2015_1023 lRRIGATION DOMESTIC FlRELWE X The following form must be cornpleted for each assembly tested. A sigiled and ciated original must be submitted to the public water supplier for recordkeepitlg pur�oses: BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY'TEST A14'D 1���I�TEN�t�'CE REPORT NAME OF PWS: CITY OF COPPELL P1A%S I.D. #0570040 (Ctistomer) MAILING ADDRESS: 253 Club Circle Dr Coqpell TX 75019 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE: D ni 214- 3 -0 LOCATION OF SERVICE: /�7 f ,T,,, �ano�„ ,Q,r-�P The backflow prevention assembly detailed below has been tested and maiirtained as required by commission regulations and is certificd to be operating��ithin acceptable��ar�met�rs. T'YPE OF�SSEIVTBLI' Reduced Pressure Pri�lciple Reduced Pressure Priilcipfe-Detector X Double Cl�eck Valve Double Checi:-Detector Presst�reVacuumBreaker Spi]1=Resistant Pf•essure Vacuum Breaker Manufactui•er f�v►,.�_g �lodel iVumber 2�e9 g Size 4" Located !At Serial Numh�r l(n�l�eo Is the asseri�bly installe in accordance wirh mauufacturei•recommendations and/or local codes'? Reeiuced PressiEre Princi (e Assembhr i Pressure�%acut�m Breaker Double Check Valve AssemUly 1 st Check � Relief Valve Air Inlet Cl�eck Valve nd Check �p.�, Held at�--� psid Held at �.'1 psid Orened at__ Opcncd at Hcid at Initial Test C'losed Tight ✓ Closed Tight ✓ psid � psi�i �y�� Leaked Leaked Did not open I�id not open Leaked Repairs/ Materials Used Held at �sid Held at psid Test After Upcucd at ; ()pei3ed at Held�t Repair Closed Tight Closed Tight psid psid psid Test gauge used: Make/Model An9��a 40-200-tk5u SN: 04142867 Date Tested for Acctiracy: 5/4/2015 Remarks: The above is cei-tified to be true at the time of testing. Firm Name Diamondbadc Fire Proteetion Firni Address PO Box 2507. Waxahachie TX 75168 Gertificd Testei•(pi-:�-:t�oe Standridae Certified Teste2•(sigi�attire) Pinn Phonc# (214) 444-3194 Cert.Testea-No. BP0015823 Date 10/23/2015 '�TEST RECORDS MUST BE KEPT FOR AT LEAST THREE 1'EARS w� USE ONLY MANUFACTURER'S REPLACEMENT FARTS White-City Copy Yello�v-Customer Copy Pink-Tester's Copy