WA8801-CS 890511 (3)TO GINN, INC. Consulting Englneer~t~ 17103 Preston Road Suite 100, LB-118 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 2484900 WE ARE SENDING YOU ,~~ffached [] Shop drawings [] Copy of letter [] Under separate cover via [] Prints [] Plans des [] Specifications COPIES DATE NO. / DESCRIPTION THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: REMARKS [] For approval ~'/OrOr~Ur Use [] As requested [] For review and comment D FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Appmved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 [] Resubmit [] Submit [] Return__ copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ~NT/2~T-- /A,<'//v~ T~ //N/T ,Dg_/ LL~A' /,,U TrJ~~--* I If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. REPORT OF FIELD CHANGE SPECIAL REPORT NO. ~ PAoELoF / PAGES DATE ,~'--//' ~ CROSS REFERENCE TO DAILY REPORT NO. INSTRUCTIONS Mentor any corr/ctlvt chenll is mile in field construction which is st variance with the specifications and drawings Is Originally issuKI, a complete detailed report shall be filed, listing the following items, so That ~pecifications or drawings storage data cln be corrected. I. Identify the problem: Indicate why originally specified construction was not used. 2. The Solution: Describe, in detail, the recommended change or changes that were made, as applicable. 3. Indicate whether thai is an isolated case or a general condition wh;ch could be improved by changing future specifications or drawings. 4. Submit sketch, Is nec/f~ry. REFERENCE DATA SPECIFICATION SECTION No.//////'~ PAGE No. ,ARAGRAP No. DRAW,NG No.~4~/~ E~T,TLED SKETCH No. DATED ENTITLED DESCRIPTION ,. oETA,LED ,oENT, F,cAT, o. oF T. E PRo. LEM 2. PETAlLEO SOLUTION PROPOSED OR ACCOMPLISHED Z l~ ,. ,s T.E P.O.LE. AN ,SOLATED CASE O. GENE.AL: SUBMIT SKETCHES AS NECESSARY ~ (Attach extra sheets as necessarY) May 8, 1989 Mr. Gabe Favre Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100 Dallas, Texas 75248 Re: MAY I O.igl ' City of COppell 24" Crosstoxin Water Line Dear Mr. Favre: We respectively request two Field Changes: They are: Field Change No. 3- Hove the 24" Butterfly Valve Assembly, Pay Item 6.7.3 k-(A), at Station 156 + 50 to Station 159 + 50. There is no change in the contract cost for the change. This change would shorten the shut down time of the water line tie-in. Field Change No. 4- Increase the bore length by 23 L.F. and move the ease end of the bore approximately 10 feet to the North, Pay Item 6.4-(A). There would be on increase in the contract amount by $3,335.00. This change is required in order to miss the new signal lite standard and to avoid tile existing sanitary sewer line. If you should require further information please let us know. Sincerely, McLean Construction, Inc. JW: sh Jim Watts