WA8801-CS 890425 GINN, INC. DATE: TO: FROM: CONSULTING April 25, 1989 Ginn, Inc. SUBJECT: 24" CrosstownWater Line Project MacArthur Boulevard (south of Sandy Lake) Closure/Detour ATTENDEES: Russell Doyle, City Engineer Lt. Mark Leonard, Police Department Per Birdsall, Street Department Troy Glidewell, Fire Department Richard DianO,.ParksDepartment Jimmy McLean, McLean Contracting J.R. Richardson, Ginn, Inc. Gabe Favre, Ginn, Inc. ITEMS DISCUSSED: 1. Preliminary presentation of proposed road closure and detour was made to all attendees. Initial plan is to switch northbound Mac Arthur traffic over to the west lanes at the first median opening south of Starleaf Street. From this point, north to Sandy Lake, there will be two-way traffic on the west paving lanes, (normally used for southbound traffic only), with provisions for north/south traffic (ingress/egress) along MacArthur from Starleaf, Wellington Place Apartments drives, Mapleleaf Street and the Corners of Coppell shopping center drives. Proper barricading and signing will be provided. NOtifications to local papers, homeowners, and city forces will be made. 2~d~e Time frame for this proposed detour is approximately 2-3 weeks (10 12 working days), beginning on or about June 1, 1989, pending'~pon the weather conditions. 3. Per Birdsall mentioned Carrollton I.S.D. bus route which goes to Wellington Place Apartments that may be affected and have to be notified. 4. Lt. Leonard was concerned about the centerline striping not being effective enough. McLean indicated vertical panels would be used, with flashing lights. 5. Lt. Leonard and Per Birdsall were concerned about the existing parking along MacArthur (southbound-west side). It was determined that the notices in the papers and individual notices to homeowners, along with proper signage would help deter parking. Once the vertical panels are in place, the two-way 17103 Preston Road ® Suite 100 ® LB 118 ® Dallas, Texas75248 ® Phone214/248-4900 traffic signs, the no parking, standing or stopping signs are placed, the construction signs and the actual construction crews visible, then the parking problem would be resolved. 6. McLean will get information to Russell Doyle for inclusion in the local papers, regarding the proposed closing of MacArthur, time frame for closing and the no parking restrictions. Russell Doyle indicated he would get the information to the papers so that it could have full coverage two or three weeks prior to the closing. 7. Richard Diano was concerned about the timing of removing and replacing the landscaping, mainly the trees and the sprinkler system. McLean indicated the work would begin June 1 and as soon as the ditch was backfilled, the work would be cleaned up immediately behind the pipe crew, with landscaping to follow closely. They would repair the sprinkler lines and copper services, if destroyed, as soon as practicable according to the plans and specs. 8. Per Birdsall mentioned the lights at Sandy Lake and MacArthur as needing attention with regards to location and being placed on timers rather than depending upon the trip units to activate the lights. He will get with Dana Kemp and discuss possibility of placing the lights on a timed system for the duration of the closing. Billy Ray Newsom will have to be contacted to get the light moved (west) to align with the norhtbound traffic (west lanes of MacArthur) at the intersection. 9. Lt. Leonard and Per Birdsall questioned the proposal for the traffic lanes on the north side of Sandy Lake (at MacArthur) and how this will be handled. It was determined to allow the existing left turn lane (SB MacArthur) to remain for left turn only. The middle lane (SB MacArthur) would be closed off to traffic, beginning back where the left turn lane begins. The right hand lane (SB MacArthur) would be for thru traffic to southbound MacArthur and for right turns onto Sandy Lake (westbound). 10. Ingress/egress to Wellington Place Apartments was discussed. McLean indicated proper signage and notification would be provided, and that at all times the drives would be accessible to the residents. No o er i ems we ~ a~ scusse . Gabs. avre cc: Attendees, W. Ginn, S. Goram, K. Peiffer, File