2015_1016 ��"T�� DF���JPP�+LI,�,�If�'T;}��?��'T1LI;1'�s,:� ��IJ�T�L��IF���'��,Yl�:�i�i 1�P�!��:'T7��;1 ]E���g�1��afia�� � �����r���� � Ti 1�3?'�I� �f����D�D��D II I ���,1���.� ���i�V� , upon inspection �of the.p�ib�z2e �,v�ter dist;ibu2ian iacilities located at 7�Q 1�,��,1� ,�pr�nn� I�oe�.�, , which �s connect��l to 71ie �Cihj of Co��ell z�i�ter Systeri, do hereby ce�iify that,to the best oi my knowledge: �-� Nor- �1/A �ompliancz �oinpliance (1) 1Vo direct connection between che public drin:cing wa�er supply an� a poienrial � ❑ ❑ source of contami�zation exists. PoienYial sources of contarnination are isolated from the public water system by an air gap or an appropriate bac'�flow prevention assembly in accordance with Commission regulations. (2) l�To cross-connecrion beriveen the public drinking water supply�nd a private wafer � ❑ ❑ system exists. Wherz zn actual air gap is not maintained bet�een the�sublic water supply and private �ater supply, an approved reduced pressure-zone bac2c�lou� prevention assembly is properly uzstalled and a service agree;ne�aY exists for annual inspection and tesring by a certified backflow prevention de��icv tes2er. (3) No connection exists which would allow the return o�`w�ater used for c���ens�g � p ❑ cooling or industrial processes bacic to the public water supply. (4) IVo pipe or pipe fiiting which contains more than 8.0% lead exisis in pi�vaie�Mater ,� ❑ ❑ distriburion facilities insYalled on or after July 1, 1958. (5) No solder or flux dvhich contains more than 0.2% lead exists in �rivafe vvater � ❑ ❑ distriburion facilities installed on or after July 1, 1988. V�Iater service shall not be provided or restored to the priva4e water dis2ributian facilitizs�ntil t'ne above condic�ons are e�etermined to be in compliance. I certify that the following naterials will be used in the installarion of the priv�'?z tivater�is�-ibution faciliries located at 7�('� Ko�.�. Sd�.h(� ��. and that 2�e inspector wi1]vaiiclate compliance durino t�a.e inspection process: Service lines Lead ❑ Copper O PVC ❑ Other � Solder Lead D I.ead Free � Solvent 4Veld ❑ Other � I recognize that this document shall become a permanent record of the aforemen�ioned�ublic WaTer System and thaT I am legally respo 'ble for the validity of the information I have provided. � � � � � Signa re of Licensed Pl mber kegistration Number �a 5� �0/1 G� /5 Type of Registration Date I recognize that this document shall become a permanent record of the aforementioned Public Water System and that I am legally responsible for the validity of the information provided. Signature of Inspector Registration Number Type of Registration DaYe 9,'hite•Customers Copy Ycllow-Ciry's Copy Pink-laspeno�s Copy