WA8801-CS 890803TO GINN, INC. Consulting Engineer~ i7103 Preston Road Suite 100, LB-118 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 2484900 WE ARE SENDING YOU {~ached [] Under separate cover via o,,, I'°'"°' ' """°",,/9/////'r2''/f//r :?'7 .F,-',:,, .! //L~ ::: ,~' , 1112.4t~89 [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter [] Prints [] Change order I'1 Specifications COPIES DATE NO. / DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval ~Foryour use [] Appmved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Resubmit [] Submit copies for approval copies for distribution [] As requested FI Returned for corrections [] Return corrected prints [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE 19 [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US COPY neeuoz4e-,1 If encIolurel Ire not el noted, kindly notify us el once. REPORT OF FIELD CHANGE SPECIAL REPORT NO. PAGE IOF / PAGES DATE CROSS REFERENCE TO DAILY REPORT NO. INSTRUCTIONS Whenever any corrective change is aide in field construction which is at variance with the specifications end drawings as originally issued, a complete detailed report shell be filed, listing the follow,rig items. so that ~Kifications or drawings storage date can be corrKted. 1, Identify the problem: Indicate why originally spKified construction was not used. 2. The Solution: Describe, in detail, the recommended change or changes that were made, as applicable. 3. Indicate whether this is an isolated case or a general condition which could be improved by changing future specifications or drawings. 4. Submit sketches as necessary. REFERENCE DATA /V//4~ SPECIFICATION SECTION No. PAGE No. DRAWING No. ~_~t~.~ ~'¢~ ENTITLED//Y~/' SKETCH No. DATED PARAGRAPH No. ENTITLED DESCRIPTION 3. IS THE PROBLEM AN ISOLATED CASE OR GENERAL./ SUBMIT SKETCHES AS NECESSARY BY (Attach extra sheets as necessa~) TITLE. IIi