2014_1007 __._ _ _ _ C�IECK ONE: IIi,RIGATION DOMESTIC FIggLINg" X BACKFLOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TEST AND MAINTENANCE REPORT NAIvME OF PWS: CITY OF COPPELL PWS I.D.# LOCATION OF SERVICE: Estates of Coppell 1007 Independence T'he baci�low prevention assembly detailed below has boea tested and maintained � requiczd by TNRCC re_�lations and is ceitified to be operating within acccptable parameters. TYPE OF ASSEMBLY e Reduced Pmsurc Priaciple e Pressurc Vacuum Brealcer �j Double Check Valve o Amaosphere Vacuum Breaker Manufactiaer �YN�S Siu �'� Model lvumber �'Ub() � Located At 10(0 Jr I hG�.Q,O�K.fi�-Pn�-Ge- �U�'�� ' Serial Ntmmber 1�7 � REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY PRESSiJRE VACLTUM BREAI�R Doubte C3eck v alve Assembiy lst C3eck 2nd Cbecl: Relief Valve Air ldet Check Vaive Inival Test DGClosed loscd Ti,pht Opmad at Opeacd at osid Tis,�t �.� Leal:ed ❑ �sid �id RP-_psid �'� , Leal;ed a Did not Opea ❑ Leal:ed o ' �� � aad { Materials . U� Test Aftar DC-Closed Clased Tight a ppeaed at Opeeed at _�sid Repait Tight ❑ �sid osid RP' sid ': � The above is cerdfied to be�rue. i F3ffil N8@C?-AFire&Domestic m_eG-=-t ing Ce�tified Testet ' � Fiim pddtesa Po Box 7 9 5 4 8 Cat Testc No.sP o o i s 3 s s � Date � � Fort Worth Tx 76179 Gauge # 06070576 Date 18st accuracy tested 12/3/13 White-Customer's Copy Yellow -City Copy Pink-Tester's Copy