2015_1023 IRRIGATION DOMESTIC F1RELiNE X The following form must be completed for each assembly tested. A signed and dated original must be subinitted to the�ublic watei�supplier for recordkeeping purposes: BACI{FLOW PRE�'ENTION.4SSE1�9BLY TEST Al�'D 1�i1�I�iTENANCE REPORT NAME OF PWS: CITY OF COPPELL PVvS I.D. #0�70040 (Ctistomer) � MAILING ADDRESS: __�5�Club Circle Dr Co��ell TX 75019 CONTACT PERSON/PHONE: ni 214- 9 LOCATION OFSERVICE: I�ca�S T�no�, �her The backflow prevention assembiy detailed belo«�has been tested and maint�ined as required by commission regulations and is certificd to be operating�vithin acceptablc��ara��lecers. '�'I'PE OF ASSEIl�I�I,I' Reduced Pressiire Principle Reduced Pressure P�iuciple-Detector X Double Cl�eck Valve Double Chec}:-Detector PressureVacutunBreaker Spi1l=Resistant Pressure Vacuum Breaker Manufacturer �,,s,,� tYiodel Number 2�R Size ��` _ Located f�t �t�.�e�q�. Serial Numbcc l5�� Is the assembly installed in accordance with mauufacti.u-er recommendations and/or local codes'? Reduced Pressure Princi le/�ssemblv Pressure S%acuum Breaker Double Check Valve Assembly Relief Val��e Air Inlet Check Valve i st Check 2nd Check �0�`� Held at �,� psid Held at�psid Onened at Optncd at � Hcld at Initial Test Closed Tight✓ Closed Tight � psid psid psid Leaked Leaked Did not open Did nat open Leaked Repairs/ Materials Used Held at psid Neld at psid Test After Opcncd at Opened at Held at Repair Gosed Tight : Closed Tight psid psid psid Test gaug�used: Make/Model Anollp 40-200-tk5u SN: 04142867 Date Tested for Acctiracy: 5/4/2015 Remarks: The above is certified to be tr�ie at the time of testin�. Finn Nainc Diamondbadc Fire Protection Firnl Address PO Box 2507. Waxahachie TX 75168 Certified Tester{pr�;s-t�ae Standridae C'ertified Testei•(sis���attire Firm Phonc# (214)444-3194 C�rt.Testei-;�o. BP0015823 Date 10/23/2015 '�TEST RECORDS MUST BE KEPT FOR AT LEAST THREE 1'EARS �� USE ONLY MANUFACTURER'S REPLACEMENT PARTS White-City Copy Yello�v-Customer Copy Pink-Tester's Copy