2016_0116 cxT�aF co���z.z,wAr��.u��Tz�s CUSTOMEIt SERVTCE�NSPECT].OI': ResidQntiai '� Gammerci;al ❑ TI�RCC ID#05'1fiD4D ,�-• � O � ,✓� � / I 4' npon inspecfifln Qf the private wa€er disfribufiou faeilitiss located ac �"�'r� '� ,wkizch is conneci�ed tp the City of CappelI Water System,do h�reby certify that,to the tsest of my knowIedge; � ITt Non- ?�IIA Cam Iaan e �ampliance {I) No direct eomlectioxt between Yhs prxblia drznkiag wa#er suppIy and a potential � � �} ❑ source of contami�ati.pn exists, Potentia� sourc�s of cpntaznination are isolated ' ' frem the pnhlic urater system hy en air gap or an appropriate backfIow pre�!erriion assem,h3y in accordance with Gozx�.mission r�gvlatians. . (Z� No cross-cozuiec�itiu bstwecn the gu�Iic drinking tivat�r supply and a p�ivaie v�rater � D p system�exists,�ti�There an actual air gap is not mainta2ned betweeu the pubIic•water supply and grivate water supply, an approvcd recluced pressure-xone backflow � , prevention assembly is propezly instalied and a s,ervice agreement exists foz annual inspectionand#esting by a cer�if ed backfl�tiv praYentian device tester: (3) No connecrion e�cists which would aIlow the ret�m�af water�sed f�z condensin� (� Q � S cool'mg ar iadus�al processes back tu tI�e public�vater suppiy, (4) Na pipe arpipe fitting vrhich aoniains m�re than 8,0%Iead exists in private vsratez � CI CJ dis�ihution facilitirs insrAIled an or afEex duIy I,I988. . (�) NO So�d;El L?I fIUX vrhich cau�ins more than 42°/a lead exis�s in privat� water � p -_ • .. p distn'bution facilities installed on or after 7uiy 1,I988. y r• • Water service shall nat be gravided or restored to the priva#e water dishibu[ian faciliries until the above eonditioas are deter�uned zo be iu coinpliance. I cer#ify that the fai]aK�ing materials tviI}tae used in the installaEian of tl�e.griva[e�atez dism`bution facilities Idcated at �� { �o.✓ and that the inspectar�vill vaxidate compliance dt�ri�g the insgecrian pracess: t . �ervice Lines Lead O Coppec � PVC ' ❑ Qttier � 5older Lsad Ct X.ead Free � Solvent Weld L7 Othex Q I recao i,e tbat this documeni sha11 become a pe�mauen#record of tIie aforementionod Public Wa#er$ystem and that I am legally rasponsib�for the validity of the infortaati4u I hav�pravided. � `� �� . SignatureL�f'j�c bcr Regislration,NumbeF T� s�� `��l__/� Type of Registirarion Date I recognize that•this docurtxent shalI become a perman�nt recozd of.tlte aforeme�ntianed�ublic Watez System aud tha#I am Ie�ally respon�ile the va�lidiry af the infa ' avi d. ��� Signalure of I � Registratioa�I�iwnber ��/ . 1'��C� ��C� Typc of Re�ish-ation Date . � Whim-Cus[omet�Copy YaElow.Citys Capy piofc•1�pCqw•s CaPY