WA8801-CS 890405TO GINN, INC. · co...,t,.. E..,...,.. 17103 Preston Road Suite 100, LB-II8 DALLAS, TEXAS 75248 (214) 2484900 i ' WE ARE SENDING YOU E~A~ached [] Under separate cover via /~4//~-- the following items: [] Shop drawings [] Prints [] Plans [] Samples [] Specifications [] Copy of letter [] Change order ~ ~/~'~ Lt-M~VG~ ~ ~ COPIES DATE NO. DESCRIPTION / / m.o dt, f/v', e too. z- THESE ARE TRANSMITTED as checked below: [] For approval I~oryour use [] As requested [] For review and comment [] FOR BIDS DUE [] Approved as submitted [] Approved as noted [] Returned for corrections 19 REMARKS [] Resubmit [] Submit. [] Return. copies for approval copies for distribution corrected prints [] PRINTS RETURNED AFTER LOAN TO US ~'/~u.~, -- Ir~ ~,~(~) ~Oo ~ I/Y~"'~/ IF/~P,, N- ~'/~/,,q, ,~- ~~ SIGNED: P~2~3 ~1~, i ~ 01411 If enclosures are not as noted, kindly notify us at once. I ~:;I [ ] I REPORT OF FIELD CHANGE SPECIAL REPORT NO. DATE ~/~S/~' ~ CROSS REFERENCE TO DALLY REPORT NO. I NSTR UCTI ONS Whenever any corrective change is made in field construction which is at variance with the specifications and drawings as originally issued, a to. replete detailed report shall be filed, listing the following items, so that sl3ecifications or drawings storage data can be corrected. 1. Identify the problem: Indicate why originally specified construction was not used. 2. The Solution: Describe, in detail, the recommended change or changes that ware made, as applicable. 3. Indicate whether this is an isolated case or a general condition which could be improved by changing future specifications or drawings. 4. Submit sketches as necessary. REFERENCE DATA N . ~/~ .AGE No. PARAGRAPH No. SKETCH No. DATED ENTITLED DESCRIPTION 3. ,s THE PRO.LEM AN ,SOLATED C.SE O. GENE.AL? /-~Z//?~'7~ .. SuS~,T S~ETCHES AS NECESSA.Y ~X'~' 1 [Attach extra sheets as necessarY) MCLEAN CONSTRUCTION Utility Construction March 31, 1989 Gabe Favre Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Road, Suite 100, LBll8 Dallas, Texas 75248 Dear Mr. Favre: In response to your request for the costs to abandon the 8" water line in Grapevine Creek as per your sketch we determined it to be $4,595.00 total. This price includes the labor and materials for installation of 2-8" flanged outlets on 24" pipe, 2-8" gate valves with boxes, 2-restrained 90° bends, the necessary 8" DR14 PVC pipe and couplings. This is submitted on the assumption that there are in-line gate valves in the existing line to cut the water off while the line is being broken into. Also Jimmy mentioned that there might be a couple of services on the section that is to be omitted. If this is the case we will run 3/4" copper service line for $5.50 per foot or 1" for $6.00 per foot, with the City making the tap on the 8" line. Sincerely yours, McLean Constn~ction, Inc. JW:sh Jim Watts P.O. Box JO'lSq · Killeen, Texas'lGSth · 817/634-5204 I GINN, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS March 28, 1989 Mr. Jim Watts McLean Construction, Inc. P.O. Box 10759 Killeen, TX 76547 Re: 24" Crosstown Waterline - Coppell, TX Proposed Field Change No. 2 8" Waterline in Grapevine Creek Dear Mr. Watts: Pursuant to a request by the City of Coppell Public Works Department, please provide us with a proposal for abandonment of the 8" waterline in Grapevine Creek and subsequent ties to the 24" Crosstown Waterline in this same area. Attached is sheet 4 of 34 of the contract drawings showing the approximate locations of the tie-ins. Please provide us a lump sum total amount, with a detailed cost breakdown, for performing the following: At approximate station 14+50, provide 8" flanged outlet, 8" flanged gate valve, 8" DR14, PVC pipe (or 8" ductile iron, Class 51) with M.J. fittings to tie to existing 8" cast iron pipe to the west. Include thrust restraints. At approximate station 18+70 to 18+75, provide 8" flanged outlet, 8" flanged gate valve, 8" DR14, PVC pipe (or 8" ductile iron pipe, Class 51), with M.J. fittings to tie to existing 8" cast iron pipe to the east. Include thrust restraints. Abandon, in place, existing 8" cast iron pipe between approximate stations 14+50 to 18+70. Delete relocate/adjust pay item 6.7.3 (B). The existing 8" line can only be abandoned between approximate station 14+75 and approximate station 17+30. These are the locations of two in-line valves on the existing 8" main. To the east and west of these two valves, the existing 8" line cannot be out of service for any considerable length of time, since it is a main feed for services on the north side of Southwestern Boulevard. 17103 Preston Road · Suite 100 · LB ! 18 · Dallas, Texas 75248 · Phone 214/248-4900 I Irilt I 1 I In order that the project is not delayed any, please provide the above information as soon as practical. Should you have any questions, please contact us. · Sincerely, Gabe Favre GF/dsp CC: Russell Doyle, P.E. w/enclosure Steve Goram Howard Pafford w/enclosure H. Wayne Ginn, P.E. Kevin Peiffer, P.E. w/enclosure J.R. Richardson w/e~closure File 274 enclosure q..-8865_, E: ' ""T~ON. ITEM YiTER LINE: CURVE DATA t,=OrSO*lO" R = 1562.89 T=93,35" . ;REPLACE ROd~ RiP:RAP {GABIONS) AS BY ENGINEER PAY ITEM 83(c) LC=186.,3,6" LO=I86,4T' ..... S~p~A~y~. 15+85 "': ~ TYPE: 2 AIR RELEASE %;U,.VE, ~ DETAIL . ,-'~_,.z.~, I I I I I ':llllljj _ . XDJUST EXIST. 8" w/PROP., POSSIBLE ALL 33 ADJUST 33 -' ) RE) I::> Ct, t-Akle-'~--.-No, '2. "'Z,I." OZC~Ti)Lu~J N.L. B'/~J'e~""~- ~"7~ CONCRET~ SAN. SEWER IO, LF 'PAY ITEM 6.2.9~-16' TYPE 2 AIR RELEK. SE I VALVE. Srr [)ETA~L _ . _ 7.3j Z~ ....'. -- . .~ ,. ~: r i ~ : I ' ~ ' D ·L LONe ~o~rw It/w (rrPJ · ~. ' (~ :*:- :'.-. / - ~ ~/' '. ".'' ' ' ~, SALVAaE · /' : '~ ~ · POSTS' AS REC~'D. · . -~ : '- . REPLACE EXIST. · .~ . .-,~! :~..,.,.'"' '~"~"' ,.* I I I I I I I I III I I I I I I I I I March 23, 1989 Ginn, Inc. 17103 Preston Rd. #100, LB 118 Dallas, Texas 75248 Attn: Gabe Favre P.O. Box 478 Coppell, Texas 75019 214-462-0022 RE: Abandonment of the 8" water line in Grapevine Creek /Change Order on 24" Crosstown Water Line Project Dear Mr. Favre: Per our conversation yesterday, I want to inform you that I feel that it is necessary to tie the 8" water line on Southwestern into the new 24" on'each side of Grapevine Creek. This section of 8" line is a maintenance problem for the Utilities Department and it needs to be abandon. It will also be in conflict with the installation of the 24" line. You did explain your reasoning for not showing this on the plan, which were pressure flucuations. I do not see a problem with the increase in the pressure plan which would occur in this line if connected to the 24". Therefore, I would like to request that ~ change order item be written up for City Council to review for their approval. Also, I recommend that the 8" line be connected to the 24" with concrete pipe manufactured fittings. To insure that this does not delay the project, please make the necessary arrangements. IILP/bb cc: S.~r;nv; Goram, Director of Public Works Trando, Deputy City Manager/Finan~.~. 's ~1' r' T