on mco~ in my office on ~e .................... ~y of ................................................. A. D. 1~ ........... a[ ............. ~'clock ............M., a~ Sul~ .................................................................................................... R~o~s ~ s~d County, ~ Volme .................... on ~ ...................... 'WIT~$S My ~ A~ SE~ OF THE COUNTY COU~T of said C~nt~, at ~ce in .................................................. ................................................................................. , ~e day and year lest abo~e ~ttem Connt~ Cl~k ..................................................... Conn., T~as. (~ S.) By ............................................................................ , Deputy. JAN 29 '96 09:39 2144790397 PAGE.03 01/29/96 09:36 ~'2144790397 WlLBOW-DALLA$ ~004 IF/DE LITIL ITY CITY OA- COPPEd4_ __ C/_ ,4 ,P /NZ2XI ,.PG~O'//e'6'~ ~P/_/,P. ~ .,~P~ II. /,P2 7 _- --- DOWDEY, ANDERSON &ASSOCIATES,INC. I6250 DALLAS PARK~VAY SUITE I00 t J.I,N.. (214) 931-0694 DALLAS , TEXAS 75248 5aN 29 '96 09::39 214479039'7 01/29/96 09:37 '~'2144790397 WlLB0W-DALLA$ ~005 __ 611~0 I_C;Z~6 .__ , ...'- UPON RECORDATION RETURN TO: CYRIL D. XASMIR, ESQ. KASMIR & KRAGE, L.L. P. 2001 BRYA~ TOWER- SUITE 2700 DALLAS, TEXAS 75201-3059 JAN 29 '9609:40 2144790397 PRGE.05