2014_1008 � C�IBCK ONE: IRRIGATION__� DOMESTIC FIRELINE BAC'I�LOW PREVENTION ASSEMBLY TEST AND MAINTENANCE REppRT NAME OF PWS: �r��Ic �1�-A✓ PWS I.D.# LOCATION OF SERVICE: � '�'x�t�.�l��tA--� The bacl�low preveation asscmbly detailed below has beea testod aad maintaiaed as required by 1'NRCC roguladons and is certified to be operating withia acceptable paramcters. TYPE OF ASS�LY ❑ Reduced Pressure Principle o Pressure Vacu�Breaktr �' Double Chcck Valve o Amiosphere Vacuum Breaker Manufacturer �P�J LC� Size �'� Model Number ��� Located At ��� ` aw►J Serial Nimiber Z'✓�� � REDUCED PRESSURE PRINCIPLE ASSEMBLY PRESSURE VACUUM BREAI�R Double C1uck Valve Assembly lst Check �, � 2nd Chec1: Z• Relief Valve �►ir Inlet Check Valve Initial Test DC-Closed Closed Tight Opeaed at Opeaed at _osid � Ti�t Lcal:ed o �sid _osid ��� RP-_psid L e a l;e d ❑ D i d not Opcn o L,e a k e d o �P� and Materials Used Test After DC-Closed Closai Tight o Opened at Opeaed at ___nsid Repair Tight ❑ Dsid osid RP sid The above is cenifiod to be true. Firm Name�� � Cetified Tcsta ` I * l Fiim Address ✓ Cat Teste No. 1`�'�`�' �Date �d cauge # Z ('� � llate last accuracy tested �,r White- Customer's Copy Yellow - City Copy Pink-Tester's Copy � , _,