2015_1023 IRRIGATION DOMESTIC FlRELINE X The following form must be completed for each assembly tesled. A si�ned �lt1C� dated ori�inal must be submitted to the public��vater supplier for recordkeeping purposes: BACKFLOW PRES'ENTION ASSEM19BLY'TES'�.�1�'I�1�9Ai�'TENAICE REPORT NAME OF PWS: CITY OF CQPPELL PWS I.D. #0�70040 (Customer) � � MAILING ADDRESS: 253 Club Circle Dr Coqnell TX 75019 CONTACT PERSON,PHONE: D ni e 214- - LOCATION OF SERVICE: � �,r, P The backflow prevention assembly detailed belo«�has been tested and maintained as requircd by commission regulations and is certiticd to be operating��-ithin acceptablc t�arameters. TI'PE OF�SSEIl�$I�LI' Reduced Pressure Principle Reduced Pressure Principle-Detector X Double Check Val��e Double C11eck-Uetector PressurcVacuu�nBreaker Spill=Resistant Pi•essure Vacuum Breaker Manufacturer�g �lodel Numbe� `1.C�b� Size ��• Located �t (a0.�o,�� _Seri�il Numbcr_ 1� S � Is the assembly installed in accordance with mauufacturer recon�mendations andror local codes'? Reciuced Pressure Princi 1e Assemblv Pressure Vacuiim Breakei- Double Check Valve Assembly 1 st Check � Relief Va1ve Air lnlet Check Valve nd Check �p�S Held at 2.0 psid Helcl at�_p;id ()ren�d�rt__ O�ci�ed at Held at Initial Test Closed T'ight✓ Closcd Tight � psid psicl i�s��{ Leaked Leaked Did not open I�ici nat open Leaked Repairs/ Materials Used Held at psid Held at ��sici Test After Opeucd at Opeued at Held at Repair Closed Tight ; Closed Tight: ps�d E�si� psid Test�auge i►sed: Make/Mode1 Ilo 40-200-tk5u SN: 04142867 Date Tested for Acciu-acy: 5/4/2015 Remarks: The above is certified to be true at the time of testina. Firm Na�ne Diamondbaek Fire Proteetion Finn Address PO Box 2507, Waxahachie TX 75168 Certificd Tester(pr:r.t�oe Standridge Certified Tester(signature Firm Phone#(214)444-3194 Ceirt_Testcr�!o. BP0015823 Date 10/23/2015 x TEST RECORDS MUST BE KEPT FOR AT LFAST THREE YEARS T* USE ONLY MANUFACTURER'S REPLACEMENT PARTS White-City Copy Yello�v-Customer Copy Pink-Tester's Copy